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Monday, December 05, 2011

Alison in full blog mode

Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill and closer to home Cllrs Arnold Woolley and Patrick Heesom.

link Alison Halford


  1. Alison is entirely correct in what she says, the evidence should be released to the police immediately, if the adjudication panel and the Glorious Leader have nothing to fear, they wouldn't be concerned would they, especially since the police and criminal courts work to higher standards of proof than the tribunal, oh dear, silly me, I think I have hit the nail on the head.

  2. Thanks for the comment Dave. Our Establishment work in funny ways do they not.

  3. Colin its certainly not an open democratic process in this corner of the kingdom for sure, take the housing vote, with unelected and elitist influences determining just what and exactly how much can be trusted to democratic debate by the majority of the elected representatives. It DOES make you wonder JUST how bad Anglsey CC must have been.

  4. Yes Anglesey appeared to be something special. I used to follow the Druid Blog.
    It looks like Anglesey might pay dearly in the medium term as we approach rougher water.


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