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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Christmas Newsletter from Cllr Cindy Hinds

This is the first part of Cindy's newsletter. I have some OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software which will scan a sheet of paper and turn the text into digital format.
As it is in the public domain I have not asked permission to copy. There may be an occasional mistake due to the OCR getting the wrong idea.

Policing - We now have a new Community Beat Manager, P,C. Chris Pullen. His telephone number is 0774 824 1744.

Police Neighbourhood Forum - Since the last but one Forum I am still receiving complaints about dog excrement on pavements, the Millstone Playing Field and other spots within the village. The vast majority of dog owners are very responsible and clear up their dog's mess and put it in the receptacles provided but that small minority still seem not to care for the environment in which they live. Could I make a plea to that small minority to please clear up their dog's mess? I have also received complaints about horse droppings on the footpath by the side of Meadow Rise and the Church. Many of us like to see horses and their owners riding or walking them through the village as it adds considerably to village life atmosphere.

The horse owners using this footpath. could you please use another area as the droppings are causing problems for our senior citizens and young children? Speeding and Heavy Goods Vehicles though Village - Speeding and heavy vehicles using the village as a rat run is still a concern among a number of people. Mr. Colin Hughes has been fighting very hard to get speed restrictions put on Chester Road and the heavy goods vehicles redirected along the by-pass instead of coming through the village. Whilst I believe in his sentiments of making Chester Road safer for pedestrians of all ages and heavy vehicles redirected is worth supporting, I feel at times he does go over the top with his enthusiasm. Another area where there are complaints of this kind is Vounog Hill. We know that on many occasions large vehicles do need to come into the village for access but there is no need for other vehicles to abuse the villagers by using it as a rat run.

The answer I received from Flintshire County Council's Highways Dept. to my letter (dated 12th July, 2007) regarding an environmental weight limit on heavy vehicles was this would only be possible with Police support, as they would have the sole responsibility for enforcement. It did be further discussed with the Traffic Inspector from Wrexham at the next Police Liaison meetings

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