Whilst standing in the garden (Friday 18.20 am) in my DJ last night waiting to go to a charity event I looked up to see a red car brake heavily, skid, hit the kerb and mount it, which wrecked his wheel, deflating the tyre. The car mounted the kerb 20 feet from a bus stop.
Then I saw a small girl aged about 8 or 9 with long hair pedaling up Penymynydd Rd on her green bike. The young girl had just missed serious injury or death by a very short margin.
The young girl had cycled across Chester Road without looking into the path of the red car which was doing about 30 mph.
The young man who was visibly shaken for some time after the event, his lightning reactions prevented very serious injuries or death to this young girl. The young girl carried on pedaling up the path on Penymynydd Rd too embarrassed or shocked to stop.
His mates who were in two cars then set about changing the wheel whilst he looked on still a state of shock
Due to the number of speeding vehicles through our village statistically its just a matter of time until someone is seriously injured or killed. Whilst taking pictures of the kerb damage this morning I am stopped by a resident of Penyffordd who knew about the incident. He then regaled me with near misses he had witnessed.
Chester Rd a major route to school is an accident waiting to happen.
Witness to near accident
Colin Hughes 01244 548063
Witness after the event
Nigel Jones Clerk to the Penyffordd Community Council
Tel 01244 547440
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