Thursday, December 31, 2009
To close the decade
It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly;
who errs,
comes up short again and again,
because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds;
who knows the great enthusiasms,
the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end
the triumph of high achievement,
and who at the worst, if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be with those
cold and timid souls
who neither know victory nor defeat.
-Theodore Roosevelt
So 2009 draws to a close
This shows the sickness and arrogance of our local council, safety and environment nothing to do with Penyffordd Community Council they said.
So where are we now? In 2007 there were approximately 2000 cars a day speeding through the village. Three years later its still over 1000 with councillors having little interest in health and safety for our village centre.
I have been told I have done nothing for the village, its been said that they have done all they can.
The above two comments are totally out of order. Safety and environment do not have to be earned, Chester Rd residents pay their rates, FCC and NWP should do their jobs. I mention the fact that Rossett village have traffic sorted, this statement always falls on stoney ground.
Targets for 2010. To get North Wales Police and Flintshire County Council to help Chester Rd, Penyffordd to become a village centre instead of a race track.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Arrive Alive in Pontblyddyn
It's nearly three years since I pointed out that there was a large problem with regards speeding.
Arrive Alive are never pressed over Chester Rd speeding.
Why aren't North Wales Police pressed to control speeding?
What has Cllr Cindy Hinds or Cllr David Williams done?
Village environment does not matter at all.
Lots of questions and no answers.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Penyffordd Weather
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Lunch 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I admire Paul Flynn MP and Tam Dalyell. They too are persistent the perfect role models. If Penyffordd councillors* think over a 1000 vehicles hammering through the village centre each day is fine they should resign in the new year. I will be as persistent as it takes to stop this daily violation of our village environment.
Quote Paul Flynn " When I won my award in Cardiff last week, I quoted Tam in a brief speech. I said that the look on the faces on my wife and staff when I mention Afghanistan is similar to look that came over the face of Tam Dalyell's wife when he mentioned the Belgrano for the 1,747th time."
And so it is with my wife Lisa when I mention speeding traffic through the village.
Link Paul Flynn MP
* Cllr Linda Vidamour the exception
Maybe Cllrs David William and Cindy Hinds think village environment an issue? For years PCC have messed around with daffodils whilst ignoring speeding traffic. Will they change?
Hedley Greenslade RIP
Died 23rd December 2009. I first remember Hedley when he played for Graesser RG football team at Sandycroft in the 1960's. Later I got to know him personally in the 70's as a member of Hawarden Golf Club. In the last few years I had become reaquainted with Hedley through golf on a Wednesday. This last 5 or 6 years Hedley had battled against cancer. Even this last year he still played 5 aside football and golf to a high standard. A courteous polite human being who will be sorely missed. Condolences to Sandra and family.
postscript. The tally grows, Archie Ferguson, Jeff Roberts, Mac Williams, Eddie Mansell, Geoff Atherton .......Men I have known from my youth.
The funeral is on 6th January 2010, 11.30 am St Mark's Church, Connah's Quay (the big one on the hill)
Further memories of Hedley.
Hedley was a perfectionist. I found him to be also very sensitive. His golf bag used to tickle me. He had a row of four pencils perfectly sharpened. Hedley built a putting green next to his house. Its surface was as good as half the courses we played. Hedley was a practiser because he was a perfectionist. His golf swing a perfect precise mechanical motion. Not a violent flail as some of my other golfing friends have.
I found his memory prodigious. On a recent trip to Harlech he mentioned a game we had played that had happened 35 years previous.
On the minus side was his driving and navigation. He once turned up at Llanermynech when he was supposed to be playing Oswestry.
One of the final games he played was at Royal St Davids Harlech which is most fitting as it is one of the best courses in Wales. I picked up Alan Stubbs then we picked up Hedley. I knew the best most easy way to get to Harlech but on leaving Hedley's house he said go this way.
So off we go on an adventure. Instead of cruising along modern A roads we end up along single track roads with grass in the middle on the outskirts of Cerrigydriddion.
We end up battling to get there for our tee time which would have been easy on the A roads.
The trip itself was something special as Alan is a raconteur who has played football for Chester and worked for one of UK's largest banks at a high level.
On the way back Hedley and Alan swapped endless stories about football. Alan told us tales about the banking world and his time as a professional footballer . A perfect day out with perfect company.
keyword. Frank Accleton, golf professional, Rochdale, Hawarden
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My kind of people - Jonathan Dimbleby does Russia
A good program that gives a good view of Russian life. The series most excellent.
Finally he comes to his last stop: Vladivostok. Jonathan meets some students in a café. This far from Moscow, will they feel any different from the chic young people he met in St Petersburg some ten thousand miles ago? Not really. They want a strong Russia before they want a democratic one. As he looks out over the Pacific, Jonathan reflects on how charming and how different the Russians are from us.
Link BBC4
Car Accident on the Vounog

Range Rover in hedge. Ambulance and NWP were called. Time as stated underneath.
Link The Leader
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Millstone Menu for Christmas - Penyffordd Wine Society Bash
TEL; 01244 548824
£17.95 per person
Parsnip, leek and sage soup served with a crusty roll
Home made pheasant, rosemary and red currant terrine served on a crisp
Endive salad with warm tomato chutney
Brie fritters served on a rocket salad with a cranberry salsa
Smoked salmon and battered king prawn cocktail on a baby gem salad served
with lemon toast
Traditional roast turkey served with all the trimmings and cranberry sauce
8oz Sirloin served with fondant potatoes and creamed savoy cabbage with a red wine jus
Salmon fillet wrapped in
with comfit tomatoes and a creamy tarragon sauce
Roquefort, cranberry and honey roasted parsnip filo parcel served on creamed leeks
and baton vegetables
Christmas pudding served with homemade brandy sauce
Home made winter berry and cointreau jelly served with a vanilla cream
Baileys and chocolate chip cheesecake
Mincemeat and apple filo tart served on crème’ anglais
Selection of cheeses served with a tomato chutney with crackers
Attentive and friendly staff, generous portions, the vegetables very good, the vegetarian option also very good.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Young butcher’s out to make cut
The full story in The Daily Post
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The End of Steelmaking in the UK
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Joshua McNelly helps Lego build for the future
Link Flintshire Chronicle
Farmer's Tales
Where we walk the dogs are fields of sheep. Today we were talking to two of the farmers. One farmer has a field full of French sheep. He has invested considerable amounts of money. He has French sheep because that's what the market wants. The lambs produce a longer body with better meat.
The next field has a bunch of renegade Welsh sheep that are just left to roam and breed at leisure, the male lambs are never castrated. The fence is a bit weak between the two fields so the rogue male sheep (tups) break through the fence fertilising all the females with the wrong lambs and at the wrong time of year.
Such is life. It is possible to get compensation through the courts though.
Link Charollais Sheep
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Dangerous Dogs

Wikipedia American Pit Bull

Wikipedia Bull Terriers

The two photos above of Rude ( name copied from Rude dog and the Dweebs) one of our dogs departed. Favourite pastimes swimming and large sticks. The rope to stop her swimming off. We lost the dog in this river for over an hour once. I had to wade into the sea at Newborough, Angelsey once in my underpants to retrieve the above dog who was not coming out of the water under any circumstances.
Dogs have been in the news these last few weeks. Falling down mine shafts, killing people deliberately or by accident. A woman in Conwy was swept to her death trying to rescue her dog in a swollen ditch. Carl Sargeant AM is calling for all dogs to be chipped. Our's have name tags and one is chipped. The chip moves around and is hard to find.
A drive around some suburbs of Liverpool on a Saturday afternoon reveals the extent to which Pit Bull Terriers have become "pets".
We have two English Bull Terriers. One young and one old, Trollie and Dollie. Trollie was going back to the bull terrier charity for the first three months such was his behaviour. They have had various skirmishes plus the Nokia phone and various shoes destroyed. What people do not realise and something to which I have not being paying attention lately to is they live by hierarchy. My inattention has caused issues in the hierarchy.
I am top dog, this is no ego issue on my behalf but fact. The young dog is number 2 in the hiearchy. Lisa and Dolly are below. Lisa is down the list because she treats the dogs as pets.
The dogs behaviour varies. First thing in the morning they will play fight which is very rough by our standards. This is not training to fight but this is how they are. Play fight involves pulling cheeks with the teeth and biting necks, ears or legs.. By evening Dolly gets upset if the young dog even looks at her. What I have to do is be careful how I deal with the old dog Dolly in front of Trollie the young male who is Number 2. Any preferential treatment to Dollie in front Trollie is duly noted and may lead to a fight at a future date.
This is an issue with children and dogs. Dogs put children in their hierarchy in my opinion. Favouritism and attention above station will be punished.
Dogs should never be left alone with children.
One day a week we go to a small holding. The owners have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier of a similar build and age to Trollie. Our dog runs around the fields for hours with other dog chasing and play fighting until he can no longer stand up. It takes him more than a day to recover.
Why have dogs of this nature? They are Lisa's dogs not mine, she has always wanted English Bull Terriers. They are loyal and very protective and guard the house well. Also good for excercise I walk in excess of 20 miles a week.
Wikipedia Quote " Bull terriers are known to be courageous, scrappy, fun-loving, active, clownish and fearless. The Bull Terrier is a loyal and polite dog. They become very attached to their owners. The Bull Terrier thrives on firm, consistent leadership and affection and makes a fine family pet."
A tip if dogs are fighting. Don't go near the business end. Pull the dogs backlegs off the ground. You need someone else doing the same to the other dog (s). They do not need to be pulled apart with force as this may increase the vet's fees. I have used a car key in the past to lever open a terriers jaw that was locked on to another dog which was small. All good fun not..........
Yesterday we were on a mountain at the back of Llanfynydd talking to a local who has two 80 year old sheep dogs off the lead who were up for a fight with two healthy strong bull terriers on the lead. To be fair we were somewhere where few people go and we had a low sun behind us so he didn't see us to the last second, but there you go.
At the end of the day you have your hierarchy, rules and forethought and everything should be alright. Most dog issues are down the the owner...................
COMPETITION. It is illegal to own a pitbull in the UK. Below is a link to a site with pictures of 25 dogs only one of them is a pitbull. Try your luck to see if you can spot it.
Link Find the Pitbull
keyword North Wales Police
Traffic Speed Data for Chester Rd Penyffordd
After 2 years of failed FOIE's and a constant barrage of emails I am to be allowed to look at the data on computers at Flintshire County Council. I expect to be able to look at unedited data not the 85th percentile variety which takes the worst speeding off the top.
FCC hold two sets of traffic data for Chester Rd, May 07 for 10 days and Summer 08 for a similar time. Data held includes exact number of vehicles, exact time and their exact speeds.
Daily traffic volume in 07 was near 2800 a day with over 50% speeding in my opinion.
I am told there may be an opportunity to have a copy of data. We shall see.
One would have thought that Penyffordd Councillors would have been keen to get hold of this data so they have ammunition when making representations to North Wales Police and Flintshire County Council with regards policing and calming.
This has not been the case.
Cllr Cindy Hinds extracted a "spun" commentary on the data from FCC.
Cllr David Williams has had Dave Faulkner Head of Highways FCC out for a site meeting.
Cllr Cindy Hinds raised the possibility of a mini roundabout.
Cllr Linda Vidamour has pressed NWP on a regular basis and has raised the matter with FCC.
What about the other councillors?
What about Cllr Colin " we have done all we can" Bithell? Secret agent for Flintshire Highways?
What about Cllr Tom Jones? So called wise head of the village.
Why aren't Penyffordd Junior School governors on the case, over a 1000 speeders each day on a major route to school? Health and Safety. Que !!!
Chester Rd is the middle of the village a major route to a primary school, used by OAP's for the Post Office.
Why does it have to be an unpoliced race track?
We have Arrive Alive putting down Chester Rd as a 28mph average. Why are councillors not challenging this?
I do not know everything. Committee agendas lie covered up in the glass case at the post office, only the first page showing. Penyffordd Community Council meetings and agendas should be shown on the Penyffordd Community Website in the public domain, they are not. The Penyffordd Community Council little more than a joke its functionality 5%. Cllr David Williams' county report dated July 09.............................
Many questions, few answers.
My thanks to Cllr Arnold Woolley Council Leader of Flintshire County Council who has kept a watchful eye on speeding matters Penyffordd. I think without the efforts of our council leader I would not be going to Shire Hall to see the data.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I see Sarah Palin and myself have similar views on climate change.
"As congressman Mike Pense says:
In the worst recession in 26 years, in the midst of an academic scandal and questionable science revealed in Climategate and in the absence of a national consensus about policies that would bear upon the category known as climate change, we gather here to say, Mr. President, don?t make promises in Copenhagen that we cant keep,? he said."
Ditto UK.
Link Comment is Free Sarah Palin
20mph speed limit zones 'reduce road casualties by 20%'
Since we only have near misses one supposes our near misses will go down.
"Controversial 20mph speed limit zones reduce road injuries by more than 40 per cent, researchers claim.Figures for collisions, injuries and deaths on London streets between 1986 and 2006 were analysed."
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Yes! Promotion for Carl Sargeant AM

Story here Walesonline
Carl is the new Local Government and Social Justice Minister.
Postscript: I call him Carl because he has has been in receipt of approximately 250 emails from myself over the last 2.5 years with regards speeding in the village.
Perhaps he can make local government more varied and dynamic especially Penyffordd Community Council (average age 96.5) which needs a big change, Cllr Linda Vidamour excluded.
Also here Daily Post
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Promotion for Carl Sargeant AM?
This would leave room for the splendid Carl Sargeant, as a nod in the direction of North Wales. I should also make reference to Carl's outstanding ability.
Carl as Minister for Sport perhaps.
Link Glyn Davies
Lisa's Kitchen
Another Flintshire Community fed up with rat runs
People living in Henrietta Street, Shotton, have been campaigning for more than 30 years to get speed bumps installed in a bid to slow motorists down.
Link The Leader
postscript. What are County Cllr David Williams, County Cllr Cindy Hinds and Penyffordd Community Council doing for Chester Rd?
Houses sold in Penyffordd November 2009
• 27, Penymynydd Road, Penyffordd, CH4 0LE - Sold for £105,000 on 24-08-2000
• 86, Vounog Hill, Penyffordd, CH4 0EZ - Sold for £195,000 on 13-08-2009
2 Penymynydd Rd, Penyffordd also sold price presently unknown. Was for Sale £120,000.
House sold within a month of market offering.
House sales are increasing.
You can search house sales totally free of charge by going to
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Alison Halford - COUNCILLOR CAPERS December 1st- 5th.
Link Alison Halford
A letter in The Leader re Man Made Global Warming
The Global Warmers will be quivering with rage. I await the flack. Today its been announced that we have just had the warmest decade ever. Elsewhere you can find scientists saying we have had global cooling for the last ten years.
Take your pick.
Thank you Leader for publishing the letter.
The unedited version, I do go on a bit)
postcript. An enquiry has been set up to look at the emails written about in the above letter
Link The BBC
Monday, December 07, 2009
Matt Wright pushes the roll out of 20 mph zones
Where are Penyffordd Community Council with the above? Two and half years ago it was agreed at a meeting I attended with Cllr Colin Bithell and Charles Hughes of FCC that Penyffordd Junior School would apply for funding that was available at the WAG. This required Flintshire County Council Ofiicers filling out forms after visiting the headmistress.
Nothing happened quietly dropped?
I am of the opinion that since then Cllr Cindy Hinds has been to the school and had the appropriate forms filled in.
With recent changes in guidelines from the WAG 20 mph zones have become a better reality perhaps PCC have started to act?
It's very frustrating that council business such as meeting agenda and minutes are not held on line on their website. Cllr David Williams needs to make decisions about the current state of Penyffordd Community Council website.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
I have been taken to task
I have been told they have made representations.
These representations have so far been ignored as far as Chester Rd is concerned. Neighbourhood policing has failed us.
All I see each day is constant speeding I feel very angry, I feel the rage.
I am told that speeding and illegal use of roads is being tackled.
All I see is constant speeding traffic, Chester Rd is used as a very speedy short cut. Others in Chester Rd are unhappy but they are old and frail.
I am told there will be change, after three years you will excuse me for not holding my breath........
Friday, December 04, 2009
Trains to return to Penyffordd?
Hen Draig says
"Why build a new line to Wrexham? Just link Mold to the existing line at Penyffordd for Wrexham or Merseyside. Then continue the line from Penyffordd to Higher Kinnerton, Broughton, Broughton retail park, Airbus and into Chester. Most of the trackbed is still there, why not use it?"
The Leader
postscript: Nothing quite a few compulsory purchase orders can't fix. A house is currently being built in Higher Kinnerton I believe that it is on the old line.
An email from Alun Griffiths contractor for A55 Warren Bank
I intend to meet the company next week on behalf of Chester Rd residents. Previous blogs suggest we are being left to fend for ourselves by Penyffordd Community Council. Alun Griffiths have promised to take punitive action against any sub contractor using Chester Rd as a short cut.
Chester Rd thanks Alun Griffiths for their positive action to protect Chester Rd environment.
The street they will not mention.
But not Chester Rd.
Chester Rd has the support of Mark Tami MP, Carl Sargeant AM and Flintshire County Council Leader Arnold Woolley.
Penyffordd Community Council where are you? Why do you continue to sit on your hands with regards safety of children in Chester Rd, Penyffordd?
Is it not time for mass resignations?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Chester Rd accident

this point every school day.

Three years on and much foot dragging. A major route to school with over a 1000 speeding cars each day. Arrive Alive will go anywhere except Chester Rd Penyffordd.
I saw Hugh Jones Road Safety Officer for Flintshire County Council in Coed Talon doing speed checks next to a gatso speed camera today. You couldn't make it up.
Meanwhile Penyffordd Councillors (average age 68 and half) , Flintshire County Council and North Wales Police sit on their hands placing children's lives at risk in Chester Rd Penyffordd.
A 1000+ speeders a day councillors.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Morton the farmer where we walk informs us they are off the fields for winter.
Our confrontations with cattle this year disturbing. The Bull Terriers Dollie and Trollie thought it a right laugh............................
Here is Glyn Davis Conservative Candidate for the next general election for Powys. (Montgomeryshire)
Quotes " Downside of the breed is that they are a bit 'frisky'. Always best to give bulls a wide berth, and the females can completely lose it, running through fences and jumping over high walls. I think the Limousin is a beautiful animal."
"But everyone should be wary of any breed of bull. They can pick up the scent of a female 'in season' from a big distance away if downwind, and when aroused are always dangerous. Hope that's been an introduction to those of you who know nothing about our bovine friends."
Glyn forgets IMHO the biggest danger a cow and her calf.
Link Bulls
Wales has a new Leader
The Post
Paul Flynn MP
Among those expected to feature in the reshuffle with promotion is deputy regeneration minister Leighton Andrews, the Rhondda AM who led his campaign team.
Others in the team who could be rewarded include Alyn and Deeside AM and chief whip Carl Sargeant, Wrexham AM Lesley Griffiths and Mid and West Wales AM Alun Davies.
New Welsh Labour leader Carwyn Jones AM
Now where's his email address?
Link here
County Councillor Blogs
Local Government happenings
Monday, November 30, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
More Global Warming madness
and more
and some more
Neil Hamilton
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Quote of the Day - Golf
Professional Lee Westwood on Rory McIlroy
"What's he got going for him? 20 years old. Millionaire already. Hits it miles. Nice looking girlfriend. Drives a Lamborghini. Yeah, it's hard, isn't it?"
Restaurant Watch Glasfryn Mold
Surroundings nice, a family atmosphere. Staff are friendly and attentive. No musac or video.
Food. We order main courses. Mine Haddock in beer batter with chips minus marrowfat peas which are a personal nightmare.
Mike orders steak au poivre with chips.
Lisa orders macaronie cheese with tomatoes and cauliflower.
Lisa and Mike have empty plates. Mine is fine excepting the batter which is not too good on the inside - undercooked.
Sweets. Mike has hot waffles with butter scotch sauce. Lisa had pecan chocolate tart with rasberry sauce and whiskey cream. Lisa says the whiskey was missing from the cream but tasted very good.
Coffee's to finish - cappuccino- first class.
The bill - I know not..............
Would we go again definitely yes.
A big thank you to Mike who is undergoing an emotional turmoil (divorce) with dignity.
I think he is a reincarnation of St Michael.
The Glasfryn
Counterfeit, which one or both?

One in every forty one pound coins is counterfeit. The story is in The MailOnline. The answer to the question is at the bottom of the article.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Global Warming Con Found Out
You may notice a certain flippancy with FOIE requests.
The same I have experienced with Flintshire County Council.
Stats and Climate Change
The comments section particularly lively.
Rhoda Klapp the best.
The Devil's Kitchen
You stray from the page directed at your own risk.
The Devil does not mince words
Climate Skeptic
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Chilli Peppers in the Winter Sun

Chilli pepper plants are perrenials not annuals. If kept away from frost even if the leaves drop off they will grow again next year. The chilli peppers were the most succesful crop this year. Tonight's curry sent me grasping for the glass of water just as if in an Indian Restaurant. We used to go out for curries with a certain Tim Hinks-Edwards and wife Sheila. Tim always has the hottest curry in the house. We used to go and watch live bands in pubs, some were very good.
One band we used to watch with the very bubbly Diane Hallows were The Jalapenos
Link The Jalapenos Band
Health note. Chilli peppers have many vitamins and substances that are good for you. They do however have to treated with caution as some are very very hot.
postscript. I am informed by Lisa that tea had three Hungarian wax chillies in it.
Link Chilli Picture Gallery
A letter in The leader - Traffic Calming
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum
Monday, November 23, 2009
CBM Howie Williams making the difference
Howie Says
Incidents in this particular area have improved although there have been one or two which are being investigated. You will notice that there has been a significant increase in police activity in the village of late, this is due to one or two individuals who for reasons only known to themselves believe it is their God given right to make other peoples lives a misery. Please be assured we are doing everything we can to bring these individuals to justice and I personally will not rest until this is the case. Increased police presence has been seen in this area. For those members of the community who wish to know more about upcoming police intentions please speak with PC 1469 Howie Williams
Link North Wales Police Penyffordd Ward
Carl Sargeant AM calls for urgent cuts in speed limits
It is now a discussion of road rules, cash and North Wales Police.
I have sent an email to Carl thanking him for the Chester Rd mention.
Why shops in villages,towns and cities are closing

Amazon do not just do books. The list of items they sell is considerable. Border Books who have a large retail site at Cheshire Oaks which is nice to visit for a Starbucks coffee hangs on the edge of existence this week. No money and falling sales. Maybe no more coffee's.
Link The Guardian
Postscript Told you so. BBC News
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Beware of the Brotherhood
North Wales Police do not shine either.
Link Andy Sutton Whistle Blower
keywords: masonic:
The vision for a community centre
Home Zones
82. Another measure which reduces speed, increases safety and improves the quality of life is the home zone. It usually consists of redesigning streets to make them places for people rather than traffic; speeds are reduced to 10 mph.[140] Home zones have been very effective in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands in reducing speeds, increasing pedestrian safety and creating an agreeable ambience for those walking, playing or chatting in the street.[141] In the UK too the initial evidence is that home zones are proving to be a success. In the first of the Government's pilot zones at Northmoor Manchester average speeds have fallen to 9.8 mph as a result of "a combination of traffic calming, staggered parking to break up driver's sight lines and good design".
Link House of Commons
A Coeliac's Delight with the Great and the Good

dauphinoise potatoes, Mexican street salad

"What nothing left!"
Dave Morris was a test pilot for Hawker Siddeley and British Aerospace. A very modest unassuming person. When he had his pilot's license he could do aerobatics in a Tiger Moth. When Arnold Palmer the American Professional Golfer played at The Open at Birkdale a golf magazine wanted a spectacular picture of Arnold who also flew his own jet aircraft.
So they strapped a camera to the front of Dave's Tiger Moth with Dave in the front seat and Arnold at the back. Dave took the Tiger over Birkdale Golf Course then pulled the Tiger into a verticle climb then the photo was taken. The result a wind swept Arnold Palmer with Birkdale Golf Club house behind him. Quite some picture. Dave the pilot with the skill necessary to pull off the stunt. I will have to ask Dave if he still has a copy.
Jeanette is an ex lady captain Hawarden Golf Club. Jeanette was Lady Captain in the same year as the late Ray Jones RIP.

Blog Archive
- To close the decade
- So 2009 draws to a close
- Gladstone was a political giant
- Arrive Alive in Pontblyddyn
- Penyffordd Weather
- Penyffordd District Back Up Team
- Christmas Lunch 2009
- Presents
- Peace
- Persistence
- Fun in the snow
- Hedley Greenslade RIP
- Seen Elsewhere
- My kind of people - Jonathan Dimbleby does Russia
- Car Accident on the Vounog
- Hot Chillies
- My kind of People - Sir Clement Freud
- Winter Solstice
- The Dogs in the snow
- First Snow of the Winter
- Lisa's Kitchen Chicken Pasta with Orange Salad
- The Millstone Menu for Christmas - Penyffordd Wine...
- Ice
- The beginning of the end for Airbus Broughton
- Young butcher’s out to make cut
- There is no funding available
- The End of Steelmaking in the UK
- Joshua McNelly helps Lego build for the future
- The O and Alison
- No funding boost for Penyffordd Post Office
- Farmer's Tales
- Dangerous Dogs
- Traffic Speed Data for Chester Rd Penyffordd
- I see Sarah Palin and myself have similar views on...
- 20mph speed limit zones 'reduce road casualties by...
- Yes! Promotion for Carl Sargeant AM
- Promotion for Carl Sargeant AM?
- Lisa's Kitchen
- Arnold Woolley Council Leader Flintshire County Co...
- Another Flintshire Community fed up with rat runs
- Houses sold in Penyffordd November 2009
- Chester Rd environment the way forward
- More work for Airbus
- Alison Halford - COUNCILLOR CAPERS December 1st- 5th.
- A letter in The Leader re Man Made Global Warming
- 450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of ...
- Matt Wright pushes the roll out of 20 mph zones
- I have been taken to task
- Trains to return to Penyffordd?
- An email from Alun Griffiths contractor for A55 Wa...
- The street they will not mention.
- Global Warming - Why the Maldives are NOTsinking
- Chester Rd accident
- Bulls
- Mark Isherwood AM in trouble?
- Wales has a new Leader
- County Councillor Blogs
- Local Government happenings
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
- More Global Warming madness
- Quote of the Day - Golf
- Restaurant Watch Glasfryn Mold
- Counterfeit, which one or both?
- The Global Warming Con Found Out
- Chilli Peppers in the Winter Sun
- A letter in The leader - Traffic Calming
- Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum
- £75 fine for dog fouling in Penyffordd
- CBM Howie Williams making the difference
- Carl Sargeant AM calls for urgent cuts in speed li...
- Why shops in villages,towns and cities are closing
- And then there were eight
- Beware of the Brotherhood
- The vision for a community centre
- A Coeliac's Delight with the Great and the Good