Email to Mark Stewart Director HR Airbus UK
cc Flintshire County Council.Dear Mark
I read in The Chronicle that Airbus UK has won award for ensuring that your employees avoid accidents travelling to and from work.
I see Flintshire Highways are in the photo also, who see fit to allow 2000 speeders through Chester Rd each day.
This doesn't square to well with reality. Your employees were ploughing through Chester Rd at 5.40 am this very morning at 60 mph.
A quadruple whammy this one. A photo of two council departments Flintshire Highways and Flintshire Environment that refuse to stop 2000 cars speeding passed my house daily photographed with Airbus who refuse to stop 100's of their workers speeding through Penyffordd village each day. Posing for a safety award in The Chronicle that refuses to comment on 2000 cars that speed passed my house daily.
I see the award is to apprentices. Surely this isn't the apprentices who race passed my house in souped up noisy cars from 05.30 hrs to 23.00 hrs in the evening. Perhaps again I am mistaken, they must be Raytheon.. Its hard to get registration numbers when they are flying up the hill which is still a 30 mph zone at 70mph.
The photo in the Chronicle to me is way out of order. The current behaviour of your workforce through Penyffordd a total disgrace.
regards Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
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