Voting takes place in Wales on Thursday.
Your candidates are here
The voting is for 4 MEP's
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Lisa's Kitchen
which isn't looking too good at the moment (diy issues me) . Any how the food that comes out of it is very good. Anyone who wants advice on how the dishes are cooked please ask. Below will be a hot index of each dish.

Red Dragon Pie ( Aduki Beans) with Baked Potato and Pasta

Tofu and Mango Kebab with Salad

Ham and Tomato Frittati with salad

100% beef beefburger with apple salad, lemon rice, deep fried cauliflower and tomato chutney

Baked Salmon with wholewheat spagetti, beetroot and green beans

Bobotie with pilau rice and beetroot tomato

Lemon Tuna Toasty with Salad

Indian Style chicken, deep fried cauliflower, home made coleslaw and lemon and corriander cous cous.

Home made Salmon Fishcakes with glazed carrots and beetroot

Cod in Beer Batter

Pork chops in sauce from Steve the butcher, tomato salad, cauliflower and mixed fried peppers

Chicken wrapped in bacon

Rib Eye Steak and Chips

Cod with a breadcrumb crust with sugar glazed carrots, baked beetroot
and tomato and cos lettuce
and tomato and cos lettuce

Chilli con carni with brown rice and cucumber salad and stuffed peppers

Vegetable pizza with spinach and dry roasted pine nuts

Toad in the Hole with onion gravy with carrot and swede mash

Prawn Pirri Pirri

Baked Salmon with wholewheat spaggetti and beefsteak tomatoes and cucumber

Ham and Pineapple Pizza

Tofu Soup
Soba noodles in miso soup with chilli and ginger
Soba noodles in miso soup with chilli and ginger

Sweet Pepper Pizza with Jamie Oliver rice and coleslaw

In The Leader .....Oh dear

Perhaps a reading of my letter below and a re reading of the letter above may show you how
" a put down " can be constructed out of words I did not actually say. Its done a lot in politics.
The key word I said was "could" which is not definite. Anyway I thank Councillor McFarlane for allowing me the possibility of a reply letter to The Leader.
Thank you Leader for publishing Flintshire County Councillor's expenses which
were very enlightening. The figures provided however could give a false impression
with regards travelling expenses. Those who took zero expenses for travelling could be seen
as being saints when in fact they never attend council meetings or visit Shire Hall.
Whilst attendances to county business at Shire Hall do not show the full picture they do give
rate payers an indication of a ward's representation in County affairs
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------keywords: Cllr David Mcfarlane Broughton South
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Belly Dancers at The Millstone
A new CBM for Penyffordd District
CBM Howie Williams is the new police officer for Penyffordd. He has worked previously in the Wrexham area. I had previously been told it was someone else. There will be a change over period due to communication issues.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
North Wales Policing Pledge
Do a 1000+ speeders a day qualify?
keywords: Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie Commander of Eastern Division.
Do a 1000+ speeders a day qualify?
keywords: Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie Commander of Eastern Division.
A request to Penyffordd Councillors
To: Cllr Cindy Hinds, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Linda Vidamour
Dear Penyffordd Councillors,
Dear Penyffordd Councillors,
I understand that there is the Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum at the Legion at 6.00 pm Wednesday evening. There is a notice in the Spar but not the Post Office.
Unfortunately I cannot attend.
As elected representatives of Penyffordd will you ask North Wales Police what they intend to do about 1000+ speeders each day through Chester Rd Penyffordd which is also a major route to school.
Can you also ask that the problem be added to North Wales Police's website whilst the issue is ongoing..
Speeding through communities is anti social behaviour.
As you are aware Flintshire County Council hold the relevant speed data which they refuse to release.
An example of wholesale anti social behaviour is the morning rat run 7.30 am to 9.00am weekdays.
Colin Hughes
Chester Rd Penyffordd
copied to Blog
Postscript. Cllr Cindy Hinds replies within 8 hours by email. Cllr Linda Vidamour will also respond. Cllr David Williams will not he ignores his councillor code of conduct.
Postscript. Cllr Cindy Hinds replies within 8 hours by email. Cllr Linda Vidamour will also respond. Cllr David Williams will not he ignores his councillor code of conduct.
Penyffordd Community Forum May 2009
At the Penyffordd British Legion on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 6.00pm. Our new CBM will be in the chair. Are we going to see a new accountable North Wales Police who work with Chester Rd Penyffordd community.
If you go here it says:-
What is North Wales Police's commitment to you?
If you go here it says:-
What is North Wales Police's commitment to you?
To retain the highest standards of honesty and integrity at all times.
To stay responsive to the needs of the local community.
To provide an excellent policing service which exceeds public expectations.
To be at the heart of local communities, working with you to improve the quality of life.
North Wales Police activity in Penyffordd here.
1000+ vehicles speeding through Chester Rd each day is NOT on the list.
Crime increase in Penyffordd District
There have been various vehicle break ins including the Wellhouse estate.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Millstone does turn away business
Its Bank Holiday Monday, Penyffordd is dead. The Millstone has a couple of bouncy castles on the old bowls green. There is no car parking space on the car park. The place is buzzing. A far cry from the last 3 years where successive managements have tried to push food as the number one item which led to an empty car park 7 days a week.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Chirk Car Boot Sale - Getting Bigger
Friday, May 22, 2009
An Email to Carl Sargeant AM - Re: A Greener Wales
Hi Carl,
Hope you are well.
The First Minister mentions this today
I think this is rather excellent.
This all ties in with Route to Schools and Manual for Streets.
With Chester Rd, Penyffordd in the firing line of Warren Hall A55, Warren Hall Business Park etc I hope that
FCC can be persuaded of the argument for no through traffic for Chester Rd when the above developments go ahead.
Or at the very least a system which forces vehicles to do 20 mph with HGV's banned.
At the moment Chester Rd acts as an alternative trunk road rather than a village road that has a bypass
regards Colin
Penyffordd District
still 1000+ speeders every day..........................
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Penyffordd County Council Expenses
With all the furore over expenses The Evening Leader has obtained expenses for county councillors for the year ending 2009.
Cllr Cindy Hinds Basic allowance £12,831, Travelling Expenses £182.85, Subsistence £0.
Cllr David Williams £12,831, Travelling Expenses £0, Subsistence £0.
Cindy goes to Shire Hall at least twice a week. David visits Shire Hall about 5 times a year.
As I have said previously. If you do not play the game (representing Penyffordd at Shire Hall) I cannot see how you can be anywhere except the bottom of the queue when funding is available.
The top amount claimed by a county councillor for travel was £1300.
The basic allowance might seem a lot to some people but it will be well below the minimum wage level when time spent on council matters is added up at the end of the year.
Community and Town Councillors receive nothing.
If you have a responsibility at Shire Hall such as Council Leader ( Cllr Arnold Woolley) you get the £12,831 plus a special responsibility allowance of £28,920. Other Cllrs such as Patrick Heesom or Tony Sharps get a £14,686 and £16,496 repectively.
Special responsibilty councillors have to spend much time at Shire Hall.
The government of Flintshire County Council is a minature version of national government. The leading party governs in this case The Independents, last time we were Labour led.
Cllr Cindy Hinds Basic allowance £12,831, Travelling Expenses £182.85, Subsistence £0.
Cllr David Williams £12,831, Travelling Expenses £0, Subsistence £0.
Cindy goes to Shire Hall at least twice a week. David visits Shire Hall about 5 times a year.
As I have said previously. If you do not play the game (representing Penyffordd at Shire Hall) I cannot see how you can be anywhere except the bottom of the queue when funding is available.
The top amount claimed by a county councillor for travel was £1300.
The basic allowance might seem a lot to some people but it will be well below the minimum wage level when time spent on council matters is added up at the end of the year.
Community and Town Councillors receive nothing.
If you have a responsibility at Shire Hall such as Council Leader ( Cllr Arnold Woolley) you get the £12,831 plus a special responsibility allowance of £28,920. Other Cllrs such as Patrick Heesom or Tony Sharps get a £14,686 and £16,496 repectively.
Special responsibilty councillors have to spend much time at Shire Hall.
The government of Flintshire County Council is a minature version of national government. The leading party governs in this case The Independents, last time we were Labour led.
I am 55 today.
The presents.
The Best of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green's Biography
A Purple Orchid
My daily presents include long walks in the country.
Being able to do what I like with who I want.
Goals. To live in a village and not a race track
Tx to Sue Postoffice for the birthday present.
The presents.
The Best of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green's Biography
A Purple Orchid
My daily presents include long walks in the country.
Being able to do what I like with who I want.
Goals. To live in a village and not a race track
Tx to Sue Postoffice for the birthday present.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Big Thank You to The Evening Leader

Click to image enlarge
It must be said I have never met or spoke to Cllr Patrick Heesom. I regularly send him emails about speeding in Penyffordd because of his position. I also send them to all the great and the good up to First Minister Rhodri Morgan.I sent the letter to The Leader because I am fed up with the manner that officers deal with me. They have tried for two years to deny me traffic data collected on two occasions in Penyffordd. This data could be read by MS Excel (still can) . They have recently bought new software so that I cannot read the data. Wasting rate payers money to deny me an FOIE.
These officers need to know that they work for us ( as do North Wales Police).
There should be total transparency and scrutiny except for exceptional circumstances. Denying me traffic data that shows the true extent of speeding outside my house is not one of them.
The hiding of Chester Rd traffic data allows the All Wales Safety Partnership, North Wales Police and Flintshire County Council to work against the interests of Chester Road instead of working for Chester Rd.
This is totally counter to the published aims of the above agencies.
The statement that we need more Cllr Heesom's can be expanded to include politician's of all parties including The Independents.
Still over a 1000 speeders in Penyffordd each and every day.
The unedited version (I have no issue with The Leader editing letters)
cc: Welsh Ombudsman
Dear Leader
A letter for consideration.
I read with interest in The Leader the battle between members and officers of Flintshire County Council over members rights to manage county affairs. I'm sure I am not the only one to be frustrated when dealing with county officers. My own experience being that FOIE's disappear or not answered properly, a blackmail attempt to stop my wife standing for community council unanswered, a scrutiny officer failing to respond to valid complaints over FOIE's. Highway officers withholding important traffic data at meetings and requests for data ignored that has very important consequences for Penyffordd village safety.
(One reads with incredulity that FCC officer's wish to bring auditing back in house after many years of regular appearances in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs.(edited out) Penyffordd County councillor David Williams is frustrated that his correspondence is ignored. I'm sure my issues are the tip of the iceberg. Rather than trying to get rid of Cllr Patrick Heesom may I suggest that Flintshire County Council Executive look a little nearer to home. A good start would be for senior officers to re-read their codes of conduct and apply them properly to themselves and their departments. Flintshire residents and councillors deserve much better. We need more Cllr Patrick Heesom's not less, to build a strong well run county.
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
Richard to get his own back?
It would be fair to say there is no love lost between the Chief Constable and certain politicians.
Payback time?
Link The Daily Post
Meanwhile his force continue to ignore our daily rat run that's part of the 1000 speeders a day. Recently North Wales Police have been publicizing a new Pledge Policy where they are promising to deal with residents complaints about North Wales Police. Time to put it to the test?
Postscript: The Leader
Payback time?
Link The Daily Post
Meanwhile his force continue to ignore our daily rat run that's part of the 1000 speeders a day. Recently North Wales Police have been publicizing a new Pledge Policy where they are promising to deal with residents complaints about North Wales Police. Time to put it to the test?
Postscript: The Leader
Sunday, May 17, 2009
To The Duke's Garden Centre

To replace the melon plant the snail killed. Why can't they wait till the plants get some leaves?
Not the best day to go as its the Chester Half Marathon, a 30 minute wait whilst they trundle past. In another life time 3 stone and 25 years lighter I could manage a half marathon in 1 hour 35 mins, a marathon in 3 hours 23 minutes.
Marathons are funny affairs in that you hit a wall about 20 miles in. This is where the body runs out of glycogen and starts to use body fat as energy. It affects runners differently usually in an emotional way. It can make you cry.
I met Lisa when I was a jogger.
Marathons that I have run include the North Wales, Liverpool, Manchester and Barmouth. I have had a look at the rain radar which is not good. A band of red and pink moving up the country. It was at Mid Wales when we came out. Red and pink means a downpour. Sure enough the heavens open. Running in cold rain is uncomfortable, a pace is required that keeps body temperature up. Stopping is not an option unless there is somewhere warm to go.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The White Lion Penymynydd

Click image to enlarge
I used to go in The White Lion in my 20's when I did not live in Penyffordd. It was like having a pint in your house. Three old ladies ran it. Nigel the Clerk to the Community Council is related.
They had pickled eggs in a jar.
I used to go in The White Lion in my 20's when I did not live in Penyffordd. It was like having a pint in your house. Three old ladies ran it. Nigel the Clerk to the Community Council is related.
They had pickled eggs in a jar.
Link Geograph.Org
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The All Day Breakfast
Today, its up and running at the Institute.
An annual event to raise money for the youth of the village.
Postscript: The good people of Penyffordd and district raised a sum of £1000+.
An annual event to raise money for the youth of the village.
Postscript: The good people of Penyffordd and district raised a sum of £1000+.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
The Bus Stop to nowhere
You talk about traffic calming for the village and the instant response is that there is no money available. A raised platform bus stop has been constructed by Flintshire County Council at the border of Penyffordd district on Chester Rd. Arriva the bus company refuse to stop there.
The cost to the ratepayer £10,000.
The cost to the ratepayer £10,000.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council May 2009 meeting
at 6.30 pm.
Main points.
CBM Chris Pullen is moving to Penerlag.
Inspector Alun Oldfield is moving to become a Detective Inspector. On the point of speeding traffic ( a 1000+ a day) they have been a dead loss. There has been progress however with our "youth". Will this be temporary or lasting?
Link The Evening Leader
On the plus side Inspector Oldfield got rid of the travellers who were trespassing pretty smartish.
Four CBM's have applied for the position of CBM for Penyffordd district and Higher Kinnerton.
This is somewhat unprecedented according to CBM Chris Pullen.
We have acting Police Inspector Alan Massey until the Inspector Martin Best is ready to take up his position.
Two community councillors tonight were rather unwell.
Cllr Cindy Hinds is the new Chairperson for the next year.
Cllr Linda Vidamour is Vice Chairperson.
Speeding was brought up. Vounog, Penymynydd Rd.
Possible 20 mph for outside Penyffordd junior school. 30 mph for Dobshill.
Chester Rd continues to have a 1000+ speeders each day.
Cllr Colin Bithell ("I stand for the family"local elections 2008) of course is dead against 20 mph in the middle of the village. I will campaign actively against Colin if he should stand again for councillor if he will persist on being against 20 mph in our village centre.
Cllr David Williams is having trouble with Flintshire County Council. Apparently they are not answering his correspondence. David will not answer any emails I send him either.
What goes around comes around David. lol
Is Cllr David Williams for traffic calming in the middle of the village? Or a wide open road for his speeding mates at The Red Lion.
The bridle path in Lower Mountain appears to be a success. I managed to get The Leader to do a story. FCC has filled in the bog as they said they would. The horse riders are happy with it.
Main points.
CBM Chris Pullen is moving to Penerlag.
Inspector Alun Oldfield is moving to become a Detective Inspector. On the point of speeding traffic ( a 1000+ a day) they have been a dead loss. There has been progress however with our "youth". Will this be temporary or lasting?
Link The Evening Leader
On the plus side Inspector Oldfield got rid of the travellers who were trespassing pretty smartish.
Four CBM's have applied for the position of CBM for Penyffordd district and Higher Kinnerton.
This is somewhat unprecedented according to CBM Chris Pullen.
We have acting Police Inspector Alan Massey until the Inspector Martin Best is ready to take up his position.
Two community councillors tonight were rather unwell.
Cllr Cindy Hinds is the new Chairperson for the next year.
Cllr Linda Vidamour is Vice Chairperson.
Speeding was brought up. Vounog, Penymynydd Rd.
Possible 20 mph for outside Penyffordd junior school. 30 mph for Dobshill.
Chester Rd continues to have a 1000+ speeders each day.
Cllr Colin Bithell ("I stand for the family"local elections 2008) of course is dead against 20 mph in the middle of the village. I will campaign actively against Colin if he should stand again for councillor if he will persist on being against 20 mph in our village centre.
Cllr David Williams is having trouble with Flintshire County Council. Apparently they are not answering his correspondence. David will not answer any emails I send him either.
What goes around comes around David. lol
Is Cllr David Williams for traffic calming in the middle of the village? Or a wide open road for his speeding mates at The Red Lion.
The bridle path in Lower Mountain appears to be a success. I managed to get The Leader to do a story. FCC has filled in the bog as they said they would. The horse riders are happy with it.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Pothole Hotline
Cllr Tony Sharps, Head of Roads at Flintshire County Council has initiated a pothole hotline. He would very much like to hear from Penyffordd residents who spot potholes in Penyffordd district.
Telephone number 01352 701234.
Telephone number 01352 701234.
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- North Wales Policing Pledge
- A request to Penyffordd Councillors
- Penyffordd Community Forum May 2009
- Crime increase in Penyffordd District
- The Millstone does turn away business
- Chirk Car Boot Sale - Getting Bigger
- An Email to Carl Sargeant AM - Re: A Greener Wales
- Penyffordd County Council Expenses
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- Credit Crunch Strawberries
- A Big Thank You to The Evening Leader
- Richard to get his own back?
- To The Duke's Garden Centre
- The White Lion Penymynydd
- The All Day Breakfast
- The Bus Stop to nowhere
- Penyffordd Community Council May 2009 meeting
- Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom to retire
- Pothole Hotline