Wednesday, October 31, 2007
To Dinbych Cwrss Golf
A lesson on networks needed.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Penyffordd District Manifesto for May 2008
2. Banning of HGV through traffic.
3. A 30 mph limit on the Penyffordd By-Pass that is currently 40 mph
This will limit road noise for village that sounds like we are situated next to the A55 at present.
4. Youth to better catered for with regards their leisure time.
5. The stopping of Chester Road being a rat run and short cut for outside traffic. The return of Chester Rd to a rural environment. We have a by-pass.
6. The upgrading of the road surface on the by-pass to the same as between Tom Jones' and Jones Garage. Less invasive road noise
7. Penyffordd Community Council and County Councillors to have a website and email address. These items are free from Google and are easy to use.
8. A 30 mph zone for Dobshill.
9. The realisation that The EU, WAG, FCC and Heidelberg want Castle Cement Padeswood to operate and we concentrate on stopping Castle burning cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead and other nasty substances. Also to cut down noise levels. Castle Cement is clearing up its act as far as rogue cement dust and Welsh Environment Agency appear to be doing their job.
10. The pushing by Penyffordd County Councillors for a new village for Flintshire off the A55 in North Flintshire to stop green field erosion around Penyffordd. re. White Lion
11. The pushing back of the open speed limit on Chester Rd to Mrs Hibberts. The hill down into the village to be 30 mph.
12. The modification of Penymynydd roundabout to improve traffic flow (knock Tom's house down) joke.
Broadband blues
No broadband
A light on the box says we have it another light says we are downloading uploading all the time.
This happened a bit yesterday but cleared.
This afternoon it will not clear. To the uninitiated it looks like a "denial of service attack"
Three machines cannot use the net. Do we go up to Maureen to retrieve any orders.
Not a good idea if we have a full day wine circle.
Good idea. We will ring BT help line.
All the normal stuff, reboot boxes and computers.............. Already done that
Two of their suggestions stand out.
1. Ring their 0900 number, no mention of charges till prodded.
2. Buy a new router, buy one off BT or buy one elsewhere.
About £60 for a BT one, plus no mention that BT may charge to look at non BT routers.
Standards have dropped a little.
Last time we had a similar problem but intermittent it took 12 weeks to sort out.
Undo lead on BT asdl router to Belkin network box, replace with a network computer lead from the back of the Belkin to a computer. This allows one computer to access internet through BT router without using Belkin box. Close down Zone Alarm. Voila! Internet connection for one computer.
A resetting of computers allowed through firewall required I think may solve problem.
Of course there are lots of people out there who cannot work this sort of thing out which is why the technical help dept at PC World is 10 times as long as the sales checkout.
Postscript. In the end its a less lethal variation of where HAL in Kubrick's 2001 won't let Dave back into the space ship.
The firewall decides its time to stop talking to the other computers and the ADSL modem.
No reason given or settings altered.
Monday, October 29, 2007
An email to Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police
Sunday, October 28, 2007
It's not personal
There seems to be this blind spot deliberate or other wise with regards my issue. I have found it strange since the start that apart from a couple of councillors no one thinks it an issue.
Its only personal in the respect that I am in people's face until it is sorted. The village centre trashed at present.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A Letter from Airbus with regards my issues with traffic in Penyffordd
Friday, October 26, 2007
Gemini Sunbed Hire - Wrexham - Chester - Flintshire - Denbighshire - Ellesmere Port
Home Hire Single and Double Canopies
All top canopies contain fast tan tubes
Eight and Sixteen Tubes
Mobile or Text 0773 4052 779
Telephone Lisa on 01244 548063
You may get diverted to message but we will get back.
Email or
Mobile or Text 0773 4052 779
Due to the high costs of transport an extra fee may be required for delivery
Along parts of the A55 corridor in North Wales
We do not hire stand ups sorry.
Keywords: sunbed hire, ultra violet tubes, sunbeds,, home hire, tanning, retubes, suntan tubes, domestic, 8 tube, Philips
UVA, UVB, buy, purchase, second user, previously owned.
The Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010 (Wales) Regulations 2011 states that to use or buy a sunbed you must be over the age of 18.
Wheel falls off Tractor entering village just before children leave school

Why are we allowing dangerous farm vehicles driving at their maximun speeds through our village centre? A wheel such as this is capable of killing someone if it comes off a tractor whilst in the village. This farmers vehicles require a safety check.

It looks like they are putting the wheel back on that fell off the trailer whilst coming into the village just before junior school go home. These tractors have been hammering through the village at their maximum speed. Over a 100 journeys a day.
There seems to be immense pressure on them to do the fields as quickly as possible. They show no respect for the village whatosever. Just how much money they will make. The farmer who runs this operation needs to be brought to book before someone is seriously injured or killed by these reckless tractor drivers.

County Councillor David Williams has had complaints from villagers up the Vounog as well as myself. These tractors have been flying through the village showing no consideration for anyone who gets in their way.
They abuse the Highway Code with regards right of way passed parked cars. They appear to think they have this god given right to plough through the village.
Councillor Williams has also been cut up by the tractors himself.
Councillor Williams has made representations to Inspector Alun Oldfield with regards the farmers' employees conduct in the village.
I finish with the following thought. Why should farmers vehicles that use the roads not have MOT's ?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Spon Green tries again
Links My blog
A Suspension of Protest in Chester Road, Penyffordd
Today I have been to Mold Police Station for a talk with Inspector Alun Oldfield. The invitation was made by Inspector Oldfield.
I hope what written below is a fair reflection of the meeting
1. I have been told that some of my blogs may well pass over into a criminal offence. I have agreed to exercise restraint in future or face possible consequences.
2. I have agreed to suspend my campaign for a month. I will extend it to 8 weeks plus Christmas and New Year as an act of good faith. I will take down my sign and posters on my blog. I will not write letters to The Evening Leader (after this one) on the issue of Speeeding in Penyffordd village. (failed already couldn't let this go passed, look at tractor wheel above)
3. North Wales Police in partnership with Flintshire County Council, Arrive Alive and Penyffordd County Councillors Colin Bithell ,David Williams, Community Councillors and myself unofficially representing Chester Rd residents to work together to find a lasting solution to speeding through Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
4. Education is being futher carried out at Airbus (who do not admit any liability) by NWP.
5. There will be a collection of data and a program of traffic education forthcoming. I hope data collected will not involve any sight of fluorescent jackets by traffic as this will distort figures.
I still feel Flintshire Highways data collected in early May 2007 to be the most honest and the most embarrassing but will go along with the forthcoming collection of data by NWP and FCC.
Data is to be collected to satisfy North Wales Police.
6. Some of you may think that I drink and blog. I do not drink alcohol in the day for perhaps 363 days a year. I do not generally blog after 9. 00 pm. I am however guilty of blogging whilst angry at the continued wholesale disregard for speeding laws in Chester Rd. My frustration is due to the fact that I see speeding passed my house for almost every minute between 5. 30 am and 11.00 pm. My figures are rubbished but I am not that far out
In the future I will be continuing my protest against Flintshire County Council's proposals to allow 2 million cars, buses and lorries a year through Chester Road, Penyffordd after the developments of Warren Hall A55 exit, Broughton Park extension and Warren Hall Business Park.
Penyffordd needs to be protected from the above with an adequate county road network that excludes Penyffordd village. We have The Penyffordd By-Pass. Chester Road must not be allowed to continue to prop up the national road network. I mention Rossett as a shining example.
Penyffordd centre should be 20 mph, a village environment and NOT a rat run or short cut.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police for showing leadership in this matter.
Sincerely Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District.
A Visit to Mold Police Station
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A Website insulting Directors
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Letter against my Speeding Campaign in The Evening Leader
2000 speeders' a myth
NOT another letter from Colin Hughes about Penyffordd!
To be pedantic it was an article.
I've lived in Penyffordd since 1988 and agree with Mr Hughes
that it is a nice village.
I've lived here since about 1980. NOT a nice village if you live on Chester Rd.
However Chester Rd skirts the village and is not a rat run.
I've been under the impression that outside the Post Office was centre of the village and has been for the last 300 years. It is a rat run as well
It is an "A" road, a bus route to Chester and is approximately 600 yds long.
I think Chester Rd is one of these (Click here) a "non primary A Road."
Of this 600 yds, 100 to 120 yards is a 30 mph zone which to my knowledge
everyone adheres to. It would be suicide not to.
I think Chester Rd runs from The Millstone to the junction of the Broughton / Penymynydd main road.
The whole 600 yard length is 30 mph. Fact .Over 2000 cars are speeding passed my house
Driving to Chester as in The Evening Leader photograph
, once you reach The Lilacs, its a national speed limit zone.
ie. 50 mph for this road. So why oh why does Colin Hughes keep moaning?
Last time I looked it was 60 mph just to be accurate.
Perhaps life is different on Planet Colin than it is to the rest
of us villagers. If he wants an idyllic spot with no traffic and a quiet
life, may I suggest he goes out one clear and frosty night
with a full moon and looks for Brigadoon!
A village environment where buses, lorries and cars can do no more than the speed limit will be a start. A village road that is not a danger to horses, children, OAP's and villagers
I'll pay for him to go.
E Dale, Penyffordd
LINKS Brigadoon
I await with pleasure more letters of this poor quality trotted out by Colin Bithell's cronies.
My letter in return sent to The Evening Leader for consideration.
Postscript. I didn't look where Brigadoon was, very funny though Mr Dale is a little short on the actualities in most other parts to his letter
Sunday, October 21, 2007
For the surveillance Political , Police or Media
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Torquil the Goat
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I see more exalted company value village life
We have about 3000 vehicles a day, through Chester Rd, Penyffordd soon to double or treble courtesy of Flintshire County Council.
The speeding figure for the day I think is near 2200 vehicles. I downplay the figures on my protest sign
In fact Flintshire Highways seem hell bent on making sure Chester Rd remains wide open.
It is time for all this trash to kept out of our villages. We have a by-pass.
The Link
My thanks to a friend.
The Letter in The Times Monday
CC Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom
Our beautiful villages, ripped apart by traffic
The fate of Selborne is felt throughout the British countryside
Sir, “At the foot of this hill, one stage or step from the uplands, lies the village, which consists of one single straggling street, three quarters of a mile in length, in a sheltered vale, and running parallel with the Hanger.” The village is Selborne, and the author Gilbert White. His book, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, written in limpid prose, is the fourth most published book in the English language and has been translated into many others, including Japanese and Chinese. It is widely considered one of the earliest “ecological” studies.
Selborne is in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is within the proposed South Downs National Park. That single straggling street has become the B3006, and, although no wider than in Gilbert White’s time, today it carries 10,000 vehicles a day, including juggernauts. There is a speed limit of 30mph and a ban on lorries over 7.5 tons, but both are widely disregarded. Speeds are often well in excess of 30mph. The pavements are narrow or non-existent.
Wing mirrors are a constant hazard. In the rush hours it is difficult to cross the road. The cottages, shops and inns on either side of the road, many of which are 15th and 16th-century and without foundations, are shaken by the traffic. There is a complete loss of tranquillity and the atmosphere that White describes as “soft” is now heavily polluted with petrol fumes and vehicular noise.
Priority is given to vehicles. Our children cannot walk to school unescorted. They cannot explore the lanes alone. They are limited to their gardens, and to the school grounds. Many are transported from the one to the other by car, including those old enough to walk unescorted. They have a limited experience of the countryside. The normal exploratory joys of childhood are denied them.
Related Links
Gilbert White is acclaimed as the father of ecology and by amazing good fortune the village, its countryside and the natural habitat that was his inspiration still exist. It could be argued that Selborne should be a World Heritage Site and protected as such.
We call upon the authorities to change current policy and protect Selborne and all such villages. This is to be done by ensuring that long-distance commuter traffic stays on the A-roads. With tranquillity restored and environmentally friendly traffic calming in place, village streets could become once more a shared space.
Dr E. M Yates
President of the Selborne Association
James Anderson
Former Vicar of St Mary’s Selborne
The Rt Hon The Lord Archer of Sandwell QC
Professor Sir David Bellamy
Vice Admiral Sir Tom Blackburn KCVO CB
John Britton
Chairman of the Board of Governors Selborne School
Richard Clarke
Senior Lecturer in Conservation, University of London
Maureen Comber
East Hampshire District Council Councillor
Major General Patrick Cordingley DSO
Chairman of Trustees of Gilbert White’s House & The Wakes Museum
Dr Philip Cribb
Former Trustee of Gilbert White’s House & The Wakes Museum
Phillip Dixon
Children & Families' Minister for the Northanger Benefice, Selborne
Derek Edwards
Chairman of the Selborne Association
Professor Stephen Goldsack
Former Professor of Physics, Imperial College
Dr Richard J Gornall
High President of Botanical Society of the British Isles
Roy J Hall
Hon Secretary, The Selborne Society
Professor Sir John Lawton
President of the British Ecological Society
Dr Caroline Lucas
MEP for South of England
Professor Gren Lucas
Former Keeper of the Herbarium and Library Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Richard Mabey
Professor Lord May of Oxford OM AC FRS
Former President of the Royal Society
Sir Derek Morris MA DPhil
Provost, Oriel College, Oxford
Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne MEP
Tony Pears
Rector of the Northanger Benefice, Selborne
Dr Owen Plunkett
Ramblers Association Hampshire
Professor Guy Poppy
Head of Ecology, Unversity of Southampton
Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS, VMH
Scientific Director, The Eden Project
Peter Russell
The Earl of Selborne KBE FRS
Tim Smit CBE
Chief Executive, The Eden Project
Philip Stott
Emeritus Professor of Biogeography, University of London;
A D Thomas OBE
Chairman of the Real World Learning Campaign
Mrs Sarah Thorne
The High Sheriff of Hampshire
Canon David Watson
Rt Rev Trevor Willmott
Sufragan Bishop of Basingstoke
Michael Wood
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Airbus' Notice to their Workers- a further email to Mark Stewart
Airbus' Notice to their Workers
TWB78/07 - Road Safety | |
By Paul McKinlay / Source: Human Resources | |
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Don't Drink and Blog
No mention of a fire alarm, we have three. I intend to put more in the house.
Occasionally I put things on the blog after a glass or two. Next morning they don't look so grand so I take them off. There are not too many people looking at the blog at present but it will shortly grow.
I hope for the village to have a managed blog where village matters can be brought up and discussed. There used to be a website for Penyffordd. The forum was an embarrassment to me.
I don't drink in the day. So everything I say is usually ok. My big fear is saying something incorrect when emailing my peers. The First Minister, The Chief Executive of Flintshire County Council, etc
So subjects covered are scrutinised and polished endlessly
My 2nd Protest sign against Speeders

Click image if you need to enlarge.
I've "photoshopped" the photo. The wall needed a paint, I've trimmed the hedge and extended the soil pipe to building regs requirements. Photoshopping became famous when a Reuters photo of Lebanon was altered to show an attack by the Israeli's was worse than it really was. Some sharp eyed blogger picked the alterations up.
I have a large list of jobs to finish off. Not sure what PC Chris Pullen thought of our house when he came around last night. lol
The protest sign is blue at night. I have one of those blue low voltage light ropes around the sign.
The vertical pole is telescopic. It's an old gantry affair for holding car wash jets. It was one of those bits of stuff that might come in handy. We are currently going through 2o years of this type of stuff. We have made £120 at metal we took to the scrap yard.
I have welded extra brackets for more signs. My County Councillor will be thinking I am making a fool of my self again.
I have a phone call with the lovely Kate Forrester of The Evening Leader booked for tomorrow morning. Also I have a photographer from the paper coming around.
Then its off to Maesdu to play Golf. To pay my respects to Edgar Mills one of North Wales' finest golfers, a lovely man whose memorial sits on about the 15th with one of the best views in the world. I will note the enscription and put it on tomorrow.
ps. I work Sundays............................
Monday, October 15, 2007
A Blog's view of Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom's call for Legalizing of Drugs
Click here
This comment tickles
"What we could actually do with is a better set of narcotics. Something like a cross between alcohol, pot and MDMA without any of the side effects."
Further Comments from Harry's Place
"Legalise drugs, no thrill in taking, makes a legitimate profit and you can charge Vat and Tax etc."
"I think legalising drugs would probably have three effects: 1. A relatively small impact on usage (a few more people might use them) 2. An absolutely massive impact on organised crime, especially international crime (probably the situation in Afghanistan would be improved as well), and 3. drug taking would become safer (no hesitation about taking someone whose OD'd into casualty, less chance of buying dodgy products)."
"Finally, it gives the Afganistan government a legal market for opium, which then lets them buy in raw opium from their farmers instead of letting this feed into the illegal channels. Such a move would have a very adverse effect on the assorted criminal and terrorist gangs who use this trade as a fundraiser."
Chester Road Penyffordd that used to be a Village Road

An email through the blog to Colin Everett Chief Executive of Flintshire County Council.
Dear Colin,
Hope you are settling in well to your new post. As mentioned in my introductory email to you its no good going in at the top, its impossible to make your mark.
I see you have plenty of balls to juggle. A dilapidated housing stock, villages with no traffic calming or fed up with rat runs, we won't mention A494. I see your employees have the run of the roads. Two of your vehicles charging into the village last Friday at 45 mph approx.
There must be many other tasks, all that need money that appears not to be around.
The picture above is the tea time rat run the morning Rat Run is faster and stronger.
This is pre Warren Hall A55 exit, pre Broughton Park extension and pre Warren Hall Business Park.
I have just had a visit from PC Chris Pullen, as well as telling me about matters Penyffordd he asked how I was. I tell him I'm a little depressed.
Before you joined Flintshire County Council it would appear that certain plans were made for Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
The late Derek Darlington Flintshire Council Leader and County Councillor for Penyffordd was well aware of what faces Penyffordd from the three Broughton developments.
Our current County Councillors appear less up to speed. David Williams is still learning, Colin Bithell has no excuses what so ever.
Flintshire County Council would appear to be pushing millions of extra cars in our direction over the next 5 to 8 years. Flintshire County Council would appear to want Chester Road left wide open to help deal with all this extra traffic that is coming passed Penyffordd along with our By - Pass.
I find this objective disgraceful for a County Council. Our village environment should come before the national road network, we have a by-pass. Flintshire Environment should be challenging Flintshire Highways instead of being in on the plot.
Does Flintshire County Council think we are all stupid in Penyffordd?
There should be a policy for keeping our villages as villages instead of allowing all this trash through our communities.
Wrexham Council are light years ahead with traffic calming. Flintshire Highways seem intent on making Chester Rd the second by-pass for the village.
Over the next month I will be making calls on your Freedom of Information Dept.
I will try to get letters published in The Evening Leader.
I will be making written complaints against Highways and Environment. I have read the rules. If my complaints are not dealt with properly I will petition The Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
LINK Derek Darlington
POSTSCRIPT: Another reason that commuters prefer Chester Road is that Penyffordd By-Pass is not "fit for purpose". This is BEFORE the three Broughton developments. Flintshire Highways need to rely on Chester Road to support their collapsing road network.
They have shafted Penyffordd with the aquiesence of our County Councillors.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Protest Strategy Re-alignment
Also all the people visiting the Chinese next door will see it, especially when I get it illuminated
This will attract a letter by Flintshire County Council hopefully, to remove said illumination.
It will be interesting if anyone responds to my request for a progress report through The Evening Leader letters page Click here. It's just about a win / win situation. I win if someone responds, I win if no one responds. The shock would be someone writing to The Evening Leader to say work is in the planning stage for traffic calming!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A Letter from Janet Ryder AM with regards Broughton Developments
it would take minutes to load. This is a letter from Janet Ryder with a copy of a letter above written by Ieuan Wyn Jones Minister for the Economy and Transport for the WAG.
Bizarre in Chester Rd
I have just fired off a missive to Arriva. I have previously protested through my AM Mark Isherwood. The reply was along the lines of "well no ones been killed but we will get someone to have a look"
I've told them I will be petitioning ROSPA to rip up their awards.
The bizarre bit is this. During my repair of the window I have seen many many 100's speed passed my house.
The Agencies all know this.
The Police
Arrive Alive
My County Councillors Colin Bithell and David Williams.
Flintshire County Council
They have known for 8 months and Flintshire Highways much longer.
They just let it go on and on.
Little games.
To put my puny little protest in Perspective
His protest also gives me more strength.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Castle Cement in the papers
Castle Cement are always up for a good kicking around the floor at the Penyffordd Community Meetings. They are however investing heavy money to stop rogue cement from leaving the factory site.
I've never really warmed to the Welsh Environment Agency but recent prosecutions of Castle Cement have impressed.
The proof of this can be seen in next to no cement on our cars with the exception of 2 fall outs this year. This is a vast improvement on say 15 years ago.
What Penyffordd people need to be aware of is the emissions through the incineration of waste products. I read something some time ago to the effect that this type of incineration to produce substances like cement have less arduous emission regulations than an incinerator specifically used to burn industrial waste.
More research needed. Perhaps the taller stack will take stuff passed us...................
A Question through the letters pages of The Evening Leader

They might wish to mention whether they are for a compulsory 20 mph limit for the middle of the village and a road calming system to close down traffic that flies into the village and also vehicles that fly out of the village from the centre causing much noise pollution and danger to villagers, children and horses.
Their vision for children being able to cycle to school safely through our village centre. Also they might wish to discuss the exclusion of passing HGV traffic and the exclusion of through traffic that should really use the by-pass that Flintshire County Council built for them as a result of the caring community of Penyffordd's protests many years ago.
Chester Road residents would also wish to see pressure put on North Wales Police to prosecute our 2000 speeders a day.
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
Airbus win Fraudulent Safety Drive Accolade their employees continue to speed at 60 mph through Chester Road everyday.

Dear Mark
I read in The Chronicle that Airbus UK has won award for ensuring that your employees avoid accidents travelling to and from work.
I see Flintshire Highways are in the photo also, who see fit to allow 2000 speeders through Chester Rd each day.
This doesn't square to well with reality. Your employees were ploughing through Chester Rd at 5.40 am this very morning at 60 mph.
A quadruple whammy this one. A photo of two council departments Flintshire Highways and Flintshire Environment that refuse to stop 2000 cars speeding passed my house daily photographed with Airbus who refuse to stop 100's of their workers speeding through Penyffordd village each day. Posing for a safety award in The Chronicle that refuses to comment on 2000 cars that speed passed my house daily.
I see the award is to apprentices. Surely this isn't the apprentices who race passed my house in souped up noisy cars from 05.30 hrs to 23.00 hrs in the evening. Perhaps again I am mistaken, they must be Raytheon.. Its hard to get registration numbers when they are flying up the hill which is still a 30 mph zone at 70mph.
The photo in the Chronicle to me is way out of order. The current behaviour of your workforce through Penyffordd a total disgrace.
regards Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
The Cement Industry in The Guardian
Click here
Just to get some focus on this issue. China currently produces half the cement for the whole planet.
I see our Kiln also replaces the production of 2 kilns at Ribblesdale Kiln at Clitheroe.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Chronicle having trouble with Geography
A reply to an email from David Williams
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
An email from David Wiliams CC
2000 speeders a day require treatment.
Colin Bithell CC sitting in his cul de sac oblivious.........................
Why Call for County Councillor retirement?
They have no idea................... at all.
3000 people to see protest posters every day.
Does Penyffordd have the thickest County Councillors in North Wales?
Also Flintshire County Council, ArriveAlive and North Wales Police annoy me.
I can however see some light at the end of the tunnel, not from any of the above though.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
A Letter for possible insertion . Re - Rhodri Morgan Interview
With regards your Interview with The Evening Leader.
It's good to see that your heart plumbing is now flowing freely. Your arteries unclogged after your recent operation.
Perhaps it's only when you see unfairness that you turn to your politicians. Although initially indifferent to Welsh Government I now see huge advantages.
Cardiff being a lot closer than London and communication by email to all Welsh Assembly ministers and my excellent AM Carl Sargeant a few keyboard clicks away. As a regular recipient of my emails you are fully aware of the situation in Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
As you know we currently have the A494 on the operating table and Warren Hall A55 exit in the waiting room.
You mention North - South divides. We have a local North - South divide. Flintshire in the North, Wrexham in the South.
Wrexham have money in surplus and excellent creative traffic calming in their villages whilst Flintshire have no money and in Penyffordd we have no traffic calming. In many places in Flintshire we are fed up with unwanted traffic.
Our villages and towns are clogged up with traffic., Connah's Quay, Shotton and Hawarden. Penyffordd is not clogged up but as you know has 2000 speeders daily and is used as a race track by young people with noisy illegal exhausts. Northop Hall has a daily rat run similar but slower to Penyffordd.
A494 and Warren Hall A55 exit will release "more traffic and faster" to our unprotected communities which will give results that will be exactly opposite to that acheived with your heart operation. Our local roads have not been expanded as your small arteries have. The Super Highway and improved artery are going to put unbearable strain on our villages and towns
I feel there is justification for a one off payment by the WAG to be given to Flintshire County Council to restore our village environments. Our villages should be protected from outside traffic which must be forced to use By-Passes and A roads where available, compulsory 20mph village centres. Flintshire Highways to adopt the Wag's excellent Manual for Streets.
I would wish my AM Carl Sargeant to raise this important matter in The Welsh Assembly Government at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
An email to David Williams about the continued Chester Road speeding
An Email to David Williams County Councillor for Penyffordd
Hi David,
He only seems to wake up if Castle Cement is mentioned or the name Colin Hughes.
I hope he does not have high blood pressure.
I am getting the impression that Colin Bithell CC is a secret agent for Flintshire County Council
He certainly is no agent for Chester Rd Penyffordd.
I will put them up Friday afternoon after the Council have gone home for the week end
One on every light post going out of the village and every light post coming into the village
Low effort and cost signs so that I can replace if they are taken down. A possible photo opportunity for The Evening Leader
Ask Flintshire Highways why they will not relinquish Chester Rd as part of their County Road network?
Ask them for the data collected when we had the meeting with Charles Hughes Head of Engineering.
Also what is Flintshire Highways current road classification for Chester Rd?
Why can't HGV traffic be banned from the village we have a by-pass?
I would like a meeting with you when you have answers to the above off Flintshire County Council
kindest regards
Colin Hughes
for Chester Rd Penyffordd, a rat run not a rural village centre.
Road Noise
Traffic Calming for Flintshire Highways
A Living Street not a Rat Run
Friday, October 05, 2007
The excellent Flintshire Evening Leader
The weekend to polish my letter........
Colin Bithell CC and speeding traffic in Chester Road
After October's community council meeting it has become patently obvious why we have 2000 daily speeders passed my house which is in the centre of the village. Click here.
County Councillor Colin Bithell is behaving like he is in the pockets of Flinthire Highways and/or The Road Haulage Association. I should qualify "pockets". I mean by the previous word some understanding or agreement.
Or he is just too old for the job and should retire gracefully?
I take no pleasure from what I am going to do in the next 8 months leading up to the local elections in May 2008. It is unfair to try to unseat an elderly councillor of not good health who has given public service for well over 30 years. If Colin will not see the issues with regards Penyffordd village environment he should retire.
So Colin you either change your ways or I become a one man party fighting for a village environment in Chester Road. I will be helping anyone who sees our village environment an issue. I have the determination, youth,technology,resources and time.
Please pass this to him David.
ps Also David will you please keep me up to date if Flintshire Highways should deign to get serious about traffic calming in Chester Rd instead of offering half token efforts.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
An email to David Williams CC with regards speeding traffic

Hi David
A bit rough last night at the Community meeting!
Another day here today as normal. Chester Road a race track. I have been behaving like a county councillor today. A meeting at 7.00am with Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police. Then a 10.00 am meeting at Alan's Skips.
Do I want your job? No, not really.
There is still this problem of all this traffic. Flintshire seems to be plagued with traffic. Did you see my letter The Evening Leader published for me yesterday?
I have done a little report on last night's Penyffordd Community Council Meeting. Various comments throughout the meeting by Colin Bithell CC show a distinct lack of will in tackling this problem. Is he in the pockets of Flintshire Highways or is there a conflict of interest with his position on Broughton Community Council?
Mold have excellent County Councillors. If you click on the image you will see outlined in red a very good strategy for dealing with speeders.
Perhaps you and Colin can do a site meeting outside The Chinese. Saturday teatimes is good as 100's of shoppers charging through the village on their way home and boy racers zooming around the village.
Perhaps you can persuade North Wales Police to do an operation similar to Mold. I have all the intelligence necessary to advise on an efficient use of their resources.
Weekend traffic is another matter. Hundreds of thousands of holiday makers from the North of England who are used to charging up and down Chester Rd on the way through. Chris Pullen could make millions for whoever gets the money by just standing in Chester Rd at weekends.
It requires a civil engineering solution full stop or restrictions. Through traffic needs to be made to use the By - Pass. Perhaps you and Colin Bithell should have a word with Tony Sharps CC.
A Meeting with Alan Skips
I presume he can keep tabs on all the divisions.
He has very kindly told his drivers to use the By - Pass if they are not delivering or picking up in Penyffordd village.
I thank Neil very much for this action and I will be emailing the recipients of recent articles by myself about the company to communicate Alan's Skips positive response.
A meeting with Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police

A very understated Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police listening to "yours truly" talking about traffic behaviour in Chester Rd, Penyffordd. I have told Alun where the best places are to get the speeders. Alun commented that villages across the region are complaining about increased traffic levels through their communities.
One of the measures he is going to pursue is the involvement of the Beat Manager of Airbus to educate the employees about their speeding through Penyffordd.
I pointed to the to the Penyffordd Community Council notice board ( Click here) to communicate to him how things are currently run in Penyffordd. There are some bright lights on the committee, we do however need some more.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Community Councillor Quotes
Community Councillor Chairman Stan Davies.
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting September 2007
The following was written down as Councillors spoke. I would say the words are verbatim.
signed Colin Hughes.
The following comments by Colin Bithell CC is why we have 2000 cars a day speeding through Chester Rd Penyffordd.
Points mentioned.
1. Colin Bithell CC . Calling me a vigilante. "Didn't like vigilante action of individuals"
If you did your job Colin Bithell I wouldn't have to be a vigilante.
2. "You can't have witch hunts of people" quote Colin Bithell CC during discussion about how fast cars are travelling through villages. Photographing speeders.
2. Colin Bithell CC. 20 mph " The sooner the idea of Penyffordd being a 20 mph zone is "killed off the better" Backed by a Community Councillor called Margaret ..........
3. Colin Bithell CC. "Staggered gateways into villages just cause trouble"
4. "The banning of HGV's is draconian. " quote Colin Bithell.
Quite alright if you live in a cul de sac like County Councillor Colin Bithell. I'm sure Colin is the councillor for the Road Haulage Association and not Penyffordd.
The bottom line is that Colin Bithell CC has either
1. Not looked at the speeding traffic.
2. He is in the pockets of Flintshire Highways
3. Does not see speeding as a village issue.
He really has no, no, no, idea.
Councillor Bell mentioned that the main culprits of speed are people in cars. If you stand outside the Post office you can see it. A gold star to Councillor Bell.
Community Councillor Linda Vidamour brought up The Evening leader article on "Operation Gabe" A gold star for Linda.
Community Councillor Cindy Hinds agreed with the enforcement of the 30 mph speed limits and 20 mph outside schools. A gold star to Cindy
A gold star for Cllr Edwina Davies who is a positive force on the Community Council
A gold star for Cllr Tom Jones for mentioning the spectre of developments of Broughton on which Cllr Colin Bithell remains curiously silent.
More flesh on bones shortly.
Any other Business.
Tom Jones brought up an item about a new fund for the youth of the village that could run in parallel to the Pen Y Group who are a registered charity. This new fund was suggested by David Williams County Councillor.
This brought about about a very heated discussion.
A Big Thank You to The Flintshire Evening Leader
LINK The Evening Leader
Also for publishing my letter in todays Flintshire Evening Leader.
LINK The Evening Leader
Lisa Holland of Penymynydd
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Are Flintshire Highways wasting Police Time?
I have a meeting with Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police on Thursday. The basic problem is that Flintshire Highways want Chester Road left wide open. They want Penyffordd By-Pass AND Chester Road for their County Road Network. A pretty shabby state of affairs!
They have no consideration for our village environment and neither has Flintshire County Council Regeneration and Environment up to now.
My County Councillors asleep..........................zzzzzz
Flintshire Highways could have had this sorted in the planning stage within 8 weeks of my meeting with them.
Wrexham Council have their villages tied down, they do their work properly using a variety of traffic calming solutions creatively, a forward looking, responsible council.
Flintshire County Council continue to behave in a very unhelpful way to Penyffordd.
Lots of villages have advisory 20 mph limits in Flintshire. Why are they not applying any to Chester Road Penyffordd which is a major route to school?
Wrexham Council has compulsory 20 mph in all communities
They are a disgrace to the County and are wasting Police time on a matter that is a civil engineering solution.
Traffic needs to be stopped speeding into the village and speeding out of the village.
I think Charles Hughes Head of Engineering for Flintshire County Council should consider his position.

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- Mold to get £46,000 from WAG for Environment
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- Airbus' Notice to their Workers
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- My friend's son training to be a Royal Marine
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- Why Call for County Councillor retirement?
- Does Penyffordd have the thickest County Councillo...
- A Letter for possible insertion . Re - Rhodri Morg...
- Chester Road classification
- An email to David Williams about the continued Che...
- The excellent Flintshire Evening Leader
- Colin Bithell CC and speeding traffic in Chester Road
- An email to David Williams CC with regards speedin...
- A Meeting with Alan Skips
- A meeting with Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wa...
- Community Councillor Quotes
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting September 2007
- A Big Thank You to The Flintshire Evening Leader
- Lisa Holland of Penymynydd
- Ned Sherrin RIP
- Are Flintshire Highways wasting Police Time?
- A meeting with Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wa...
- The Shrinking Green Space between Penyffordd and B...
- An email from Carl Sargeant AM
- Council Corporate Responsibility
- A Letter to The Evening Leader with regards to Saf...
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting October 2007