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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Development Onslaught Continues

Alan's ( Penyffordd Councillor) comment at the bottom of the article which sums up the situation at WAG.

The problem we have is that the Welsh Minister is out of touch with reality. Speaking on ITV recently, she said that people should get involved in the development plan process and stop complaining when there is a housing development in their community! In Penyffordd there were 2 developments (235+85 houses) approved by the Inspectorate in the last local plan in 2011, then we had 40 more, followed by 186, followed by 32 - all refused by Flintshire and approved on Appeal. In all of these there was strong village representation. The village infrastructure is broken, the last 186 houses haven't worked out what to do with their drains yet, there is no water pressure in half the village, drains overflow, the internet is practically stopped at times. There is a Local Plan in consultation and it is an absolutely pointless process as long as appeals like this are allowed to get nodded through. It is time the Welsh Government took the time to REVIEW the consequences of decisions already made BEFORE allowing another appeal to be approved. But the Minister won't meet with us at Penyffordd Community Council - she suggested we make comments via a questionnaire instead. Something is very wrong with the system and the people in charge of it.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Lest We Forget

In remembrance of the fallen. 
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning. 
We will remember them. 
Our nation salutes you all.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Parking News

As I write FCC Parking Warden is hiding in a van outside The Spar.

Monday, November 04, 2019

Friday, November 01, 2019

Health News

At last a Flintshire County Councillor raises issues about Wrexham Maelor.
I spent 5 hours in MAU in March not a pleasant experience.
Seems I got off lightly.

Our national government continue to allow free health care for the World.
Welsh Assembly Gov couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.
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