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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Two foxes seen together today on walk

Lisa tried to take a photo but they were too fast.
They are relatively safe where seen. It's wild and rarely visited. Maybe 10 people a year go through this area.  The local hunt would not get near this here. Slight concern over two badger setts that have been visited by two people and dogs. The snow shows up everything, the woods are full of badger and fox tracks. We hope the visits  are not for bad reasons.

With regards the foxes perhaps they are a mating couple. Foxes only cause trouble at lambing time. The rest of the year they (and buzzards, crows, magpies, ravens, badgers) clear up fallen stock (inc dead lambs) and anything else that's dead. Nobody is supposed to know that though. There was a dead pheasant on the bridle path the other day, it must have been killed by a domestic dog. I left it on a path I know is used by foxes and badgers. Anyway some thing has had the Xmas pheasant as I checked today, all that's left are feathers.

postscript: John Large when out viewing the lunar eclipse the other night spotted a fox walking up the middle of the road in Green Park.

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