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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Castle Cement Fire

Yours Truly.

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  1. Hi.

    As an interested outsider thinking of moving to Penyffordd, I was wondering how much of an issue is Castle Cement? I have a young family and interested if it would be a problem health wise or is more a nuisance?

    Thanks Ian

  2. Hi Ian
    That's an interesting question. I live in the middle of Penyffordd. The new kiln is far superior to the old ones.
    We have had about 2 outages that have left dust on cars.
    Castle Cement are being pressured to clean up dusty areas and operations. A look at the CANK website on my list may be worth a look.
    Castle is being used as a back door waste incinerator.
    I am happy living here. I'll be happier when the rat run is stopped.


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