Lache Community Safety Wardens did a survey using a device I think similar to the one Hugh Jones of ArriveAlive uses. I have a picture of it but won't publish it as a minority would seek to vandalise what is a valuable tool to survey village speeding. The MidWeek Chronicle quotes a Chester City Council spokesperson, " Our Safety Warden will continue to work with the Police to address the speeding".
Lache figures 31-39 mph 37%, 40-49mph 4 .3% , Over 50mph 0.3%
Chester Rd Penyffordd 31-39 mph 56%, Over 40mph 8%
Number of Speeding motorists leaving Penyffordd Village 65%*
Number of Speeding motorists entering Penyffordd Village 60%*
So the Lache Community are concerned with their levels of speeding. Ours speeding levels in Traffic Taliban Country are nearly double.
* figures are accurate, supplied by ArriveAlive.
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