Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Penyffordd man in The Leader
Link The Leader
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
This letter on the short comings of North Wales Police from my perspective
Thank you Leader.
Dear Leader
Hugh Jones is a Road safety Officer for Flintshire County Council.
Postscript. North Wales Police made the figure up that was very wide of the mark and makes them look silly.
I wrote the above letter after a day clearing the shed and listening to regular weekend traffic hammering through Chester Rd. Also the other week end it sounded as if we were next to Oulton Park with the noise coming off the bypass as many 100's of motorcycle's with illegal exhausts flew down the bypass. You cannot hear the noise of a legal motorcycle which is travelling along the bypass.
Will anybody write a letter for or against my issues. We have too much apathy in this country.
Our financial futures
His comments are with regards recent "green shoots" in the US financial markets. They also apply to here. Colin I repeat is a trader and not a politician.
This is no blue sky rally. The bear market is taking a rain-check while equities undergo a period of hopeful exuberance. Unemployment is rising, however, and the economy contracting — albeit at a slower pace. Rallies are not always driven by improving fundamentals, but those that are not seldom last. Bear market rallies are mostly sparked by the contraction of short interest as an initial price surge forces shorts to cover. But unless joined by long-term investors, spurred by improving fundamentals, they soon run out of steam as the short interest dwindles.
The current up-trend has shown more stamina and cannot be dismissed as a typical bear market rally. Some long-term investors have obviously drunk the Kool-Aid. But how long will this last?
This is not a typical recession. Our global monetary (and banking) system is broken and we will have to invent a new one. The US, UK and Japan are accumulating debt at an alarming pace, with no serious prospect of repayment — other than monetizing the debt, which would cause hyper-inflation. The situation is massively unstable.
Enjoy the rally while it lasts. But bear in mind that it could end badly. And keep your stops tight.
Link Incredible Charts
Monday, July 27, 2009
Mr Buzzard

On our walks we see this magnificent bird that rides the thermals. They are a Welsh version of the vulture. Not too dissimilar to a small golden eagle. I say similar to the vulture who eat carrion but not quite, the buzzard is far more catholic in its tastes. Rabbits, moles, voles, frogs, birds, worms and anything carrion.
The buzzard has been badly treated by man up unto the 1970's. Make's one ashamed to be part of the same species. Times have changed however and their numbers have grown
The farmer where we walk uses the time honoured method of dealing with fallen stock. Leave it to the foxes, ravens, crows and buzzards. This is against the law and perhaps will disappear with new EU legislation for recording all activities of sheep from birth to abbatoir.
Less food perhaps for the undertakers in the natural world.
Lisa has nearly got used to seeing fallen sheep. I think she must be on her 20th.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
1st Penyffordd Guides

‘Guides is fun and cool. You go on trips and camps and try things like clothes design and archery and you get to have a say and do stuff that makes a difference, too. But the best part is you get to hang out with your friends and be yourself.’
Penyffordd Guides and Senior Section meet every Monday during term time at Penyffordd War Memorial Institute 7.30pm - 8.30pm. If you are interested please contact myself, Claire Walker on 01244 544647 or just turn up.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
An email to Inspector Martin Best of North Wales Police
Jim Moore All Wales Safety Partnership.
Dear Martin,
Congratulations on your new position as District Inspector for Mold, Buckley and Penyffordd. I hope you enjoy your time here as Police Inspector. I've been in the shed this morning sorting through 20 years of items that " might come in handy". A look on Ebay shows I have a few surprises to sell. Nearly every minute or two you can hear cars flying through the village, its Saturday morning no police presence and they all know it. They have no respect for Chester Rd, Penyffordd whatsoever.
You might like to visit Cllr Sharps' domain in Northop Hall and see how he has stopped any speedy rat runs through his manor. You might then like to visit Rossett that is exactly the same as Penyffordd. An old trunk road that has been succeeded by a bypass. Notice the 20 mph bumps and limits.
Then back to Chester Rd, Penyffordd which is wide open and used by over a 1000 vehicles each day as a short cut to and from Broughton and beyond. There used to be 2000 vehicles speeding through Penyffordd each day but now its nearer 1000 due to the credit crunch and articles and letters that have appeared in The Evening Leader.
There appears to be an unofficial moratorium on speeding by North Wales Police. Flintshire County Council have a variable moratorium on speed bumps ( an oxymoron?) Arrive Alive have disappeared off the planet in name and function.
I remain to committed to living in a village centre and not a race track. I hope you can help transform Chester Rd back into a village centre environment.
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
ps CBM Howie Williams suggested pushing back the speed limit up the hill which is a really excellent suggestion. I hope you can help our county councillors push this.
pps Hugh Jones Safety Officer for Flintshire County Council has two sets of traffic data for Chester Rd but his bosses won't let me have a copy because it's that bad.
ppps. Can we have speeding put on here please.
copied to blog
Friday, July 24, 2009
Best Kept Village Flintshire
Or perhaps the morning rat run?
The winners of this year’s Environmental Competition have been announced.
Best kept village under 1,000 population:
First prize: Ffrith
Equal second: Llanfynydd and Llanasa
Certificate of Merit: Ysceifiog
Best kept community over 1,000 population and under 5,000:
First prize: Caerwys
Equal second: Northop
Certificate of Merit: Higher Kinnerton
Best kept town centre with a population of over 5,000:
First prize: Holywell
Equal second: Mold and Mynydd Isa
Certificate of Merit: Buckley
Best kept senior citizens’ estate:
First prize: Och'r y Bryn, Halkyn
Second prize: Llys Mostyn, Trelawnyd
Equal third prize: Bryntirion, Rhewl, Mostyn and Blaenwern, Gwernymydydd
Certificates of Merit: Belvedere Court, Queensferry, Stoneleigh Close, Garden City and Hafan Deg, Treuddyn.
Link Flintshire County Council
Coloured Water
Info Jim in the Penyffordd Post Office.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A Letter to The Leader
Early this year I stood with my wife Lisa and two very excitable english bull terriers the other side of a rickety gate that could have blown down with a feather opposite 10 cows and their calves. I did not realise what peril we were in.
The Letter
Penyffordd District
The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail Robin Page - Cows
The Telegraph - David Blunkett
Vet trampled to death
The Guardian
The Daily Post
Blunkett has been inundated with messages from people who have suffered similar attacks. "I have had letters flooding in - from people telling me about personal experiences, family experiences, who have been in hospital for three weeks after an incident, who have had family members killed, and a couple of letters from people whose dogs were crushed," he said. People had also thanked him for drawing attention to the problem: "If I hadn't been who I am, no one would know about it. Although I went to hospital I doubt they would have reported it. There is usually a category for road traffic accident - but for being crushed by a cow?"
Evening Leader website is back up
Evening Leader website still down
Temporary News Link here
Some bloggers have moved servers to outside UK jurisdiction to escape any legal challenge by individuals to their blog content. Moving 100,000's of files to different computers maintaining the correct structure, not for the faint hearted.
Currently all my links to Evening Leader articles are also down. One hopes they can get them working again. Flintshire County Council recently changed their website. I suspect they have 1000's of dead links on Google. Perhaps they just work out of the system through indexing.
Swine flue precautions
Those at risk of fatal reactions to the swine flu appear to be pregnant women, people who have underlying health issues. People with compromised immune systems.
Wikipedia says
- Prevention of human to human transmission
Influenza spreads between humans through coughing or sneezing and people touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth.[76] Swine flu cannot be spread by pork products, since the virus is not transmitted through food.[76] The swine flu in humans is most contagious during the first five days of the illness although some people, most commonly children, can remain contagious for up to ten days. Diagnosis can be made by sending a specimen, collected during the first five days for analysis.[77]
Recommendations to prevent spread of the virus among humans include using standard infection control against influenza. This includes frequent washing of hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after being out in public.[78] Chance of transmission is also reduced by disinfecting household surfaces, which can be done effectively with a diluted chlorine bleach solution.[79] Although the current trivalent influenza vaccine is unlikely to provide protection against the new 2009 H1N1 strain,[80] vaccines against the new strain are being developed and could be ready as early as June 2009.[81]
Experts agree that hand-washing can help prevent viral infections, including ordinary influenza and the swine flu virus. Influenza can spread in coughs or sneezes, but an increasing body of evidence shows small droplets containing the virus can linger on tabletops, telephones and other surfaces and be transferred via the fingers to the mouth, nose or eyes. Alcohol-based gel or foam hand sanitizers work well to destroy viruses and bacteria. Anyone with flu-like symptoms such as a sudden fever, cough or muscle aches should stay away from work or public transportation and should contact a doctor for advice.
Social distancing is another tactic. It means staying away from other people who might be infected and can include avoiding large gatherings, spreading out a little at work, or perhaps staying home and lying low if an infection is spreading in a community. Public health and other responsible authorities have action plans which may request or require social distancing actions depending on the severity of the outbreak.
Possible carriers: The Postman, shop assistants, The Post Office, The Spar.
Airbus workers. Broughton Tesco customers, assistants.
Possible objects. Your friends mobile phone, computer, money, post.
Link Wikipedia Swine Flu
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Businesses volunteer help St John the Baptist Church, Penymynydd
When the pathways at St John the Baptist Church, Penymynydd, churchyard became impassable the church struggled to find funding to restore the hazardous paths.
Church warden Andrew Bronnert said: “It is rare for there to be a churchyard still open for burials but the old pathways have made access difficult for people visiting and tending graves.
“The ground has also caused damp in the church building itself.”
Nearby Hanson Cement, formerly Castle Cement, stepped in and donated cash for materials to get the project up and running.
Work started in the grounds of the grade two listed church to replace the paths, improve the drainage and alter the ground to prevent further damage.
As word spread, Marshall Paving, Travis Perkins, Read Construction, AH Plant Hire, Scarfo & Sons and DP Williams all came forward to offer their help.
Vicar, the Rev Paulette Gower held a special service recently to thank the local businesses for their generosity.
I've taken the unusual step of copying all this story from The Evening Leader website instead of pointing you in the direction of their pages. The Leader are currently struggling to get their new website up and running, this is from a temporary blogging site they have set up. Hope you get it sorted shortly Leader. The sort of stuff they must be involved in changing must involve tens of thousands of files, plenty of programming code change, rocket science stuff.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Swine Flu gets nearer
AIRBUS is refusing to comment on reports of a swine-flu outbreak at its Broughton plant.
More than 6,000 people work at the wing-making plant, and the Evening Leader has been told that about 10 employees are off work with suspected cases of the virus.
Link The Evening Leader full story
In my opinion Airbus who are currently saying "mind your own business we are not telling you" are guilty of breaking their corporate stated commitment to local environment.
A Letter published in The Leader
Link The Leader
As a rate payer I have a right to argue for certain courses of action. Penyffordd will nearly double in size should Flintshire UDP be implemented in its curent form. Double in size will mean more trouble with youth and more traffic passed my house.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Inspector's report on Flintshire UDP
Flintshire County councillors voted to accept the inspector's decision.
It has been suggested elsewhere the site may be a good place to house an ambulance base.
Upton, Chester environment has been ruined by the constant sound of sirens as ambulances go and leave the hospital. Is this in store for Dobshill residents?
If I lived there I would prefer houses over ambulance sirens.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wasps 1 - Colin 0
Exit stage left over nettles, compost bins and branches half blind with wasps following in hot pursuit.
Lips and nose are swollen. The discomfort is worse on the second day. A lot of people would be out to destroy the nest, not me. We have at least three nests in the garden. I have one in my greenhouse. They just fly over my head. They will be gone at the end of the year. Live and let live.
Humans abuse their powers unnecessarily.
Currently looking a little like Miss Piggy.
Nose and lips getting bigger.......... 26 hours on.
Link Wasp Stings
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The selecting of a new Chief Constable for North Wales
Dear Evening Leader and Daily Post
The so called traffic taliban leader has been a toothless wonder, far too interested in media attention with no interest in accountability to communities. His inflated reputation far ahead of what he actually achieved.
North Wales Police view of crime in Penyffordd
Obviously it's natural for your complaint to go nowhere.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Cllr Colin Bithell steps out for a curry

Cllr Colin Bithell was amongst a delegation of local leaders who met a business delegation from Bangladesh at Country Spice in Hope. Flintshire County Council Leader Cllr Arnold Woolley and Cllr Cliff Shone of Hope were also at the curry bash.
Link Leader Online Photo Sales
You can't beat The Bengal Dynasty for quality. If its good enough for Sir Anthony Hopkins its good enough for Lisa and me. We have a take out normally. We can then stretch it over two days as the meal is too big for one go. An Indian with starters is too much for one sitting for us.
Link Bengal Dynasty
Best Village Competition
A 1000 speeders each day do not count in the proceedings...........................
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Planning Alerts
Carl Sargeant AM lobbies Welsh Assembly Transport Minister
Quote " I know that speeding vehicles are a concern to many of my constituents and I hope that the new guidance will instruct local authorities to act quickly in local hot spot areas where the speed of vehicles equates to a danger within the community."
I think over a 1000 speeders a day qualifies.
keywords: Cllr Tony Sharps, Chief Executive Colin Everett, Carl Langland Director of Environment.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Motorcyclist killed near Penyffordd

The straight to Pontblyddyn is behind. The lodge to the estate on the right. The motorcycle and 4x4 accident reference marks where they finished up after the accident are all in the right hand lane. There are a trail of marks where the motorcycle skidded or somersaulted along the right hand lane.

A motorcyclist has been fatally injured in a crash with a car at 10.00 pm last night on the outskirts of Penyffordd district. Witnesses are asked to come forward. This accident is the second within a month at this point in the road. The other accident involved a collision of five vehicles.
Postscript: There have been numerous accidents along this stretch of the road over the years. What will the police and FCC do about it? Nothing.......................
Link The Evening Leader
Portsmouth goes 20 mph
Link The Guardian
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Quote of the day
Guido Fawkes
In The Evening Leader
"Calls to lower speed limit on Flintshire road after 51 crashes in 6 years"
Speed campaigner Colin Hughes from Penyffordd has backed the calls, saying it was a "miracle" that no-one had been killed on the road.
He added: "51 accidents in six years is staggering. I can't see why the speed limit can't be changed. Alarm bells should have been ringing in the councils ears well before the total number of accidents reached that number.
"I am calling on Flintshire Council to do a wholesale audit of speed limits across the county before the situation gets even worse."
Link: The Evening Leader
keyword: Cllr Tony Sharps.
Keeping people informed
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
County Council Reports - Cllr David Williams
April 2009
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
( my reply in red)
Web Site. - The Web site should be ready for viewing and building up by the meeting and should be found on, or
The actual address will be advised at the meeting.
Re Generation of Village. – Employment/Business opportunities & recreation.
Second meeting with Dave Heggarty still to be arranged and as a result of the meeting with the director of the environment it is intended to also include the senior strategic development control officer, Andy Roberts.
The response from prospective businesses has been rather disappointing and I would be grateful of assistance in getting any names of people or businesses who would like to be based in Pen-y-ffordd or work in the ward in an unsatisfactory environment
Leisure Strategy.
The response I sent to this document is enclosed and I would hope that more members of the council can canvas the authority to provide more leisure space in Pen-y-ffordd, and publicise this matter as much as possible in the community.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View. – Still under investigation by the Director of the environment..
New Bus stop,
Speeding Matters. – Director of the Environment asked to set up site meeting with senior Highways officers and other Council members will be invited when the meeting is arranged.
Flintshire County Council hold two sets of traffic data recorded over periods of 10 days. At that time approximately 2000 vehicles were speeding through Chester Rd each day. Flintshire County Council at the time of writing have refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Enquiry for the above data. The reason being that everything I say about speeding through Chester Rd Penyffordd is correct.
Parking outside stepping stones. – Will be discussed at this meeting.
Crossing & footpath - Hope Green Nursery. – Work underway and is expected to be complete by next week.
HGVs Using the Village. - More inaccurate claims of speeding HGVs where Alan skip drivers have not only been publicly described by a resident as ‘scum bags’ and’ idiots’, they are now ‘cowboys’!. The actions of this individual are a disgrace and he is doing real harm to a serious issue with the false accusations and abrasive manner. I wish to distance myself from anything this man states and hope the Community Council as a united body can do the same. The Manager of Alan skips has given his assurance that he will cooperate with our community and if there are any problems they can be discussed with him in a cordial and polite manner which will obviously have a more positive effect.
I am the author of the above remarks. It is a fact that Alan Skips drivers used to hurl through the village. The means justify's the result. Alan Skip's now respect our community.
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise – Estimates around 8K have been provided. As yet I am not fully aware of exactly what these are for, but have been informed that the housing department is making further inquiries.
Roundabout Landscaping. – At the meeting with Mr Longland, he asked if the Community Council would be prepared to contribute to a possible scheme and I would like to ask members to consider this matter.
Strydd Isa – Contact to be made with police and authority to see what can be done.
March 2009
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
Web Site. - The Web site should be ready for viewing and building up by the meeting and should be found on, or
The actual address will be advised at the meeting.
Re Generation of Village. – Employment/Business opportunities & recreation.
Second meeting with Dave Heggarty still to be arranged and as a result of the meeting with the director of the environment it is intended to also include the senior strategic development control officer, Andy Roberts.
The response from prospective businesses has been rather disappointing and I would be grateful of assistance in getting any names of people or businesses who would like to be based in Pen-y-ffordd or work in the ward in an unsatisfactory environment
Leisure Strategy.
The response I sent to this document is enclosed and I would hope that more members of the council can canvas the authority to provide more leisure space in Pen-y-ffordd, and publicise this matter as much as possible in the community.
Dog fouling bins. - Bins are now in place and at least one thank you e-mail has been received expressing gratitude to the Community Council and Cindy for the efforts. .
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View. – The Director of the environment is to investigate these problems personally and details can be found in the enclosed copy of the meeting discussions.
New Bus stop,
Speeding Matters. – Director of the Environment asked to set up site meeting with senior Highways officers and other Council members will be invited when the meeting is arranged. Parking outside stepping stones. – Will be discussed at this meeting.
Crossing & footpath - Hope Green Nursery. – Work programmed to start on 16th March. Dropped kirb also to be installed outside Manor fields.
HGVs Using the Village. - More inaccurate claims of speeding HGVs where Alan skip drivers have not only been publicly described by a resident as ‘scum bags’ and’ idiots’, they are now ‘cowboys’!. The actions of this individual are a disgrace and he is doing real harm to a serious issue with the false accusations (the accusations are not false. At the invitation of a previous director of Alan Skips I went down to their headquarters in Bretton. If lorries were going to to continue speeding through the village as they did the above terms were correct in my opinion. Speeding by 20 ton lorries in villages is dangerous and if management can't control their workers the above terms are correct. Thankfully Alan Skips have seen sense and their lorries now use the bypass ) . and abrasive manner. I wish to distance myself from anything this man states and hope the Community Council as a united body can do the same. The Manager of Alan skips has given his assurance that he will cooperate with our community and if there are any problems they can be discussed with him in a cordial and polite manner which will obviously have a more positive effect.
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise – Estimates around 8K have been provided. As yet I am not fully aware of exactly what these are for, but have been informed that the housing department is making further inquiries.
Roundabout Landscaping. – At the meeting with Mr Longland, he asked if the Community Council would be prepared to contribute to a possible scheme and I would like to ask members to consider this matter.
Strydd Isa – Contact to be made with police and authority to see what can be done.
FCC Highways service
Re. Meeting of Carl Longland & David Williams –
Mr Longlands impression was that this was probably more of a civil matter, but as the council had been involved for so long and there were possibly issues that may have partial responsibility of the council. CL undertook to speak to relevant Officers to ascertain the Council’s role in taking the matter further.
An attempt was made to bring Mr Hughes into the discussion but as he was not available. Mr Longland would discuss it with him at the first opportunity. Following communication with the affected resident on Friday 27 February, a further e-mail and letter has been sent to Mr Hughes.
2. Bus Stop Charles Hughes, Bavid Blainey & Mark Betts
Mr Longland was provided with a breakdown of communication and correspondence that went back to May 2007. He expressed concern over the level of service and would investigate the problems. Mr Longland was informed that work had now started but progress was slow. He was also concerned that busses may still not stop there as ultimately it is the commercial bus operators’ decision to do so and the bus stop may interfere with the overall service of the route.
3. Previous information problems for location of drainage run & sewers
Mr Longland was shown difficulties that I personally had obtaining information in the past and he explained that many plans were rather dated and not always accurate. Concern expressed over how long it took to make the necessary investigations to obtain the information required, but it was concluded that this was a problem of several years ago and not really pertinent to current issues. Ways of improving the promptness in responding to enquiries made by the general public would be looked into though.
4. Village sewage problem Planning
Mr Longland was shown a letter sent by local resident Mrs Jane Hopwood to planning over sewage problems. He expressed concern that the resident had had no response and would investigate the reasons. A discussion also took place over the general problems of the existing sewage system being unable to cope with the current demands on it. Mr Longland intended to check the conditions for Meadowslea development to ensure provision was being made so as not to cause further problems. A discussion also took place over the report by a resident near
5. Residents Ombudsman request over private road construction. –
Dave Faulkner, Vinden Jones & Paul Traynor
As this matter had been investigated by senior officers in the past, Mr Longland was reluctant to involve himself and it was decided the best course of action would be to take the matter to the ombudsman as recommended by Mr Barry Davies.
6. Speeding – Dobshill, Pen-y-ffordd Bypass and
The problem was discussed and it was decided that Mr Faulkner was dealing with the matters quite adequately given the constraints he had to work to. Mr Longland would speak to Mr Faulkner to request Dobshill be dealt with as a priority and was asked to arrange a site meeting to view other areas such as the bypass and
Speeding in Chester Rd continues wholesale.
7. Roundabout Landscape – Derek Kirby
Mr Longland expressed concern that there had been no response to my inquiries made last October and would look into the reasons why there had been no response. General discussions took place over the practicality of various forms of landscaping of roundabouts and the question was put over the possibility of the community council making a contribution towards the cost. Hopefully the Community Council would be agreeable and Mr Longland was to be informed.
8. Correspondence problems with Planning. Glyn Jones
Mr Longland was informed of many problems over the planning department not responding to correspondence and was provided with letters that had not been replied to. He therefore undertook to investigate the problem.
9. Re-Generation. Dave Heggarty
It was established that recreation matters was the responsibility of Lifelong Learning but for regeneration involving strategic land-use planning around recreation, building and business development issues it would be best to work with Andy Roberts. The intention now is to try to set up a meeting with Mr Roberts once business interests in the village have been investigated and established.
Jan 2009
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
Web Site.
It is hoped that the Web site will be up and running by the end of the month.
HGVs Using the Village.
Claims that Alans Skip wagons have been driving recklessly through the village have been made. I followed one of the wagons through the village that it was claimed was speeding but driver exercised extreme caution throughout the route and stopped to allow school children to cross the road outside the youth club. I do not condone HGVs using the village as a short cut but take exception when I hear them described as ‘Idiots’ and ‘Scum bags’ which does our argument no good whatsoever. Mr Hasall, the Company Manager is endeavouring the ensure his drivers use the bypass, but if they do have to use the village they should make sure they drive carefully. Any offenders should be reported to me or Mr Hasall. I most certainly will. It is important to note there has been a marked improvement with regards Alan Skip Hire. They nearly all now avoid the village. Well done David.
Re Generation of Village. – Employment/Business opportunities & recreation.
Second meeting with Dave Hegarty to to be arranged for early March. Any council member or member of the public who know of businesses seeking premises or suggestions of land for recreation would be welcome so they may be put to the head of re-generation at this meeting. Poster now in post office.
With the new leisure strategy that is hoped will be approved by March, large new recreation areas are proposed. It is up to our community to put forward the strongest argument possible to be part of this venture
Dog fouling bins – top of Penymynnydd road. - Bins at top of Penymynydd road still not in place. Hilary Williams now responsible and she is in receipt of the latest communication.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View. – Council completed all tests which indicates the problems is a result of actions of an individual resident. Meeting arranged with Engineers and resident concerned during half term. Legal department are also dealing with the matter..
New Bus stop,
Speeding Matters.
Village access only sign request. – Still no progress, but still being pursued.
Corwen/Rhos road. – Awaiting Arrive Alive involvement.
Wrexham Road and Petition – Very disappointing and negative response to petition see attached letters and response I have sent to Mr Faulkner.
Dobshill – Slow progress but at least some is being made. See attached letter.
Parking outside stepping stones. - Still not prioritised but in hand.
Crossing & footpath - Hope Green Nursery. – Work programmed for construction of footpath and central refuge in the first week of March. See attached letter.
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise – Security company visited flats on appointment by Housing to give estimates for further security measures such as intercom’s. Awaiting estimates.
Jan 2009
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
Re Generation of Village.
Employment Opportunities.
Poster to be put up locally asking for anybody needing business premises (office or workshop) to make contact to put pressure on Council to make more local provision. This will not happen over night but a start needs to be made now.
Land needs to be identified for possible recreation space and pressure put on the authority to acquire the land for recreation use following the open space survey provided in last meeting. Suggestions welcome!
Dog fouling bins – top of Penymynnydd road. - Bins at top of Penymynydd road still not in place. Contact to be made this week with Harvey Mitchell to establish the problem/delay.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View. - Drainage pipes have been rodded and moves now in place to take remedial action to prevent further flooding.
New Bus stop,
Speeding Matters.
Village access only sign request. – Still no progress, intend to contact Dave Faulkner to reconsider installation of signs below village entrance/exit signs.
Corwen/Rhos road. – Contact now been made with Arrive Alive who I hope will do some monitoring between the Red Lion and the Station Roundabout.
Wrexham Road – A petition has gone round requesting a review of the speed limit from
Dobshill – Good news in that following my meeting with Dave Faulkner he has visited the area and is in the process of taking steps to improve the situation.
Parking outside stepping stones. - Still awaiting prioritising by director and executive member.
Crossing outside Hope Green Nursery. - Letter sent to Dave Faulkner for advice on when the work is likely to start.
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise – Families of residents I have spoken to seem reasonably happy with security arrangements now in place. Residents are urged to keep council informed over any problems.
Dec 2008
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
To avoid excessive AOB, it may be more appropriate to discuss these items as part of Correspondence.
Speeding Matters.
Village entrance signage. – Still awaiting reply from Charles Hughes over access only signs
Corwen/Rhos road. – Awaiting response off Charles Hughes, and request made to Arrive Alive to check the area.
Dobshill – Good news in that Council has finally accepted that there is a problem They will be reviewing the area as a matter of urgency and in order to make a start I have asked for the removal of the de-limiting signs from the ridiculous positions, especially on the lamp posts on the roundabout.
Dog fouling bins – top of Penymynnydd road.
Unable to visit sites that Cindy has requested and would appreciate feedback from others so I ma chase up.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View.
Ditch now clear and next stage of work underway.
Correspondence with FCC.
Problems brought to attention of Chief executive and awaiting response.
Footpath –
Request made to tidy up grass area around the footpath.
New Bus stop,
Order for commencement of work has been put in and should start very soon.
Waiting restrictions, Penymynydd.
Still under consideration by highways and awaiting response from Charles Hughes
Crossing outside Hope Green Nursery.
Agreed commencement of work.
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise –
Maintenance officer has visited properties and is in the process of carrying out various improvements. Lighting now appear to be to the satisfaction of the residents I have spoken to.
Re Generation of Village.
Dave Hegerty in possession of village plans and ambitions and awaiting appointment of consultant for to move to next stage.
Employment Opportunities.
If Members could explore any small businesses who would like units or office space in the village, please let me k now so that I can make planning aware of the demand.
Nov 2008
County Council Report – Cllr David Williams
Speeding Matters.
Village entrance signage. – Written to Charles Hughes again requesting re-consideration, awaiting reply
Corwen/Rhos road. - Request made to Charles Hughes to re-visit area.
Dobshill – Petition handed to me over speeding concerns that have been forwarded to highways. Request made to Dave Faulkner who has promised to look into the problems and see what can be done on receipt of the Welsh Assembly revised guidance that is imminent.
Dog fouling bins – top of Penymynnydd road.
Cindy has sent plan and I have backed it up with my own request for this area wher I have had specific and repeated requests. Awaiting reply off Harvey Mitchell.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View.
Ditch to be cleared next week as a start. Once clear the area will be reviewed over next course of action.
Correspondence with FCC.
Complaints by residents and local
Matter to be brought to the attention of the Chief executive
Footpath –
Completed and appreciation expressed by several local residents..
New Bus stop,
Temporary hard standing opposite
Waiting restrictions, Penymynydd.
Still under consideration by highways.
Crossing outside Hope Green Nursery.
Agreed by Dave Faulkner to extend the footpath either side of the road and put a central refuge. Altering the speed limit may still be a problem but he will
Security of Pensioners flats, Meadow rise – Written to Head of Housing to request intercoms and possible bars on rear widows as requested by one of the residents. Reply from Housing is that a maintenance officer will visit the properties and see what can be done.
Re Generation of Village.
Very useful meeting with Dave Hegerty & Mel Higham from re-generation on 1st November.
Will support wherever possible.
Expecting a Part time consultant to be employed who is experienced in these matters and will make contact to support when in position.
Very impressed with Peny and suggest a closer working relationship with Community Council for future ventures.
Advises to identify clear aims and prioritise
For local business premises, get a list of potential occupiers.
Pen-y-ffordd Re-Generation Aims.
Current facilities.
· Butchers, Hairdressers, Chemists, Spar. British legion, one public house open, one closed.
· Youth Centre in badly maintained old school. Scout hut in old brick building with suspicion of asbestos roof. War Memorial institute.
· One full sized football field, playing fields, MUGA pitch under construction funded by local group.
· Three senior football teams, Cricket team, 16 Junior football teams, Scout group with various branches. Guides, Dance group, Choir, and various other local groups.
· Identify and purchase land for recreation for two football pitches and a cricket square.
· Renovation of youth club which is old school and the only building of local interest remaining in the village.
· Identify land for development of small industrial units and office space.
· Further improvement of existing play areas.
Playspace and outdoor sports and recreation space survey results for Pen-y-ffordd Ward.
| Minimum required | Actual |
Outdoor Youth & Adult space. | 5.9 (ha) | 0.85. |
Equipped Childrens Playspace. | 0.69 (ha) | 0.7 |
Childrens Freespace. | 2.1 (ha) | 1.15 |
| | |
Oct 2008
County Council Report – Cllr David Wiliams
Speeding Survey results,
See results sheet. Disappointing response. Members to take and consider. Still awaiting Hawarden Road & Dobshill
Dog fouling bins – top of Penymynnydd road.
Letter off Harvey Mitchel who enclosed copy of letter to community council requesting location details last April – still waiting instruction.
Flooding – Alyn Drive/West View.
Complaint to Carl Longland plus leader and two other senior officers.
Sand bags provided to protect shed.
Footpath –
No progress as yet – to pursue before next meeting.
Arrangements for speed control, Corwen/Rhos road, Pen-y-ffordd.
Needs reviewing following survey.
New Bus stop,
David Blainey sorting out but no progress as I am aware. Suggestions from members!?
Village entrance signage.
Negative response from Charles Hughes. Intend to still pursue.
Waiting restrictions, Penymynydd.
Under consideration by highways.
Crossing outside Hope Green Nursery.
Arranging site meeting with Dave Faulkner. Looking towards exrendoing footpath and moving speed limit. Suggestions from members!?
Re Generation of Village.
Meeting to be set up with Dave Hegerty & Mel Higham from re-generation over possibility of funding & grant aid. Awaiting date off Mel and after initial meeting to explore possibilities, will put to members and hopefully future meetings will involve Cindy and Members interested.
- Doing something about youth club building
- Identifying land for recreation for consideration as part of UDP and leisure strategy currently being put together.
- Consideration of small office and industrial units to cater for existing business working in unsatisfactory conditions, encourage new employers and create local employment opportunities following hospital closures.
- Further improvement of Playing fields with more facilities and seating area.
Contacted Derek Kirby from Highway strategy to consider landscaping of roundabouts with low maintenance shrubs and trees.
Pen-y-ffordd & District Traffic Survey results
Question | Response | Response |
Is there a problem? | Yes - 4 | No - 4 |
Where is the problem? | Leaving | |
When is it worst? | Early Mornings and tea time. | |
Happy with speed humps? | Yes - 4 | No - 4 |
Suggestions! | Fixed speed camera (3), Single lane (1) Move 30 mph back (1) Nothing needed (1) | |
Short Cut aware | Yes - 6 | No - 2 |
Suggested solutions | Take more measures to reduce speeding, so deter use of short cut. (2) Weight restriction (2) |
Corwen/Rhos road Forms out - 42 returned - 5.
Question | Response | Response |
Is there a problem? | Yes - 5 | No - 0 |
Where is the problem? | Red Lion to roundabout | |
When is it worst? | Any time 2, Mornings & evenings 3 | |
Happy with speed humps? | Yes -5 | No - 0 |
Suggestions! | Speed traps (2) activated sign (1) Speed limit sign (1) | |
Short Cut aware | Yes - 4 | No - 1 |
Suggested solutions | Parking restrictions on Rhos road (1). Speed cameras & sleeping policemen (1). Activate signs (2). Access only signs (1) |
Wrexham road. Forms out - 27 returned - 3.
Question | Response | Response |
Is there a problem? | Yes - 3 | No - 0 |
Where is the problem? | Overtaking between Village turning and layby. (2) | |
When is it worst? | All day | |
Happy with speed humps? | Yes -0 | No - 3 |
Suggestions! | No overtaking signs (3) Speed cameras (1) Speed limit down to 40 from nursery to Hope (2) Re-surface road to reducd noise (1) | |
Short Cut aware | Yes - 4 | No - 1 |
Suggested solutions | Parking restrictions on Rhos road (1). Speed cameras & sleeping policemen (1). Activate signs (2). Access only signs (1) |
No responses from Dobshill and Hawarden road still need to be handed out.
The Penyffordd traffic survey was never delivered to our house, I am the main complainant about speeding in Chester Rd.

Blog Archive
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- 90 jobs to go at Castle Cement?
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- Airbus sign their own death warrant