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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

White Lion Development

and off we go. The ink on the planning permission not yet dry. The clearance people are in ripping the hedges up.


  1. There may be newts!

  2. Scribe Nigel informs me tonight that work has been stopped.
    Because of them newts...............

  3. Crested newts can be a godsend. Nigel will be gutted!

  4. I've spoke to Nigel. he was the one who told me about the newts. Not sure how they deal with the issue. There are at least two ponds for them to breed.
    At present I think adult newts are land based they go into water between March and August to breed.

  5. Nigel The Scribe17 Feb 2012, 23:01:00

    It is shameful that the person who signs himself as anonymous has not got the courage of his convictions to put his name to his inane comments, at least Colin does not hide his identity, albeit that some of his remarks are questionable.
    Nigel loves walking his dog through Penymynydd woods and he fails to see why the development of The White Lion site should prevent or change his habits, he has walked Penymynydd woods since he was old enough to walk, and will do so until he can walk no longer.
    In regard to newts Nigel and his pals who accompany him on his walk through Penymynydd woods has protected Newts (locally known as Askers) from a very young age, long may they survive, I am sure they will.
    Goodnight Colin and Mr. Anonymous hopefully you may provide us one day with your identity, otherwise your comments are worthless and scurrilous.


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