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Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Suspension of Protest in Chester Road, Penyffordd

cc. Airbus, Flintshire County Council, Councillors, NWP, The Evening Leader and Politicians.

Today I have been to Mold Police Station for a talk with Inspector Alun Oldfield. The invitation was made by Inspector Oldfield.

I hope what written below is a fair reflection of the meeting

1. I have been told that some of my blogs may well pass over into a criminal offence. I have agreed to exercise restraint in future or face possible consequences.

2. I have agreed to suspend my campaign for a month. I will extend it to 8 weeks plus Christmas and New Year as an act of good faith. I will take down my sign and posters on my blog. I will not write letters to The Evening Leader (after this one) on the issue of Speeeding in Penyffordd village. (failed already couldn't let this go passed, look at tractor wheel above)

3. North Wales Police in partnership with Flintshire County Council, Arrive Alive and Penyffordd County Councillors Colin Bithell ,David Williams, Community Councillors and myself unofficially representing Chester Rd residents to work together to find a lasting solution to speeding through Chester Rd, Penyffordd.

4. Education is being futher carried out at Airbus (who do not admit any liability) by NWP.

5. There will be a collection of data and a program of traffic education forthcoming. I hope data collected will not involve any sight of fluorescent jackets by traffic as this will distort figures.

I still feel Flintshire Highways data collected in early May 2007 to be the most honest and the most embarrassing but will go along with the forthcoming collection of data by NWP and FCC.
Data is to be collected to satisfy North Wales Police.

6. Some of you may think that I drink and blog. I do not drink alcohol in the day for perhaps 363 days a year. I do not generally blog after 9. 00 pm. I am however guilty of blogging whilst angry at the continued wholesale disregard for speeding laws in Chester Rd. My frustration is due to the fact that I see speeding passed my house for almost every minute between 5. 30 am and 11.00 pm. My figures are rubbished but I am not that far out

In the future I will be continuing my protest against Flintshire County Council's proposals to allow 2 million cars, buses and lorries a year through Chester Road, Penyffordd after the developments of Warren Hall A55 exit, Broughton Park extension and Warren Hall Business Park.

Penyffordd needs to be protected from the above with an adequate county road network that excludes Penyffordd village. We have The Penyffordd By-Pass. Chester Road must not be allowed to continue to prop up the national road network. I mention Rossett as a shining example.

Penyffordd centre should be 20 mph, a village environment and NOT a rat run or short cut.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police for showing leadership in this matter.

Sincerely Colin Hughes

Penyffordd District.

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