During the July council meeting discussing the promotion of local democracy Cllr Clive Weed stated " that running the Institute website is an enormous amount of work, he suggested that one person running a a council website would be too much work."
Quite frankly Clive talks "pants".
Prerequisites. An email from Scribe Nigel with last month's minutes and an email with the next meeting agenda.
1. Create a gmail account
2. Create a Blogger account
3. Disable comments
4. Press new post fill in title " Penyffordd Community Council Meeting Minutes July 2012 "
5. Copy ( Cntrl C ) Nigel's minutes into body.
6. Create label " Council Minutes ".
7. Publish
Time from No.1 to completion about 10 minutes
Cost to rate payer Zero.
Monthly time spent copying and pasting agenda and minutes, about 2 minutes.
Come on Clive ! Better is expected of you !
Stop the BS.
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If you want something a bit more fancy the person who does Treuddyn website is a good choice. The details are online with a search.
ReplyDeleteAfter careful consideration and a bottle of Becks perhaps I am being unfair to Clive. Let's make it 15 minutes to set up. More Cllr Clive Weed to come. More of a positive note though.
ReplyDeleteGreat!!! Now why can't Nigel the Scribe do that? It's not rocket science. Cllr's Bithell & Jones would like to keep us in the dark ages but we need to move into the 21st century. It's called progress Cllr's and as Colin has outlined above, it costs nothing and takes very little time.
ReplyDeleteAll Nigel needs to do is pass emails with agenda and minutes on to whoever runs the site. I think the WAG are behind moves to make Tom join the 21 century.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where Cllr. Weed gets the impression that it takes an enormous amount of time to run a website. You set it out as concisely as you could and you are so right. Once a simple blog is set up in blogger, it takes no time at all.
ReplyDeleteThere will be a statuatory requirement from WAG for Community Councils to have their own web sites by mid 2014. That is a web site not a blog as you have suggested. Writing a web site is either time consuming or expensive.
ReplyDeleteThe first move is to ask Wag exactly what the requirements will be. A resolution to this effect was put to the October Community Council meeting.
However it could turn out that a simple blog may suffice. In which case thanks are due to Colin for raising the matter.
Blogger can be simply setup with most components removed. Permissions can be granted for cllrs or whoever to update. The Penyffordd Council minute mentions an email address and a website minimum requirement . A blog is a website.
DeleteSeems to me many Penyffordd councillors stand for council on the understanding they are rarely bothered and attend a meeting once a month. Cllrs Jones plural, Davies plural, Bithell, Weed and Bell hide their email addresses. It was commented on here before last election that all the previous cllrs had email addresses.
Perhaps email contact to residents will involve too much work and hassle?
Cllrs Hinds, Vidamour and Williams have always made their email addresses available.
ReplyDeleteI should add this subject has been discussed at subsequent council meetings. The can may have been kicked further up the road.
ReplyDeleteAny Council worth its salt would have made good use of Colin Hugh's knowledge regarding the building and running of a Blog/Website. There are times when it should not be about personalities, it should be about community.
ReplyDeleteYes Tx. I've offered at least 4 times. I don't want paying, I don't even need to be mentioned. Tom's way is vote us in and just leave it to us. This has lead to minimum investment in the village. Last election Cllr Cindy Hinds got the most votes. However the Penyffordd electorate still voted in force for Tom's way.