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Friday, April 27, 2012

Treuddyn - A village website to aspire to


The more technical amongst you will notice its designed using Wordpress.
One of those dreaded free blog softwares.
I fancy WAG grant money was used to develop the site.



  1. That is one cool website. respect!

  2. Colin, as you are so efficient with the 21st Century maybe should offer your services to create a website for Penyffordd Community Council, Just a thought!

  3. That would go down well with the Home Guard on the Community Council. Tom Jones & Co; would block that one for a start. God forbid we should move into the 21st century! I think that Colin would be well capable though.

  4. Yes Claire,
    You make a valid point.

    I personally am not that keen to learn Wordpress.
    Blogger which I use is very similar though.

    I don't know html, java, flash etc beyond copying code.

    Saying that Blogger has been set up not to use code.

    What my website suffers from is lack of village input which is not surprising since it's prime purpose was to bring to councillor's attention the plight of Chester Rd residents environment ( 2000 speeding vehicles a day 2007, now reduced and reducing )

    David Williams paid for a village website to be designed. It too suffered from lack of input. Not a criticism just the way the web is. It requires a group of people within the village who know what's happening to provide input. It requires constant work. Saying that there enough activities in the village to make it work. Be it scouts, cubs, church, chapel, institute, football, walking etc.

    It then requires some marketing to keep it in people's minds. Which doesn't need to cost anything.

    I will look further. I have graphic skills to make labels etc. It would be useful to be able to use the graphics off the site David Williams had designed.

    I'm quite happy to set up a website for the village with a councillor or whoever holding the master password.

    It might not look quite as polished as Treuddyn but then there is no cost of many hundreds of pounds or weekly maintenance costs.

    The cost to the council would be free. No registration for web name, web space or my ongoing time.

    I would put an active label at the top right hand of my blog directing people to the village website.

    I would point out that I have offered to do something similar for free in the past.

    As I say I will look further. My offer continues to be open whether I become a community cllr or not.

    The alternative might be grant money off the WAG or whoever to get one set up.

  5. It was very sad that your offer was not taken up Colin. Not many are prepared to give their time and efforts for nothing.
    Hopefully you will be elected and we can put your ideas into practice and move in the right direction. Hope you and Lisa enjoy the weekend, whatever the weather.

  6. Thanks
    Perhaps it won't be as bad as the Met paint.
    The polytunnel quite appealing. If still standing after Sunday

    I think the council will move forward whatever.
    New people getting involved.
    Perhaps the cronies will do more than turn out for a council meeting once a month.
    The blog spot light will continue to shine.
    Perhaps less maneuver for dirty tricks.


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