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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Future profile articles

on those who have let Chester Rd down. From community cllrs to AM to MP.

Chester Rd has increased HGV levels, increased levels of traffic, no traffic policing. Cllrs have no idea of speeding levels, they don't want to know.
Over a 1000 short cut vehicles a day who do not live in the village. We have a bypass cllrs for speed not the village. 

If minded the guilty persons or organisations can reply in the comments section. Perhaps in the rare chance of a reply you might consider dealing with the section in bold orange.

Since at present I am "the only voice in town". You might consider how your descendents will view your non concern of Chester Rd environment.

1 comment:

  1. Let's face it colin, those in high office could not give a fig about the people who put them there!
    They let us down badly at every turn. Whether it's highways, schools, speeding, planning. For the Councillors it's all about glory, retaining a little bit of power, and some of them are literally hanging on by their fingertips.
    We have to make sure that none of these men and women are voted in again.


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