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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A Further email from Alun Evans MEP explaining the Workings of the EU

Dear Mr Hughes,
Thanks for your reply.
I am certainly very happy to try to help you on any matters where there is a European dimension and competence. That is indeed my role as an MEP, and I daily take up cases where there is such a European dimension on behalf of Welsh constituents. Issues relating to the noise at your property seem to be matters relating to the actions of the local council and/or Welsh Assembly and so are clearly matters on which AMs and Councillors can assist you. Although you suggest that the EU 'tells us all what to do', this tabloid newspaper claim is not as true as Mr Murdoch would have us all believe. If it were otherwise, there would clearly be no point in having any Welsh local councillors or Assembly members, or even probably any local councils.
The reality is that the European Commission can only exercise powers over the councils or Assembly where that power has been granted to it by the UK national government, and you are certainly my constituent (and that of the other 3 MEPs) on all such matters. But the European Commission cannot just over-ride our national and local government unless it is claimed that the authorities are failing to observe an agreed European law.
I will speak to Mark Isherwood to see if he is able to suggest any way in which I can assist him,- we work very well together on many matters- but I feel that you should not be misled on our powers - even though you may have wished that the EU institutions had such authority to just over-ride your local council.
Yours sincerely,

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