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Thursday, April 03, 2008

An email to Carl Sargeant AM with regards Speeding in Penyffordd

Dear Carl
Hope you are well.
I have decided to stand as an Independent community councillor.
To attempt to remove some dead wood from our midst.
The monthly community council meeting last night descended into farce
After Cllr Colin Bithell announced the installation of the the pro active signs
and after months of discussion one councillor under Any Other Business
asked if we could have the flashy signs!
Perhaps a change of tablets is needed.
The Penyffordd Mafia are attempting to wheel him out for another 4 years.
You couldn't make it up! It's like Dad's Army.

On the election front it looks as if we have a new political party in Penyffordd
Its called the Independent Party.
I always thought independent mean't independent.
I will not be joining as I am Independent. lol
Onto the flashy signs.
Very nice, the big one as opposed to the measly one in Broughton (currently not working)
Who says Labour gets everything.
When can we have a Gatso in it?

As to their effectiveness.
Flintshire Highways and anyone who has brain and uses the roads knows
what the score is yet you get Inspectors from North Wales Police scratching their heads
metaphorically in local newspapers about the need for research in to road deaths.
FACT: There is a large proportion of the motoring public who do not give a flying fig
for anyone else except their right to speed as fast as they can to their destination.
They understand points on license and raised tarmac and nothing else.

I wonder whether you can coax Flintshire Highways to send out that nice man
Hugh Jones, Flintshire Road Safety Officer to put his magic box on the lamp post and do another traffic speed survey.
Then we can compare the effectiveness of publicity in The Evening Leader, an extra 30 mph sign, half a rumble strip and a pro active speed sign.
Oh! Forgot to mention The Morning Rat Run
Has it changed? No not really. Still hammering through.

Colin Hughes Standing as An Independent Councillor for Penyffordd
Penyffordd District

ps. my FOIE's are going a bit slow with Flintshire County Council. I'll be pressing these after the elections
pps The Lady Bobby (sorry CBM) on the horse is coming to Penyffordd today. I will be looking for a photo opportunity similar to The Chief Constable if I get the chance

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