Noise can be a big problem in Penyffordd. The prevailing wind makes our by-pass sound as if we are next to the A55. A constant roar. As a human being with a nervous system I find the noise offensive and wearing. Do other people have nervous systems and wish to enjoy their garden environments?
Answers on a postcard?
The National Assembly for Wales (hereafter referred to as NAfW) has a responsibility
for most noise related policy in Wales.
Penyffordd By - Pass is a First Round Major Road A-Road.
This means our Penyffordd By Pass is near the top of the list.
1.2 Directive 2002/49/EC
Environmental noise policy in the European Community will develop over the next
few years and Directive 2002/49/EC, relating to the assessment and management of
environmental noise forms the basis of that development. This Directive, often
referred to as the Environmental Noise Directive, or the END, was adopted by the
European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on 25 June 2002.
1.2.1 The aim of the Directive
The Aim of Directive 2002/49/EC, is to provide a common approach between
Member States with the intention of avoiding, preventing or reducing on a prioritised
basis, the harmful effects, including annoyance, due to exposure to environmental
More data to follow
Noise Map Penyffordd By Pass
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