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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Penyffordd district health tip of the year

Nothing happening in the village. If you read the Flintshire Chronicle village section Penyffordd hardly gets a mention where 20 other villages have activities reported.. Why is that?

Anyway I hate skimmed or low fat anything. I call it Frankenstein food. I don't knowingly touch it. Lisa managed to get me to have a yogurt with the artificial sweetener aspartame in it last week. I thought it had a strange taste. So I got my magnifying glass on the label. There is was the last item. You don't need much as it's so powerful.

In the Telegraph comments section

is TommyTCG. Tommy sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

" What, no raw milk yoghurts? Pateurization destroys 90% of the phosphotaze enzyme needed for calcium absorbtion, and destroys the good becteria, not the bad ones, (although yoghurt re-introduces the good ones). Delicate heta sensitive immune boosting proteins are damaged.

Yo Go is fat free? I do wonder WHY? Cream, butter and full fat: milk, yoghurt cheeses, contain the omegas in perfect proportion, arichidonic acid, short and medium chain fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acids. Also present are selenium, iodine, manganese, zinc, chromium, lecithin and vitamins D3, A, B2 and B12. 

Cream, synthesise vitamin B6 through the friendly intestinal bacteria. B6 lowers heart disease-causing homocysteine. Malhotra S L Dr et al Lancet 1975.

Is the fat fattening, Yo Go? No. Its the carbs that fatten. Digested carbs first top up the live and muscle glycogen stores, the rest rapidly converts to body fat in the cells mitochndria via the Krebs and citric acid cycles. Digested fats only slowly convert to energy molecules in the liver, not to bodyat.

I`ll pass on these, as I eat for health, not to support yoghurt makers with long out of date science advisors. I`ll stick with my home-made raw goat milk keffir and get its the massive health benefits.

postscript: There was a shop in Flintshire that had a crate of green top under the counter. This was unpasturised milk. 
Marvellous stuff, not sure if it is still allowed.

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