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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Winning the Lottery

is a life changing event and not everything positive. The instant the news is released your relationship with all your family, relatives, friends and workmates alters forever. If you give some of your money to relatives there will be others who feel they should have some. Where do you stop?

Then there are the begging letters and phonecalls. Long lost friends appearing out of the woodwork. Every new aquaintance you meet needing to be given scrutiny.

There is the worry of where to invest the newly won fortune. Will criminals find out where you live?

The sharks advising on all sorts of ways to "invest" your money.

Lisa thinks £45 million is a little much for a couple.

Anonymity saves an awful lot of bother.
Too late for these these.

Do you give up work or carry on?

Not working and loosing your work mates does not suit everyone.

The mental and emotional baggage may start to build...........................

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