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Monday, April 16, 2012

A blog to Flintshire County Council Polling / Returns Office

Thank you for the phone call.

I have removed what I consider to be offending blogs over fellow nominee councillors.

We'll forget the attempts to get NWP and FCC lawyers to silence me over the last 4 years.
We'll forget the blackmail attempt to stop my wife standing at the 2008 elections.
I still have the note!
We'll forget the attempted secret council meeting over my continued protest over 2000 speeding cars a day ( 2007).

Seems its ok for former cllrs to play hardball but they don't like it when it's payback time !

If you have any further issues email me quoting blog title and I will remove said items.

Colin Hughes


  1. A question to Flintshire County Council Polling Returns office.
    In light of the above, does this now mean that Cllr. Alison Halford will now remove offensive, slanderouse comments that appear on her blog about Cllr. Arnold Woolley who is standing as a candidate in this election. Is it one rule for everyone or are they being selective?

  2. There is of course slander and asking pertinent questions. Do the electorate have a right to know if nominees belong to secret societies. Do the electorate have a right to know the short comings over the previous 4 years. It's ok everyone running an honest campaign if everyone behaved in a proper manner over the previous 4 years.

  3. Agreed Colin. It was only a matter of time before they leaned on your blog. As my old grandmother used to say...what goes around...


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