Meeting Points.
Penyffordd Community Council wash their hands of speeding in Chester Rd, Penyffordd. They have no interest.
The above wording will form the basis of a protest sign for the 3000 people I have passed the house every day. It will also include the police. I have the moral high ground council, you cannot win.
Never mind the young girl nearly getting killed last week.
Never mind the 370 speeders each day.
I had a bit of a go because they do no tell me anything.
On a plus point Chester Rd has been reclassified which may mean it doesn't appear on GPS.
CBM Chris Pullen didn't turn up, no apology. Cllr Colin Bithell says police expect us to go to their forums. Colin is right.
Stan Davies doesn't like being called a train robber ( his election picture) It was just a leg pull Stan.
Stan raised the banning of HGV's. Flintshire say the road is suitable for HGV's.
Thank you for bringing it up Stan.
Cllr Margaret Jones singles out my car to the meeting. It's in the way stopping people getting passed. Loads of people complaining.
Fact: It does not block the path. If I do not park there someone else does. No problem with the others parking on double yellow lines either.
Victimization Margaret.
I think we had a pre meeting didn't we committee.
The Spinning Wheel is to be knocked down and houses built on it. Thus shows the dire straights of much of the pub industry. The Millstone will not survive either. Punch Taverns which leases The Millstone have seen a 15% drop in their share price today as they have decided not to give a dividend.
The meeting between Charles Hughes and Derek Kirby and Penyffordd Community Council was to discuss Warren Hall Business also diverting traffic away from the village. Except for HGV's that is. The Road Haulage Association must be paying Charles Hughes a few bob.
On a plus note Cllr Linda Vidamour brought up Carl Sargeant AM's 20 mph initiative to return villages to villages by reducing vehicle speeds.
Cllr David Williams wasn't half bad.
Fagl Lane planning application was refused at FCC. ( Breaking News)
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