appear to have upped production. Daily eruptions of smoke
(surely water vapour. ed.)
are now appearing. Is this a sign of an upturn in UK Plc?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Penyffordd Football Teams - A free offer
It seems we had quite a few circa 2005.
Under 7's (Mixed) Two Teams
Under 8's (Mixed) One Team
Under 9's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 10's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 11's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 12's (Girls) One Team
Under 12's (Boys) One Team
Under 13's (Boys) One Team
Under 14's (Girls) One Team
Under 14's (Boys) One Team
Under 15's (Boys) One Team
Under 16's (Girls) One Team
Under 17's (Boys) One Team
Senior Team (Men's) One Team.
If those in charge want a totally free website of their own. Where updates can be done by anyone with permission with an internet connection. All that above can be copied to the new site. No costs involved.
Get in touch with me.
Under 7's (Mixed) Two Teams
Under 8's (Mixed) One Team
Under 9's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 10's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 11's (Boys) Two Teams
Under 12's (Girls) One Team
Under 12's (Boys) One Team
Under 13's (Boys) One Team
Under 14's (Girls) One Team
Under 14's (Boys) One Team
Under 15's (Boys) One Team
Under 16's (Girls) One Team
Under 17's (Boys) One Team
Senior Team (Men's) One Team.
If those in charge want a totally free website of their own. Where updates can be done by anyone with permission with an internet connection. All that above can be copied to the new site. No costs involved.
Get in touch with me.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Battle of the Footpaths
Footpath issues can be a regular community problem. The Guardian reports on moves to change the balance between landowner and footpath user.
Link Guardian
Link Guardian
Steve Vaughan's apprentice aiming for Michelin stars
Luke Thomas who hopes to become the youngest chef to get a Michelin star, has already worked with top chefs Gary Rhodes and Heston Blumenthal and gained valuable experience at the Chester Grosvenor Hotel, Soughton Hall & Stables Bar & Restaurant near Northop and Steve Vaughan Butchers in Penyffordd.
read further Flintshire Chronicle
read further Flintshire Chronicle
Penyffordd mum takes on fundraising drive
Kate Ransome, who lives in Penyffordd, near Mold, with husband Andy and four-year-old daughter Hannah, had baby Reuben in May last year, four weeks premature.
read further Flintshire Chronicle.
read further Flintshire Chronicle.
Dobshill projects races away
I question whether Dobshill is going to be subject to blaring sirens all day.
Upton in Chester is.
Within a half mile of the Countess is a right PIA if you like relative silence.
I question whether Dobshill is going to be subject to blaring sirens all day.
Upton in Chester is.
Within a half mile of the Countess is a right PIA if you like relative silence.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
and finally
A pair of pet chickens called Psycho and Oven-Ready have been reunited with their owner after being stolen from their South Wales coop, fleeing their captors, and ending up at a rescue centre 160 miles away.
read further
read further
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Value to Society of Blogs
"Blogs and other modern media, like Twitter, have democratised information distribution. has gone far beyond its half-baked "I know a secret" origins to become a forum for citizen journalism. The power of the crowd‑sourced investigation initiated by anyone who is able to ignite the interest of others is a force that has the potential to move mountains in our society. All that is required is an issue about which others are passionate and feel unheard."
The above is a story about how blogs are so much better than local media in many ways. How when used to full advantage by a community can help to stop councillors, companies or individuals getting above themselves. The comments section has numbers in the 4000's many of very high value.
The above is a story about how blogs are so much better than local media in many ways. How when used to full advantage by a community can help to stop councillors, companies or individuals getting above themselves. The comments section has numbers in the 4000's many of very high value.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Local Company extends Penyffordd Institute Carpark
This is a bit late! Read Construction were the contractors which carried out last year's much needed upgrade to Penyffordd Institute car park.
Link Read Construction
Independents - The Closet Tories
Peter Hain MP that great man of integrity holds forth on closet Tories. It would be fair to say Cllr Tom Jones fits the bill. After that I'm not sure.
Link BBC News
Is it fair to remind people that Gordon Brown MP has ruined this country for the next 30 years? Perhaps the Tories would have ruined it too?
To be fair to Mark Isherwood AM he did raise the issue at the time. I get the feeling however that head office would have over ruled him. It's very hard for politicians to say hold on when things are going apparently so well with the inflated house bubble etc.
The problem being we had run over the edge of the cliff like the coyotee in the comic strip Road Runner. Treading air. That's where we are currently.
Greece, Portugal, Ireland then us?
Perhaps a more simple life awaits us.
I personally can't see why we all have to dash around like idiots to make big business more and more money.
Where grandma and grandpa are roped in for babysitting whilst both parents work.
The problem being pensions and savings are being devalued and youth employment is terrible.
Have a nice Sunday. Perhaps the snow will go quickly.
Allotments have to be dug.
Red tape continues to strangle Cllr David Williams' efforts to a quick start for the new allotments
Link BBC News
Is it fair to remind people that Gordon Brown MP has ruined this country for the next 30 years? Perhaps the Tories would have ruined it too?
To be fair to Mark Isherwood AM he did raise the issue at the time. I get the feeling however that head office would have over ruled him. It's very hard for politicians to say hold on when things are going apparently so well with the inflated house bubble etc.
The problem being we had run over the edge of the cliff like the coyotee in the comic strip Road Runner. Treading air. That's where we are currently.
Greece, Portugal, Ireland then us?
Perhaps a more simple life awaits us.
I personally can't see why we all have to dash around like idiots to make big business more and more money.
Where grandma and grandpa are roped in for babysitting whilst both parents work.
The problem being pensions and savings are being devalued and youth employment is terrible.
Have a nice Sunday. Perhaps the snow will go quickly.
Allotments have to be dug.
Red tape continues to strangle Cllr David Williams' efforts to a quick start for the new allotments
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Solutions to the White Lion / Penymynydd Rd issue
Robert has made a comment that deserves the front page. Perhaps Penyffordd Cllrs will take notice of and consider his excellent suggestions.
" The restricted section of Penymynydd Road is restricted access due to it's narrow width, particularly on the approach to the White Lion field. The problem with traffic could be solved a number of ways:
1) Enforce the restriction regularly with the local police.
2) Make the restricted section one-way, this would halve the traffic flow down the road.
3) Install electronic bollards by Laburnum Cottage to effectively block through access. Local emergency services could carry a done to override the bollards in an emergency situation.
4) Install a permanent block, ie. kerbing, pavement etc to effect (3).
As you can see there are number of ways to "skin this particular cat" it's just a case of which is the easiest, cheapest and most effective."
" The restricted section of Penymynydd Road is restricted access due to it's narrow width, particularly on the approach to the White Lion field. The problem with traffic could be solved a number of ways:
1) Enforce the restriction regularly with the local police.
2) Make the restricted section one-way, this would halve the traffic flow down the road.
3) Install electronic bollards by Laburnum Cottage to effectively block through access. Local emergency services could carry a done to override the bollards in an emergency situation.
4) Install a permanent block, ie. kerbing, pavement etc to effect (3).
As you can see there are number of ways to "skin this particular cat" it's just a case of which is the easiest, cheapest and most effective."
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting January 2012
The Prologue
1. Tom attempts to press through acceptance of the White Lion Development without any agreement over Section 106 and matters of road layout. ie. Top of Penymynydd Rd.
2. Member's interests? Que? What are those?
Alternative Title. Do any of you councillors holiday with local landowners?
3. Stan gets a head of steam going over a bench
2. Member's interests? Que? What are those?
Alternative Title. Do any of you councillors holiday with local landowners?
3. Stan gets a head of steam going over a bench
Cllr D Williams, Chairman of the Council (in the chair)
Cllr T W Jones OBE Vice chairman
Cllrs C Bithell, Mrs E M Davies, S E Davies, Mrs C Hinds, Mrs J Hopwood, Mrs M D Jones, Mrs L Vidamour.
Were received from Cllr J W Bell.
G.N.I. Jones, Clerk to the Council
That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on Wednesday the 7th December 2011, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr D Williams.
Minute No 151 – Planning Decisions
Proposal: Development of make-ready depot for Welsh Ambulance Service Trust comprising of ambulance (make ready) for cleaning and restocking bay, enclosed vehicle garage, associated office accommodation, staff facilities, storage and parking and service area.
Location: Former Dobshill Hospital, Chester Road, Dobshill.
Cllr C Bithell questioned whether there were any plans to provide a roundabout at the junction on the entrance to the site, and the Dirty Mile.
Cllrs Mrs C Hinds and D Williams advised that these would be conditions to be imposed as the application develops.
Plan No. 048892
Proposal: Erection of eighty seven number dwellings, comprising of 2.5 storey unit with associated garage, parking, garden areas and public open spaces with demolition of existing public house and outbuildings.
Location: Associated land and former White Lion Pub, Chester Road, Penymynydd.
Cllr Mrs C Hinds commented that the Section 106 agreement needs to be resolved prior to the application being considered by the County Council’s Planning Committee.
Furthermore a satisfactory strategy needs to be resolved with regard to Penymynydd Road, taking into account that the additional traffic volume that will be created.
Cllr C Bithell moved acceptance of the application, which was seconded by Cllr T W Jones.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams referred to the amended plan, commenting that there are sixty nine detached properties, with a starting price of £250,000, twelve semi-detached properties and six gifted properties.
He continued that he was not happy with the negotiations, he has had numerous conversations with the Planning Officers, but there are still issues unresolved with regard to the Section 106 agreement, and road layouts, these being access towards Broughton from Penymynydd Road, and access and egress in and out of the estate off Penymynydd Road.
Cllr Williams concluded that the matter of a community play area, e.i. MUGA facility is still to be resolved.
Cllr Mrs C Hinds informed that the residents of Penymynydd Road do not want the residents of Pen-y-ffordd, and Wellhouse using Penymynydd Road as access to the Chester Road.
Cllr Mrs C Hinds continued that she had communicated with the Planning Officer, recommending that only residents of Penymynydd Road access and egress into and out of Penymynydd Road, and other residents of Penymynydd should turn right into the new estate and not be allowed to enter Penymynydd Road from Chester Road.
Cllr C Bithell proposed that the application be accepted in principal, but it be made known that the two foregoing issues with regard to Section 106 agreement, and traffic layout plans for Penymynydd Road needs to be satisfactory resolved prior to the application being considered by the County Council’s Planning Committee.
The proposition was duly seconded by Cllr T W Jones.
That the application be supported, with the addendum, regarding issues of Section 106 monies and road layout arrangements for Penymynydd Road.
Proposal: Change of use of agricultural building to light industrial use.
Location: Bank Farm, Lower Mountain Road, Peny-y-ffordd.
The Chief Planning Services Officer has advised that the application has been approved.
That the information as provided by the Chief Planning Services Officer be noted.
The Clerk reminded members that the Millstone playing field was nominated to be included in the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge.
On the 13th December 2011 the County Council’s Executive met and approved seventeen sites, unfortunately the Millstone Playing field was not selected.
The Clerk reminded members that details of those playing fields which had been selected.
That receipt of the information be noted.
Members had been previously circulated with the details of the changed in the Audit Regulations which meant that the date for signing off the account had been moved forward from September the 30th to June the 30th, which means in effect that the Community Council need to approve the accounts in May, for submission to the External Auditor.
That the information as provided by the Clerk be noted.
Correspondence from the North Wales Police referred to a comprehensive independent review of how the forty nine Police stations and other buildings operate, and are used by the public.
The bullet point of the correspondence informed that the North Wales Police intend to invest 16.2 million pounds to replace outdated buildings, which are no longer fit for purpose, either with a complete new build or by sharing facilities with a partner agency.
Four Police stations are earmarked for closure, not in our area, but a further twelve stations have been identified as requiring relocation, these being a long term plan, and none of the twelve buildings will close until suitable alternative accommodation is ready for use. Amongst the twelve listed in Flintshire are Saltney, Flint, Buckley and Holywell.
That detail of the brief as outlined by the Clerk be recorded.
The Clerk reminded members that Cllr S E Davies proposed that Gladstone’s Estate be requested to provide some form of bench seating along the above walkway.
Correspondence now received from W A Hall & Co. informs that they have consulted with their client, and regrettably the proposal will not be acceptable to Estate’s insurers on Health and Safety grounds.
Members expressed their disappointment with regard to the response.
Cllr S E Davies questioned who the grassed verges along the piece of walkway belong to; the Clerk suggested that it would be Flintshire County Council, as in fact the County Council does in fact cut the grassed verges.
Cllr S E Davies therefore suggested that a similar request be made to the Chief Highways officer.
Cllr S E davies also referred to the overgrown trees from the school to the Water Tower, and suggested that on Health and Safety grounds, Gladstone’s Estate be asked to cut back the offending branches.
- That the response from W A Hall and Co be noted.
- That a similar application for permission to provide some form of seating be made to the Chief Highways Officer, Flinshire County Council.
- That Mr W A Hall be asked to, along with his client, Gladstone’s Estate, on Health and Safety grounds, to trim back the offending trees that are overhanging the verge, from Penymynydd School to the Water Tower.
Members had been previously circulated with copy correspondence received from the National Assembly for Wales.
Cllr Mrs C Hinds suggested that the correspondence does in fact need some explaining.
That the documentation received from the National Assembly for Wales be received.
Members had been previously circulated with a copy of the minutes of the AGM held on Tuesday the 22nd November 2011.
That receipt of the minutes be recorded.
This matter was agendad at the request of the Chairman, Cllr D Williams.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams informed that he had mistaken this matter for correspondence previously received, with regard to polling stations, and their suitability.
He continued that the condition of the two polling stations in the Community Council area are suitable, with regard to the matter of boundaries; this can be looked at later in the year.
That the above comments of the Chairman, Cllr D Williams be noted.
Cllr Mrs C Hinds informed that there is not a lot of information to be provided at the moment, mainly as a result of the holiday and one particular person being unwell.
Cllr Mrs Hinds continued that P.A.C.A. is awaiting Section 106 arrangements with regard to the White Lion application, and as to whether or not monies will be forthcoming for match funding.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams questioned as to whether or not there are any arrangements for the new building at the Youths Club, Cllr Mrs C Hinds responded insomuch that the best way forward is being considered.
That the details of the foregoing dialogue be noted.
This matter was agendad in accordance with Minute No 158 of the December meeting, in the event of a response being received from Inspector Iwan Jones, North Wales Police, with regard to the motorist who was pardoned from the Magistrates Court.
The Clerk advised that he had not as yet received a response.
That the matter be retained, pending a response from Inspector Iwan Jones.
The Clerk advised that the Annual Return has now been received back from the External Auditor, UHY Hacker Young.
The auditor advises that he has now substantially completed his work on the Annual Return, and it is his intention to issue a qualified audit certificate and report with matters with which he wishes to draw to the attention of the Council.
The comments were that the Council did not formerly approve a Risk Assessment policy during the year, and wished to not that the Council must approve and publish the audited accounts for the 31st December 2011.
He also wishes to draw to the Council’s attention that the minutes do not record the statutory powers under which donations are approved, and that there is no evidence that the Council records declarations of interest from members.
The Clerk assured members that he would address these points for the future, and with regard to declarations of member’s interest, that an item would be included on the agenda styled “Declarations of Members Interest - Members Code of Conduct”.
That the foregoing information as provided by the Clerk and the comments of the External Auditor be recorded.
The Clerk advised that the Council is now required to approve, on an annual basis, a risk assessment, and financial regulations.
Members had been previously circulated with copy statements for adoption.
That the risk assessment, and financial regulations be adopted for the year 2011 / 12.
Members had been previously circulated with a cop of the document.
With regard to planning, Cllr Mrs C Hinds suggested that before an application goes to the County Council’s Planning Committee, if the Community Council disagrees with the recommendations, then the Community Council should have the courtesy of the attendance of a Planning Officer to discuss the issue with the Community Council
Furthermore the Community Council should have the rights to request a site meeting.
Information should be supplied electronically as an additional option.
That the foregoing recommendations of Cllr Mrs C Hinds be submitted to the Chief Executive from the Flinshire County Council
Defective street lighting columns were reported, as follows: six on the Pen-y-ffordd by-pass, either side of its junction with the Wood Lane footpath, and one on Penymynydd Road.
That the above be reported to the Flintshire County Council.
Note: The street lighting column on Penymynydd Road had been repaired earlier in the day.
Correspondence from Inspector Iwan Jones invited two members of the Council to attend the above meeting to be held at Mold Police Station, on Monday the 6th February at 11 am.
Cllrs Mrs C Hinds and T W Jones volunteered to attend.
That Cllrs Mrs D Hinds, and T W Jones be nominated to attend.
The Clerk referred to previous correspondence from William Hall & Co suggesting that the Community Council should enter into an agreement with his client, the Community Council responded by informing that is would be prepared to enter into an agreement, provided that the terms were suitable to the Community Council.
Correspondence from Mr Hall outlined how he would deal with the agreement, as follows:
- Grant of planning consent.
- Agreement of Deed of Surrender of the allotment land with the estates tenant of Primrose Cottage.
- Draft tenancy agreement with the letting of the allotment site to the Pen-y-ffordd Community Council for which the Community Council would have to appoint a solicitor to act on its behalf.
- Confirmation of rent and other terms to be incorporated into the proposed tenancy agreement, for which a further meeting would be necessary.
Cllr T W Jones questioned why the Community Council should have to appoint a solicitor when the terms of the agreement would be drawn up by the land agent, W Hall, and if the agreement was not to the approval of the Community Council, then the Community Council would not sign the document.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams, who is involved with the Allotment Association, commented that as far as the Association is concerned there will be no charge to the Community Council.
Cllr C Bithell had no objections to appoint a solicitor, as long as the Allotment Association pays the fees.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams informed that the Allotment Association have a bank account, they have appointed the necessary officers, contact has been made with a contractor to provide a car parking area, and the question has been put to Mr Hall, as to the rental charge.
- That Williams Hall & Co be asked why in their opinion, the Community Council needs to appoint a solicitor, when the agreement will be drawn up by themselves.
- That an enquiry be made as to the annual leasing charge for the area of land required by the Allotment Association.
Cllr T W Jones questioned the County Councillors; whether or not they had received any comments from residents with regard to refuse collection.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams and Cllr Mrs C Hinds informed that there had been certain comments, but in their opinion these were teething troubles.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams informed that he had been asked the question as to whether or not the Community Council would consider a land swap, between the two area of land.
The response from members was an emphatic “NO”.
The Clerk suggested that any such request should have been put in writing to the Community Council.
That the foregoing dialogue be noted.
The Chairman, Cllr D Williams informed that he had not had the opportunity to provide a monthly report, this he would provide to the February meeting.
The Clerk provided some further details of memorabilia for member’s consideration, in the form of coinage, and mugs.
It was agreed that the Sub Committee could consider suitable memorabilia and report back to the February meeting.
The Clerk advised that it would be necessary to place an order prior to the 1st April.
That Councillors Mrs E M Davies, Mrs C Hinds and Mrs L Vidamour along with the Clerk make a recommendation to the February / March meeting.
Klaus interfering in Penyffordd ward matters?
County Cllr Klaus Armstrong Braun for Saltney has been on site at the White Lion development at Penymynydd.
It appears last months emotional blubberings in front of the panel adjudicating for The Welsh Ombudsman might have been crocodile in nature.
Business as usual for Klaus?
It appears last months emotional blubberings in front of the panel adjudicating for The Welsh Ombudsman might have been crocodile in nature.
Business as usual for Klaus?
Friday, February 17, 2012
Newts stop White Lion Development
The ripping up of the hedges has been stopped.
I've got newts in my garden.
They're common newts as opposed to the protected great crested newts.
Adult newts only use water for courtship and breeding. The rest of the year they spend on dry land. ie. under hedges.
I've got newts in my garden.
They're common newts as opposed to the protected great crested newts.
Adult newts only use water for courtship and breeding. The rest of the year they spend on dry land. ie. under hedges.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Penyffordd Cancer Sufferer's battle for recovery.
David Hilton, 18, from Penyffordd, was just seven when he was found to be living with a non-malignant tumour called a cholesteatoma in his ear canal.
read further Flintshire Leader
read further Flintshire Leader
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
HSG1(51) New Housing Development White Lion, Penyffordd further
Someone a couple of feet away from me queries why a certain Mr and Mrs Hewitt could raise objections to the White Lion development whilst selling land for 224 houses down the road at Wood Lane Farm.
Perhaps it might help if I re read the document..............................
Development now passed, work has started. Anyone for a £400k house next to a busy main road?
How many tens of thousands of vehicles a day is that?
Traffic noise guaranteed in every garden.
I understand the village scribe Nigel is in the market. No need for the car to walk the dog in Penymynydd woods.
Very near the proposed Penyffordd allotments as well.
Naturally the miniscule affordable housing is nearest the main road.
There is to be noise mitigation. That's 6 foot high wooden fences to you and me.
I can also see White Lion estate being a rat run for Well House, Green Park and Tate estates each morning and evening.
keyword: Redrow
Someone a couple of feet away from me queries why a certain Mr and Mrs Hewitt could raise objections to the White Lion development whilst selling land for 224 houses down the road at Wood Lane Farm.
Perhaps it might help if I re read the document..............................
Development now passed, work has started. Anyone for a £400k house next to a busy main road?
How many tens of thousands of vehicles a day is that?
Traffic noise guaranteed in every garden.
I understand the village scribe Nigel is in the market. No need for the car to walk the dog in Penymynydd woods.
Very near the proposed Penyffordd allotments as well.
Naturally the miniscule affordable housing is nearest the main road.
There is to be noise mitigation. That's 6 foot high wooden fences to you and me.
I can also see White Lion estate being a rat run for Well House, Green Park and Tate estates each morning and evening.
keyword: Redrow
Why can't Penyffordd be designated a quiet area?
We have a bypass. There is no need for us to be a short cut between trunk roads.
Time for Penyffordd councillors to get passed the planting daffodils syndrome. After all environment means much more than just planting daffodils does it not?
Do any Penyffordd councillors have the vision?
Or are they all happy for Penyffordd to be a large short cut?
Quiet areas are going to happen in South Wales.
None for North Wales.
More of the usual north / south divide?
The Environmental Noise Directive requires the Government to take action to preserve environmental noise quality where it is deemed to be good.
read more Walesonline.
Time for Penyffordd councillors to get passed the planting daffodils syndrome. After all environment means much more than just planting daffodils does it not?
Do any Penyffordd councillors have the vision?
Or are they all happy for Penyffordd to be a large short cut?
Quiet areas are going to happen in South Wales.
None for North Wales.
More of the usual north / south divide?
The Environmental Noise Directive requires the Government to take action to preserve environmental noise quality where it is deemed to be good.
read more Walesonline.
Romans to march through Penyffordd?
Given that Penyffordd never existed at the time of the Roman conquest of the British Isles this would be quite a feat. However if Paul Harston's vision sees the light of day Penyffordd may yet see Roman soldiers marching through the streets.
All is revealed in The Flintshire Chronicle.
Link Roman Tours
keywords: gladiators, lions, councillors
White Lion Development
and off we go. The ink on the planning permission not yet dry. The clearance people are in ripping the hedges up.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Gosafe - Thank you
for your attendance this lunch time. Flintshire communities including Penyffordd deserve not to have traffic hammering through.
Thank you to who ever made it so.
ps. They're still hammering through in the morning at rush hour.
Thank you to who ever made it so.
ps. They're still hammering through in the morning at rush hour.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Cuckoo starts to return spring is on its way
I am not the only one whose spirits have flagged this last week with the cold and gloom. Michael McCarthy writes about Chris, Clement, Kasper, Lyster and Martin who have started their return to the British Isles. The above are the names given to five cuckoos fitted with tracking devices. The mystery of where cuckoo's go in Winter finally solved.
Link The Independent
Also it is possible to track the progress of each cuckoo here.
The cuckoos also have one of those blasted blogs that Penyffordd cllrs wish had never been invented.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
No news day
Everything's covered with ice except the road.
I have a garden project that requires finishing before March
So frost bite fingers this morning.
Still, council minutes out this coming week.
I have a garden project that requires finishing before March
So frost bite fingers this morning.
Still, council minutes out this coming week.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Penyffordd Community Council met last night
The new Penyffordd allotment was on the menu. Some one has put a spanner in the works last minute. Perhaps this has now been sorted.
Darts News
CLWYD County Darts team entertain Merseyside in the British Inter Counties Championship Division Four at Penyffordd Royal British Legion on Saturday.
Read further in The Flintshire Chronicle
Read further in The Flintshire Chronicle
Bernie says its all right
The Welsh Ambulance Service visited Connah’s Quay Town Council to discuss the changes which will see buildings in Flint, Holywell, Mold and Queensferry close – and a central hub in Dobshill opening in September or October.
Cllr Bernie Attridge of Connah's Quay said: “These are very exciting plans. From my point of view it is common sense. The residents I speak to are always full of praise for the paramedics and I would like to pass that on.”
Link Flintshire Chronicle
As previously mentioned the suburb of Upton in Chester has been reduced to a cacophony of emergency sirens every half hour with emergency vehicles leaving the Countess. Will Dobshill get the same noisy treatment?
Cllr Bernie Attridge of Connah's Quay said: “These are very exciting plans. From my point of view it is common sense. The residents I speak to are always full of praise for the paramedics and I would like to pass that on.”
Link Flintshire Chronicle
As previously mentioned the suburb of Upton in Chester has been reduced to a cacophony of emergency sirens every half hour with emergency vehicles leaving the Countess. Will Dobshill get the same noisy treatment?
White Lion Rat run ?
When White Lion is built I feel it will become a major short cut for Well House estate etc traffic wishing to get out the village each morning.
There is traffic calming planned for the development this will however not make the short cut unattractive.
I don't have to use Penyffordd Bypass first thing in the morning but there have been incidences in the past where traffic has been backed up from Penymynydd roundabout back to the railway station roundabout. This is partly due to the poor specification of Penymynydd roundabout.
Best to knock Tom's house down and build a larger roundabout with two entrances to the roundabout at each road............................... :)
There is traffic calming planned for the development this will however not make the short cut unattractive.
I don't have to use Penyffordd Bypass first thing in the morning but there have been incidences in the past where traffic has been backed up from Penymynydd roundabout back to the railway station roundabout. This is partly due to the poor specification of Penymynydd roundabout.
Best to knock Tom's house down and build a larger roundabout with two entrances to the roundabout at each road............................... :)
White Lion Development
In the Leader there is an announcement that the White Lion development has gone ahead. Quote from Cllr Chris Bithell. ( Mold county cllr)
"The affordable housing is 6% as opposed to the county guide lines of 30%"
Glyn Jones Head of Planning says it averages out for the village when joined together with the Wood Lane development.
"The affordable housing is 6% as opposed to the county guide lines of 30%"
Glyn Jones Head of Planning says it averages out for the village when joined together with the Wood Lane development.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Penyffordd Panto 2012
Clive Weed starring as the Dame in Little Red Riding Hood last week.
Link Pen-y-ffordd and Penymynydd War Memorial Institute
Link Pen-y-ffordd and Penymynydd War Memorial Institute
Penyffordd Virtual Village - It may take a little time to load
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Here is a project I started in 2007 that requires updating with such items as the two major housing developments. It also requires a place on the front page.
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Cllr Colin Bithell
I am informed that Colin's wife Faith has suddenly died. I am very thankful for the phone call. Current text will be edited out as a sign of respect. Condolences to Colin, family and friends.
keyword: death
keyword: death
A Conduct Quiz for Penyffordd Councillors ( and anyone else)
As mentioned previously Penyffordd councillors are to get much needed training on how to be a councillor by Flintshire Council Legal and Democratic Services.
So the question is :-
Each year Penyffordd Community Council hand out part our rates in the form of grants to local organisations. This last year Cllr Tom Jones recommended a certain organisation who previously enjoyed the same level of support as other adult organisations be excluded for the grants without explaining why to any councillor, chairman or clerk. ( Was Nigel phoned up by Tom to say how the hatchet job would be carried out? )
It would be fair to say that Cllr Tom Jones as political leader of Penyffordd Community Council used his position to bully other councillors in following his vindictiveness. ( some councillors of course would not need bullying but were shall we say "enthusiasts".
After the meeting I sought out Nigel Jones the clerk to the council to ask if any councillor had raised the apparent unfairness of this decision. Nigel assured me no councillor had raised any objection to the unfairness of decision. ( all the dirty work by councillors is done over the phone before the meeting)
Below are a list of conducts for councillors. The question is do the panel think that and rules of conduct have been broken? Just pretend you're The Ombudsman for Wales for 5 minutes.
The Penyffordd Conduct Quiz
• behaving in a way that negatively affects their authority’s reputation;
• using their position unfairly to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else – or to do someone else down;
• improper use of their authority’s resources;
• failing to declare an interest;
• bullying behaviour;
• failing to treat everybody equally; and
• revealing confidential information about individuals without good reason.
I'll give my answers shortly.
So the question is :-
Each year Penyffordd Community Council hand out part our rates in the form of grants to local organisations. This last year Cllr Tom Jones recommended a certain organisation who previously enjoyed the same level of support as other adult organisations be excluded for the grants without explaining why to any councillor, chairman or clerk. ( Was Nigel phoned up by Tom to say how the hatchet job would be carried out? )
It would be fair to say that Cllr Tom Jones as political leader of Penyffordd Community Council used his position to bully other councillors in following his vindictiveness. ( some councillors of course would not need bullying but were shall we say "enthusiasts".
After the meeting I sought out Nigel Jones the clerk to the council to ask if any councillor had raised the apparent unfairness of this decision. Nigel assured me no councillor had raised any objection to the unfairness of decision. ( all the dirty work by councillors is done over the phone before the meeting)
Below are a list of conducts for councillors. The question is do the panel think that and rules of conduct have been broken? Just pretend you're The Ombudsman for Wales for 5 minutes.
The Penyffordd Conduct Quiz
• behaving in a way that negatively affects their authority’s reputation;
• using their position unfairly to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else – or to do someone else down;
• improper use of their authority’s resources;
• failing to declare an interest;
• bullying behaviour;
• failing to treat everybody equally; and
• revealing confidential information about individuals without good reason.
I'll give my answers shortly.
Monday, February 06, 2012
Penyffordd Railway Station
Courtesy of Howell ( J H) Hughes of Penyffordd.
Howell is 88 years old and still fully active. He has lived in Penyffordd all his life. His grandfather was the late J P Griffiths who died in 1939 and was for many years the local reporter for the Chester Chronicle.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Fake Gatso Speed Cameras (apols its a rant as well)
It's been suggested by a couple of commentators that I look at fake gatso's to slow traffic down.
Note the grudging acceptance of the authorities. We will do little to slow the traffic down and we are not keen on you trying anything either. - (Sick Britain)
I have the skills thanks to Hawker Siddeley and Airbus to make a like for like copy of a gatso. I have the facilities here and elsewhere to manufacture one. A friend has a full workshop and a plasma cutter that I'm dying to have a go of. The fluorescent paint I'm sure can be found.
The effort involved would come to nought as some local would destroy it.
There's a certain attitude by a minority in the village who don't like going slow in the village. Call it the " Jeremy Clarkson effect " It's prevalent over the country.
When I stood up the road with CBM Chris Pullen with his speed camera four years ago someone stopped and asked him why he was wasting police time slowing down cars.
There's an element who go in Cllr David Wiliams local who complain to him about me because I stand up for Chester Rd residents, OAP's and children. They want to hammer through Chester Rd every morning.
Bizarrely we have a driving instructor who has complained to David about me complaining about speeding on our major route to school.
If he was brave enough to tell me, I'd try my best to get him struck off !
I'm just putting the car away this afternoon, someone goes past in a car with pink wheels pointing to the side of his head insinuating I have screws missing.
I've had my car damaged twice. The damage was aimed at me no other cars were involved. It's parked inside the now with cctv recording.
Penyffordd Community Council asked CBM Chris Pullen if "something could be done about me" Chris to his credit said I had a democratic right to complain.
So they then wrote to the Flintshire County Council head of legal services to ask them what could be done about me.
Then there was the secret council meeting to see what could me done about me. Dennis Parry ( ex county council leader) came along to the meeting so they had to cancel it.
I am forbidden by a father to talk to his son who lives up the road. This lad used to cycle straight into the main road without looking. CBM Chris Pullen saw him doing it too. Me talking to this lad ended up in accusations of me by his father.
He stopped short of calling me a pedo. He had been well wound up.
A sick cllr winding this parent up? He had my phone number which is ex directory.
Makes one wonder.
Then there was the local CBM telling Penyffordd Community Council that in 2008 5% of traffic in Chester Rd was breaking the speed limit. This had been fed to him by someone at Shire Hall. The real figure was 34%.
The community council would have much preferred the 5% figure. Did they complain about the misinformation? What do you think ? ( A sick council )
Oh I forgot, anonymous disturbing phone calls at night threatening violence to my wife.
BT a waste of space.
My wife received a blackmail letter before the last local elections in 2008. Warning her not to stand as a community cllr or else information would be made public. Who stands to gain from Lisa not standing?
Standing Penyffordd councillors of course.
I still have the black mail note. NWP and the returning officer refused to do anything about it.
Do you see any trend in the above goings on?
Anyway the good news is that Chester Rd is 5th on the list for traffic calming by Flintshire County Council. I intend to make sure any Cllr Tom Jones sabotage is fully documented. Local county bosses will be made fully aware of Cllr Tom Jones foot dragging before our turn.
Time for county councillors David Williams and Cindy Hinds to step up to the plate to help Chester Rd and Penyffordd to become fit to live in for OAP's , children and residents rather than a race track for Airbus, Broughton Retail traffic and HGV.
If Penyffordd Community Council ( Tom's gang ) drag their feet future generations will be able to read about it here. I'm currently writing Penyffordd history.
Note the grudging acceptance of the authorities. We will do little to slow the traffic down and we are not keen on you trying anything either. - (Sick Britain)
I have the skills thanks to Hawker Siddeley and Airbus to make a like for like copy of a gatso. I have the facilities here and elsewhere to manufacture one. A friend has a full workshop and a plasma cutter that I'm dying to have a go of. The fluorescent paint I'm sure can be found.
The effort involved would come to nought as some local would destroy it.
There's a certain attitude by a minority in the village who don't like going slow in the village. Call it the " Jeremy Clarkson effect " It's prevalent over the country.
When I stood up the road with CBM Chris Pullen with his speed camera four years ago someone stopped and asked him why he was wasting police time slowing down cars.
There's an element who go in Cllr David Wiliams local who complain to him about me because I stand up for Chester Rd residents, OAP's and children. They want to hammer through Chester Rd every morning.
Bizarrely we have a driving instructor who has complained to David about me complaining about speeding on our major route to school.
If he was brave enough to tell me, I'd try my best to get him struck off !
I'm just putting the car away this afternoon, someone goes past in a car with pink wheels pointing to the side of his head insinuating I have screws missing.
I've had my car damaged twice. The damage was aimed at me no other cars were involved. It's parked inside the now with cctv recording.
Penyffordd Community Council asked CBM Chris Pullen if "something could be done about me" Chris to his credit said I had a democratic right to complain.
So they then wrote to the Flintshire County Council head of legal services to ask them what could be done about me.
Then there was the secret council meeting to see what could me done about me. Dennis Parry ( ex county council leader) came along to the meeting so they had to cancel it.
I am forbidden by a father to talk to his son who lives up the road. This lad used to cycle straight into the main road without looking. CBM Chris Pullen saw him doing it too. Me talking to this lad ended up in accusations of me by his father.
He stopped short of calling me a pedo. He had been well wound up.
A sick cllr winding this parent up? He had my phone number which is ex directory.
Makes one wonder.
Then there was the local CBM telling Penyffordd Community Council that in 2008 5% of traffic in Chester Rd was breaking the speed limit. This had been fed to him by someone at Shire Hall. The real figure was 34%.
The community council would have much preferred the 5% figure. Did they complain about the misinformation? What do you think ? ( A sick council )
Oh I forgot, anonymous disturbing phone calls at night threatening violence to my wife.
BT a waste of space.
My wife received a blackmail letter before the last local elections in 2008. Warning her not to stand as a community cllr or else information would be made public. Who stands to gain from Lisa not standing?
Standing Penyffordd councillors of course.
I still have the black mail note. NWP and the returning officer refused to do anything about it.
Do you see any trend in the above goings on?
Anyway the good news is that Chester Rd is 5th on the list for traffic calming by Flintshire County Council. I intend to make sure any Cllr Tom Jones sabotage is fully documented. Local county bosses will be made fully aware of Cllr Tom Jones foot dragging before our turn.
Time for county councillors David Williams and Cindy Hinds to step up to the plate to help Chester Rd and Penyffordd to become fit to live in for OAP's , children and residents rather than a race track for Airbus, Broughton Retail traffic and HGV.
If Penyffordd Community Council ( Tom's gang ) drag their feet future generations will be able to read about it here. I'm currently writing Penyffordd history.
For every £1 the Coalition saves, the Bank of England spends £32.50 saving the banks.
Just so you know what's going on.
The excellent Slog
Just so you know what's going on.
The excellent Slog
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Surprise of the Week
The late Ian Darlington's house with granny flat on Hawarden Rd is currently 275 K.
The late Ian Darlington's house with granny flat on Hawarden Rd is currently 275 K.
Cllr Arnold Woolley- Flintshire Council Leader - Friend of Chester Rd
The commentator in the previous post reminds me that it is time I should pay homage to our council leader. This will not go down well with Labour or our crony councillors but the facts are these.
1. Cllr Woolley has paid attention to what has been happening in Chester Rd.
2. I have had the pleasure of his company at 7.45am on a weekday morning with his wife Paula doing speed checks on Chester Rd. A councillor from another ward paying attention to the daily abuse of Chester Rd by the hoards of traffic.
Yes unbelievable.
3. I have received regular emails encouraging me to continue to stick up for Chester Rd.
4. Lisa my wife and I have been to Shire Hall to his office to try and extract FOI traffic data requests from Highways. He spent an hour with us even though he must have 101 other things to do on any working day.
5. Chester Rd has made it to the qualifying list for traffic calming. It is hoped this will become a reality
A55 Warren bank exits which affect Chester Rd daily was a Labour led WAG exercise planned with a Labour led Flintshire County Council whilst Cllrs Tom Jones ( Independent) sat on his hands.
Who says political groups can't work together !
I hope Chester Rd gets the justice it deserves.
Cllr David Williams one of our county councillors was last time I looked a member of Cllr Arnold Woolley's Independent group on Flintshire County Council
In April 2007 Chester Rd had over 2000 vehicles breaking the 30 mph speed limit daily. No Penyffordd cllr has shown any interest in this data which is held by Flintshire County Council.
Klaus Further
Penyffordd has had enough of Klaus as well as many other Flintshire county councillors. An area of the village that was plagued by anti social behaviour was cured when a gate which opened was put across a public foot path. Total cost £1000 to the resident next to the footpath. Money well spent no harm done.
Along comes Klaus ( someone must have told him). The gate has got to come down. A meeting with Cllr David Williams gets no where. This is no criticism of David. Shall we be polite and say David's blood pressure was raised somewhat. Outcome : the gate came down.
Here is the excellent County Cllr Carolyn Thomas of Treuddyn having difficulties with Klaus
Alison Halford provides the best analysis of the recent proceedings here.
Link ( its half way down the page)
Saltney of course have had 4 horrible years of Klaus. The end result being the recent enquiry into his conduct.
Further link
Klaus scraped through by 5 votes at the last county elections
Perhaps Cllr Bernie Attridge who gets in uncontested can pop down to Saltney and do a bit of canvassing for who ever stands against Klaus if he stands?
Bernie could become a county hero overnight. Eternally thanked by cllrs of all persuasions.
Will Klaus change? Those who have had dealings with Klaus will be amazed that he was reduced to a blubbering wreck at the enquiry. Perhaps Klaus could see his reason for existence going down the plug hole.
Cllrs who will stand up when awkward questions need to be asked are essential ( we won't mention Penyffordd wine circle) Klaus over steps the mark though.
Perhaps there's a job for him being a storm trooper for the Ramblers Association. There's a lot of public footpaths and stiles that have been blocked or removed in Flintshire. I know a dozen to get him started. There's a women I know who has turned a footpath into a garden and a horse run with electrified fences in Llanfynydd .............
Along comes Klaus ( someone must have told him). The gate has got to come down. A meeting with Cllr David Williams gets no where. This is no criticism of David. Shall we be polite and say David's blood pressure was raised somewhat. Outcome : the gate came down.
Here is the excellent County Cllr Carolyn Thomas of Treuddyn having difficulties with Klaus
Alison Halford provides the best analysis of the recent proceedings here.
Link ( its half way down the page)
Saltney of course have had 4 horrible years of Klaus. The end result being the recent enquiry into his conduct.
Further link
Klaus scraped through by 5 votes at the last county elections
Perhaps Cllr Bernie Attridge who gets in uncontested can pop down to Saltney and do a bit of canvassing for who ever stands against Klaus if he stands?
Bernie could become a county hero overnight. Eternally thanked by cllrs of all persuasions.
Will Klaus change? Those who have had dealings with Klaus will be amazed that he was reduced to a blubbering wreck at the enquiry. Perhaps Klaus could see his reason for existence going down the plug hole.
Cllrs who will stand up when awkward questions need to be asked are essential ( we won't mention Penyffordd wine circle) Klaus over steps the mark though.
Perhaps there's a job for him being a storm trooper for the Ramblers Association. There's a lot of public footpaths and stiles that have been blocked or removed in Flintshire. I know a dozen to get him started. There's a women I know who has turned a footpath into a garden and a horse run with electrified fences in Llanfynydd .............
Friday, February 03, 2012
Who wants to live near me?
Each day you can be greeted by the happy smiling faces of Colin lolipop and me.
Traffic calming soon to be introduced unless
Oh forgot the property. A well modernised bungalow up to full spec with a large garage overlooking the countryside out back. The bungalow looks out over my pile.
The agent is Cavendish Ikin. You know how it is when a neighbour puts their house up for sale. You've just got to ask how much haven't you !
It's only had the sign put up today. Can't see it on Rightmove yet.
I'll have my walls painted by the time its sold ....................honest.
As someone who has lived here for 30 years I could mention all the plus and minus points but maybe not............................
Traffic calming soon to be introduced unless
Oh forgot the property. A well modernised bungalow up to full spec with a large garage overlooking the countryside out back. The bungalow looks out over my pile.
The agent is Cavendish Ikin. You know how it is when a neighbour puts their house up for sale. You've just got to ask how much haven't you !
It's only had the sign put up today. Can't see it on Rightmove yet.
I'll have my walls painted by the time its sold ....................honest.
As someone who has lived here for 30 years I could mention all the plus and minus points but maybe not............................
Pen-y-ffordd and Penymynydd War Memorial Institute website
Rumour has it that Clive Weed, Chairman of the Institute Committee is starring as the Dame in the panto.
Our Leaders continue to lead from the front
A minister ( Chris Huhne) allegedly tells blatant lies and has to resign.
A bank boss lines himself up with 8 million pounds of compensation.
He's had to drop one of the millions for now after protests !
A student loan boss gets his £180 K a year diverted to a private company
to allegedly avoid NI and Income Tax.
Top civil servants (16,000) have lined their pockets with billions of pension rights that didn't quite make it through parliament.
Pass the trough.
Politicians of the main parties continue to show they are not fit to govern.
A bank boss lines himself up with 8 million pounds of compensation.
He's had to drop one of the millions for now after protests !
A student loan boss gets his £180 K a year diverted to a private company
to allegedly avoid NI and Income Tax.
Top civil servants (16,000) have lined their pockets with billions of pension rights that didn't quite make it through parliament.
Pass the trough.
Politicians of the main parties continue to show they are not fit to govern.
The Weather
Is a little cold. Hawarden has recorded the lowest temperature in the country.
Cold fronts battling against not so cold fronts. They can't say properly whether it will be snow, sleet, black ice or rain.
A lovely picture of Hawarden Park in The Daily Post.
But if I look at the Met for Penyffordd weather its getting warmer by Sunday...................
Cold fronts battling against not so cold fronts. They can't say properly whether it will be snow, sleet, black ice or rain.
A lovely picture of Hawarden Park in The Daily Post.
But if I look at the Met for Penyffordd weather its getting warmer by Sunday...................
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Penyffordd schoolchildren celebrate Chinese new year
Headteacher Dawn Westaway said: “Each class has been studying a different country all year, and the reception children have been learning about China and Chinese culture.
Full story in The Flintshire Chronicle
Full story in The Flintshire Chronicle
Silly talk about Wales in The Guardian
A big joke in The Guardian. Wales supporting itself. The only way Wales can support itself is by taking the begging bowl to the EU. So our masters would be in Brussels instead of London and we would competing against the rest of Europe for crumbs from the table.
The EU by the way is on its way to bankruptcy if they don't sort them selves out.
It is a fact that Greek debts are that large they will never be repaid.
A commenter gets it just about right
Get real. I am Welsh born and bred - a significant percentage of us are on benefits, free school meals, there is a hugely disproportionate number working for the public sector - while Scotland MAY have a fighting chance with its oil, Wales is FULLY DEPENDENT on the Union. Prescription charges, hell even student fees are subsidised by England. This isn't about national pride but practicality - a huge proportion of Wales' citizens will not cope with having to fend for themselves.
Link Guardian
Speeding Update
ps. Gosafe. There are still loads of idiots hammering through the village at going to school time ( and Airbus shift time) ( as you know). There's a lot of motorists still not getting the message.
Can we have you back, same time, same place?
copied to Gosafe
Can we have you back, same time, same place?
copied to Gosafe
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Penyffordd Airspace
Penyffordd has had three of these flying over today on a few occasions. From full power low to formation. One presumes they were giving the N Wales coast around Harlech a rest. I think they are Hawks.
Alan Bevan, a friend from Hawarden was on a skiing holiday in Europe and got talking to a very fit looking crew cut American in the ski lift. It got around to where Alan lived. Alan said you won't know it really a place called Hawarden in N Wales.
It turned out the American knew Hawarden very well. He was a USA fighter pilot. It appears they have training dog fights with our chaps above N Wales.
Link Raf Valley
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
Is it tonight or next Wednesday? These things are kept top secret. The council board outside the post office is unreadable just like Tom likes it.
Here's some questions for you.
Do you know where to send a letter to the Penyffordd Community Council?
Do you know where to send an email to Penyffordd Community Council?
Cllr Williams' email doesn't count as he throws them in the bin if he doesn't like you. ( me)
Answers in the comment section.
Here's some questions for you.
Do you know where to send a letter to the Penyffordd Community Council?
Do you know where to send an email to Penyffordd Community Council?
Cllr Williams' email doesn't count as he throws them in the bin if he doesn't like you. ( me)
Answers in the comment section.
Penyffordd Mafia have their spies out
Tom wants to know who told me he was 85 years old
For the uninformed Penyffordd Mafia refers to Cllr Tom Jones' Independent Councillors. All you had to do was email me Tom and I would have told you. Doh! I forgot you hide your email from residents.
I've had two emails and someone told me in The Spar, Tom.
ps. If you're 86 before May you may still be a councillor when your 90 god forbid.
I think we could safely say then you're the oldest councillor in Wales or even the UK.
Perhaps a Guinness Book of Records job.
Speed Tales from Chester Rd
Yesterday when Gosafe were here a woman was going up the road at the 30 mph speed limit. Behind her was another woman who did not want to do the speed limit so she started to overtake, foot down to the floor. When she got level with the car she noticed the speed van and put her foot on the brakes. At the same time a vehicle was coming down in the hill.
So in the end she had to accelerate again braking the speed limit to get passed car she was over taking.
You may say Gosafe's fault.
Anyone overtaking up the hill risks a head on any way. She should loose her license for a few months. The irony being she will have most probably avoided a fine because of what she was doing and the way Gosafe setup the camera. I've been in the van for a full demo three years ago.
It is reckoned over 30 vehicles were caught yesterday
They are still hammering up the road today..........................
FWIW I think a warning sign should be put up for two weeks before speed calming is undertaken saying this community no longer tolerates speeding. But there you go its not up to us.
So in the end she had to accelerate again braking the speed limit to get passed car she was over taking.
You may say Gosafe's fault.
Anyone overtaking up the hill risks a head on any way. She should loose her license for a few months. The irony being she will have most probably avoided a fine because of what she was doing and the way Gosafe setup the camera. I've been in the van for a full demo three years ago.
It is reckoned over 30 vehicles were caught yesterday
They are still hammering up the road today..........................
FWIW I think a warning sign should be put up for two weeks before speed calming is undertaken saying this community no longer tolerates speeding. But there you go its not up to us.
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- Silly talk about Wales in The Guardian
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- Penyffordd Airspace
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
- Penyffordd Mafia have their spies out
- Speed Tales from Chester Rd