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Friday, August 31, 2007

Cindy Hinds CC Petition against White Lion Development

Petition (185 names) against housing allocation due
- too many houses proposed for inadequate services
the village receives
- settlement boundary should revert to current one
- housing is far in excess of village needs and
tantamount to cramming of the worst degree
- the site has a footpath and bridle path running
alongside it and must be protected. It is a haven for
flora and fauna and indigenous creature's habitats.
Access onto Mold Road would make it one of the
most dangerous areas and accidents would occur.
With future proposals at Broughton Hall etc
Penymynydd roundabout would come to a standstill
subjecting the school children to vast amounts of
pollution from traffic
- transport. Before any housing is considered a
traffic impact assessment should be carried out on
all village roads. Roads are not suitable for a vast
amount of traffic. Access is unsuitab;e for
emergency services.
- drainage, sewerage, electricity and flooding.
services need to be upgraded.
- health and community care. Plan has not taken
into consideration the pressure on health and care
services. Hospitals cannot cope with vast increase
in housing in Fllintshire and Wrexham. Village only
FCC must enter into an agreement with the
residents and electors of Penyffordd and
Penymynydd towards services that the
village is at present seriously lacking. This
should ensure, before any amount of
housing on any land within the village can be
considered, that a number of urgent
proposals should be implemented:
1. A full and complete impact study on all
flooding, drainage, sewerage and electricity
2. A full transport impact study on all roads
through, linking and by-passing the village
and a plan to show how traffic management
would be implemented prior to any increase
in housing is considered.
3. A full health and care service impact study
to be carried out immediately to guarantee
health care services can withstand the huge
increase in use that an increase in housing
would bring. Guarantees that waiting times
for hospital and doctors appointments will
not be increased and people moving in are
given a permanent doctor and dentist
4. Public transport which has reduced
drastically be restored fully and assessed

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