On the Wellhouse estate someone's back door was tried by a middle aged male with dark hair in broad daylight. Use your mobile to take pictures of such miscreants and give them to our PCSO.
These people need locking up with added hard labour till they see the light.
Our politicians continue to fail us miserably.
Source: Penyffordd Facebook.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Penyffordd House Sales
Rhos Dene, Rhos Road, CH4 0JR £152,500 17 Jun 2016 2 bed detached
Gilwell House, Abbotts Lane, CH4 0HW £268,000 31 May 2016 4 bed semi-D
23, Min Y Ddol, CH4 0EB £138,000 13 Jun 2016 2 bed terraced
28, Alyn Drive, CH4 0HP £215,000 14 Jun 2016 3 bed semi-D
Gilwell House, Abbotts Lane, CH4 0HW £268,000 31 May 2016 4 bed semi-D
23, Min Y Ddol, CH4 0EB £138,000 13 Jun 2016 2 bed terraced
28, Alyn Drive, CH4 0HP £215,000 14 Jun 2016 3 bed semi-D
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Next Penyffordd against Redrow meeting
Monday 12th September at the legion 8pm
So says their Facebook page.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Water Utility Network Maintenance
Dee Valley Water have put a leaflet through the door. Water supply may be interrupted where I live Chester Rd - Penymynydd Rd junction on August 23 and 24 between 7 pm and 11 pm.
Just when I have a bath......
We still have one of those old fashioned cold water header tanks which come in helpful in such situations.
Best keep an eye on your letter box for a leaflet. Don't know where work is being carried out.
postscript: Outside Penyffordd Primary School. 25th - job looks done ready for hole to be filled in. We've had brown water yesterday.
Just when I have a bath......
We still have one of those old fashioned cold water header tanks which come in helpful in such situations.
Best keep an eye on your letter box for a leaflet. Don't know where work is being carried out.
postscript: Outside Penyffordd Primary School. 25th - job looks done ready for hole to be filled in. We've had brown water yesterday.
Travellers spotted in Penyffordd
Travellers are currently staying in Mold
Villagers have spotted two white pick ups near the Institute field. Children were seen coming off the field then getting into white pickups.
An emergency stop for toilet duties?
Or a fishing trip for a new site to temporarily reside?
The current open gate policy at the Institute may need to be modified.
Maybe very quickly.
This of course will be a PIA for the village residents with regards use of our facility.
Cindy and David are on the case.
Its about time certain actions are no longer tolerated.
Does Brexit give us the option?
Our national political leaders continue to fail us.
Blog entry sent to Mark Tami MP, Carl Sargeant AM, Colin Everett CEO of Flintshire County Council
Villagers have spotted two white pick ups near the Institute field. Children were seen coming off the field then getting into white pickups.
An emergency stop for toilet duties?
Or a fishing trip for a new site to temporarily reside?
The current open gate policy at the Institute may need to be modified.
Maybe very quickly.
This of course will be a PIA for the village residents with regards use of our facility.
Cindy and David are on the case.
Its about time certain actions are no longer tolerated.
Does Brexit give us the option?
Our national political leaders continue to fail us.
Blog entry sent to Mark Tami MP, Carl Sargeant AM, Colin Everett CEO of Flintshire County Council
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
New Penyffordd website
Raison d'etre
"We aim to create a community development plan for our village, which represents the views of the people who live here."
Raison d'etre
"We aim to create a community development plan for our village, which represents the views of the people who live here."
Please visit, see if you can contribute.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Penyffordd Post Office Opening Hours
Opening hours are good for us here. I took my parcels 8.30am the other morning. No queue. We can even take them 10.30pm if we are so inclined.
postscript: If Penyffordd Spar has to stop Collect+ here's the other sites near
Collect+ are nearly half price against the Post Office for over 2kg
Thursday, August 11, 2016
The Spar - New Post Office
My wife Lisa has been passed the Spar this morning at 6.55 am with the dog. There were 5 people standing in a queue waiting for it to open.
Theoretically the new post office opens in the Spar tomorrow. There will have been 2 days without a post office in the village. I'll be turning up with about 10 packages.
Perhaps best to leave it an hour or two.
The opening hours of the Spar are very attractive, it will be interesting to see what hours the post office side will have.
Normally we would take parcels over the road, let Karen and Kath process parcels then give us a bill. Mary got a percentage for the process.
We have now signed up with the Post Office online. We have to do our own processing, printing stamp labels after determining correct postage with our letter box templates.
Then we just hand them over to Spar staff I think.............
No one needs to do as us. It just stops me being there with a queue behind me for 15 minutes.
Perhaps we can get discounts out of the Post Office.....
Theoretically the new post office opens in the Spar tomorrow. There will have been 2 days without a post office in the village. I'll be turning up with about 10 packages.
Perhaps best to leave it an hour or two.
The opening hours of the Spar are very attractive, it will be interesting to see what hours the post office side will have.
Normally we would take parcels over the road, let Karen and Kath process parcels then give us a bill. Mary got a percentage for the process.
We have now signed up with the Post Office online. We have to do our own processing, printing stamp labels after determining correct postage with our letter box templates.
Then we just hand them over to Spar staff I think.............
No one needs to do as us. It just stops me being there with a queue behind me for 15 minutes.
Perhaps we can get discounts out of the Post Office.....
Door Knockers
A commenter writes at 1.50 am................
Completely unrelated to the post but worth mentioning on your blog.
Today we had some 'nottingham knockers' down our street (millstone area of penyffordd), knocking on doors and selling household wares. 3 young lads, claiming to be ex offenders on a rehabilitation program. No doubt a scam, and could be more sinister - casing out streets / houses. Can you make everyone aware please and to call 101 to report this if they experience the same thing. Better to be safe than sorry, we don't want cold callers frequenting the area.
Completely unrelated to the post but worth mentioning on your blog.
Today we had some 'nottingham knockers' down our street (millstone area of penyffordd), knocking on doors and selling household wares. 3 young lads, claiming to be ex offenders on a rehabilitation program. No doubt a scam, and could be more sinister - casing out streets / houses. Can you make everyone aware please and to call 101 to report this if they experience the same thing. Better to be safe than sorry, we don't want cold callers frequenting the area.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Penyffordd Village Post Office closes
Today was the last day for our Post Office in Chester Rd.
Many thanks to Karen and Kath for the excellent service with a smile they provided.
The Post Office is moving to The Spar on Hawarden Rd.
Most probably opening this Friday.
Karen and Kath are not part of the move.
Not sure our senior villagers will like the change.
Some of our older villagers need help when getting money on their money cards.
One old chap who came in the Post Office would be asked for his pin numbers and he would shout it out at the top of his voice.............................
Today I had to park in Crossways to use The Spar that's without the new post office traffic.
Looks like it will be Fred Carno's circus outside The Spar in future.
Many thanks to Karen and Kath for the excellent service with a smile they provided.
The Post Office is moving to The Spar on Hawarden Rd.
Most probably opening this Friday.
Karen and Kath are not part of the move.
Not sure our senior villagers will like the change.
Some of our older villagers need help when getting money on their money cards.
One old chap who came in the Post Office would be asked for his pin numbers and he would shout it out at the top of his voice.............................
Today I had to park in Crossways to use The Spar that's without the new post office traffic.
Looks like it will be Fred Carno's circus outside The Spar in future.
Saturday, August 06, 2016
The Millstone is heaving
The former bowling green now a grass space with benches full up. I fear they will run out of beer.............
Friday, August 05, 2016
How many Penyffordd Cllrs will be writing to Flintshire County Council Planning members over the Redrow 192 houses?
An interesting question.
I mean individual councillors not the council as a group.
Cllr Cindy Hinds is on the Planning committee so Cindy can petition planning members in person.
Is it bad form for community councillors to write to county councillors ( FCC planning members)?
Or will it be Penyffordd Community Council letter agreed mid September sent to Flintshire planners, job done?
I intend to raise this matter on the Penyffordd against Redrow Facebook forum.
I mean individual councillors not the council as a group.
Cllr Cindy Hinds is on the Planning committee so Cindy can petition planning members in person.
Is it bad form for community councillors to write to county councillors ( FCC planning members)?
Or will it be Penyffordd Community Council letter agreed mid September sent to Flintshire planners, job done?
I intend to raise this matter on the Penyffordd against Redrow Facebook forum.
Thursday, August 04, 2016
Alan Wight stands up for Penyffordd / Penymynydd Community
Cllr Bernie Attridge's comments to the point and of value.
Most Welsh Authorities in the same boat.
Flintshire County Councillors on the planning committee need to be written to, there are 21 in all.
Their contact details are below. I'm thinking of writing to them all on each different point relevant to me. One of the main points of the recent protest meeting is that committee members need to be bombarded with quality objects.
Here are the relevant arguments against development ( copied from Facebook Penyffordd against Redrow Group)
Cllr Bernie Attridge's comments to the point and of value.
Most Welsh Authorities in the same boat.
Flintshire County Councillors on the planning committee need to be written to, there are 21 in all.
Their contact details are below. I'm thinking of writing to them all on each different point relevant to me. One of the main points of the recent protest meeting is that committee members need to be bombarded with quality objects.
Here are the relevant arguments against development ( copied from Facebook Penyffordd against Redrow Group)
If you are objecting, your objection needs to be personal to you and relate to a planning regulation - how will the development affect you personally. These are the most important examples -
2000-2015 UDP (Chapter 11 – Housing (11.17)) ‘The approach to housing should also give consideration to the need to avoid OVER DEVELOPMENT in villages, and to protect against provision for DISPLACED HOUSING FROM CHESHIRE, ESPECIALLY IN BORDER AREAS AROUND CHESTER. IN THE PAST SUCH DEMAND HAS LED TO EXCESSIVE GROWTH IN SOME VILLAGES WHICH CANNOT BE SUSTAINED.’
2000-2015 UDP Chapter 11- Housing (11.16)
‘‘The plan therefore seeks to provide primarily for LOCAL NEED, and a reasonable amount of IN-MIGRATION. The issue of house price increases and social exclusion are to be addressed through a FIRM APPROACH to securing affordable housing."
‘‘The plan therefore seeks to provide primarily for LOCAL NEED, and a reasonable amount of IN-MIGRATION. The issue of house price increases and social exclusion are to be addressed through a FIRM APPROACH to securing affordable housing."
2000-2015 UDP Chapter 11 – Housing (11.7) ‘requires local authorities to apply a search sequence in identifying sites to be allocated for housing in the UDP. This means that previously developed land or under used buildings, including surplus employment land, should be allocated for housing BEFORE new greenfield sites.’
2000-2015 UDP Chapter 11 – Housing (11.48) ‘In Category B settlements...Justification in terms of meeting housing need would include both local housing need and/or an explanation OF WHY THE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE IN A CATEGORY-B RATHER THAN A CATEGORY-A SETTLEMENT.’
2000-2015 UDP Chapter 11 – Housing (11.74) ‘To meet identified housing needs the North East Wales Market Housing Assessment (NEWHMA) study recommends that 38% OF ALL NEW HOUSING BUILT IN FLINTSHIRE BE DEDICATED AFFORDABLE HOMES, AND THAT THERE SHOULD BE GREATER VARIATION IN THE TYPES AND TENURES OF ALL HOMES PROVIDED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS, SINGLE AND TWO PERSON HOUSEHOLDS AS WELL AS ELDERLEY AND DISABLED HOUSEHOLDS.’ e.g.there are no bungalows and only 19 affordable homes in the Redrow plan.
2.5 Priorities for Urban Areas and Rural Areas ‘Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the Welsh | Government’s priorities for urban and rural areas respectively as follows: to secure environmentally sound and SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE REGENERATION in those urban areas which require it, so that they become more desirable places in which to live and work; and foster sustainable change, IN PARTICULAR MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO LIVE WITH LESS NOISE, CONGESTION AND TRAFFIC POLLUTION, and improving the quality of life. To secure sustainable rural communities with access to AFFORDABLE HOUSING. This development has no provision for homes for the elderly or disabled.
25. Population, Household Growth and Housing Topic Paper No. 10 June 2015, page 2 ‘Population growth is SLOWING DOWN IN FLINTSHIRE in comparison to historical trends (the last 30 years.). 20011 Census based WG projections indicated that Flintshire’s population is only likely to grow by 2% over the plan period for the LDP.’ – 2015-2030. If this is true, why is there a need for 190 homes in a village that has already been developed to the maximum?
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
The New Village Politics?
I went to the Penyffordd Against Redrow meeting the other night at the Legion. Looking around I saw Cllrs David Williams, Cindy Hinds and Linda Vidamour ( edit :Jeff Priddin ) among'st the 100 plus attendance. Perhaps there were others there. There's a couple of cllr faces I don't know. Not many councillors present anyway. Disappointing.
What was refreshing was to see concerned villagers galvanised into action. Protest boards up and running. Two meetings already. All in a matter of weeks. Bright young people with the knowledge and determination to make maximum impact against urban sprawl.
( Penyffordd Council next meet mid September, results of meeting published mid October)
Also the developing of a proposed community plan that is the way forward for Flintshire communities. A new website to be up and running.
The calling of expertise within the community to help.
This is indeed new village politics ie. no politics at all.
I will put up details of the proposed community plan for those who have not seen.
postscript: Cllrs present 4 out of a possible 10?
What was refreshing was to see concerned villagers galvanised into action. Protest boards up and running. Two meetings already. All in a matter of weeks. Bright young people with the knowledge and determination to make maximum impact against urban sprawl.
( Penyffordd Council next meet mid September, results of meeting published mid October)
Also the developing of a proposed community plan that is the way forward for Flintshire communities. A new website to be up and running.
The calling of expertise within the community to help.
This is indeed new village politics ie. no politics at all.
I will put up details of the proposed community plan for those who have not seen.
postscript: Cllrs present 4 out of a possible 10?
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
190 more Redrow houses - Suggestions and Points
edit: brought to the top new comments
It has been suggested that I am not being very vocal over the above issue. This is true. Two years ago nearly to the month I was in the Maelor on my way to the River Styx, this altered my take on life somewhat. Two years on I am nearly fully recovered thanks to Maelor hospital staff.
To the subject in question. Eight years of fighting Penyffordd Community Council and Flintshire County Council over 2000 cars a day speeding past my house.
What did I learn? Best to have the Community Council with you. This was a little difficult as they said my issue was nothing to do with them at all. ( A lie communicated verbally)
What options have the Against 19O Redrow Houses Committee have?
How much in need is The County in need of extra money, the answer greatly.
I would suggest letters to the papers AND many posters saying that below lining all the major roads into Penyffordd and Penymynydd.
postscript: Plus written objection outlining points made by the Against the Redrow Development which needs to be in by tomorrow the 29th.
Two emails of protest from this household going off today.
It has been suggested that I am not being very vocal over the above issue. This is true. Two years ago nearly to the month I was in the Maelor on my way to the River Styx, this altered my take on life somewhat. Two years on I am nearly fully recovered thanks to Maelor hospital staff.
To the subject in question. Eight years of fighting Penyffordd Community Council and Flintshire County Council over 2000 cars a day speeding past my house.
What did I learn? Best to have the Community Council with you. This was a little difficult as they said my issue was nothing to do with them at all. ( A lie communicated verbally)
What options have the Against 19O Redrow Houses Committee have?
How much in need is The County in need of extra money, the answer greatly.
I would suggest letters to the papers AND many posters saying that below lining all the major roads into Penyffordd and Penymynydd.
postscript: Plus written objection outlining points made by the Against the Redrow Development which needs to be in by tomorrow the 29th.
Two emails of protest from this household going off today.
Monday, August 01, 2016
190 Redrow Houses Protest meeting tonight 8 pm @ The Penyffordd Legion.
Make the effort to attend.
Protest group have a Facebook page.
Protest group have a Facebook page.
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- Alan Wight stands up for Penyffordd / Penymynydd C...
- Penyffordd Against Redrow
- The New Village Politics?
- 190 more Redrow houses - Suggestions and Points
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- 190 Redrow Houses Protest meeting tonight 8 pm @ T...