Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday Night Late
Have I played this before?
They are class
Watched over 400 million times.
Lisa's picks
Friday, May 29, 2015
Go and play on the main road
We've had a bunch of noisy kids outside the house this afternoon riding over the speed bumps on Chester Rd on scooters.
I'd take a picture which is perfectly legal but flack will ensue.
Penyffordd councillors need to be aware that speeding is still happening on Chester Rd. I've seen a car do close to 50mph over the bumps
it was not a 4 x 4 either.
I'd take a picture which is perfectly legal but flack will ensue.
Penyffordd councillors need to be aware that speeding is still happening on Chester Rd. I've seen a car do close to 50mph over the bumps
it was not a 4 x 4 either.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Yet another crash
Too fast? Definitely too close. The Highway Code some distant relic from the past
CRASH: A woman was taken to the Wrexham Maelor hospital after a five vehicle pile up on the A550 at Dobshill, Flintshire. It happened shortly before 6.25pm.
Source Daily Post
CRASH: A woman was taken to the Wrexham Maelor hospital after a five vehicle pile up on the A550 at Dobshill, Flintshire. It happened shortly before 6.25pm.
Source Daily Post
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Penyffordd Community Council Special meeting dated 15th April 2015
Appendix A has the candidate sites for future housing and other uses
Here is the candidate map for Flintshire
Appendix A has the candidate sites for future housing and other uses
Here is the candidate map for Flintshire
Monday, May 25, 2015
New Penyffordd Primary School for the Village
I have received the following comments on another post. I know not who commented nor do I need to know. The question is are these comments accurate?
Comment 1
"You might want to start asking questions about the plans for the new primary school in the village. Following the merger of the infants and juniors, a plan is in place to merge them on one site.....taking over the community garden, play area, children's park, allotments, caravan park and ....Millstone...all by compulsory purchase.
And our community councillors know do our county the council get to sell off two existing school sites, for housing no doubt, more greedy developers, rob the village of more community amenities and don't give the proverbial for what they are doing to our village"
Comment 2
"I've heard the same...outline planning permission to be put in soon, but the headmistress at the school has the plans!
The amount of money invested in the Millstone...people prepared to invest in a local business and will see it all taken away...all the homes on the caravan park....the time and money put in by allotment holders....with councillor support......more children's play space taken away...more development likely.....less and less care shown by our civil representatives....just look at how the voted for the new may councillors were missing from the vote....dereliction of duty...can't be bothered to turn up......or just pretend it isn't happening so i don't get tarred with voting for it"
Comment 1
And our community councillors know do our county the council get to sell off two existing school sites, for housing no doubt, more greedy developers, rob the village of more community amenities and don't give the proverbial for what they are doing to our village"
Comment 2
"I've heard the same...outline planning permission to be put in soon, but the headmistress at the school has the plans!
The amount of money invested in the Millstone...people prepared to invest in a local business and will see it all taken away...all the homes on the caravan park....the time and money put in by allotment holders....with councillor support......more children's play space taken away...more development likely.....less and less care shown by our civil representatives....just look at how the voted for the new may councillors were missing from the vote....dereliction of duty...can't be bothered to turn up......or just pretend it isn't happening so i don't get tarred with voting for it"
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
The Red Arrows over Penyffordd
The Red Arrows flew in formation over Penyffordd at 12.30 today.
Also between 3 and 4 pm
Makes me proud to be British.
There were other flyovers including a puff of smoke from one.
A salute to Penyffordd?
Here's a couple of videos taken.
Penyffordd Meditation
Not something I thought I would write about regards Penyffordd. In my youth I learnt Transcendental Meditation and later practiced Hatha Yoga which included two one week retreats on the Island of Bardsey.
The above group's website is here
Details of the Penyffordd meetings here ( Youth club opposite children's play area )
Friday, May 22, 2015
Penyffordd Health
My recent blood pressure check brought up 160 / 90. Those in the know will realise this is not good.
We have our own meter which was dug out of stores.
My last reading was in the 138 / 88 range
I give you the humble beetroot
postscript: as with all stuff there are drawbacks in this case, oxalates.....................
Further postscript: Tesco sell beetroot juice £3 a litre, it tastes not unlike Ribena
but without all the sugar or sweeteners.
This is the stuff.
We have our own meter which was dug out of stores.
My last reading was in the 138 / 88 range
I give you the humble beetroot
postscript: as with all stuff there are drawbacks in this case, oxalates.....................
Further postscript: Tesco sell beetroot juice £3 a litre, it tastes not unlike Ribena
but without all the sugar or sweeteners.
This is the stuff.
Clearing the shed out
What would you do if you found a hand grenade in the shed?
Would you leave it there and call the authorities?
Take it down the bobby shop?
I suppose there is chance of the bomb squad blowing your shed up in one of those controlled explosions.....
Monday, May 18, 2015
Holiday Nostalgia
When I was but a lad holidays consisted of the annual church day trip to Rhyl with a once in 4 year day out to Southport outside swimming pool.
Here's Rhyl a few years ago.
Here's Rhyl a few years ago.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Big Breakfast
is today. Where the good people of Penyffordd help fund projects within the village. The Big Breakfast is going on at the Institute.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Things UK Political
If you have an interest in the British / EU political future you might wish to wade through that which is below.
Slog's advantage is that he doesn't have to tow the line to anyone.
Slog's advantage is that he doesn't have to tow the line to anyone.
Penyffordd Comunity Council Meeting May 2015
13th MAY 2015
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct To receive any declarations of interest from Members.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 1st April and 15th April 2015 To receive and confirm as a correct record and then authorise the Minutes.
4. Matters arising Minute 174 – The Clerk to report of the progress of street lighting.
5. Community Asset Transfers - To review the CAT’s and consider the advice received from John Gray, FLVC.
6. Playing Fields Working Group - To receive an update in respect of the Cory Trust grant application.
7. Best Kept Communities Competition -To review the application locations.
8. Police Report - PCSO Mat Gordon to provide a report.
9. Review of the Council’s Website - To discuss the progress of the website designers.
10. Planning Applications To review and consider planning applications received (none received to date).
11. Notification of Planning Decision - To note planning decisions made by Flintshire County Council (none received to date).
12. Correspondence
13. Any Other Business
13th MAY 2015
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct To receive any declarations of interest from Members.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 1st April and 15th April 2015 To receive and confirm as a correct record and then authorise the Minutes.
4. Matters arising Minute 174 – The Clerk to report of the progress of street lighting.
5. Community Asset Transfers - To review the CAT’s and consider the advice received from John Gray, FLVC.
6. Playing Fields Working Group - To receive an update in respect of the Cory Trust grant application.
7. Best Kept Communities Competition -To review the application locations.
8. Police Report - PCSO Mat Gordon to provide a report.
9. Review of the Council’s Website - To discuss the progress of the website designers.
10. Planning Applications To review and consider planning applications received (none received to date).
11. Notification of Planning Decision - To note planning decisions made by Flintshire County Council (none received to date).
12. Correspondence
13. Any Other Business
Friday, May 15, 2015
It's Friday
Apologies I've played this before.
Apols to those that it has meaning.....................
Beluga News
Apparently the Beluga was taking off from Broughton the other morning when it had to slam on the anchors mid runway take off.
In front of the plane was a cyclist taking a short cut across the runway on his way to the chicken factory in Sandycroft.........................
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Property for sale
Property for sale
The list below shows properties for sale near you - select any property for more information. View more results in your area.
4 bed Semi-D
3 bed Semi-D
4 bed Semi-D
2 bed Semi-D
Monday, May 11, 2015
An apology to Penyffordd Community Council
The other day I was suggesting that council was rewarding shoddy work.
I talk pants.
The opposite is in fact the case.
Contractors have carried out work around the clock tower.
Councillors are not happy with work standard in part.
Part payment has been paid, further payment will have been paid
subject to a site meeting with contractor with remedial work agreed
and carried out to council satisfaction..
Many thanks to Clerk Sarah for bring this to my attention.
I talk pants.
The opposite is in fact the case.
Contractors have carried out work around the clock tower.
Councillors are not happy with work standard in part.
Part payment has been paid, further payment will have been paid
subject to a site meeting with contractor with remedial work agreed
and carried out to council satisfaction..
Many thanks to Clerk Sarah for bring this to my attention.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Recent Property Sales
Sales recently added within 500m of CH4 0LJEdit location 4 Fammau View Drive £112,500 Penyffordd, CH4 0JQ 20th March 2015 3 The Forge £204,000 Penyffordd, CH4 0GX 2nd February 2015 Sales recently added within 500m of CH4 0HPEdit location 12 Abbotts Lane £193,000 Penyffordd, CH4 0HW 18th February 2015 You can search all these sales totally free of charge by going | |
Friday, May 08, 2015
How the Battle was won
Just so you know.
I hate what the Tories, Labour and the unelected EU have done to this country, economically and socially
Immigrants with no jobs who cost us 100's of millions, ditto those who do not want a job, the coming splitting up of the Union, the current state of the NHS, too many people here, people living here here who do not like us, red tape on business locally and nationally, the causing of millions to die siding with USA's petrol wars. ( Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria) That's the short list.
postscript: Allowing our banksters to bet billions with us picking up the tab when they failed.
Our annual interest payments (not the debt) are around a £100 billion a year.
You won't want to know what UK Ltd's exposure to derivatives are.
extra postscript: The goalposts need moving.
"The SNP has bagged 56 seats in the new Parliament, by getting 4.7% of the vote. UKIP got 1 (one) seat, as their return for polling 12.4% of the votes cast. The Liberal Democrats got 7 seats by winning 7.9% of the votes." The Slog
Just so you know.
I hate what the Tories, Labour and the unelected EU have done to this country, economically and socially
Immigrants with no jobs who cost us 100's of millions, ditto those who do not want a job, the coming splitting up of the Union, the current state of the NHS, too many people here, people living here here who do not like us, red tape on business locally and nationally, the causing of millions to die siding with USA's petrol wars. ( Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria) That's the short list.
postscript: Allowing our banksters to bet billions with us picking up the tab when they failed.
Our annual interest payments (not the debt) are around a £100 billion a year.
You won't want to know what UK Ltd's exposure to derivatives are.
extra postscript: The goalposts need moving.
"The SNP has bagged 56 seats in the new Parliament, by getting 4.7% of the vote. UKIP got 1 (one) seat, as their return for polling 12.4% of the votes cast. The Liberal Democrats got 7 seats by winning 7.9% of the votes." The Slog
Spotted in Flintshire Chronicle Classifieds
I read the classifieds just in case there is something of interest. You have to read the lot as items can appear in the wrong columns. The following in Miscellaneous Sales.
Naturist needs help... please can I walk naked in your garden?
An email address is published.
It's yesterday's copy if of interest.
I could see a visit from the boys in blue if you are overlooked.
# notmycupoftea
Naturist needs help... please can I walk naked in your garden?
An email address is published.
It's yesterday's copy if of interest.
I could see a visit from the boys in blue if you are overlooked.
# notmycupoftea
Thursday, May 07, 2015
Council reward contractors for shoddy work?
142. Matters Arising
Minute 123 – The Clerk contacted Groundwork to advise that all correspondence
should now be dealt with herself. Groundwork confirmed that all outstanding work
had been completed, to which the Clerk informed all Cllrs and requested them to
view and advise if satisfied. However, a few days later Cllr Vidamour went to site
and the concrete around the crazing paving was loose and broken.
Cllr Vidamour feels that Groundwork should come and visit the site to view for
themselves the poor quality of the work.
It was resolved that the Clerk with request a morning site visit from Groundwork with
Cllrs S Davies and Vidamour for week commencing 9 March 2015.
The Chair suggested that due to the original work being completed last November
and the majority of the work completed to the Council satisfaction that we offer
Groundwork a part payment of £2000.00 with the remainder being paid on
completion. Cllr Weed advised the Clerk to ensure that there would be no legal
issues offering a part payment.
It was resolved that the Clerk will contact Groundwork with the proposal of a
£2000.00 payment immediately and the remainder on completion, however, if they
are not happy to accept this then the full payment will be made on completion.
Do I read Penyffordd Cllrs passed off work that subsequently turns out to be of poor quality?
Then gives company an extra £2000 plus more to fix it?
Do I read Penyffordd Cllrs passed off work that subsequently turns out to be of poor quality?
Then gives company an extra £2000 plus more to fix it?
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Chester Races, way to go
Look out for the tats.
It's getting warmer for the weekend.............honest.
It's getting warmer for the weekend.............honest.
Deliveries - The Appliance of Science
I am having a tablet computer delivered. I know the name of the driver, where the parcel is currently and when its going to be delivered within an hour window.
Yesterday is was in Tannochside
Over night its been taken to Birmingham
Then on to Wrexham for this morning
This is a long way from the primitive practices of some operators.
postscript: Delivered when promised. Courier was Interlink.
Tablet network connected, software loaded, a bit of a first, all in one day.
Bluetooth mouse on order.
Yesterday is was in Tannochside
Over night its been taken to Birmingham
Then on to Wrexham for this morning
This is a long way from the primitive practices of some operators.
postscript: Delivered when promised. Courier was Interlink.
Tablet network connected, software loaded, a bit of a first, all in one day.
Bluetooth mouse on order.
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Interesting Couple
This couple are something special. They are building a sail boat and have built a submarine.
keywords: plasma cutters, sheet steel, cnc machines, metal casting.
Tons of Youtube vids.
keywords: plasma cutters, sheet steel, cnc machines, metal casting.
Tons of Youtube vids.
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- Beluga News
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- An apology to Penyffordd Community Council
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- Friday Night a bit late
- How the Battle was won
- Spotted in Flintshire Chronicle Classifieds
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- Council reward contractors for shoddy work?
- Chester Races, way to go
- Deliveries - The Appliance of Science
- Interesting Couple