Thursday, December 31, 2020
Out for an illegal walk.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Penyffordd 1850
Click to enlarge
This Tithe map shows Penyffordd which resided in the Parish of Hope in the County of Flint in 1850.
My house in on tithe number C54.
I'm mostly certain that this the bottom of Penymynydd Rd.
If you live in Wales you can find out if your place of existence was around in 1850.
I know someone personally and follow this someone on FB. 3 days ago this someone's mother of 89 years died in the Maelor. Covid was a factor.
A row over masks has broken out on this someone's FB timeline.
Perhaps its best to keep personal and business separate on social media
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Monday, December 28, 2020
The Big men of 2020
Corona has affected Penyffordd to an extent. Lots of the peasants are hypnotised by the MSM and UK Gov's agenda. They believe all the sht spewed out
Two men and more rise above this idiocy. (I'll add more when I remember them)
Not sure how Twitter plays out if you are not signed up. Dead easy to set an account up, no personal details needed, just do false. Just try a click and go through their timeline.
Could have continued in a quiet retirement but stepped up to the plate.
His timeline worth a look if you are interested.
I'm sure his days are numbered on Twitter.
No2. A doctor in New York with a protocol that works when taken early. (Boris ignored this, shipped corona patients into care homes.......)
I see the baddies have got to him
Its here
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Someone has had an indoor drone for Xmas. Apparently its flown out of the house into the garden then over the garden wall. If you find one in your garden the owner can be found on Penyffordd Facebook.
On a general note I think there are restrictions on the use of drones in Penyffordd due to us being on the flight path for Hawarden Airport.
In other news
Media scaring the sht over Corona and Brexit.
Still seeing idiots wearing masks in fresh air.....
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Where we walk the dogs there are badgers. Never seen a live one in 15 years. We see the occasional fox. I've bought a trail cam off Ebay for £20. Have paid an interest in them previously but they were too dear. Took a bit of messing around to set up. The manual is in Chinese English. Does't come with software but will run with Windows and Google. A file on the 32gig card needs editing in Notepad.
Stand by time is supposedly 12 months.
Has a USB cable to connect to the computer. My cable was faulty, worked when exchanged, seems I had 2 lying around.....
It has 4 batteries. Resolution supposedly 12 mega pixels
It does colour, has 32 GB of memory, waterproof to IP54, the infra red range is 15m, movement activated.
Will take stills and video. Night or daylight.
If its any good I'm getting a few for security for the house and garden. A few years ago we had a fox in the garden trying to get chickens over the back.
Xmas Turkey Choices
1. Get it delivered to the door by Tesco
2. Sit in a 200 yard car queue on Hawarden Rd for Penyffordd Butchers.
That was the state of play yesterday afternoon.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
The Cake has the Mutant Corona Virus
Lisa made and delivered a cake to an old lady up the road on Sunday as a thank you for the fruit she gave us in the summer. Lisa has had a text at lunch time. Do you think the cake could have the mutant virus?
Food Shortages - Project Fear
Wifey tells me the media are running scare stories over food shortages. Our Tesco delivery man gave us everything we ordered. He says the supermarket is full of food.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Penyffordd New Lockdown
Before 8 am steady traffic through Chester Rd, Penyffordd. Wrexham town centre is busy. Perhaps the peasants are seeing through all this charade. Last time I looked Winter deaths are comparable with previous years. Even less in some cases.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
A Milestone reached today....
Or maybe yesterday..... it's gone midnight.
I've built a CNC Engraving Machine to engrave / machine brass, aluminium, pewter, bronze.
Might even do steel!
It's took 18 months, many hours on Youtube, and a few blow ups, ball bearing all over the desk, one item ordered from China that went missing......I think I know where it ended up, took 2 months for a replacement. Thank god for Banggood.
Research was required in cnc software, electronics, stepper motors, MS Windows, electrical interference.Spent 6 months up a cnc software dead end........That will be Arduino....
My machining foot print is 140 x 70 mm. They have a CNC machine down at Airbus Broughton that are two cricket fields long for the wings. Same stuff, just a matter of scale.
Currently machining air. Machine runs but following code above table.
Machining software still a learning curve.Next lesson is turning photo's into 3D machine code to machine. Three quarters way there........
The Goal
Saturday, December 19, 2020
The Virus has gone........
I've stopped looking at twitter at the moment. Need to unfollow a 1000 I follow. Including experts on virus, vaccines, politics and statistics before I go back. I thank these people for their work, sacrifice and abuse received. I am fully up to speed with what is happening.
I've stopped looking at Twitter, national media except for the Sunday Times, half of the main section remains a joke. Local media including local media websites.
Outcome : Bliss
Wifey informs me of idiot directives of Drakeford.
They will not touch us. We are bullet proof.
I feel for businesses struggling through this sht show.
My only reminder are the sheep walking around in masks. Exhibiting their stupidity and subservience.
postscript: Also the ill informed.
Penyffordd Lockdown from Midnight
So my wife informs me.......
Comrade Drakeford has decreed.
The Santa Dash which was scheduled for tomorrow is cancelled. Loads of food prepared...... Currently being off loaded on FB. I hear Broughton Park Retail is currently in lockdown with all those people who have not bought Xmas presents yet........ I'm ok I don't buy any. Lisa can buy whatever she wants whenever she wants, me too.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Corona - Why this Campaign of Terror
A friend of Lisa sent this above which sums up the current situation
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Comrade Drakeford wishes you Happy Xmas
Wifey informs me that Mark Drakeford Welsh FM has laid down the rules for Christmas.
Penyffordd Facebook are up in arms
One FB member says she has not been out since March 2020.
This all ends when people tell our government at Cardiff and Westminster to FO.
Meanwhile tax generators go to the wall by the 1000.
Can you see where this is going?
All that is needed is that the vulnerable are protected. Hospitals and nursing homes.
Cases mean nothing. Testing is highly inaccurate.
Main Stream Media keep spreading bull shit.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Happy New Year!
I shout across the Spar car park to a lady I know.
A big lad laughs at the cash machine
I pass the lady's house 4 times a week
I have not spoke to her for at least 30 weeks........
Monday, December 14, 2020
Blue is the World with Twitter
About 4 days ago I decided I'd had enough of all this covid bullshit. So out goes Twitter and MSM including local newspapers.
Life is a lot gentler. No negatives. As was my life before Twitter, I made this so. Just get reminded occasionally by idiots walking outside with masks and driving in cars.
Have not watched main news in over 10 years.
Twitter is similar to cocaine I think. Never tried it, can't afford it and F's your cardiovascular system.
Twitter had become addictive. Its hard to say goodbye, it nags everyday.
Mathew Sayed in the Sunday Times weighed things up.
Wifey has thrown newspaper in the bin.... but
Article mentions how his daughter of 8 is affected by the negative news.
Mathew says The World is better away from the news, rightly so............
I feel for the businesses that are affected by all this nonsense.
Still The Spar is full of masks, except for me......... subservient sheep.
ps. I've been back 3 times to Twitter.....Will only be going back on when major incidents occur, wifey will inform. I follow trusted intelligent people with no bias.
Sunday Times main section is half unreadable with bias and agenda. Before I stopped logging on to twitter daily I knew ST bullshit the day before.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Tuesday, December 08, 2020
The Sheep are gagging for the corona vaccine
A Buckley Practice has published the following on their website.
Please do not phone us to book a corona virus vaccine. We are not involved with the corona vaccine program.
You are blocking our phone lines.
Sunday, December 06, 2020
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
New Rules for the Peasants
New notice in the Penyffordd Post Office at the Spar. Only 4 allowed to stand in the queue for the PO. Any over 4 must queue outside.
Virus News
Loads of people gagging to get the vaccine. Mainstream media are pushing it. Here's some words from a former Vice President of Pfizer Respiratory Illness Division.
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
Excess Deaths in Waiting
Statistics Guy Jon
4.4 million missing GP and Other referrals year to date. 36.8% down for acute specialists. 2.63 million missing GP referrals to Acute Specialists year to date. 2.63 million people in England did not get a referral from GP to a specialist consultant. EXCESS Deaths in waiting.
Coronavirus Anthem FU
Paranoia is in bloom.
Red tape to keep the truth confined.
Produced 2009 but current with this idiot government.
We will be victorious.
Fck tests.
Respiratorial illness is average for this time of year.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Thought for the Year
IVOTEDLEAVE #ArrestMattHancock Retweeted

Michael Knowles
A great many people will one day regret how much of their lives they wasted in fear and seclusion because they blindly followed sociopath politicians who neither believed their own warnings nor heeded their own mandates. Don't be one of those people.
Welsh Government to annihilate Welsh Pubs
I've seen data around that says pubs are causing 2 - 3% of covid cases. That's cases not deaths.
More Corona News - Only 700,000 fatalities from the vaccine expected
This is on a death rate of 0.02 % from covid.
Corona News
Daniel Horowitz
Last year, for week 46 (ending Nov. 16), there were 1,786 confirmed flu cases. This year, there were just 41. That is a 97.7% decline!
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020
Welsh pubs and restaurants set for new coronavirus curbs
I'll be taking plenty of no notice of the rules. I'm not being particularly brave, my life does not revolve around any establishments forced to obey these new rules. FM Wales says there is financial support.
I know someone on Twtr who has made £2K since the lock down started, should be around £50K.
Minions wearing masks depresses. Time for everyone to tell the politicians where to go. An old lady walked past me yesterday out for a walk wearing a mask...scared witless. Then there's the occasional mask wearer driving a car with no one else in the car......
Illness levels and deaths are similar to this time last year despite what the Daily Post might suggest. As someone said its winter.
As mentioned previously they are adding flu deaths to corona figures to keep them high. This isn't keyboard warrior stuff. I've seen the official notice on this, it started a month ago.
Wearing a mask for the 6th time in 9 months next week, a haircut......
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?
This is a very important article which is hard to understand. The dangers of new vaccines and their possible mechanisms discussed. It makes disturbing reading.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Job Losses due to Government during Lockdown
Statistics Guy Jon

Statistics Guy Jon
Good Xmas News for the Peasants
Those in power have decided 3 family groups can meet for 5 days. Or something like that. Daily Post leading with 1 in 5 deaths due to corona. You can see what sort of sht that is by scrolling down my blog to look at those nice pie charts by Latimer Alder. Data used is ONS.
Some regions have hotlines where you can report your neighbour for breaking the rules. None of that idiocy in Penyffordd.
The Chancellor is still to give me 2 scheduled lockdown payments. Meanwhile millions of people will become unemployed and many 1000's of businesses will be going to the wall.
You can do your bit to end this madness. Don't get tested, don't carry the app. You just need to be careful when meeting the old and vulnerable.
If you are going to get the vaccine which is experimental and alters your RNA forever, you need to have a good talk with yourself.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
What Virus?
I've seen this before
Robert Miller
@rob_miller12345· 34m
"CDC document confirms Principia Scientific International claims there has NEVER been any successful laboratory test to isolate and confirm the existence of the SARS-COV2 virus. In effect, the science tells us there is NO virus.
Vaccine News
@Yeadoncampaign so the vaccine will be unlicensed, ie without a full marketing authorization, made available at the government’s request, having used Regulation 174, a temporary emergency provision in UK law. I didn’t hear that bit at the briefing did you?
Coronavirus Testing BS
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
Corona Vaccine - What MSM, NHS and Government are not telling you
The above information is true, Its analysed and verified by virus and vaccine specialists every week.
You will face a barrage of opportunities to vaccinate.
ps. NHS and your Local Doctors get paid for everyone that has flu or corona vaccines.
You cannot take anyone to court over vaccine damage, they have all been given a free pass against prosecution.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
To Penyffordd Post Office
Its just gone 10.00am and its closed............
This is at least the 6th time it has happened this year
I've got a parcel its paid for just needs leaving behind the counter.
This a real big issue for non post office staff.
postscript1: We've gone from a post office that would price 12 of my parcels and send, then bill me next day to a "post office" that is not guaranteed to be open. A sht show.
postcript2: I've told the council, they say no one else has complained to them, perhaps its their lack of internet and old thinking.
Perhaps filed under "it didn't happen" ?
I've told them I'll get back in my box and let the OAP's struggle with mediocre service.
Hope Post Office has normal opening hours.
postscript3: This issue will come up at the next council meeting. Outcome: No evidence, we will not look.
OAP's continue to suffer. End of.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
Penyffordd Grave News - Not corona, he's still here...
Might have to answer a stupid question to access
Just the one.
Corona Vaccine Update
Corona Vaccines, they're harmless.
The above document contains the following.
II.1.4) Short description:Thursday, November 12, 2020
Coronavirus - Lets save the NHS
· 30m
Nearly 140,000 people have waited over a year for a routine operation or procedure in England.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Corona Vaccines - What you are NOT seeing in the Fake News
Estimated Study Completion Date:Dec 11 2022
Last data update Nov 2 20
Monday, November 09, 2020
Coronavirus Vaccine Perspective
Karl Watchtay7
@kvwatchtay7· 7h
The Covid Vaccine is 90% effective after 8 months of development,
Remembrance Sunday did take place
During the afternoon. No notice was put on social media. The two vicars held the service. After which the Welsh National Anthem and God Save the Queen were then played on a single trumpet. Very good.
County Cllr Cindy Hinds was in attendance. (most probably others)
Music was played from inside the Legion before and after, military in flavour.
Coronavirus - More Rules for the Peasants
Thankfully I have developed my life to the extent I can say FRO to all of the rules
Sadly this is not true of many. We need a revolution.
A corona virus vaccine has been wheeled out today. A so called efficiency of 90%
Its brand new and side effects are little known.
I will not be having it.
Recovery from Corona without the vaccine in England (ONS) is around 99.98% ...........
Saturday, November 07, 2020
Team Red to the Rescue
What Virus?
The Johnson regime admitted under an FOI request that the Department of Health does not hold any evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus actually exists.
Friday, November 06, 2020
Coronavirus - The Next Step
Thursday, November 05, 2020
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
Monday, November 02, 2020
Corona virus False Positive rates mid 90's%
Yardley Yeadon
So, we know that false diagnosis exists & I claim that, in the summer, it was at least in the mid-90s%. Virtually NONE of the positives were ‘real’, then. Don’t we need to know what it is now? Because if it’s just a few % points higher & there are no ‘real’ cases now, either.
Quote Tweet

Yardley Yeadon
· 10m
Replying to @MichaelYeadon3 @CJforeveryoung and @grahambradymp
...the reply referred - with extraordinary gall, to the document their own scientists wrote to SAGE, on June 3rd this year IIRC, saying they’ve tried to measure it, no success, it’s prob in range 0.8-2.6% or similar. Read that again: THEY DO NOT KNOW THE FALSE POSITIVE RATE.
Sunday, November 01, 2020
Dying at Home since March
Saturday, October 31, 2020
England New Lockdowns Until December

Blog Archive
- Out for an illegal walk.
- Penyffordd 1850
- Masks
- Situations Vacant
- Two for the price of one. RIp Bon Scott
- Butterflies and Zebras
- The Big men of 2020
- Missing
- In other news
- Tom Jones & Seasick Steve - You Gotta move.
- Badgers!
- Xmas Turkey Choices
- Mutant Covid Phantasia Song ...... Sting - Fortres...
- The Cake has the Mutant Corona Virus
- Food Shortages - Project Fear
- RIP .......From The Beginning
- Imogen Heap and Jeff Beck - Rollin and Tumblin liv...
- Penyffordd Red Lion issue statement over new lockdown
- Penyffordd New Lockdown
- Happy Winter Solstice
- The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
- A Milestone reached today....
- The Virus has gone........
- Penyffordd Lockdown from Midnight
- Xmas at Penyffordd
- Wates Completes Tranche of Affordable New Homes in...
- Corona - Why this Campaign of Terror
- WDDTY - Vaccines
- Comrade Drakeford wishes you Happy Xmas
- Happy New Year!
- Blue is the World with Twitter
- Team Red volunteers deliver Christmas presents to ...
- Men Whitout Hats - Safety Dance Remix - Robot Danc...
- Class....................Maroon 5 - Sugar (Officia...
- Muse - Undisclosed Desires
- Corona vaccine News
- Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee)💙💙🎶 💃🏼 🕺🏼🎶💃🏻...
- The Sheep are gagging for the corona vaccine
- Covid Vaccine News
- Kings Of Leon - Closer (Live on Letterman)
- Covid Vaccination Information
- New Rules for the Peasants
- Virus News
- Covid Vaccine, you first
- Masks
- Excess Deaths in Waiting
- Coronavirus Anthem FU
- Thought for the Year
- Welsh Government to annihilate Welsh Pubs
- More Corona News - Only 700,000 fatalities from th...
- Corona News
- Tower House Penyffordd
- Red Lion Winter Market
- Welsh pubs and restaurants set for new coronavirus...
- UK Government Expecting A Flood Of COVID-19 Vaccin...
- Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?
- Fatboy Slim - Praise You - Christopher Walken
- Job Losses due to Government during Lockdown
- Good Xmas News for the Peasants
- JSM & Eric - Jamie Berry feat. Octavia Rose - Lost...
- Sven Otten - JustSomeMotion - Deka Spot (Extended ...
- Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire (Subtitulada)
- Mask News
- Coronavirus Perspective 23 November 2020
- What Virus?
- Vaccine News
- Coronavirus Testing BS
- The Killers - Somebody Told Me (Official Music Video)
- Westminster don't like criticism
- Corona Vaccine - What MSM, NHS and Government are ...
- To Penyffordd Post Office
- Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
- Thought myself to death - That's me
- Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire (Subtitulada) After th...
- Penyffordd Grave News - Not corona, he's still her...
- Coronavirus - Damage caused by Government
- Corona Vaccine Update
- Coronavirus - Lets save the NHS
- Corona Vaccines - What you are NOT seeing in the F...
- Coronavirus Vaccine Perspective
- Remembrance Sunday did take place
- Coronavirus - More Rules for the Peasants
- Penyffordd Remembrance Sunday 2020
- Team Red to the Rescue
- What Virus?
- Coronavirus - The Next Step
- Bonfire Night II
- Happy Bonfire Night
- The Killers - Somebody Told Me (Official Music Vid...
- Coronavirus Testing Fraud
- Sven Otten - JustSomeMotion - Deka Spot (Extended ...
- When is Friday this Week?
- Corona virus False Positive rates mid 90's%
- Meanwhile
- Dying at Home since March
- Penyffordd Institute Renovation Update