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Friday, June 27, 2014

CCTV Surveillance Creep

I tend to look up lamp posts. Its a habit I developed after finding a cctv camera looking my house. Flintshire County Council didnt know it was there. They own the lamp post...........
The reason eventually given after an FOI I don't buy

Anyway if you drive from Penymynydd towards Dobshill look at the lamposts on the right you will see what looks a sophisticated wireless camera pointing at you.

The cameras do ANPR they take your registration plate and store it somewhere. These cameras are also in Newbridge, Abermoddu, Marchwiel and elsewhere..

The State Machine continues its relentless to spy on its subjects . It needs stopping.


  1. ANPR cameras help track stolen cars, it's a good idea not to publish where they are.

  2. Hi
    Tx for the comment
    Dont agree, they survey your internet, they know where go.
    Someone sometime will take advantage of this to our detriment.
    I havent read Orwell's 1984 but I get the general idea


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