I have put a Utube video here of the speeding traffic here
Comments on the video
Has there been any accidents in the area you are talking about. You misunderstood. I am against speeding, but you are going about the issue the wrong way. You have no right to take pictures of people without their consent, let alone put registration plates on the net, especially since u base your evidence on how fast you THINK cars are going because of how they sound. Your evidence is poor and so are your methods. Leave it to the professionals.
I agree with Jonesy ( posted yesterday evening)
Some of our locals take offence at not being able to speed through Chester Rd.
Their comments above show their level of intelligence and care for Penyffordd children
370 cars do more than 35 mph every day on Chester Rd
Flintshire County Council have the data they have measured it.
Fact Three weeks ago a young girl missed death by a second. Click here
Fact There is a young child up the road who crosses Chester Rd on a cycle with no brakes.
Fact A young child cycled out of Crossways without stopping or looking for cars last week
( Quote CBM Chris Pullen) Chris had to have a word with him.
You people are a disgrace to the village of Penyffordd.
Your kids can't play football if they have broken legs plebs!
3000 vehicles each day through Penyffordd a village WITH a bypass.
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