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Monday, April 23, 2012

Penyffordd Community Council communications for the 21 st century

Dear Tom
When you take up your position as chairman of Penyffordd Community Council next month are you going to have an email address for the council?
They're free you know, GMail or Hotmail are fine.
Us serfs deserve an email address communication. It's the 21 st century not 1967.
It's a ten minute walk around to Nigel's house.


ps.  I find it a bit arrogant that you didn't wait until the first meeting to declare yourself chairman. It's taking the piss out the village really.

Perhaps it would have been better for the previous chairman David Williams to start the next meeting. You could have phoned all your cronies up before the meeting saying it's my turn again, then it's a shoe in.


  1. Language Colin, starting to show your true colours slightly aggressive me thinks!
    Cuckoo Cuckoo

    1. Ah, the Cuckoo boy is back. he can't keep away. He' the kind of man that watches Jeremy Kyle and car crash television!

    2. Jeremy Kyle I'm offended more of a Jerry Springer fan me.

    3. Well lets face it this blog is getting like a combination of the two, Is it Jeremy Kyle or Jeremy Springer?? All we need now is Esther Rantzen!

    4. Cuckoo is most welcome. Still haven't seen one yet. Although I'm not sure I ever have.
      A bit bigger than a blackbird but feathers similar to a wood pigeon.

  2. Sorry ! Should have said "extracting the urine"

    May be we should all lie down and roll over.
    Just do as Tom says..

  3. Is there a rule that states that Tom has to be Chairman, is it actually written in stone?

    1. Anon 23rd April answer;- The Council following the election will elect it's new Chairman, it does not have to be Cllr Tom jones it can be any Member and it will have to elect a new Vice-Chairman.
      Do not be misled by Colin hughes who talks through his hat most of the time.He is a "Stupid Boy" Amost apt catch phrase.

    2. It will be Tom as he was Vice Chairman before the election started. I understand he has already stated he will be the next chairman in council.

    3. There is no obligation upon the new Council to appoint Cllr Tom Jones as it's Chairman. First of all he has to be elected, and even if he is, it is open to the Members by a majority vote to make their choice.
      Oh! "You Stupid Boy"

  4. Yes there is a rule. Tom is political leader of Penyffordd Council. He is leader because he has 7 cronies to vote him in.

    There are 10 cllrs on committee

    It's written in stone because Tom is in total control.
    Oh ! Except he can't yet control this blog yet.
    Perhaps he'll arrange a secret council meeting to get it sorted.

    1. Maybe he should, I would back him!

  5. Colin 23rd april:- What a load of rubbish!!!

    1. It looks an awful lot better if you explain why I speak rubbish.

      Otherwise it makes you look like a Troll.

      So discuss !

    2. You really look like you have finally lost the plot! You have made so many idiotic statements on this blog and finally people are standing up to you and giving you the facts. Think you may find there are more cuckoos commenting on here than you think! God help the village if you get on!

    3. Well said......


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