Media is filled with so called knowledge. A lot of it rubbish. You will most probably have a general view on coffee I bet it doesn't correspond much with that below.
Here is a biochemist's view of coffee based on scientific papers.
The other side of the coin
Then again read what commenter Haidut says.........
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Wrexham Maelor Hospital Parking Issues
So you have a hospital appointment. What time do you aim to get there?
Parking? How long to allow for parking the car? I currently have a little spot where you're not supposed to park. After reading that below I'm sure it will be dissappearing.
A&E sometimes has spaces.
You may well think " Can't use A&E carpark!" Have you ever looked at those sitting in the A&E waiting room? Looks more like a doctor's surgery.
Easiest way is to get someone to drop you off at the front door.
My last visit had me leaving 2 hours 15 mins after appointment time. I usually buy The Times for the waiting room.
The DP comment worth reading. It's standard procedure.
Parking? How long to allow for parking the car? I currently have a little spot where you're not supposed to park. After reading that below I'm sure it will be dissappearing.
A&E sometimes has spaces.
You may well think " Can't use A&E carpark!" Have you ever looked at those sitting in the A&E waiting room? Looks more like a doctor's surgery.
Easiest way is to get someone to drop you off at the front door.
My last visit had me leaving 2 hours 15 mins after appointment time. I usually buy The Times for the waiting room.
The DP comment worth reading. It's standard procedure.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Penyffordd Education
Yesterday I read in The Daily Post the result of various tests that have been carried out on Welsh schools.
The link below gives some perspective of where we lie in relation to the rest of the developed world.
It's not good, why is Estonia so much better?
Wiki has this to say
The link below gives some perspective of where we lie in relation to the rest of the developed world.
It's not good, why is Estonia so much better?
Wiki has this to say
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Penyffordd Health - Vaccines
Vaccines are safe, everyone has them don't they?
I think Dr Wakefield over MMR had a point or two.
In USA compensation of over $3 billion has been handed out to damaged individuals with regards vaccines.
I've had my last set of vaccines this year, no more ever, I refused the flu vaccine. My last vaccine had aluminium hydroxide in it.
What they don't mention below is that vaccines are cultured in animal bits.
Here's some more
In good old USA they are talking of compulsory vaccination.
At the end its your choice. The authorities are not keen on you having too much information
Here's a bit more about HPV vaccine in Japan. For balance the opposite point of view.
Some don't like him though
I think Dr Wakefield over MMR had a point or two.
In USA compensation of over $3 billion has been handed out to damaged individuals with regards vaccines.
I've had my last set of vaccines this year, no more ever, I refused the flu vaccine. My last vaccine had aluminium hydroxide in it.
What they don't mention below is that vaccines are cultured in animal bits.
Here's some more
In good old USA they are talking of compulsory vaccination.
At the end its your choice. The authorities are not keen on you having too much information
Here's a bit more about HPV vaccine in Japan. For balance the opposite point of view.
Some don't like him though
Sunday, January 24, 2016
David the Hedge
Cllr Williams back on the hedge cutting today with volunteers saving Penyffordd rate payers money.
All we need now is some CCTV for the allotments.
And a set of stocks near the village clock to put any perpetrators damaging property
All we need now is some CCTV for the allotments.
And a set of stocks near the village clock to put any perpetrators damaging property
Here is the Weather
Thessaloniki Greece -3 degrees C
Washington USA 28 inches of snow
Penyffordd, N Wales 15 degrees C with sunshine
Washington USA 28 inches of snow
Penyffordd, N Wales 15 degrees C with sunshine
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Natural History Quiz
When walking the dogs we came across the above lying on the grass. The grass is in a part time running stream from a bog full of reeds. It's on the edge of Llandegla Moors. It only appears in Winter. I think its a fungus of some sort. The example photographed is about 6 inches long. I haven't touched it but it looks jelly like, partially translucent.
Answer when I find it in comments.
That took some finding. Could be this.
postscript: It looks more like snow fungus.
Steve's photo gives better perspective. I didn't fancy getting hold of it until
I knew what it was.
and there's more
Don't fancy the drink they make with it.......................
Of course they eat it in in Japan and China
Comes in vitamin format
Finally decided its Star Jelly
Friday, January 22, 2016
Friday Night
Quote " I've got more money than a sucker could ever spend"
Not sure how long this link below lasts but BBC4 Friday night can be class.
Tonight included Nile Rodgers who was special class.
Not sure how long this link below lasts but BBC4 Friday night can be class.
Tonight included Nile Rodgers who was special class.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
More on Les' Prize Ewe
Woodies Aroma
"Woodies Aroma, which is an embryo transfer daughter out of an imported ewe, sold for 4,300gn to the pre-sale show judge Les Hewitt of Penyffordd, Chester, who runs the Acres flock."
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Penyffordd Health
Next time you're at the doctors and they seem to be over the top helpful in making sure you remain healthy and fit ie. we think you should take this test or try that medication.
Bear the following in mind. They usually get money for every extra service you take up.
Here's how it gets rotten.
The comments are worth a read as well.
Bear the following in mind. They usually get money for every extra service you take up.
Here's how it gets rotten.
The comments are worth a read as well.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Les Hewitt picks a winner
I have an interest in sheep. They're everywhere we walk the dogs. Much safer than cows, bulls or horses. Although an adult sheep will stand its ground, specially the males.
Where we walk the dogs you can see all the ewe's have been mated they have red dye on their backs.
The male has a harness with a dye patch which rubs up against the ewe's rear quarters when mating is attempted. A ram can go through 200 ewes of an evening.
Some farmers change the colour on a weekly basis. What a farmer does not want is unofficial mating by males that have broken through fencing to mate with the flock. The last thing you want is lambs turning up un-announced by dads who are non pedigree.
We don't go near cows, bulls and horses with the dogs. Too many people get hurt or killed.
The general advice with regards bulls and dogs is to let the dog off the lead if issues present themselves, this was repeated by a farmer's wife to us last week.
Which we consider insanity. Our dogs are not called bull terriers for nothing. One of our dogs is more likely to get kicked in the head by a heffer. He would love to chase, would he love.
Meanwhile back to the sheep.....................
Beltex are big and ugly. They have double muscles.
Local Les Hewitt knows his Beltex.
Apparently he was judging and buying.........
At the end of the day its genetics which are the major factor with regards the food on your plate.
Best buy Welsh lamb.
Where we walk the dogs you can see all the ewe's have been mated they have red dye on their backs.
The male has a harness with a dye patch which rubs up against the ewe's rear quarters when mating is attempted. A ram can go through 200 ewes of an evening.
Some farmers change the colour on a weekly basis. What a farmer does not want is unofficial mating by males that have broken through fencing to mate with the flock. The last thing you want is lambs turning up un-announced by dads who are non pedigree.
We don't go near cows, bulls and horses with the dogs. Too many people get hurt or killed.
The general advice with regards bulls and dogs is to let the dog off the lead if issues present themselves, this was repeated by a farmer's wife to us last week.
Which we consider insanity. Our dogs are not called bull terriers for nothing. One of our dogs is more likely to get kicked in the head by a heffer. He would love to chase, would he love.
Meanwhile back to the sheep.....................
Beltex are big and ugly. They have double muscles.
Local Les Hewitt knows his Beltex.
Apparently he was judging and buying.........
At the end of the day its genetics which are the major factor with regards the food on your plate.
Best buy Welsh lamb.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Penyffordd Council December Minutes - Omnibus Session
Below are the minutes of the council meeting verbatim. Certain sections have been highlighted for clarity.
In brief: speeding issues, youth issues, local bus services, local area services adoption, skate park update, recycling.
Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Present: Cllr Dr DC Weed - Chair Cllrs: Ms C Hinds, Mr D Williams, Mr T Jones OBE, Mrs E Davies, Mrs L Vidamour, Mr S Davies Mr D Walker ; Mrs H Jones In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk ; RFO to the Council Mr J Pridden PCSO Mat Gordon ; colleague 2 x Members of the Public
182.Apologies There were no apologies received.
183. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct There were no declarations of interest received.
184. Minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2015 The minutes were approved as a correct record and proposed by Cllr T Jones and seconded by Cllr Walker and were signed by the Chair.
185. Matters arising Minute 161. Mr Jeff Pridden has been elected unopposed. His position on the Council will not commence until after the date of 3rd December which would have been the polling day. IT WAS RESOLVED for Mr Pridden to join the table this evening but would not be able to vote. He will attend the January Meeting where he will sign the Declaration of Acceptance. Minute 163. The Clerk has completed and sent the Stage 2 Application for the Play Areas. FLVC advised the Clerk there seems to be an issue with FCC being able to advise any Community Council of the breakdown costs of individual play areas. A reply from Neal Cockerton has been received with regard to our request of clarification as to why the Youth Club and Scout Hut now are only being offered a 5 year lease. His reply implied that we had already been advised it was due to the land possibly being considered for a single site school. Cllr Walker asked the County Councillors to investigate as he believes that FCC are making it compulsory for Community Councils to take on the Play Areas under the CAT’s. Minute 164. Cllrs T Jones and Walker attended the meeting and felt on a whole it was poorly attended. They were both impressed the way in which Cllr Shotton conducted the meeting. There may be an opportunity for FCC to raise Council Tax to help with the care provision, education and social services. Over the next 3 years FCC need to make a £58m saving. Minute 170. Email from Brian McManus regarding Hope Recycle Centre. The Clerk had replied however, there may have been a misunderstanding of his initial request. He replied again simply asking whether the Community Council want this site to stay open? IT WAS RESOLVED the Council support Mr McManus and do wish for the site to stay open but is unable to offer any financial support. The Clerk will contact Mr McManus to offer an invitation to attend a meeting early in the New Year. Minute 171. The Clerk spoke with Aileen Williams, County Youth Officer and she actually informed the Clerk that Penyffordd Youth Club is the only one in Flintshire currently operating with a Management Committee. It is extremely difficult finding people willing to join the Committee. She has been in discussion with the Treasurer to offer the same banking options as other clubs use, which would be to bank via FCC.
IT WAS RESOLVED the Council are satisfied with the response from Aileen Williams and no further action will be taken by the Council.
186. Public Questions Mr & Mrs Morris informed the Council and PCSO Gordon of their concerns of speeding on the A5104, this is also making it extremely dangerous when pulling out of their driveway. PCSO Gordon confirmed it has been identified and a survey had been done showing the average as high 30’s. This is now a ‘Live Site’ and Go Safe will be attending. Mrs Morris highlighted that the playing fields (near the new Redrow housing estate) has an entrance direct onto the A5104 which does not have any barrier, fencing or railings. They also made reference to the increased traffic on the road. Cllr Hinds is extremely concerned about the safety of the children that could run straight out of the park onto a main road and that there should be some kind of barrier installed, Cllr T Jones seconded this proposal. Cllr H Jones highlighted that on this section of road it is actually a walking route to school and therefore should have barriers covering a larger section. The Chairman suggested contacting FCC for a flashing speed sign to be installed. Cllr Williams advised that this actually has been agreed under the Action Plan with FCC moving from the current position of Corwen Road/Rhos Road. PCSO Gordon informed the Council of the Community Speed Watch. It would involve four or more volunteers, training would be given by a member of the Go Safe Team, the volunteers would then be given the necessary equipment. He will supply the Council with the necessary Application Forms. Mr Morris asked who is responsible for emptying the bins in the park? Cllr Hinds advised that if the park has not been adopted by the County Council (which it has not) it is the responsibility of the house builder. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllr Williams and Hinds will question FCC when the flashing speed sign will be moved. PCSO Gordon will supply the Council with the Community Speed Watch Application Forms and he will also provide a copy of the Speed Report for the A5104. The Clerk will write to Anthony Stamford, Flintshire County Council with a copy sent to Mark Tami MP and Mr ; Mrs Morris requesting safety barriers to be installed.
187. Litter Picker Vacancy Following the advertisement of the vacancy the Clerk had received interest from two applicants however one being a Contractor which the Council did not wish to pursue. Interviews had been arranged but unfortunately due to personal circumstances of the candidate he had to withdraw. The Clerk has since received a further application. The Clerk asked the Council to consider whether filling this position could wait until early next year when the bad weather had passed. IT WAS RESOLVED the position needs to be filled as soon as possible as complaints have been received and the work undertaken by the Streetscene Operative is invaluable. It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Walker for the Clerk to arrange an interview undertaken by The Chairman and Vice Chairman. If they feel the candidate is suitable he will commence in January.
188. Theatre Clwyd Meeting – 19th November 2015 The Chair and Clerk attended the above meeting where Theatre Clwyd were requesting to work with Community Councils in publicising the theatre’s events through various options such as links on our website or community car shares. IT WAS RESOLVED the Council will arrange for the link to be included on the Council’s website
189. Standing Orders – 14. Execution and sealing of Legal Deeds With regard to the above and in relation to the Cory Environmental Grant they have requested signatories for the Funding Agreement. IT WAS RESOLVED In accordance with Standing Order 14b a resolution was passed for Cllr Clive Weed and Cllr Cindy Hinds to be named as the signatories for this project.
190. Millstone Playing Field Cllr Williams advised the Working Group is meeting with Ludos at the Youth Club Thursday 3rd December to review the plans and refine the skate park plans. .
191. Transport Cllr Walker advised GHA run two services running twice Monday - Saturday; Ruthin to Chester and Chester to Ruthin (both via Penymynydd). The Clerk received and read the reply from Kate Wilby, Transport and Logistics Manager, FCC: With regard to the recent changes to bus services by Arriva, these are commercial bus services, which denotes that the bus company is free to operate services which it considers to be commercially viable. The bus company decides which type of vehicle to provide, which route to follow and which stops to serve, how frequent the service will run and how much to charge in fares, and the County Council has no direct influence or control over such services. The bus company does not need to seek authority to start, alter or withdraw part or all of such services, nor is there any authority to oblige them to run services or sections of service, which they believe to be unprofitable. Additionally, operators of commercial services are free to alter or withdraw such services without consultation and can make changes to their services by giving eight weeks' notice to the Traffic Commissioner. The Council has provided a new bus stop outside the Medical Centre in Buckley and several bus services already serve the stop (X4, SP1/SP2, 21A/B) with connections available from Buckley Cross. As a local transport authority, we can write to Arriva and request that they consider diversions to their services and the provision of new or additional journeys; however, we have no jurisdiction over commercial services unfortunately. Cllr Walker has taken this matter up with Carl Sargent AM who is looking in to this further. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllr Walker will report any progress made with Carl Sargent AM.
192. War Memorial Institute IT WAS RESOLVED for this item to be carried forward to be discussed at the next meeting.
193. Play Area Community Grant Scheme & Summer Playscheme Programme The reported to the Council correspondence that has been received from FCC advising the following: Play Area Community Grant Scheme: In 2016/17 the equipped play match funding scheme will be replaced by the Play Area Community Grant Scheme. Details of this scheme are as follows: Where a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of a play area is agreed the local authority proposes to make a ‘one off’ payment of up to £5,000 per play area transferred with a maximum of £10,000 per community per year. This funding can be used to either enhance these play facilities or be put aside to support future replacements costs.
For 2016/17 a fund of £105,000 will be available for the ‘Play Area Community Grant Scheme’ Any unallocated funds will then be made available on a match funding basis for the enhancement of children’s fixed play areas as follows: Match funding will only be available to town and community councils or community groups where the fixed play facility has transferred out of local authority control; and/or match funding will be available to improve those play areas retained by the Council and agreed as a priority for retaining or developing. In such instances, match funding will be based upon a maximum contribution of £10,000 from the authority per Town and Community Council making a total investment of £20,000 i.e. £10,000 from the local authority and £10,000 from the town or community council. If the fund is under-subscribed it will then be determined on a priority basis and in accordance with the findings of the Play Survey, with investment targeted to strategically important sites. FCC Summer Playscheme Programme 2016 - Flintshire County Council is currently awaiting confirmation of the level of grant funding it will receive in 2016 from Families First. We have been informed that it will be February/March 2016 before any confirmation from Welsh Government is received. This funding part funds the summer playscheme programme which helps to keep the contribution from Town and Community Councils to a minimum. We have been advised that there is likely to be a further reduction, possibly severe, in the level of grant awarded generally and we have no indication as to how the reduction would be achieved across the projects in Flintshire. As in 2015, our aim is to forewarn all town and community councils of the potential deficit for councils to prepare for a worst case scenario, of there being no match funding being available for 2016. The summer play scheme programme, in partnership with local town and community councils, is highly valued by children, families and communities. For 2015, The Flintshire Families First grant enabled the council to offer match funding for schemes of three weeks duration in each town and community council area, at a cost of £900.00 per location. Councils were also able to purchase additional weeks four or five, at a cost of £260.00 per week per location. If the Families First grant is withdrawn then the costs to each council would be doubled at a cost of £1,800 for a three week scheme and the costs for additional weeks would remaining at the current level. We have engaged with all communities during the delivery of this year’s summer playscheme and have involved a number of volunteers successfully in their delivery. Can I take this opportunity to thank those town and community councils who encouraged and supported community members to involve themselves with the playschemes this summer. Those communities will undoubtedly benefit from local expertise. As part of preparation for the summer, I attach details of accredited playwork training courses available in January 2016, for volunteers from communities to gain a valuable qualification in playwork. These courses are free of charge and funded by the Welsh Government. Communities will undoubtedly benefit from having local people who attend then having the confidence and knowledge to support and provide play opportunities within their own locality. It is likely that the local authority will need to work very closely with local communities to continue to provide this valuable service for children in the county for Summer, 2016. . IT WAS RESOLVED the Clerk will invite Neal Cockerton and Mike Welsh to attend the January meeting to request them to supply and discuss finance costings of the play areas. The Clerk will advertise the courses available for Volunteers with regard to the summer playscheme.
194. Youth Representative The Clerk provided the Council with the criteria and procedures required for recruiting a Youth Representative. In accordance with the Local Government Measure 2011 it enables Town/Community Councils to appoint up to two individuals to act as a Community Youth Representative. Cllr Walker proposed and T Jones seconded that the Council advertise this vacancy. The Chairman strongly opposed. IT WAS RESOLVED the Clerk will advertise this vacancy on the Council’s website and will write to the local High Schools, Youth Club, Scout Group and Guides with applications to be received by the end of January to be reviewed in the February meeting.
195. Police Report PCSO Gordon advised the following: 1 x report of noise from the Youth Club at Hawarden Road. 1 x report of children being in someone’s garden late at night 1 x report of door to door salesman offering tarmacing services Surveillance will shortly be active for the Allotment area Cllr Williams informed PCSO Gordon of a report he had received of groups of children from the Youth Club blocking pathways and intimidating residents. PCSO Gordon will continue to work with the Youth Leaders regarding this issue. He advised that Youth Leaders are not actually allowed to leave the premises during Youth Club which obviously prevents them from monitoring this issue. Cllr Williams asked whether he was aware of the CCTV camera installed on Penymynydd Road? The police have no knowledge of this camera. They are aware of the continued issue of the Access Only on Penymynydd Road. Once the old sign has been removed and the new installed this will be monitored and tickets will be issued for offenders. Cllr H Jones advised of parking issues on the junction of Penymynydd Road and the Redrow estate. The Police are aware of this and have spoken to residents. He feels there should be parking restrictions due to traffic being diverted through this road. ** 7.05pm Police and members of the public left the meeting**
196. Planning Applications The Clerk advised the Council that this application had initially been received by email, she had made the request for all applications to come via post however FCC advised that most applications are now issued via email due to financial cute backs. i. Ref: 054596. Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd. Reconfiguration of commercial unit to create service area between units No objections.
197. Notification of Planning Decision i. Ref: 054294. 7 Poppy Field Drive, Penyffordd. Erection of single story rear extension. Approved
198. Correspondence All correspondence was received and noted. • Emails received and circulated to all Councillors re: o Statement of Licensing Policy Review – Consultation. o Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill.
o Vacancy notice for the appointment of Chair to Career Choices Dewis Gyfa (CCDG) • The Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales will be holding a public consultation on 11th January 2016 at 6pm in the Daniel Owen Community Centre. • FCC are holding a Code of Conduct Training Course on Tuesday 26th January 2016 at 6pm on the Cymau Community Centre, Cymau, Nr Wrexham. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllrs Walker, Pridden and the Clerk will attend. • One Voice Wales will be holding a Local Government Finance training course on 9th December 2015. The Clerk also advised the Clerk that OVW are offering a 50% discount on Annual Membership and asked the Council to consider making an allowance for training requirements when considering the budget. IT WAS RESOLVED that no one will be attending. • The Chairman had asked the Clerk to ascertain where the Council/individual Councillors stood legally with regard to financial implications when taking on CAT’s. She spoke with John Gray, FLVC and he has spoken to the Legal Dept in FCC and Solicitors and unfortunately is not able to offer an answer.
199. Any Other Business • The meeting was closed at 9.15 pm.
In brief: speeding issues, youth issues, local bus services, local area services adoption, skate park update, recycling.
Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Present: Cllr Dr DC Weed - Chair Cllrs: Ms C Hinds, Mr D Williams, Mr T Jones OBE, Mrs E Davies, Mrs L Vidamour, Mr S Davies Mr D Walker ; Mrs H Jones In attendance: Mrs S Hughes, Clerk ; RFO to the Council Mr J Pridden PCSO Mat Gordon ; colleague 2 x Members of the Public
182.Apologies There were no apologies received.
183. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct There were no declarations of interest received.
184. Minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2015 The minutes were approved as a correct record and proposed by Cllr T Jones and seconded by Cllr Walker and were signed by the Chair.
185. Matters arising Minute 161. Mr Jeff Pridden has been elected unopposed. His position on the Council will not commence until after the date of 3rd December which would have been the polling day. IT WAS RESOLVED for Mr Pridden to join the table this evening but would not be able to vote. He will attend the January Meeting where he will sign the Declaration of Acceptance. Minute 163. The Clerk has completed and sent the Stage 2 Application for the Play Areas. FLVC advised the Clerk there seems to be an issue with FCC being able to advise any Community Council of the breakdown costs of individual play areas. A reply from Neal Cockerton has been received with regard to our request of clarification as to why the Youth Club and Scout Hut now are only being offered a 5 year lease. His reply implied that we had already been advised it was due to the land possibly being considered for a single site school. Cllr Walker asked the County Councillors to investigate as he believes that FCC are making it compulsory for Community Councils to take on the Play Areas under the CAT’s. Minute 164. Cllrs T Jones and Walker attended the meeting and felt on a whole it was poorly attended. They were both impressed the way in which Cllr Shotton conducted the meeting. There may be an opportunity for FCC to raise Council Tax to help with the care provision, education and social services. Over the next 3 years FCC need to make a £58m saving. Minute 170. Email from Brian McManus regarding Hope Recycle Centre. The Clerk had replied however, there may have been a misunderstanding of his initial request. He replied again simply asking whether the Community Council want this site to stay open? IT WAS RESOLVED the Council support Mr McManus and do wish for the site to stay open but is unable to offer any financial support. The Clerk will contact Mr McManus to offer an invitation to attend a meeting early in the New Year. Minute 171. The Clerk spoke with Aileen Williams, County Youth Officer and she actually informed the Clerk that Penyffordd Youth Club is the only one in Flintshire currently operating with a Management Committee. It is extremely difficult finding people willing to join the Committee. She has been in discussion with the Treasurer to offer the same banking options as other clubs use, which would be to bank via FCC.
IT WAS RESOLVED the Council are satisfied with the response from Aileen Williams and no further action will be taken by the Council.
186. Public Questions Mr & Mrs Morris informed the Council and PCSO Gordon of their concerns of speeding on the A5104, this is also making it extremely dangerous when pulling out of their driveway. PCSO Gordon confirmed it has been identified and a survey had been done showing the average as high 30’s. This is now a ‘Live Site’ and Go Safe will be attending. Mrs Morris highlighted that the playing fields (near the new Redrow housing estate) has an entrance direct onto the A5104 which does not have any barrier, fencing or railings. They also made reference to the increased traffic on the road. Cllr Hinds is extremely concerned about the safety of the children that could run straight out of the park onto a main road and that there should be some kind of barrier installed, Cllr T Jones seconded this proposal. Cllr H Jones highlighted that on this section of road it is actually a walking route to school and therefore should have barriers covering a larger section. The Chairman suggested contacting FCC for a flashing speed sign to be installed. Cllr Williams advised that this actually has been agreed under the Action Plan with FCC moving from the current position of Corwen Road/Rhos Road. PCSO Gordon informed the Council of the Community Speed Watch. It would involve four or more volunteers, training would be given by a member of the Go Safe Team, the volunteers would then be given the necessary equipment. He will supply the Council with the necessary Application Forms. Mr Morris asked who is responsible for emptying the bins in the park? Cllr Hinds advised that if the park has not been adopted by the County Council (which it has not) it is the responsibility of the house builder. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllr Williams and Hinds will question FCC when the flashing speed sign will be moved. PCSO Gordon will supply the Council with the Community Speed Watch Application Forms and he will also provide a copy of the Speed Report for the A5104. The Clerk will write to Anthony Stamford, Flintshire County Council with a copy sent to Mark Tami MP and Mr ; Mrs Morris requesting safety barriers to be installed.
187. Litter Picker Vacancy Following the advertisement of the vacancy the Clerk had received interest from two applicants however one being a Contractor which the Council did not wish to pursue. Interviews had been arranged but unfortunately due to personal circumstances of the candidate he had to withdraw. The Clerk has since received a further application. The Clerk asked the Council to consider whether filling this position could wait until early next year when the bad weather had passed. IT WAS RESOLVED the position needs to be filled as soon as possible as complaints have been received and the work undertaken by the Streetscene Operative is invaluable. It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Walker for the Clerk to arrange an interview undertaken by The Chairman and Vice Chairman. If they feel the candidate is suitable he will commence in January.
188. Theatre Clwyd Meeting – 19th November 2015 The Chair and Clerk attended the above meeting where Theatre Clwyd were requesting to work with Community Councils in publicising the theatre’s events through various options such as links on our website or community car shares. IT WAS RESOLVED the Council will arrange for the link to be included on the Council’s website
189. Standing Orders – 14. Execution and sealing of Legal Deeds With regard to the above and in relation to the Cory Environmental Grant they have requested signatories for the Funding Agreement. IT WAS RESOLVED In accordance with Standing Order 14b a resolution was passed for Cllr Clive Weed and Cllr Cindy Hinds to be named as the signatories for this project.
190. Millstone Playing Field Cllr Williams advised the Working Group is meeting with Ludos at the Youth Club Thursday 3rd December to review the plans and refine the skate park plans. .
191. Transport Cllr Walker advised GHA run two services running twice Monday - Saturday; Ruthin to Chester and Chester to Ruthin (both via Penymynydd). The Clerk received and read the reply from Kate Wilby, Transport and Logistics Manager, FCC: With regard to the recent changes to bus services by Arriva, these are commercial bus services, which denotes that the bus company is free to operate services which it considers to be commercially viable. The bus company decides which type of vehicle to provide, which route to follow and which stops to serve, how frequent the service will run and how much to charge in fares, and the County Council has no direct influence or control over such services. The bus company does not need to seek authority to start, alter or withdraw part or all of such services, nor is there any authority to oblige them to run services or sections of service, which they believe to be unprofitable. Additionally, operators of commercial services are free to alter or withdraw such services without consultation and can make changes to their services by giving eight weeks' notice to the Traffic Commissioner. The Council has provided a new bus stop outside the Medical Centre in Buckley and several bus services already serve the stop (X4, SP1/SP2, 21A/B) with connections available from Buckley Cross. As a local transport authority, we can write to Arriva and request that they consider diversions to their services and the provision of new or additional journeys; however, we have no jurisdiction over commercial services unfortunately. Cllr Walker has taken this matter up with Carl Sargent AM who is looking in to this further. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllr Walker will report any progress made with Carl Sargent AM.
192. War Memorial Institute IT WAS RESOLVED for this item to be carried forward to be discussed at the next meeting.
193. Play Area Community Grant Scheme & Summer Playscheme Programme The reported to the Council correspondence that has been received from FCC advising the following: Play Area Community Grant Scheme: In 2016/17 the equipped play match funding scheme will be replaced by the Play Area Community Grant Scheme. Details of this scheme are as follows: Where a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of a play area is agreed the local authority proposes to make a ‘one off’ payment of up to £5,000 per play area transferred with a maximum of £10,000 per community per year. This funding can be used to either enhance these play facilities or be put aside to support future replacements costs.
For 2016/17 a fund of £105,000 will be available for the ‘Play Area Community Grant Scheme’ Any unallocated funds will then be made available on a match funding basis for the enhancement of children’s fixed play areas as follows: Match funding will only be available to town and community councils or community groups where the fixed play facility has transferred out of local authority control; and/or match funding will be available to improve those play areas retained by the Council and agreed as a priority for retaining or developing. In such instances, match funding will be based upon a maximum contribution of £10,000 from the authority per Town and Community Council making a total investment of £20,000 i.e. £10,000 from the local authority and £10,000 from the town or community council. If the fund is under-subscribed it will then be determined on a priority basis and in accordance with the findings of the Play Survey, with investment targeted to strategically important sites. FCC Summer Playscheme Programme 2016 - Flintshire County Council is currently awaiting confirmation of the level of grant funding it will receive in 2016 from Families First. We have been informed that it will be February/March 2016 before any confirmation from Welsh Government is received. This funding part funds the summer playscheme programme which helps to keep the contribution from Town and Community Councils to a minimum. We have been advised that there is likely to be a further reduction, possibly severe, in the level of grant awarded generally and we have no indication as to how the reduction would be achieved across the projects in Flintshire. As in 2015, our aim is to forewarn all town and community councils of the potential deficit for councils to prepare for a worst case scenario, of there being no match funding being available for 2016. The summer play scheme programme, in partnership with local town and community councils, is highly valued by children, families and communities. For 2015, The Flintshire Families First grant enabled the council to offer match funding for schemes of three weeks duration in each town and community council area, at a cost of £900.00 per location. Councils were also able to purchase additional weeks four or five, at a cost of £260.00 per week per location. If the Families First grant is withdrawn then the costs to each council would be doubled at a cost of £1,800 for a three week scheme and the costs for additional weeks would remaining at the current level. We have engaged with all communities during the delivery of this year’s summer playscheme and have involved a number of volunteers successfully in their delivery. Can I take this opportunity to thank those town and community councils who encouraged and supported community members to involve themselves with the playschemes this summer. Those communities will undoubtedly benefit from local expertise. As part of preparation for the summer, I attach details of accredited playwork training courses available in January 2016, for volunteers from communities to gain a valuable qualification in playwork. These courses are free of charge and funded by the Welsh Government. Communities will undoubtedly benefit from having local people who attend then having the confidence and knowledge to support and provide play opportunities within their own locality. It is likely that the local authority will need to work very closely with local communities to continue to provide this valuable service for children in the county for Summer, 2016. . IT WAS RESOLVED the Clerk will invite Neal Cockerton and Mike Welsh to attend the January meeting to request them to supply and discuss finance costings of the play areas. The Clerk will advertise the courses available for Volunteers with regard to the summer playscheme.
194. Youth Representative The Clerk provided the Council with the criteria and procedures required for recruiting a Youth Representative. In accordance with the Local Government Measure 2011 it enables Town/Community Councils to appoint up to two individuals to act as a Community Youth Representative. Cllr Walker proposed and T Jones seconded that the Council advertise this vacancy. The Chairman strongly opposed. IT WAS RESOLVED the Clerk will advertise this vacancy on the Council’s website and will write to the local High Schools, Youth Club, Scout Group and Guides with applications to be received by the end of January to be reviewed in the February meeting.
195. Police Report PCSO Gordon advised the following: 1 x report of noise from the Youth Club at Hawarden Road. 1 x report of children being in someone’s garden late at night 1 x report of door to door salesman offering tarmacing services Surveillance will shortly be active for the Allotment area Cllr Williams informed PCSO Gordon of a report he had received of groups of children from the Youth Club blocking pathways and intimidating residents. PCSO Gordon will continue to work with the Youth Leaders regarding this issue. He advised that Youth Leaders are not actually allowed to leave the premises during Youth Club which obviously prevents them from monitoring this issue. Cllr Williams asked whether he was aware of the CCTV camera installed on Penymynydd Road? The police have no knowledge of this camera. They are aware of the continued issue of the Access Only on Penymynydd Road. Once the old sign has been removed and the new installed this will be monitored and tickets will be issued for offenders. Cllr H Jones advised of parking issues on the junction of Penymynydd Road and the Redrow estate. The Police are aware of this and have spoken to residents. He feels there should be parking restrictions due to traffic being diverted through this road. ** 7.05pm Police and members of the public left the meeting**
196. Planning Applications The Clerk advised the Council that this application had initially been received by email, she had made the request for all applications to come via post however FCC advised that most applications are now issued via email due to financial cute backs. i. Ref: 054596. Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd. Reconfiguration of commercial unit to create service area between units No objections.
197. Notification of Planning Decision i. Ref: 054294. 7 Poppy Field Drive, Penyffordd. Erection of single story rear extension. Approved
198. Correspondence All correspondence was received and noted. • Emails received and circulated to all Councillors re: o Statement of Licensing Policy Review – Consultation. o Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill.
o Vacancy notice for the appointment of Chair to Career Choices Dewis Gyfa (CCDG) • The Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales will be holding a public consultation on 11th January 2016 at 6pm in the Daniel Owen Community Centre. • FCC are holding a Code of Conduct Training Course on Tuesday 26th January 2016 at 6pm on the Cymau Community Centre, Cymau, Nr Wrexham. IT WAS RESOLVED Cllrs Walker, Pridden and the Clerk will attend. • One Voice Wales will be holding a Local Government Finance training course on 9th December 2015. The Clerk also advised the Clerk that OVW are offering a 50% discount on Annual Membership and asked the Council to consider making an allowance for training requirements when considering the budget. IT WAS RESOLVED that no one will be attending. • The Chairman had asked the Clerk to ascertain where the Council/individual Councillors stood legally with regard to financial implications when taking on CAT’s. She spoke with John Gray, FLVC and he has spoken to the Legal Dept in FCC and Solicitors and unfortunately is not able to offer an answer.
199. Any Other Business • The meeting was closed at 9.15 pm.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Friday Night Special
Disconnecting from the Matrix - This is class for me.
" Question every official narrative"
Perhaps some Stevie Nicks?
Couldn't resist Katie in wellies, a Bob Dylan song, sings it better than Bob.
" Question every official narrative"
Perhaps some Stevie Nicks?
Couldn't resist Katie in wellies, a Bob Dylan song, sings it better than Bob.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Flooding this morning
Still reports of flooding on the A5118 near Padeswood Road South. Approach with care.
Also Drury Lane
Horseshoe Pass worth a miss
Grape Death Tragedy
I have a friend who has a child. She kicked up a fuss in a Flintshire nursery school forbidding them to give her child whole grapes. They thought her " a trouble maker".
I've skimmed the article but can't see much about not giving whole grapes to children in future.
I've skimmed the article but can't see much about not giving whole grapes to children in future.
Car Crashes Explained
Welsh counties say they didn't get warning over icy conditions.
Here's my company they give it me for free. ( formatting removed )
It comes auto when frost is going to happen
I suppose county councils pay an arm and a leg (our money)
Frost Warning for Liverpool 2 degrees C
Adam Foster <>
10 Jan (4 days ago)
to me
You requested a warning for 4 degrees C
See forecast on BBC:
Please tell your friends about frost alerts.
Got another idea for alerts? snow, no rain for 3 days - let me know!
Please tell your friends about frost alerts.
postscript. I think BBC currently get their weather from the Met Office
This arrangement end next year. One presumes they will not be going
to the company that currently supplies Flintshire...........
Here's my company they give it me for free. ( formatting removed )
It comes auto when frost is going to happen
I suppose county councils pay an arm and a leg (our money)
Frost Warning for Liverpool 2 degrees C
Adam Foster <>
10 Jan (4 days ago)
to me
You requested a warning for 4 degrees C
See forecast on BBC:
Please tell your friends about frost alerts.
Got another idea for alerts? snow, no rain for 3 days - let me know!
Please tell your friends about frost alerts.
postscript. I think BBC currently get their weather from the Met Office
This arrangement end next year. One presumes they will not be going
to the company that currently supplies Flintshire...........
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Penyffordd Cllr rolls up his sleeves
Cllr David Williams and friends have been lowering the hedge at the children's play area next to the Millstone. Apparently David didn't like the size of the quote to cut the hedge. So David and friends have done it for free for the village. Good to see.
postscript: It also looked as if Cllr Stan Davies was repairing seats at the village clock.
postscript: It also looked as if Cllr Stan Davies was repairing seats at the village clock.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Bit slippy earlier
I've been up to Llandegla this morning. No sign of salt on roads.
There's been more than a few accidents.............
Some advice from the bobbies
postscript: slippier than thought
There's been more than a few accidents.............
Some advice from the bobbies
postscript: slippier than thought
Saturday, January 09, 2016
Friday, January 08, 2016
Recent House Sales
Seems Xmas taking precedence
Sales recently added within 500m of CH4 0LS
24 Melwood Close £153,500
Penyffordd, CH4 0NB 9th October 2015
Sales recently added within 500m of CH4 0LS
24 Melwood Close £153,500
Penyffordd, CH4 0NB 9th October 2015
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Monday, January 04, 2016
6th JANUARY 2016
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office Mr Jeff Pridden to formally sign the Declaration of Acceptance.
3. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct To receive any declarations of interest from Members.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December 2015 To receive the minutes and confirm as a correct record and then approve the Minutes.
5. Matters arising To review any matters arising from the last meeting.
6. Public Questions Opportunity for public questions.
7. Streetscene Operative The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk to report on the appointed position. 8. Cory Environmental Trust To sign the Grant Agreement.
9. Millstone Playing Field To receive an update from the Playing Field Working Group.
10. War Memorial Institute To review the needs of the community and possible suggestions for improvements.
11. Standing Orders To review Standing Order; 1.U Meetings – Duration of Meeting
12. Hope Medical Centre
13. Council Website
14. Clerks Contracted Hours To review the contracted hours of the Clerk
15. Police Report PCSO Mat Gordon to provide a report.
16. Planning Applications To review and consider planning applications received..
17. Notification of Planning Decision To note planning decisions made by Flintshire County Council. 18. Correspondence To acknowledge and note correspondence received
19. Any Other Business
6th JANUARY 2016
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office Mr Jeff Pridden to formally sign the Declaration of Acceptance.
3. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct To receive any declarations of interest from Members.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December 2015 To receive the minutes and confirm as a correct record and then approve the Minutes.
5. Matters arising To review any matters arising from the last meeting.
6. Public Questions Opportunity for public questions.
7. Streetscene Operative The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk to report on the appointed position. 8. Cory Environmental Trust To sign the Grant Agreement.
9. Millstone Playing Field To receive an update from the Playing Field Working Group.
10. War Memorial Institute To review the needs of the community and possible suggestions for improvements.
11. Standing Orders To review Standing Order; 1.U Meetings – Duration of Meeting
12. Hope Medical Centre
13. Council Website
14. Clerks Contracted Hours To review the contracted hours of the Clerk
15. Police Report PCSO Mat Gordon to provide a report.
16. Planning Applications To review and consider planning applications received..
17. Notification of Planning Decision To note planning decisions made by Flintshire County Council. 18. Correspondence To acknowledge and note correspondence received
19. Any Other Business
Saturday, January 02, 2016
Happy New Year to Everyone
Not much happening cold and miserable.
Winter has finally caught up.
Glad I'm on high ground.
Things are getting a little crazy over the water.
Have they ever been otherwise.
This made me laugh.
Winter has finally caught up.
Glad I'm on high ground.
Things are getting a little crazy over the water.
Have they ever been otherwise.
This made me laugh.
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- Grape Death Tragedy
- Car Crashes Explained
- Penyffordd Cllr rolls up his sleeves
- Bit slippy earlier
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- Happy New Year to Everyone