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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I used to have a business account in Hawarden. I ran it by the seat of my pants expanding business with what ever was available ( credit cards were still to come ). It got to the stage where the manager wanted the banks money back so I would get phone calls most days to say money was needed for the account. The sound of the old fashioned dring dring phones still still causes me to pause. I finally had enough money to clear the loan and I foolishly let the bank manager know. Next day he was around knocking on the door wanting his cheque.

Times change my problem was a bit of over trading. Current banking problems remain. We the tax payer will be paying for these idiots for the forseable future. The Slog reveals that Barclay's Italian sovereign debt stood at £790 million during the recent stress tests designed to test the banks robustness. Two months later the debt has strangely gone up to £8.6 Billion -- Crooks! They are all in it together banks and government. No more boom and bust said the man. lol

Link The Slog tells it as it is

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