cc Home Secretary, Minister for Policing.
Good Evening Chief Constable
The wind at last has died down, I've put my slates back on the roof. You should be careful of those that advise that I too have a few missing.
It doesn't seem 5 minutes but it must be over three years that Charles Hughes, Head of Engineering of Flintshire County Council sat opposite me at a meeting to discuss speeding traffic knowing full well that 2000 vehicles a day were breaking our village speed limit. He decided that this information was not relevant to the meeting
Then we had a surprise visit from your predecessor former Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom who managed a village audit that was 2 inches thick in pages without going near the thorny issue for Chester Rd of 2000 vehicles speeding each day.
Then we had Inspector Martin Best playing down traffic volumes and speeding in the village in The Chronicle last week.
I say playing down but really I mean misinforming, lying.
CBM Howie Williams our local bobby told our community council that speeding through the village was 5 % for June 2008 when he really should have said it was 34%. His apology is minuted, it only happened because my wife noticed the falsehood.
You can see the pattern here of course. Hide the data, tell falsehoods, put communities at risk, ignore their environments.
How far does this falsehood go to? The Home Office, The Welsh Assembly government?
Last night I put in two Freedom of Information requests, one to you ( NWP) which you replied to and another to that bunch of spiv management Gosafe ( The All Wales Safety Partnership) which has not been replied to as yet. I can imagine them in a meeting discussing ways that the data I have asked for can be denied yet again.
My question is. Are you comfortable with your partners Flintshire County Council and Gosafe hiding traffic speed data from communities such as Chester Rd, Penyffordd?
I hope you will take the time to consider this which is an issue in over 600 North Wales communities.
Colin Hughes
Chester Rd
copied to blog as a matter of public record
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