Monday, June 30, 2008
Petrol set to go up further?
The markets are at fault for the rises.
Link The Guardian
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A reply to Letter against Speeding Traffic Initiatives in The Leader
Re Letter Police No Longer giving value
(no link to the letter as The Leader Letters page is down)
Mr P Thomas writes that he is against Community Speeding Projects in Marford. Each week in The Leader there are communities who are up in arms at speeding. There are well over a 1000 communities in North Wales who would welcome speeding education initiatives on a weekly basis. Mr Thomas you are out of touch with reality. The Cllrs Mike Edwards and Beryl Blackmore who stood with the PC Kay Muldoon and PCSO Wendy Harris are to be congratulated for their support. North Wales Police are only there due to complaints from that community. As for a Police state may I recommend North Korea they only let you wear one colour jumper there.
regards Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
Add this to my file please Alun lol.
Chester Rd Penyffordd Traffic update
I've emailed the great and the good explaining that if I had a gun I would shoot a few as examples.
I've been waiting for North Wales Police to come around.
I'm quite happy to be arrested. I no longer need a CV.
keyword: lowlife, scum, anti social behaviour
Friday, June 27, 2008
Quote of the day
CBM Chris Pullen is to have a cycle
Do not wish to appear unkind but do they actually make cycles to take Chris' form?
Chris has to duck when going through doors and would give most sumo wrestlers a hard time.
This has its merits in Penyffordd occasionally.
Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum gaining momentum
David asked if CBM Chris Pullen would support an HGV ban. Top marks!
Also the possible removal of yellow lines outside the Penyffordd Post Office. Also top marks.
Cllr Cindy Hinds has asked Flintshire County Council about traffic data they have recently compiled.
Castle Cement backing Llangollen Eisteddfod children's day
Read the rest here The Evening Leader
keyword: Padeswood
The photo in the article looks vaguely familiar.
Emission Watch have detected Uranium in Spon Green
TRACES of uranium found in two areas of Flintshire were yesterday sent for analysis.
The material was discovered in air-monitoring equipment belonging to the charity Emission Watch (EW).
It says it’s the first time the monitors have detected the radioactive material.
EW spokeswoman Chris Hall, of Penyffordd, said the monitors, one testing south of Buckley and the other in the Spon Green area, were set up in 2005 to check emissions from Castle Cement’s new £64m kiln in Padeswood.
click here to read the rest The Daily Post
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Police Inspectors in North Wales not a happy bunch.
A similar survey on Police Inspector well being in 2006 showed that the current situation is in deterioration. Head bobbies have promised to look at the issues.
The Police and Teachers continue to take the brunt of our ill educated masses.
Is our own Inspector Alun Oldfield feeling the pressure?
North Wales Police as a corporate unit seem little bothered by 2000 vehicles a day that speed
passed my house which is a route to school.
postscript. I have a friend who oversees 3000+ employees. He has been there about 2 years. He set certain targets with regards employee well being. Last year he set a target of 10% improvement on various metrics with regards employee well being. The results have just been published for the last year. The improvement in employee well being is 26% .................................
keywords: HR, Human Resources, Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie,
An email to Carl Sargeant AM re: Mold Rd mini roundabout
Hope you are well.
I see in The Evening Leader we are having problems with Bernie's mini roundabout.
As mentioned the warnings are not big enough. Today's drivers
( constituents) don't want to be slowed down by any such devices as a mini roundabouts. It's foot to the floor I've got to get somewhere racing fast.
We could do with Bernie's mini roundabout up here on the Chester Rd / Penymynydd Rd junction to slow the odd 1000 vehicles that come leathering through here everyday.
Flintshire Road Safety Officer Hugh Jones has seen first hand how the locals use the large pavement outside my house as a turning point. 100's of locals use it everyday.
Shall we have a swap? You have our Tee junction and we'll have Bernie's mini roundabout.
regards Colin
Penyffordd District
actively avoiding rush hours.........................
Still the odd 1000 or 2 speeding on a Penyffordd major route to school everyday.
keyword: Cllr Bernie Attridge
Link: Inventor of the mini roundabout
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Judith Chalmers goes Commando
The mind boggles.
Judith must have a book out...........................
Link The Daily Telegraph
Do we need regime change at North Wales Police and Arrive Alive?
I still have over 200 + vehicles of all varieties speeding passed my house every morning which is a major route to school. The police have the data but just sit on their hands. North Wales Police are acting in a manner that is unaccountable to the residents of Chester Rd Penyffordd.
Both North Wales Police and Arrive Alive are not fit for purpose with regards our rat run in Penyffordd. North Wales Police will not back an HGV ban their current position on this with regards community policing a disgrace.
Still over 1500 vehicles speeding through the village everyday
keywords. Inspector Alun Oldfield, Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie, Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One stop shop for dealing with Flintshire County Council
Dear Bernie,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Photographer's Rights
Links Wales on Line
New Newt Photos

I have some new newt photos which I will endeavor to put on over the next few days. This newt as far as I know was from this years mating. The adults are less obvious so I think they have started to leave the pond. Although some adults do stay in the water.
Newts swim like Komodo dragons that have made the headlines recently.
Link Komodo Dragons
Berwyn Iron Works

Plenty of damage around after the strong winds yesterday. Trees across roads, power and telephone lines down. Berwyn Iron works river a nice place to eat a lunch time sandwich. This area would have been covered in dense acrid smoke and loud noise when the iron works was in production. The stream above the waterfall has brown trout which you can see when the water is clear.
Link The Daily Post
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Penyffordd Carnival 2008 photos
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Flintshire fire crew join in car wash charity fun
Read here The Flintshire Standard
Penyffordd Carnival 2008 today
I did not realise that all these bus loads get paid. This year it will be more village centric.
The weather is not good. Steady rain. The rain radar shows there is a chance it may go off.
Lisa is helping on the gate. Buckley band are coming which is good.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Relief as Penyffordd post office is spared the axe
Read the rest here The Evening Leader
by the fragrant Kate Forrester
Mai Gaught - A Service of Thanksgiving
Mai's late husband was Dr A Spencer Gaught my former headmaster.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
To The Penyffordd Community Council meeting
So because Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie of North Wales Police was supposed to be coming along and there was probably going to be further fall out with regards myself I decided to attend.
Cllr David Williams turned up 11 minutes after the meeting had started. David seems to have made a life time of learning of how to turn up late.
To be continued....................
Still no photos

I have a little curse on me at the moment. My main computer has decided to stop. Is it the mobo, the ram, the power supply or the hard drive or do I have a virus or have Microsoft allowed North Wales Police to mess with my computer?
My computer has various softwares loaded for work and processing of digital photos. All of which is not on other computers.
Also my pocket computer decided to stop working. I ordered a new battery off Ebay and it started working again.
My camera which has a very good zoom lens has started to play up. Some issue with the various modes, it suddenly decides to turn itself off after starting up.
Today Amy Illingworth of The Evening Leader phoned up. We had just heard the fire engines but thought they were on the Penyffordd By Pass. Do we know about a fire in Penyffordd?
Colin is just ready for his afternoon siesta, can't find his camera. Anyway my photos should be in The Flintshire Leader tomorrow. Camera seems to work if I stay away from auto mode.
Postscript. Now working.
An Evening with Dennis Parry of Penyffordd
I went around the same evening to show him how it works.
Dennis and I talked about everything. The price of oil, Al Jazzeera, Flintshire politics, Penyffordd and its characters and everything else.
Dennis has a nice laptop with Vista and no mouse. I don't like XP and it was my first go on Vista.
I've told Dennis to put a mouse on it as its keyboard equivalent is a pain in the a*rse.
Dennis appears to be an incorruptible left wing whilst I am an amalgamation of several parties.
Being self employed sways one towards Conservative.
Before the election I had met Dennis on two occasions. Once six months ago when he was at a Carl Sargeant AM and Mark Tami MP surgery for 3 minutes and one day before the election when I put election literature through his door.
It has been put around the village that my trashing of Cllrs Colin Bithell and David Williams in my election literature was a joint effort between Dennis and myself. This is not the case. Dennis left me to my own devices. 15 months of over a 1000 cars speeding passed my house drove me to rubbish the pair of them and that is all. I will do it again if we have any feet dragging.
I hope to see Dennis in the future he is good company with many a tale and a good host. I now remember however why I gave up beer.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
An Email to Hugh Jones Road Safety Officer for Flintshire County Council
Hope you are well
I see you are appearing regularly with SID (Speed Indicator Display) in The Evening Leader. Whilst Policing by Media has its place it grates a little when I see over a 1000 vehicles a day speed passed my house which is a major route to school.
The Arrive Alive Partnership over the last year have told lies over FOIE's and have refused to hand over valuable data that shows the true extent of speeding in Chester Rd, Penyffordd
You now have traffic data for Chester Rd for 2 periods that includes the begining of May 2007 and the middle of June 2008.
This data can be put on Microsoft Excel and will show if any progress has been made.
The data you now have can show in my opinion based on looking at your equipment.
1. Total number of vehicles per day
2. Total number of speeding vehicles each day and their exact speeds
3. Total number of speeding lorries and buses each day
4. Increase of traffic density between surveys
5. The wholesale disregard by Airbus and Raytheon shift workers for Penyffordd village environment.
Are Flintshire County Council and The Arrive Alive Partnership going to honour their commitment to road safety or are you going to continue with this charade with councillors hiding their incompetence behind your refusal to show anonymous traffic data that is vital to the safety of children in Chester Rd, Penyffordd?
On Wednesday evening Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie will address Penyffordd Community Council. This would be a good opportunity for North Wales Police who are part of the Arrive Alive Partnership to show leadership and give a complete set of traffic data for the periods above.
regards Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
Geraint Jones' email with regards child safety in Penyffordd.
> Dear Mr Colin Hughes,
> I refer to your general enquiry regarding the above.
> For your information Penyffordd Junior school featured in the above
> initiative in June, 2003. This involved a consultation meeting
> with the Headteacher, Chair of Governors, Parent Governor, Local Members,
> Council Officers and a representative from the N.W. Police.
> As a result new signage was provided on the approach to the school and the
> 'school keep clear' zigzag markings were made mandatory.
> Also, a zebra crossing facility was installed on Hawarden Road near the
> Junction Corwen Road (by Scouts Hut).
> The initiative is now called Safe Routes in Communities programme and any
> schemes identified must be supported by School Travel Plans before any
> bid can be considered for funding by the Welsh Assembly Government.
> There are no immediate schemes being considered for Penyffordd Junior
> school. However should any scheme(s) be identified as a result of a Travel
> Plan being
> submitted by the school, these will need to be prioritised in conjunction
> with other Flintshire schools.
> I hope the above information clarifies the situation.
> Kind Regards,
> Geraint, Senior Road Safety Officer
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dennis the Menace to start Blogging
Link Flintshire Watch
Penyffordd Post Office to stay open
The fact is hidden in the 3rd paragraph. Its not a total get out of jail card but its near enough.
Calls for better Police Accountability
We also have in the region of 200 illegal exhausts passed the house.
Chester Rd, Penyffordd in the hands of the Law Breakers.
Link Daily Post
Monday, June 16, 2008
No Post Office Decision given yet.
Each Post Office gets about £60,000 if they are closed down.
Hugh Jones takes his magic box down.
to Penyffordd residents and the press?
* Cllr Tom Jones can be added next to Cllr Colin Bithell.
keywords: Flintshire Highways.
The monitoring of speeding traffic in Chester Rd, Penyffordd continues
One hopes my councillors will be shown the data. The current denial of this data is criminal.
My FOIE will eventually bear fruit if Flintshire County Council continue to leave Chester Rd wide open to about 1500 speeders a day.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Welsh Assembly Government publishes road and rail noise maps
Penyffordd By Pass makes more noise than Castle Cement ever did but is ignored by some villagers in favour of bashing Castle over noise levels. The elephant in the room is ignored.
Noise Maps and Monitoring.
Major Noise Source Project Areas
Decibel levels in Wales available at a click (Well South Wales anyway)Link here
Friday, June 13, 2008
New Work for Flintshire?
Inventor’s cleaner power holds hope for Welsh coal
Jun 13 2008 by Martin Shipton, Western Mail
THE Welsh coal industry could be revived if a new kind of power station invented by an American engineer becomes the norm.
Alex Wormser of Boston yesterday told an environmental conference that his prototype for a coal-fired power station combined significantly lower carbon emissions with being more economical to build and run.
Link IC Wales
A Further Email from Carl Sargeant AM
Carl Sargeant AM to Meet Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Panic Petrol Buying - I'm full up
Read here The Evening Leader
Flintshire drivers ignore advice and panic buy at the pumps.
So what will the authorities do for those who heeded the above advice and are left with no fuel to get food or to get to work?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Speeding Traffic Trouble in Dobshill
Resident Jennifer Ashford pictured with fellow residents and AM Carl Sargeant and MP Mark Tami, who are all calling for the speed limit to be reduced.
Read here The Evening Leader
Postscript. The photo shows a road in Dobshill that is usually one lane due to the amount of cars parked outside houses. The road is similar to Chester Rd Penyffordd in that it will be used by Airbus and Raytheon shift workers racing into work.
A Talk with George Jones of Chester Rd, Penyffordd
George has lived in the village for 76 years so he has seen a few changes. George cannot get his head around Cllr David Williams being County Councillor. George can't see how he has the time.
I'm not saying anything myself as David has brought up the speed survey sheet at Penyffordd Community Council. Is the council going to ignore it?
I'm not speaking out of turn as George asked me to put it on the blog.....................
A Letter from Penyffordd Community Council re Speeding Traffic Chester Rd
" The Police and Community Consultative Committee has now taken the matter off the agenda as I understand speeding traffic in the area is no longer a problem."
Penyffordd Community Council as a body has no grip on reality. Who ever agreed this letter needs to resign forthwith as they have no idea what so ever.
The current speed survey by Flintshire Highways will show what a completely farcical statement the above is.
If North Wales Police do not distance themselves from the above statement I will be making a formal complaint to Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom.
Also Penyffordd Community Councillors should distance themselves from this gross mistruth.
Still over a 1000 speeders every day on a major route to school.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
An Email from Carl Sargeant AM with regards speeding traffic
Tuesday, 10 June 2008 -- Press Release
For immediate release
- 20 mile an hour speed limits at appropriate locations - such as in the vicinity of schools;
- Speed limits through villages;
- The categorisation of routes by quality and traffic use;
- The potential for, and implications of, 50 mph speed limits on lower quality rural roads; and,
- A proposed period of five years for Highway Authorities to review and amend speed limits on their road networks.
For further information, please contact Rebecca Evans on 029 2089 8716
Rebecca Evans
Office of Carl Sargeant AM for Alyn and Deeside
National Assembly for
CF99 1NA
Tel: 029 2089 8716
Fax: 029 2089 8293
A Letter published in The Evening Leader
This is the sanitized version. I must have been having a particularly bad day.
Thank you Evening Leader.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Decision Day for Penyffordd Post Office next Monday
Closure would mean going to Buckley. This is not very green thinking. I think the politicians who set out to do this need to loose their jobs.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
A Message of thank you to the Penyffordd Electorate
My election literature included items such as compulsory 20 mph zones for busy centres of the village and major routes to school.
The banning of short cut HGV's from the village, lower speed limits for Dobshill, email communication by the Penyffordd Community Council, regular reports by Penyffordd County Cllrs on matters in the village and at Shire Hall that affect our villages, better relations between councillors and North Wales Police, the reduction of the 40 mph section of Penyffordd By Pass to lessen vehicle noise, better facilities for the youth. The Warren Hall Business Park and Warren Hall A55 exit which will double or triple Chester Road traffic if not diverted to the by-pass.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Cindy Hinds and Cllr Linda Vidamour for their understanding of the traffic issue that faces Chester Rd and Corwen Rd. In Cindy's recent Summer newsletter it was mentioned that speeding traffic was still a small percentage. I think Cindy was referring to the Vounog.
Chester Rd remains a major danger to our children. I am of the opinion that Chester Rd has well in excess of 3000 vehicles each day and rising even though we have a by-pass. The number speeding is still well over 1000 a day.
Cllr David Williams at the last Penyffordd Community Council meeting handed out a Traffic Survey Form for the Penyffordd Community Council to consider. This is most welcome. I hope Penyffordd Community will back Cllr David Williams and Cllr Cindy Hinds in their endeavors to return Chester Rd to a village centre rather than its current status a short cut and race track.
I remain committed to living in a village with a bypass and not a village road that acts as a high speed by-pass.
A Reminder to Officers of Flintshire County Council
Flintshire County Council is committed to the seven principles of public life, namely
objectivity, openness, leadership, accountability, honesty, selflessness and integrity.
High ethical standards should be adhered to and be demonstrated in
all the Council’s actions and decisions.
Taken from the Constitution of Flintshire County Council.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Best wishes to Nigel Jones
keywords GNI Jones Cleark to Penyffordd Community Council, Last of the Summer Wine,
Friday, June 06, 2008
Award for Penyffordd man Richard Spray
Source. The Flintshire Chronicle
The Travellers at Penymynydd in The Chronicle
The gates have been left open since the travellers left last year.
Production cut at Castle Cement factory
PRODUCTION is being cut at a North Wales cement factory because of the recession in the construction industry.
General Manager Mark Cox said there would be no redundancies or lay-offs at the works.
Link The Daily Post
Thursday, June 05, 2008
To Wrexham
One of my favourite songs is Cocaine by Eric Clapton.
The drink Coke used to contain cocaine. It all started when someone discovered natives chewing leaves to traverse large distances.
Mild Amphets much more likeable. Ecstasy also looks attractive
I know an old man who had is heart chakra opened up with ecstasy.
I await the dawn raid, I have my paint ball gun ready.
Link Ecstasy
keywords: castaneda, don juan, don genaro
Penyffordd Doctor's Surgery Closure

Link The Evening Leader
I smell complacency here of the Cllr Tom Jones and Clr Colin Bithell variety. Unless someone tells me different. If we want a doctors surgery Penyffordd residents need to use it. With 100% hindsight we should have been encouraging new people in the village to use village surgery
Why are we all sent to Buckley or Hope?
Again Penyffordd the soft touch.
No village environment, 1500 speeding cars daily, child danger, loosing our doctors surgery. Sounds like Tom Jones mis-management here?
ps The Leader have stopped Kate ringing me up. Which is a shame as she is very nice. You wouldn't believe her Face Book profile. Kate uses profanities. Its alright Leader I'm fixed up, I don't do dates.
Postscript. Perhaps my imagination the fragrant Kate has been on the phone. I also get phone calls from reporter Amy Illingworth.
Mr Knig*ht Junior treats the village
Welcome to lawless Wales.
keywords. Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie, Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom.
Delays between Broughton and Chester A55
A55 from Broughton to Chester and vice versa seems a "no no" for 3 weeks.
The back roads through Lower Kinnerton or Saltney seems the best way to go.
Airbus shift changeovers and Office workers going and leaving at Broughton will not a good place to be.
Saltney will probably be bad at shift change too.
Postscript. It doesn't look like it will start until next Monday minimum.
Link The Daily Post
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Penymynydd Travellers continued
Read the story here The Standard
A response to a letter from Higher Kinnerton in The Evening Leader
cc Chief Inspector Ruth Purdie of Eastern Division
keywords: Inspector Alun Oldfield, Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom.
This of course is all Tom Jones' Legacy
Seems to me Cllr Tom Jones is a signed up member of the Road Haulage Association.
Travellers back in Penymynydd
Read The Evening Leader for the full story tomorrow.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Cllr Colin Bithell and others
We have 6 computers Colin!
Safer Streets in The Evening Leader
MANY thanks to your readers for the tremendous support we have received following the creation of the Wirral and Chester branch of Living Streets (formerly the Pedestrians' Association).
Some points in the letter.
* What will you do to reduce traffic volume and create towns for people, not just cars?
* What will you do to improve and maintain the quality of our public realm?
* What will you do to provide more spaces where pedestrians have greater priority?
* What will you do to make our streets safer for pedestrians?
The Evening Leader full letter
Cllr Cindy Hinds lets me down
Monday Cindy says the speeders are a small percentage in her news letter.
Not if you live in Chester Rd they are not.
Arrive Alive won't divulge the speed data they hold they also cannot stop the speeding traffic
North Wales Police do not want to know.
Flintshire Council do not want to know
Penyffordd Community Council do not want to know.
Penyffordd County Councillors are not really interested.
I am sad.
Postscript. I have spoken to Cindy. Her remarks about small percentage of speeders relates to the Vounog.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie to visit Penyffordd
That's about 2200 Anti Social Behaviour crimes each day.
North Wales Police continue not to back a ban on through village Hgv's even though we have a by pass.
keyword Inspector Alun Oldfield.
Cllr Tom Jones' Legacy to Chester Rd, Penyffordd
Cllr Colin Bithell can be added to the name of Cllr Tom Jones.
North Wales Police remain completely useless at traffic enforcement. Much better to be in the local papers headlining " no traveller " signs in pubs. Policing by media. Travellers will get our sympathy when they stop the practices that make the disliked.
keywords: Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie, Inspector Alun Oldfield.

Blog Archive
- Petrol set to go up further?
- A reply to Letter against Speeding Traffic Initiat...
- Chester Rd Penyffordd Traffic update
- Quote of the day
- CBM Chris Pullen is to have a cycle
- Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum gaining momentum
- Castle Cement backing Llangollen Eisteddfod childr...
- Emission Watch have detected Uranium in Spon Green
- Police Inspectors in North Wales not a happy bunch.
- An email to Carl Sargeant AM re: Mold Rd mini roun...
- The Blogging Revolution
- Judith Chalmers goes Commando
- Do we need regime change at North Wales Police and...
- One stop shop for dealing with Flintshire County C...
- Photographer's Rights
- Newts
- Newts
- More Newts
- New Newt Photos
- Berwyn Iron Works
- Penyffordd Carnival 2008 photos
- Flintshire fire crew join in car wash charity fun
- Penyffordd Carnival 2008 today
- Relief as Penyffordd post office is spared the axe
- Mai Gaught - A Service of Thanksgiving
- To The Penyffordd Community Council meeting
- Still no photos
- An Evening with Dennis Parry of Penyffordd
- An Email to Hugh Jones Road Safety Officer for Fli...
- Geraint Jones' email with regards child safety in ...
- Dennis the Menace to start Blogging
- Penyffordd Post Office to stay open
- Calls for better Police Accountability
- No Post Office Decision given yet.
- Hugh Jones takes his magic box down.
- The monitoring of speeding traffic in Chester Rd, ...
- Welsh Assembly Government publishes road and rail ...
- Places to go Local - Nant Mill
- Places to Go Local - Gweryd Lakes
- New Work for Flintshire?
- A Further Email from Carl Sargeant AM
- Carl Sargeant AM to Meet Chief Superintendent Ruth...
- Panic Petrol Buying - I'm full up
- Speeding Traffic Trouble in Dobshill
- A Talk with George Jones of Chester Rd, Penyffordd
- A Letter from Penyffordd Community Council re Spee...
- An Email from Carl Sargeant AM with regards speedi...
- A Letter published in The Evening Leader
- Decision Day for Penyffordd Post Office next Monday
- A Message of thank you to the Penyffordd Electorate
- A Reminder to Officers of Flintshire County Council
- Best wishes to Nigel Jones
- Award for Penyffordd man Richard Spray
- The Travellers at Penymynydd in The Chronicle
- Production cut at Castle Cement factory
- To Wrexham
- Penyffordd Doctor's Surgery Closure
- Mr Knig*ht Junior treats the village
- Penymynydd Travellers Leave
- Delays between Broughton and Chester A55
- Penymynydd Travellers continued
- A response to a letter from Higher Kinnerton in Th...
- Travellers back in Penymynydd
- Cllr Colin Bithell and others
- Safer Streets in The Evening Leader
- Cllr Cindy Hinds lets me down
- The village of Holt have their own website
- Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie to visit Penyffordd
- Cllr Tom Jones' Legacy to Chester Rd, Penyffordd
- My computer has broke