A Network Rail spokesman said that the line was closed between Penyffordd and Buckley when a train driver reported flood water rising rapidly on the line.
Pictures at the scene showed that the line had been turned into a river.
Full Story in The Daily Post
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Worried Penyffordd Resident - Night Helicopters
Anonymous wrote 25 Jan 2013 09:19:00
A little worried at 3am this morning helicopter hovering over the bottom of Rhos Road for about 1 hour. It looked like an army one - very loud and search light over fields by Stryt Issa?
Could you please advise - very worried homeowner. "
North Wales Floods
Sitting up here in Penyffordd on the hill one might think what was all the fuss about over flooding.
Penymynydd Rd and Chester Rd turned into minor rivers.
In the Daily Post link below are pictures taken on the A55 and various villages. The pictures are horrendous.
The A55 looks to be under 6 foot of water in places. Turned into a canal.
It's the slide show pictures not the photo taken after the floods had subsided.
Link http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/2013/01/26/review-into-floods-that-turned-a55-into-war-zone-55578-32682099/
Penymynydd Rd and Chester Rd turned into minor rivers.
In the Daily Post link below are pictures taken on the A55 and various villages. The pictures are horrendous.
The A55 looks to be under 6 foot of water in places. Turned into a canal.
It's the slide show pictures not the photo taken after the floods had subsided.
Link http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/2013/01/26/review-into-floods-that-turned-a55-into-war-zone-55578-32682099/
Friday, January 25, 2013
Councillor News
Drink driving cllr put in charge of road safety. As Guido says " You couldn't make it up ! "
Link http://order-order.com/2013/01/24/drink-driving-councillor-put-in-charge-of-road-safety/
Link http://order-order.com/2013/01/24/drink-driving-councillor-put-in-charge-of-road-safety/
The state we are in
Apparently we are heading for a triple dip recession. Although the claim in the Telegraph that what is currently being experienced is worse than the Great Depression. I didn't think I would see the day when I would regard the Telegraph as a comic book.
The government are taxing us to the hilt.
Heating prices keep going up.
Food prices keep going up.
Pensions and savings are being devalued in large amounts by quantitative easing.
We have torture in hospitals (eg Ann Clwyd MP husband )
1200 deaths in Stafford Hospitals that are not explained
Health Minister says there's plenty of Stafford treatment happening around the country.
Petrol diesel going up yet again 5p
Average debt for self employed is four times yearly profits. ( Don't know whose carrying my debt )
Self employed and small businesses employ an awful lot of people.
Pubs and shops are closing wholesale
Bankers have been allowed to get away with wholesale robbery by the billion
left to me and you the tax payer to pick up the tab. No one is going to jail all have had golden goodbye deals
We have an unknown quantity of Bulgarians and Romanians invading the country shortly
Immigration do not know how many are coming. They will all require a roof over their heads, free medical care and spending money ( your taxes )
We have police forces asking Google to remove criticism of them. Google has said quite rightly, take a running jump.
We have three quarters of our MP's who feel they deserve an extra £20k a year.
Our PM calling for top firms to wake up and smell the coffee
He doesn't know what day it is !
I'll leave it at that !
The government are taxing us to the hilt.
Heating prices keep going up.
Food prices keep going up.
Pensions and savings are being devalued in large amounts by quantitative easing.
We have torture in hospitals (eg Ann Clwyd MP husband )
1200 deaths in Stafford Hospitals that are not explained
Health Minister says there's plenty of Stafford treatment happening around the country.
Petrol diesel going up yet again 5p
Average debt for self employed is four times yearly profits. ( Don't know whose carrying my debt )
Self employed and small businesses employ an awful lot of people.
Pubs and shops are closing wholesale
Bankers have been allowed to get away with wholesale robbery by the billion
left to me and you the tax payer to pick up the tab. No one is going to jail all have had golden goodbye deals
We have an unknown quantity of Bulgarians and Romanians invading the country shortly
Immigration do not know how many are coming. They will all require a roof over their heads, free medical care and spending money ( your taxes )
We have police forces asking Google to remove criticism of them. Google has said quite rightly, take a running jump.
We have three quarters of our MP's who feel they deserve an extra £20k a year.
Our PM calling for top firms to wake up and smell the coffee
He doesn't know what day it is !
I'll leave it at that !
The ever increasing cost of energy
Below is a link to an individual who has lowered his gas usage in 7 years by over 80% without changing his gas boiler.
The gas bill in this household is currently under some debate. We have an old house, a large boiler and air leaks around doors etc,
The aim being to reduce gas usage in this house by 80% in one year. Using both solar and biomass ( wood to you and me ) Work is already three quarters done.
The site below has a lot of information.
Link http://www.mygasconsumption.com/index.htm
The gas bill in this household is currently under some debate. We have an old house, a large boiler and air leaks around doors etc,
The aim being to reduce gas usage in this house by 80% in one year. Using both solar and biomass ( wood to you and me ) Work is already three quarters done.
The site below has a lot of information.
Link http://www.mygasconsumption.com/index.htm
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Call for police to crack down on Penymynydd rat run
Locals are concerned that the access-only road Penymynydd Road in Penymynydd, near Mold, has become a dangerous rat run and rules are not being enforced properly.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Just Fancy That !
“THIRTEEN years ago, the politically influential Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia – the leading scaremongers about man-made global warming – warned us that within just a few years “children just aren’t going to know what snow is” and that it will be “a very rare and exciting event”. Last week, a foot of this mythical snow stuff closed 3,000 schools, triggered power cuts, shut airports and caused chaos on the roads. As it did last year. And the year before that.”
Some more flat earthers
Some more flat earthers
Roads affected by snow
ROADS: A55 Flintshire - Slow traffic on A55 eastbound between J33 A5119 Northop Road and J34, A494 (Ewloe).
by helen.harper 9:29 AM
ROADS: A55 Flintshire - Heavy traffic on A55 eastbound between J35, A550 (Dobbs hill) and J36, A5104 (Warren Bank Interchange). In the roadworks area.
by helen.harper 9:29 AM
by helen.harper 9:29 AM
ROADS: A55 Flintshire - Heavy traffic on A55 eastbound between J35, A550 (Dobbs hill) and J36, A5104 (Warren Bank Interchange). In the roadworks area.
by helen.harper 9:29 AM
Look at Daily Post for up to the minute news
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Future of Junior School Education in Penyffordd
The amalgamation of Abbotts Lane and Penyffordd Junior schools is up for consultation. Parents of children attending schools mentioned have received a letter about proposals which include having one head teacher and one governing body for the two schools.
The long term aim being to bring both schools under one roof.
source: Cllr David Williams newsletter
The long term aim being to bring both schools under one roof.
source: Cllr David Williams newsletter
Have you ever wondered how Google works? Tim Adams of the Observer meets Google's head search man.
Link http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/jan/19/google-search-knowledge-graph-singhal-interview
Saturday, January 19, 2013
On the weather front
Apparently not much more snow to fall. Sub zero temperatures however mean ice on roads and paths for the next few days.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Further signs of the times
They're watering down the beer and feeding us horse meat.
Well stops work
Progress on the Post Office cafe construction has had a hick up. A 300 year old well has been found on site.
The well has to be capped.
Capping of holes in Flintshire in the past was a regular operation. There are many hundreds if not thousand of holes that were dug to extract coal. I know of one old lady who played merry hell when coal board contractors turned up to cap the hole that was outside her kitchen window. The lady had been dumping her rubbish down it for years. All she had to do was open the window. The house had been built within feet of the coal shaft.
The well has to be capped.
Capping of holes in Flintshire in the past was a regular operation. There are many hundreds if not thousand of holes that were dug to extract coal. I know of one old lady who played merry hell when coal board contractors turned up to cap the hole that was outside her kitchen window. The lady had been dumping her rubbish down it for years. All she had to do was open the window. The house had been built within feet of the coal shaft.
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Rains
Today Penymynydd Rd drains as per usual are failing to deal with persistent downfalls. I think there is a partial block at Chester Rd / Penymynydd Rd junction or the pipe system inadequate ( most probably the latter).
Global Warming is like religion for some people. Here's an article that might disappoint you if you are a pro global warmer. ( best not to read perhaps )
Link http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/5067351/Rise-of-sea-levels-is-the-greatest-lie-ever-told.html
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
A Roman Fort just around the corner
I got in trouble last time I said this project was near Penyffordd. Anyway the project moves a step closer. Will we see a Roman Legion marching through the streets of Penyffordd?
Those on Anglesey didn't think too much of them. Although they brought civilisation the Romans did not tolerate opposition.
If you wish to get involved in the project, you can.
Link http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/need_to_read/2013/01/09/plans-for-full-size-roman-fort-in-flintshire-edge-closer-55578-32570256/#.UO01AnkYsJI.twitter
Those on Anglesey didn't think too much of them. Although they brought civilisation the Romans did not tolerate opposition.
If you wish to get involved in the project, you can.
Link http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/need_to_read/2013/01/09/plans-for-full-size-roman-fort-in-flintshire-edge-closer-55578-32570256/#.UO01AnkYsJI.twitter
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Deep Cleaning
In the Leader there is an article on a deep clean operation for Wrexham Bus Station. There is also need for a deep clean outside the Legion on the pathways on Chester Rd one of the main thoroughfares for village folk. Dog muck smeared everywhere, chewing gum, fried rice, etc.
Perhaps put the semi covert cctv back up on the lamp post and catch a few dog owners as well?
Perhaps put the semi covert cctv back up on the lamp post and catch a few dog owners as well?
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
Tomorrow night Wednesday at the Institute at 6.30pm. All are welcome to attend.
Amongst the items on the agenda is " nefarious activities" in Rhos Rd / Tower Way.
Take your pick from the following :-
(of an action or activity) Wicked or criminal: "the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates".
wicked - villainous - vile - infamous - mean - evil
Amongst the items on the agenda is " nefarious activities" in Rhos Rd / Tower Way.
Take your pick from the following :-
(of an action or activity) Wicked or criminal: "the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates".
wicked - villainous - vile - infamous - mean - evil
Monday, January 07, 2013
Saturday, January 05, 2013
Spring is with us
10 degrees of temperature, birds singing, buds forming on bushes, the large bulb I found discarded at the boot sale sprouting leaves.
Give the scientists a pay rise I'm sure they can find out some more about global warming.
All will be kicked into touch when the cold returns.
I've just picked some red hot peppers off a bush in the greenhouse.
Talking of peppers now is the time to plant seed with bottom heat and some top light.
This years project amongst other is a kitchen garden. No lettuce or herbs to be bought this coming year.
Perhaps David Williams' allotment for the village will finally find take off now he finally has planning consent. It's been a long struggle through the quicksand of procedure, silly people and red tape.
10 degrees of temperature, birds singing, buds forming on bushes, the large bulb I found discarded at the boot sale sprouting leaves.
Give the scientists a pay rise I'm sure they can find out some more about global warming.
All will be kicked into touch when the cold returns.
I've just picked some red hot peppers off a bush in the greenhouse.
Talking of peppers now is the time to plant seed with bottom heat and some top light.
This years project amongst other is a kitchen garden. No lettuce or herbs to be bought this coming year.
Perhaps David Williams' allotment for the village will finally find take off now he finally has planning consent. It's been a long struggle through the quicksand of procedure, silly people and red tape.
Friday, January 04, 2013
Sign of the Times
One day less fan noise and odor per week. A late Xmas present for moi.
The above is an indication how private business which pays all the taxes for
health, social welfare, etc is struggling.
Spain is currently spending all its pension money keeping the bond market going.
Spain is too big to bail out.
The situation in Greece is dire ( my brother lives there)
The main stream media will try to talk the situation up during 2013. The actualitee is totally different.
Less demand equals less jobs. Only Airbus is bucking the trend.
Motorcar manufacturers must be having a nightmare.
So too, anyone involved in retail.
Food prices are going up because of flooding.
Energy prices are going up large amounts which again affects everything
including food.
All due to the bankers, the profiteers and our governments.
Is anyone going to jail for the above situation?
I think not.
Food prices are going up because of flooding.
Energy prices are going up large amounts which again affects everything
including food.
All due to the bankers, the profiteers and our governments.
Is anyone going to jail for the above situation?
I think not.
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Penyffordd's Father Christmas finally caught on camera
competing the around the Chester Wall's Race on Boxing Day.
Brian Wareing still a regular jogger and fund raiser seen jogging around Penyffordd even though he is well into his senior years. The beard his trade mark is real not a fake.
The Round the Walls always something I thought about doing but didn't.
My best time for a marathon 3 hours 23 minutes. Colin Lolly Pop is an ex jogger as well.
Colin's best times significantly better than mine, nearly of athlete standard.
Photo courtsey of The Flintshire Chronicle. Pictures can be bought online.
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
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- The ever increasing cost of energy
- Call for police to crack down on Penymynydd rat run
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- A Roman Fort just around the corner
- Deep Cleaning
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
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- Spring is with us
- Sign of the Times
- Penyffordd's Father Christmas finally caught on ca...
- Penyffordd Panto 2013