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Monday, March 28, 2011

Have Gosafe defeated me?

I asked for three sets of data. I have part of one set. I asked for the original data plus export files for the three. I asked for the data in this way as a hope of checking data had not been altered.

Bottom line is

1. Gosafe refuse to come to Chester Rd
2. Gosafe refuse to issue data.
3. I still get cllrs saying speeding traffic is minimal

4. Cllrs Cindy Hinds and David Williams are currently talking to Flintshire Highways about traffic calming.

I am still of the opinion that we have over 1000 speeders a day. In their reply Gosafe accuse me of a threat I made in my blog. The threat doesn't ring true. How can I threaten Gosafe? I presume they searched my 3000 page blog for reasons to refuse handing over data.

To answer the title. It doesn't really matter if our county cllrs get concessions to slow down traffic. At the end of the day you look what Gosafe do rather than what they say.

1. 1000+ speeding vehicles a day in Chester Rd a risk to our community.
2. What are Gosafe doing about it? - Nothing!

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