Someone a couple of feet away from me queries why a certain Mr and Mrs Hewitt could raise objections to the White Lion development whilst selling land for 224 houses down the road at Wood Lane Farm.
Perhaps it might help if I re read the document..............................
Development now passed, work has started. Anyone for a £400k house next to a busy main road?
How many tens of thousands of vehicles a day is that?
Traffic noise guaranteed in every garden.
I understand the village scribe Nigel is in the market. No need for the car to walk the dog in Penymynydd woods.
Very near the proposed Penyffordd allotments as well.
Naturally the miniscule affordable housing is nearest the main road.
There is to be noise mitigation. That's 6 foot high wooden fences to you and me.
I can also see White Lion estate being a rat run for Well House, Green Park and Tate estates each morning and evening.
keyword: Redrow
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This is madness. More than enough traffic now. What will it be like when the contractors move in and the serious work gets under way. It will be the same kind of nightmare with noise and dust and disruption that it was down in Broughton.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, as long as Nigel is happy!!!
It is shameful that the person who signs himself as anonymous has not got the courage of his convictions to put his name to his inane comments, at least Colin does not hide his identity, albeit that some of his remarks are questionable.
ReplyDeleteNigel loves walking his dog through Penymynydd woods and he fails to see why the development of The White Lion site should prevent or change his habits, he has walked Penymynydd woods since he was old enough to walk, and will do so until he can walk no longer.
In regard to newts Nigel and his pals who accompany him on his walk through Penymynydd woods has protected Newts (locally known as Askers) from a very young age, long may they survive, I am sure they will.
Goodnight Colin and Mr. Anonymous hopefully you may provide us one day with your identity, otherwise your comments are worthless and scurrilous.
The restricted section of Penymynydd Road is a already a ratrun for the Well House estate and other dwellings towards the village centre. The White Lion estate will have little effect on traffic volumes overall.
DeleteThe only difference is that the restriction will no longer be "enforced" as undoubtedly it will be removed. With little or no recognition to those residents for whom the restriction applies.
A total lack of enforcement has allowed this to happen, but there you go, one less thing for the "authorities" to worry about!
Thanks for the comment Nigel. I will comment on anonymous comments in a separate article. A google of the words askers and newts finds that the local use of the word "askers" is not confined to Penymynydd.
ReplyDeleteHi Robert good point. Will the restriction remain in place once White Lion is built? Will it be removed altogether?
ReplyDeletePity White Lion could not have been connected to Wellhouse.
Perhaps the section of Penymynydd Rd between Wellhouse and White Lion should be heavily chicaned and road calmed. Paid for by the developers.
One presumes this has not been pursued?
The restricted section of Penymynydd Road is restricted access due to it's narrow width, particularly on the approach to the White Lion field. The problem with traffic could be solved a number of ways:
ReplyDelete1) Enforce the restriction regularly with the local police.
2) Make the restricted section one-way, this would halve the traffic flow down the road.
3) Install electronic bollards by Laburnum Cottage to effectively block through access. Local emergency services could carry a done to override the bollards in an emergency situation.
4) Install a permanent block, I.e kerbing, pavement etc to effect (3).
As you can see there are number of ways to "skin this particular cat" it's just a case of which is the easiest, cheapest and most effective.
Hi Robert
ReplyDeleteYour comment deserves front page !
Have you read the exchange here between Cllrs Hinds, Williams and Tom Jones.
Access only restrictions will be imposed commencing approximately where the access and egress road to The White Lion estate meets Penymynydd Road to the junction of Penymynydd Road with the A5104 and obviously in the reverse direction.
ReplyDeleteNigel, the problem with restricted access is it only works if the is "enforcement" of some kind. That enforcement hasn't happened, hence the current and ongoing complaints by residents who live on the restricted section.
ReplyDeleteI think it's fair to say that the current road has been "limited access" for a good while, that possibly pre- dates the building of the Well House estate.
Being generous to the authorities, the restriction is enforced 2-3 times a year at best. People know this, hence the continual use.
Presumably the loss of the restriction will be compensated for, for those who don't come under the "new" restriction that will be present once the White Lion is completed? Or has that been "given away" with the planning consent given?
My mate Phil who lived in Bilberry Close was given a ticket by NWP for using the access only section of Penymymydd Rd, 25 years ago..................
ReplyDeleteSo Colin is on another one of his missions and having another rant about something. I'm pleased to have found this blog to comment on the disgusting way in which Colin has presented himself in the past when he has a problem with something. I am referring to Colin filming and taking pictures of motorists coming into Penyffordd by the institute and putting their faces and number plates on the internet labelling them as Tyrants speeding through the village if he THINKS they are braking the speed limit. He has NO evidence or way of accurately recording their speed and measures it by how fast they LOOK like they are going.He has no right or justification to have done so and his behaviour is shameful. I am delighted that Colin was not elected when he put himself forward. As for the housing development, homes need to be built to house an ever increasing population rather than leaving people homeless and prevent them from access to basic human rights. As it stands now, the White Lion building is unsightly and dangerous in the state that it is in. A housing development has so many benefits but some people fail to see this as they are blinded by their incessant need to moan about a slight increase in the number of cars on the road. We are a friendly, welcoming village, or so I thought, and we need our residents and new residents to keep our local shops open such as the butchers and the post office and the Red Lion and we need children to fill the schools and keep teachers working. So please consider the other side of the coin before condemning this development
ReplyDeleteHi Chris
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment.
It is not against the law to take photos of cars. In 2007 there were about 2000 vehicles a day breaking the 30 mph speed limit. FCC hold six lots of traffic data from 2007 to present day.
You may have a second chance not to vote for me shortly!
I'm against increasing population on principle.
White Lion needed in my opinion and Cllr David Williams' opinion more lower priced housing. Not everybody can afford £240k for a house. That especially applies to children of parents who live in the village.