For over a year now I have been complaining about speeding through Chester Rd Penyffordd. This is not just 5 or 10 this is 2000+ cars a day in a rural village with 30 mph average and a bypass.
Flintshire Arrive Alive hide behind their quoted 32 mph average.
As someone once said "There are lies, damn lies and there are statistics."
This 32 mph average hides the probable fact that there are up to 800 - 1000 cars speed passed my house at 40 - 65 mph each day.
Vehicles at these speeds produce a lot of noise especially when they have illegal exhausts as is the wont of Airbus and Raytheon shift workers.
North Wales Police (Neighbourhood forum) then hide behind the 32 mph average as well. So sorry average is only 32 mph that doesn't seem too bad to us. The 32 mph average deceipt also sending out the wrong message to my community councillors and county councillors.
I am also ridiculed by a small section of the village as being deranged. (see previous post email Cllr D Williams)
Flintshire Highways give us half a rumble strip and an extra sign. Flintshire Highways still behaving like a spoilt little kid instead of a grown up corporate department
Flintshire Arrive Alive refuse at present to release data on the number of cars traveling through Chester Rd and their exact speed. This data they hold is for a 4 day period recorded before our meeting with Flintshire Highways organised by Cllr David Williams.
So there we have it Flintshire Arrive Alive, Flintshire County Council and North Wales Police a partnership of deceipt.
KEYWORDS: The Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom, Flintshire County Council Chief Executive Colin Everett, Newport County Football Club, supporters, Charles Hughes Head of Engineering Flintshire County Council, North Wales Police, traffic calming, rat run, race track, environment, blog, Crown Prosecution Service, Her Majesty's Courts Service, National Public Health Service for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government and North Wales Police.
Wrexham Council. Denbighshire Council, Angelsey Council. Poor practice,
Further thoughts. How does Colin Everett square his religious conviction with the current treatment of Chester Rd by Flintshire County Council. Does one put it in some separate mental compartment that is outside one's value system?
Further Comments. I have 5 FOIE's for Flintshire County Council that are supposed to be answered in 20 working days. I also have an enquiry and a formal complaint in the system.
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