Monday, May 31, 2010
North Wales Chief Constable's New Toy
This is the new weapon against the 1000's speeding bikers in North Wales. Article here The Daily Post. On Sunday I heard many bikers screaming down the Penyffordd ByPass. They must be doing 100 - 120 mph.
NWP are being naive if they think they can stop bikers speeding in N Wales by engaging with them. That's exactly why they come here. NWP are employed to enforce law not be bikers' social workers.
NWP have taken the soft option as they do not want to upset the bikers as they race around N Wales.
Here's a simple method to stop them. Tell the bikers that you are going to operate covert speed cameras. Pick one main route, install covert speed camera have officers a few miles down the road in contact by Blackberry and book the offenders. Use media to highlight the operation. Points on licenses work, engaging bikers does not.
To check efficiency of operation get an independent body to monitor results with doppler effect speed monitoring equipment.
Meanwhile our elected representatives hide behind the sofa afraid of upsetting the bikers whilst N Wales is used as a race track every weekend. Exhaust decibal limits conveniently ignored by the biker's mate Chief Constable Mark Polin.
At the last count 700 vehicles speeding through Chester Rd most days and NWP ignoring it along with Penyffordd Community Council.
Emailed to Rt Hon Theresa May MP Home Secretary
keyword: Superintendent Simon Shaw, Yamaha
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Penyffordd Community Council June 2010 next Wednesday
The Prologue
CBM Howie Williams told Penyffordd Community Council that speeding over 30 mph in Chester Rd in June 2008 was 5 %, not much to worry about. Nigel the Clerk minuted this.
Is this a deliberate lie by a police officer or has Nigel made an error with the minutes?
Will Penyffordd Community Council sell Chester Rd down the river? There is an extreme reluctance for Penyffordd Cllrs to push NWP to do their duty for Chester Rd.
CBM Howie Williams told Penyffordd Community Council that speeding over 30 mph in Chester Rd in June 2008 was 5 %, not much to worry about. Nigel the Clerk minuted this.
Is this a deliberate lie by a police officer or has Nigel made an error with the minutes?
Will Penyffordd Community Council sell Chester Rd down the river? There is an extreme reluctance for Penyffordd Cllrs to push NWP to do their duty for Chester Rd.
700 speeders over 30 mph each day
which is 34% not 5 %. * FCC hold data
NWP continue to take on the bikers
May I suggest Penyffordd By Pass on a Saturday and Sunday when the sun is out. There is currently no appetite by NWP to enforce exhaust decibel levels however or for that matter for politicians to raise the issue.
Link Daily Post
Link Daily Post
Friday, May 28, 2010
Team set-up to tackle Flintshire cement plant concerns
Link Daily Post
Andrew Jones, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board’s Executive Director of Public Health, will chair the response team.
He said: “We are taking the views of the local community very seriously and would like to invite local residents to get in touch with us to share their public health concerns about the Hanson Cement works.”
But he refuses to answer an FOIE from Buckley Town Council on respiritory disease.
keyword: John Thornton
Andrew Jones, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board’s Executive Director of Public Health, will chair the response team.
He said: “We are taking the views of the local community very seriously and would like to invite local residents to get in touch with us to share their public health concerns about the Hanson Cement works.”
But he refuses to answer an FOIE from Buckley Town Council on respiritory disease.
keyword: John Thornton
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Best Fish and Chip Shop in North Wales ?
The Galleon , Conway
postscript: They treat customers like manure. No opening times shown, last time we went they were closed gone 12.They only open in the holiday season as well. Try the one's below instead.
Or you could try Enoch's which is also very good.
There is also The Galleon in Rhos on Sea also very good
Deganwy is good too.
North Wales Police catch 171 drivers using mobile phones at the wheel
Superintendent Simon Shaw from North Wales Police’s Roads Policing Unit said
“One of the five major contributory factors in all fatal and serious injury collisions nationally, involve the misuse of mobile phones by drivers.
“North Wales Police are committed to educating drivers and we will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to this crime.”
As Superintendent Simon Shaw knows one of the other five is speeding. I look forward to seeing zero tolerance of speeding in Penyffordd which at the last count was over 700 day.
“One of the five major contributory factors in all fatal and serious injury collisions nationally, involve the misuse of mobile phones by drivers.
“North Wales Police are committed to educating drivers and we will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to this crime.”
As Superintendent Simon Shaw knows one of the other five is speeding. I look forward to seeing zero tolerance of speeding in Penyffordd which at the last count was over 700 day.
We currently have 100% tolerance of speeders in Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Fake Speed Camera
Since Penyffordd Community Council refuse to press CBM Howie Williams to do his job perhaps we need our own GATSO.
Link The Mailonline
Link The Mailonline
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
North Wales Police to be made more accountable
Will they be made to do traffic policing in Chester Rd Penyffordd? 700 speeders everyday.
Link Walesonline
Link Walesonline
Gresford villagers fed up with speeding
You will notice a similar pattern. Not a North Wales policeman in sight. It looks as if Wrexham Council will have to introduce traffic calming as they have in other communites in Wrexham.
Link Daily Post
Link Daily Post
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
To Chirk Carboot sale
It's hot there must be a couple of thousand people on site. The variety of stalls unmatched anywhere.
Bought a pair of walking boots for 50p. Also red, yellow and orange pepper plants, four for £3. They were started in February and are three times the size of my seed grown.........
Bought a pair of walking boots for 50p. Also red, yellow and orange pepper plants, four for £3. They were started in February and are three times the size of my seed grown.........
North Wales Police Reform?
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill (Home Office).
The vehicle for making police forces more accountable – including oversight by what ministers refer to as a directly elected "individual". Police must also publish monthly local crime data statistics. This is also likely to include a fresh crackdown on anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related violence.
Link Sunday Telegraph
A possible crack down on our morning unpoliced rat run.
The vehicle for making police forces more accountable – including oversight by what ministers refer to as a directly elected "individual". Police must also publish monthly local crime data statistics. This is also likely to include a fresh crackdown on anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related violence.
Link Sunday Telegraph
A possible crack down on our morning unpoliced rat run.
Friday, May 21, 2010
56 Today
I once wondered what it would be like to reach 40. Am I doing well? Birthday presents to come. A village centre that is not a race track. Village environment the goal.
Birthday presents today
My 7 degree driver (golf) fixed ( head came off) and a Northern Face fleece. The clothing is so good I rarely wear anything else except Rohan.
Special thanks to Jim Law Golf Saltney.
Birthday presents today
My 7 degree driver (golf) fixed ( head came off) and a Northern Face fleece. The clothing is so good I rarely wear anything else except Rohan.
Special thanks to Jim Law Golf Saltney.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Coalition: our programme for government
Perhaps we can have speeding stopped through Chester Rd ?
Perhaps we can have speeding stopped through Chester Rd ?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Uphill task as more children in Wales get lifts to school
CHILDREN in Wales are more likely to be driven to school than youngsters in any other part of the UK, a study has revealed.
It does not help in Chester Rd Penyffordd where NWP refuse to police traffic and Penyffordd Community Council act as if they are impotent. They lack cojones.
Link Walesonline
It does not help in Chester Rd Penyffordd where NWP refuse to police traffic and Penyffordd Community Council act as if they are impotent. They lack cojones.
Link Walesonline
Monday, May 17, 2010
28 Days Later visit Hanson Cement Kiln 4 at Padeswood
Link here ( Kiln 4 photos )
The group involved do what they call urban exploration. This sort of stuff is big in the USA.
The group involved do what they call urban exploration. This sort of stuff is big in the USA.
This is the view from the top of Kiln 4 where they took this photograph. The link has various photos of the inside of Kiln 4 all the way to the top. These groups usually leave some sort of mark and photograph it that proves they have been there. Research is normally done first to weigh up security and worker movements so that they do not get caught on the exploration. A little unfair on Hanson Cement as normally no one would want to break into a kiln.
I found the link by accident when looking at my blog log which shows who looks at the blog. Heidleberg in Germany had done a search on Hanson Cement Padeswood on which I am fairly high on Google.
Postscript. I was going to ask Mark Cox whether I could go up in the Kiln 4 lift sometime to take a few photos of Penyffordd from the top.............................
A moments lack of attention
Girl on mobile phone coming out of a side road. Motorbike doing 85 mph equals death x three. The job of the accident agencies very grim.
An email to Cllr Chris Bithell
cc Chief Constable, Leader Editor, Post Editor
Morning Councillor Bithell
I see the CC taking credit from the credit crunch
I like the term "serious acquisitive offences."
It used to be called theft.
All I see and hear is Penyffordd Bypass and N Wales being used as a racetrack.
No traffic policing in the village either
It would appear that NWP and NWPA are reduced to acting like politicians.
All talk and no substance.
Colin Hughes
Penyffordd District
Rat run nearly over and our CBM is still in bed........................
NWP NOT doing their job.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Footpath Trouble at Gwernto Fach
Send for Klaus? Chainsaws not machetes needed.
postscript: I've found the other side of this path in Gwernto woods, It's quite bizarre really. There is this footpath sign pointing into a wood with no sign of the path whatsoever just a wall of trees. After a couple of attempts of trying to find the footpath I found it. (below)
You can just see the footpath sign the path is to the right of the sign.
I've cleared the footpath for three quarters of its length. In the middle of the path you come across this footpath stile in the middle of a clearing.
keywords: secret footpath
Saturday, May 15, 2010
NWPA Chairman Alan Lewis
New North Wales Police Authority chairman Alun Lewis vows to make North Wales 'an even safer place'
Link The Daily Post
Friday, May 14, 2010
NWPA Forum - Road Traffic Enforcement Policies – Necessary or Excessive?
Odd Fellows Hall, Saltney.
11th May 2010 Tuesday
Start of meeting 7.00 pm
Meeting chaired by County Councillor Chris Bithell
Also present - Inspector Martin Best, Superintendent Simon Shaw, PC 2519 Ian Millington, Inspector Alan Hughes, County Councillor Klaus Armstrong-Braun, Councillor Terry Renshaw, County Councillor Cindy Hinds, Mrs R Roberts (Policy Officer), County Councillor Carolyn Thomas.
County Councillor Chris Bithell opened the meeting. Cllr Bithell being the appointed member for Flintshire on the North Wales Police Authority. The Bridge between community and the force.
Mrs R Roberts continued by talking of Policing priorities.
Top Line – Ensure trust and confidence in the police.
Second – Reduce and resolve crime and ASB. Protect people and reduce harm.
3 – Protect and reduce numbers of deaths in accidents.
4 – Priority to deliver a quality service
5 – To have a well organised and skilled workforce.
Superintendent Simon Shaw (Head of Road Policing Department)
Inspector Alan Hughes (Senior investigator for serious accidents)
The approach –
These based on national and international strategies.
Carried out in class or roadside
LA and WAG
Police and Camera Parnership
A balance between education and enforcement needs to be applied.
Overall figures have shown a decline from 1995 to 2007 but a big rise in 2007 was due to a change of definition of how numbers were recorded. Any fracture and admission to hospital is now included. Serious injuries now include such injuries as a broken finger etc. But from then to 2009 figures have fallen again.
Enforcement strategy
High volume enforcement supported by the targeting of those at greater risk of being involved in collisions. More at risk –
Prolific offenders, high risk groups, under 25’s and motorcyclists.
Prolific offenders
Scores are worked out in the same was as organised crime principles.
First a home visit, letter for driving course, may require enforcement, parents, remove their licence and monitored on a 2 week basis.
Young Drivers
17 – 20 up to 10 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than experienced drivers. Friday to Sunday are peak days.
Risk of fatal collision –
Up by 39% with one driver.
85% with 2 people and
182% 3 or more. (Chen Baker 2000 study)
Education for young drivers
Adverts. Deadly mates –
Default patrols target young drivers at their peak times, Friday to Sunday.
Drink drive statistics show that the total of drivers under 25 are 9.5% of all drivers but in drink drive campaigns, 30% of those convicted were under 25.
Also McDonald’s leaflets. Green road, Facebook etc.
Motor Cyclists.
In 2003, 18 motorcyclists lost their lives on the roads in North Wales. In 2009 that number was reduced to three.
This year there have been 15 collisions and 13 of these were residents in North Wales. 50 / 50 split of these were bikes on their own or involvement with a car.
Superintendent Simon Shaw – “I have no desire for riders to come to North Wales and use it as a race track”.
Exhausts – Draw a lot of attention. Motorcycle news have critisised the police for this. Offenders have been prosecuted rather than issued with just warnings. No decibel limit, cycles are checked for the stamp stating road use or off road use. The police have no equipment to check noise levels. VOSA can test exhaust systems. 102 decibels road legal quoted by a member of the audience.
There are bike safe workshops, unmarked police bike being introduced this week, Go Safe camera vans now have side cameras.
Last year there were random stops of cyclists entering North Wales and being given advice. This has been abandoned this year to concentrate more on road policing of bikes. All statistics on motor cycles are down.
Drink (Drugs)
Seat Belts
Dangerous Driving
All these contribute to fatal accidents. Using a mobile has been proved to be the same impairment as having had a drink of alcohol.
For each 1 mph reduction in speed there is a 3 – 6% reduction of a chance of a collision.
Tailgating comes under dangerous driving.
Drink / drive (drugs)
Total agreement that no discretion should be given to offenders.
There was a discussion over whether prescription drugs should be given any discretion and it was decided that this also should be no. The fit test, as used in the USA is used by North Wales Police.
There is also a HGV commercial unit set up to monitor their behaviour.
A question of what percentage of police are dedicated officers for road policing. Superintendent Simon Shaw stated that there were 62 dedicated officers, plus 10 specialists in collision investigation and a further 60 ish who are armed response officers that also can be deployed a good percentage of their time on road policing.
Over 16 person not wearing the belt is responsible for the fine. No discretion should be given as voted.
Mobile phones
After a discussion it was voted that no discretion be given.
There was unfortunately no time to discuss this. Superintendent Simon Shaw did, however, state that it could be discussed for hours.
Careless / dangerous driving
Voted discretion if no injuries at the accident.
The meeting was closed at 8.50 pm.
keywords. Motorcycle News, Safespeed,
Hanson Cement in the news over emissions
Question. How many emissions currently come out of Kiln 4 and how many emissions are created by vehicles on Penyffordd Bypass. What effect does the noise from Penyffordd Bypass have on health. Why haven't the WAG done a noise map of the bypass. South Wales has noise maps for various areas N Wales has none.
The Leader
A Perspective on Dioxin Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators
This paper discusses the following key issues concerning human exposure to dioxins and furans emitted from typical, modern MSW incinerators: (1) Are MSW incinerators the major source of PCDD/PCDF input into the environment? (2) Are environmental concentrations around MSW incinerators substantially elevated relative to background levels? And (3) are MSW incinerators the major source of human exposure to PCDDs and PCDFs? Current scientific evidence indicates that (1) combustion sources in general (including steel mills, copper smelting plants, motor vehicles, pulp and paper mills, and MSW incinerators) are major sources of PCDD/PCDF input in the environment; (2) environmental concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs around operating MSW incinerators are not substantially elevated; and (3) 99% of human exposure to PCDDs and PCDFs is from background contamination, even for individuals living near a modern MSW incinerator.
The Leader
A Perspective on Dioxin Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Strange bird at Gwernto Bach
Saw a pair of these birds today. Quite spectacular. In the woods near the above residence.
It is a Redstart.
Nant Y Ffrith
To The Spiv at Ewloe ( Flintshire Steels )
It's my birthday shortly so my treat is 50 metres of 32mm water tube to make the following.
Also a scaffold tube or two will be needed.
Plus the plastic sheet.
Also a scaffold tube or two will be needed.
Plus the plastic sheet.
Cheryl Gillan Secretary of State for Wales
Congratulations to Cheryl Gillan MP on her new post. Lets hope Cheryl will look at the stitching up of Chester Rd for loads of extra traffic by the Welsh Assembly Government and Flintshire County Council.
keywords: Carwyn Jones, Cllr Tony Sharps, A55 Warren bank Exit, Warren Hall Business Park, rat run traffic, Higher Kinnerton, Cllr Norma Humphreys, speedd humps, traffic calming.
Cheryl Gillan MP
keywords: Carwyn Jones, Cllr Tony Sharps, A55 Warren bank Exit, Warren Hall Business Park, rat run traffic, Higher Kinnerton, Cllr Norma Humphreys, speedd humps, traffic calming.
Cheryl Gillan MP
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Chester Rd Penyffordd stitched up by the Welsh Assembly
Penyffordd left to take the brunt of A55 Warren Bank and Warren Hall Business Park traffic.
Link The Leader
Link The Leader
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Genetically Modified Food - Secret Suicide
Numerous studies have proven genetically modified foods to be an extreme health hazard, but one must only look at how it is created to realize how unsafe GM food really is.
Link DProgram Net
Link DProgram Net
"Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs, new side effects linked with GM consumption which were sex- and often dose dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxocity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded".
North Wales Police Authority Forum
Forum Subject
" Road Traffic Enforcement Policies
- Necessary or Excessive"
" Road Traffic Enforcement Policies
- Necessary or Excessive"
on Tuesday 11th May 2010 at Oddfellows, 65 High Street, Saltney CH4 8SG.
at 7.00 pm
keywords Cllr Chris Bithell, Flintshire, Cllr Ian Roberts, NWPA
Monday, May 10, 2010
More Trouble in Angelsey
Councillors get read their rights or perhaps its not their rights.
Link The Druid
Link The Druid
Penyffordd News
It's raining.
It's cold.
The rat run has gone to work.
No police in sight.
Howie away on a course or still in bed.
When was Howie last seen not in his car. ie walking, perambulating...............
All eyes are on the LibDem Lab / LibDem Con coalitions.
I personally like the Lib Dem £10,000 minimum tax codes.........................
Meanwhile elsewhere the solids are going to hit the fan big style. The EU is collapsing.
Link The Excellent Slog
It's cold.
The rat run has gone to work.
No police in sight.
Howie away on a course or still in bed.
When was Howie last seen not in his car. ie walking, perambulating...............
All eyes are on the LibDem Lab / LibDem Con coalitions.
I personally like the Lib Dem £10,000 minimum tax codes.........................
Meanwhile elsewhere the solids are going to hit the fan big style. The EU is collapsing.
Link The Excellent Slog
Saturday, May 08, 2010
A Good Idea
Marcellus recommends bringing in the IMF to audit UK PLC. So we know where we stand with regards all the hidden off balance sheet debt built up by Gordon Brown.
Link Marcellus
Link Marcellus
Friday, May 07, 2010
House Sales in Penyffordd district
18 Coed Y Graig | £185,000 |
Penymynydd, CH4 0XD | 12th March 2010 |
1 Bilberry Close | £110,000 | ||
Penyffordd, CH4 0LT | 26th February 2010 |
Election Results Alyn and Deeside 2010
Results for Alyn and Deeside
Mark Tami ( Labour ) 15804
Will Gallagher 12885
Paul Brighton 7308
Maurice Jones 1549
John Walker 1368
James Howson 1009
Mark Tami ( Labour ) 15804
Will Gallagher 12885
Paul Brighton 7308
Maurice Jones 1549
John Walker 1368
James Howson 1009
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Election News - Labour makes final efforts
Cllr Cindy Hinds checking voters at Penymynydd. Her friend Jess at the Penyffordd Polling Station. Cllr Bernie Attridge driving the van around Penyffordd whilst someone the megaphone is shouting " Vote for Tami"
Resident Power against lorries Mailonline
Penyffordd Speed Protester in The Flintshire Chronicle
Story in The Flintshire Chronicle. A big thank you to journalist Francesca Elliot.
Link The Flintshire Chronicle
Link The Flintshire Chronicle
Quote " South Flintshire district inspector Martin Best said: “North Wales Police undertake regular enforcement and engagement in the local area with regards to speeding.”
No you do NOT do regular enforcement in Chester Rd, District Inspector Best. A quote worthy of a politician.
Email to Chief Constable Mark Polin
Email to Chief Constable Mark Polin
General Election 2010 Results
You're vote today may make little difference overall. Austerity is on it's way. Although the complete removal of Gordon Brown is a necessity. Gordon Brown as Chancellor and later as Prime Minister has borrowed money into oblivion. Labour deserve better.
UK residents were encourages to borrow money against inflated house prices. Loads more tax for the government. A bubble that was always destined to fail. ( No more boom and bust - Gordon Brown)
Gordon Brown has let down most those who voted Labour in power. They will pay very dearly for the decision to allow Gordon Brown financial control of UK. The blog pundits say 10 years plus.
It should be stated that whilst GB has gone through over a trillion pounds with not much to show for it there has been little said by the opposition. In fact at one time I have read the Tories wanted GB to go even further in the slackening of financial controls of the banks.
Results for Alyn and Deeside
Mark Tami ( Labour ) 15804
Will Gallagher 12885
Paul Brighton 7308
Maurice Jones 1549
John Walker 1368
James Howson 1009
Just to show how bad things are getting. Greece, three people killed in protest yesterday. Greece is spending money vastly over what it makes. They are going to be forced to make very large reductions in public spending and pensions. Pressure is mounting on other EU countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy. Such is the nature of this crisis that the even the Euro as a currency is at risk.
Greece Mailonline
Spain and Portugal
UK residents were encourages to borrow money against inflated house prices. Loads more tax for the government. A bubble that was always destined to fail. ( No more boom and bust - Gordon Brown)
Gordon Brown has let down most those who voted Labour in power. They will pay very dearly for the decision to allow Gordon Brown financial control of UK. The blog pundits say 10 years plus.
It should be stated that whilst GB has gone through over a trillion pounds with not much to show for it there has been little said by the opposition. In fact at one time I have read the Tories wanted GB to go even further in the slackening of financial controls of the banks.
Results for Alyn and Deeside
Mark Tami ( Labour ) 15804
Will Gallagher 12885
Paul Brighton 7308
Maurice Jones 1549
John Walker 1368
James Howson 1009
Just to show how bad things are getting. Greece, three people killed in protest yesterday. Greece is spending money vastly over what it makes. They are going to be forced to make very large reductions in public spending and pensions. Pressure is mounting on other EU countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy. Such is the nature of this crisis that the even the Euro as a currency is at risk.
Greece Mailonline
Spain and Portugal
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Cllr Colin Bithell still in denial over speeding
I have just spoke to a neighbour who sits next to Colin at Wrexham football matches. He told Colin about the speeding the other week, how bad it is every morning.
Colin's reply. "There's little speeding in Chester Rd"
He said to Colin that there is if you live here.
A councillor with his head in the sand, as are many others.
Councillor Bithell's literature at the last election stated he stood for the family. One presumes this excludes speeding (safety) in Chester Rd.
Colin's reply. "There's little speeding in Chester Rd"
He said to Colin that there is if you live here.
A councillor with his head in the sand, as are many others.
Councillor Bithell's literature at the last election stated he stood for the family. One presumes this excludes speeding (safety) in Chester Rd.
Penyffordd Community Council May 2010
I spoke to ( GNI) Nigel Jones yesterday from afar. Looked like he was putting the council agenda on the council notice board. I said it looked like Cllr Tom Jones has returned to being a Conservative with him having Will's placard in his hedge.
As usual I suppose most of the council agenda will be hidden behind the first page.
Will the fact that CBM Howie Williams misled PCC be mentioned?
Monday, May 03, 2010
Independent with a small "c"
Will Gallagher is the Conservative choice to fight the election for Alyn and Deeside. In the fields around Penyffordd Conservative placards can be seen in hedges. One is in Cllr Tom Jones' field. Tom of course is an Independent Cllr. Very good of him to help the Conservatives out.
There is also a placard outside Independent Cllr Edwina Davies and Independent Cllr Stan Davies' house or is the placard on Mr Hewitt's hedge?
My dad used to get his petrol and servicing from Will's grandad in the 1960's.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Hot peppers galore
To Chirk carboot sale. The pepper man is there for the first time this year. His peppers not liking the biting cold wind. We have come away with the above speciman (in 3 months time) which is an Orange Habenero which is very hot. Bought it for its looks really. Perhaps it would make a good pepper spray?
Also bought a Big Jim, Gold Cayenne, Twilight and Pinnochio's Nose. (below)
After a few hours in the greenhouse the peppers look fine. They are about 2 inches high. If kept in the house over Winter they will fruit each year.
Speeding motorcycles
using village as a race track. A black bike on Saturday night coming through twice at 80 - 100 mph.
Sunday night two bikes did the same through the village and along the bypass.
Or sounded like.
Sunday night two bikes did the same through the village and along the bypass.
Or sounded like.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
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- Uphill task as more children in Wales get lifts to...
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