Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Re previous post....... seems I was a bit premature......................Put on The Leader 2 hours ago.
Coronavirus News
There isn't any locally.
No leader email this week.
For the last month I've had robot emails from The leader reporting on coronavirus cases for Penyffordd and Higher Kinnerton.
Each week cases have fallen. Last week it was 0.14% of 5000 population.
Seems good news doesn't fit the narrative.
postscript: People who run Penyffordd Main FB put on a daily graph. Can't find the link.
Its in here somewhere
Which says Flintshire daily total yesterday was 12.8 per 100,000
which breaks down to 0.0128% of Flintshire population are testing positive daily.
Flintshire had a population 155,600 in 2020.
So 0.0128% of 155,600 is 20 cases daily. ( data comes from people tested )
Then we have the "how accurate is the test?".
It's no where near 100% last time I looked mid December 2020.
Also there are cases where people didn't turn up for tests but got letters
to say they were positive........
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Roll up for your vaccine passport
One might ask whose pushing this sht.
I suppose its a case of following the money.
Also who wants to control us similar to a communist state.
Tales of Paranoia
Talked to a local this morning. Usually seen walking around the village and countryside with another gent. Now he walks around on his own. The other person goes out for a daily walk at 8 am as there are too many people in the lanes later on.
There's a bag attached to our gate. Its packaging. The person who dropped the bag off will not touch the gate or the porch door.
Two masked teenage lads this lunchtime walking a dog in open countryside. Perhaps masks are a new form of virtue signalling?
Will these people ever return to normal?
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
How's your subservience going?
You stand in a field quarter mile from any property.
You are a threat.
You have driven there in a car,
Gov is bollox, tells lies daily.
Too many sheep hold the line
You depress.
Idiots are you
Friday Night comes early
The man comes in at 3.28.
John Frusciante best guitarist in the world.Monday, February 22, 2021
20MPH speed limits in residential areas.
Friday, February 19, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Fishing Expedition
Last Friday I reported from official sources that there were 7 outbreaks of coronavirus in the combined populations of Penyffordd and Higher Kinnerton of 5000.
For the last 3 weeks The Leader have reported a steady decline of coronavirus cases.
Someone tells me that Penyffordd Youth Club is to be opened for testing of coronavirus on the 21st of February.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
The Benefits of Devolution
England manages their coronavirus issues
Wales manage theirs.
Flintshire Trading Standards have stopped Tesco Mold from selling £5 fruit trees
They are classed as non essential.
They have them in stock. Apple, pears and plum
You can buy flowers though........
You can buy the fruit trees in Tesco in England but they have none left.........
Friday, February 12, 2021
Spectacular icicles
Spectacular icicles lining Welsh roadside leave locals in awe.
Global Warming News
Perhaps the coldest night of the winter tonight. Factoring in the wind we're looking at a feel like temperature of -10 degrees centigrade. Warmer weather coming Monday on wards.
Data taken from the Met Office.
Coronavirus News
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Penyffordd Internet not working today
Also a lot of other places.
Good service by BT. Answered the phone within 5 minutes. Said there was a fault and it would be fixed by 19.00 hrs. And here we are back online.
Off for over 5 hours.
Welcome to Soviet Penyffordd
Just been asked to queue outside The Spar in zero temperatures.
There were more than 4 customers in the queue for the Post Office.
The shop itself is a large shop.
Civil servants must spend all day dreaming up daft new rules.
My spending in The Spar might be affected by this.
Did I wait outside in the queue? .......................
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
The State of Penyffordd mid Coronavirus
1. Never ever seen so many people out walking.
1a. The village is dead after 9.00 am, traffic wise.
2. Those with balanced character always willing to stop to talk.
3. Those who walk around with face masks on, scared to death.
4. Those who I used to talk to regularly, seen twice in 12 months.
5. Government and media continue to spin this sht out. I'm not voting ever again.
6. Let's see who are wearing swimsuits when the tide goes out. Who has a business with employees when Gov financial help ends.
Monday, February 08, 2021
No news, is it Friday yet?
Welsh Assembly Gov blow 17K to find out whether we have any statues linked to slavery.
Whilst we have former soldiers with PTSD sleeping on the streets in freezing conditions.
Why don't we just boot these Aholes into the Irish Sea?
Email says no houses sold, can't believe. Redrow..........
Anyway, here's The Man
Sunday, February 07, 2021
Friday, February 05, 2021
Coronavirus News - Cases continue to fall.
The Leader quotes 12 cases for Penyffordd and Higher Kinnerton
Population approx 5000 residents.
Google tells me this is 0.24 % of the population
Thursday, February 04, 2021
Green Barrier Petition - Cllr David Williams
Wednesday, February 03, 2021
Tuesday, February 02, 2021
Is it Friday yet?
We have 2 Friday's a's the virus.
A search on youtube (political sensors ) on Rick Wakeman ( man in a cloak ) reveals entertaining tubes.

Blog Archive
- Amy Winehouse - "Back to Black" (BEST LIVE PERFORM...
- Re previous post....... seems I was a bit prematur...
- Coronavirus News
- Roll up for your vaccine passport
- Tales of Paranoia
- Coronavirus Vaccine News
- How's your subservience going?
- The Smiths - This Charming Man (Official Music Vid...
- The Killers - This Charming Man (feat. Johnny Marr...
- Friday Night comes early
- 20MPH speed limits in residential areas.
- Penyffordd Covid Testing Centre - Community Cllrs ...
- Penyffordd Post Office - The Spar - Closed
- Flea Y John
- Frusciante & Flea - Solo at Slane Castle
- Toyah and Robert's Sunday Lunch - Black Dog - Is i...
- Fishing Expedition
- Community comes together to create Penyffordd Vale...
- Young Penyffordd Man wins Award
- The Benefits of Devolution
- Bagpipes, Rock and a School Boy
- Spectacular icicles
- Global Warming News
- Coronavirus News
- Penyffordd Internet not working today
- Welcome to Soviet Penyffordd
- Eric
- The State of Penyffordd mid Coronavirus
- No news, is it Friday yet?
- The Best.......Amy Winehouse - "Back to Black" (BE...
- Coronavirus News - Cases continue to fall.
- Green Barrier Petition - Cllr David Williams
- Prince - Cream (Live At Webster Hall - April 20, 2...
- Penyffordd Dance Society .....RTSF 2020 Jamboree B...
- Penymynydd traffic jams coming up shortly .....Mar...
- Sophie Ellis-Bextor & Brendan Charleston to 'Rock ...
- Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’ (Escape Tour 1981: ...
- Is it Friday yet?