Monday, November 30, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
More Global Warming madness
and more
and some more
Neil Hamilton
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Quote of the Day - Golf
Professional Lee Westwood on Rory McIlroy
"What's he got going for him? 20 years old. Millionaire already. Hits it miles. Nice looking girlfriend. Drives a Lamborghini. Yeah, it's hard, isn't it?"
Restaurant Watch Glasfryn Mold
Surroundings nice, a family atmosphere. Staff are friendly and attentive. No musac or video.
Food. We order main courses. Mine Haddock in beer batter with chips minus marrowfat peas which are a personal nightmare.
Mike orders steak au poivre with chips.
Lisa orders macaronie cheese with tomatoes and cauliflower.
Lisa and Mike have empty plates. Mine is fine excepting the batter which is not too good on the inside - undercooked.
Sweets. Mike has hot waffles with butter scotch sauce. Lisa had pecan chocolate tart with rasberry sauce and whiskey cream. Lisa says the whiskey was missing from the cream but tasted very good.
Coffee's to finish - cappuccino- first class.
The bill - I know not..............
Would we go again definitely yes.
A big thank you to Mike who is undergoing an emotional turmoil (divorce) with dignity.
I think he is a reincarnation of St Michael.
The Glasfryn
Counterfeit, which one or both?

One in every forty one pound coins is counterfeit. The story is in The MailOnline. The answer to the question is at the bottom of the article.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Global Warming Con Found Out
You may notice a certain flippancy with FOIE requests.
The same I have experienced with Flintshire County Council.
Stats and Climate Change
The comments section particularly lively.
Rhoda Klapp the best.
The Devil's Kitchen
You stray from the page directed at your own risk.
The Devil does not mince words
Climate Skeptic
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Chilli Peppers in the Winter Sun

Chilli pepper plants are perrenials not annuals. If kept away from frost even if the leaves drop off they will grow again next year. The chilli peppers were the most succesful crop this year. Tonight's curry sent me grasping for the glass of water just as if in an Indian Restaurant. We used to go out for curries with a certain Tim Hinks-Edwards and wife Sheila. Tim always has the hottest curry in the house. We used to go and watch live bands in pubs, some were very good.
One band we used to watch with the very bubbly Diane Hallows were The Jalapenos
Link The Jalapenos Band
Health note. Chilli peppers have many vitamins and substances that are good for you. They do however have to treated with caution as some are very very hot.
postscript. I am informed by Lisa that tea had three Hungarian wax chillies in it.
Link Chilli Picture Gallery
A letter in The leader - Traffic Calming
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum
Monday, November 23, 2009
CBM Howie Williams making the difference
Howie Says
Incidents in this particular area have improved although there have been one or two which are being investigated. You will notice that there has been a significant increase in police activity in the village of late, this is due to one or two individuals who for reasons only known to themselves believe it is their God given right to make other peoples lives a misery. Please be assured we are doing everything we can to bring these individuals to justice and I personally will not rest until this is the case. Increased police presence has been seen in this area. For those members of the community who wish to know more about upcoming police intentions please speak with PC 1469 Howie Williams
Link North Wales Police Penyffordd Ward
Carl Sargeant AM calls for urgent cuts in speed limits
It is now a discussion of road rules, cash and North Wales Police.
I have sent an email to Carl thanking him for the Chester Rd mention.
Why shops in villages,towns and cities are closing

Amazon do not just do books. The list of items they sell is considerable. Border Books who have a large retail site at Cheshire Oaks which is nice to visit for a Starbucks coffee hangs on the edge of existence this week. No money and falling sales. Maybe no more coffee's.
Link The Guardian
Postscript Told you so. BBC News
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Beware of the Brotherhood
North Wales Police do not shine either.
Link Andy Sutton Whistle Blower
keywords: masonic:
The vision for a community centre
Home Zones
82. Another measure which reduces speed, increases safety and improves the quality of life is the home zone. It usually consists of redesigning streets to make them places for people rather than traffic; speeds are reduced to 10 mph.[140] Home zones have been very effective in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands in reducing speeds, increasing pedestrian safety and creating an agreeable ambience for those walking, playing or chatting in the street.[141] In the UK too the initial evidence is that home zones are proving to be a success. In the first of the Government's pilot zones at Northmoor Manchester average speeds have fallen to 9.8 mph as a result of "a combination of traffic calming, staggered parking to break up driver's sight lines and good design".
Link House of Commons
A Coeliac's Delight with the Great and the Good

dauphinoise potatoes, Mexican street salad

"What nothing left!"
Dave Morris was a test pilot for Hawker Siddeley and British Aerospace. A very modest unassuming person. When he had his pilot's license he could do aerobatics in a Tiger Moth. When Arnold Palmer the American Professional Golfer played at The Open at Birkdale a golf magazine wanted a spectacular picture of Arnold who also flew his own jet aircraft.
So they strapped a camera to the front of Dave's Tiger Moth with Dave in the front seat and Arnold at the back. Dave took the Tiger over Birkdale Golf Course then pulled the Tiger into a verticle climb then the photo was taken. The result a wind swept Arnold Palmer with Birkdale Golf Club house behind him. Quite some picture. Dave the pilot with the skill necessary to pull off the stunt. I will have to ask Dave if he still has a copy.
Jeanette is an ex lady captain Hawarden Golf Club. Jeanette was Lady Captain in the same year as the late Ray Jones RIP.
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's not fair
What about the quality of lives in Chester Rd, Penyffordd who will bear the brunt of extra traffic from the above developments? We want what Cllr Sharps has done for Northop Hall. As Head of Environment Cllr Tony Sharps has a duty to help Chester Rd Penyffordd environment which is akin to a race track at times.
Link The Leader
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Weather
It will be the end of the world if Penyffordd floods...................
Tomorrow another mild day.
Lisa's Kitchen
Balance your Bobby - Thank you to The Leader
Letter published today.
postscript: I take no pleasure knocking North Wales Police. Speeding traffic is part of their job. If they no longer want to do it let's have an anouncement in the media.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Chester Rd comment on Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales
cc. Chief Constable Mark Polin, plus the great and the good.
The Prologue
Chester Rd Penyffordd is an ex trunk road now superceded by a bypass. It is a major route to school with a speed limit of 30 mph. The road is currently unpoliced by North Wales Police or the All Wales safety Partnership.
Shift workers hammer through the village at 5.30 am each shift work day. There is a considerable rat run with much out of village traffic between 8 and 9 am. Shift workers hammer through the village at shift end at lunch time and evening.
There is speeding every minute or two, although the credit crunch has helped with volume.
Flintshire County Council and the All Wales Safety Partnership are currently hiding traffic data that shows the above.
HGV traffic is currently allowed through the village despite a bypass being built for through traffic.
The A55 Warren Bank Exit construction will be bad for Chester Rd Penyffordd
Rossett village centre is the perfect example of how a village road succeeded by a bypass should be. I am of the opinion that Derek Kirby, Head of Highway Strategy, Flintshire County Council has differing plans for Chester Rd Penyffordd.
My points as a village resident in red. I have environment and safety upmost in my mind.
Key points from Document :
Speed limits should be evidence led, self-explaining, and seek to reinforce people’s
assessment of what is a safe speed to travel.
There is a group of drivers whose assessment of safe speed is modelled on people who appear on Top Gear. As fast as the road will take. I mention shiftworkers without naming our largest employer.
Speed limits should encourage self-compliance and not be seen by drivers as being a
target speed at which to drive in all circumstances.
ditto previous point
Highway authorities set ‘local speed limits’ in situations where local needs and
considerations deem it desirable for drivers to adopt a speed which is different from the
national speed limit. Local speed limits could be lower or higher depending upon the
conditions and evidence.
3.12 Mean speeds should be used as the basis for determining local speed limits as these
refl ect what the majority of drivers perceive as an appropriate speed for the road. The aim
should be for the mean speed driven on the road to be at or below the posted speed limit.
Consequently, it may be necessary to consider additional measures to infl uence the speed
Why disguise speeding levels from communities?
This guidance is to be used for setting all local speed limits on trunk and county roads,
(excluding motorways) whether single or dual carriageways in both urban and rural areas.
This guidance should also be used as the basis for future assessments of local speed
limits, for developing route management strategies, and for developing speed
management strategies dovetailing with Regional Transport Plans.
Highway authorities are asked to review the speed limits on all of their A and B roads,
and implement any necessary changes, by 31st December 2014 in accordance with
this guidance.
1.9 Section 268 of the Transport Act 2000 enables a local highway authority to designate
any of the roads for which it has direct responsibility as a Quiet Lane or Home Zone and
introduces the concept of use orders and speed orders for these roads. As speed orders
do not impose speed limits, but rather specify speeds below which measures can be
introduced to constrain traffi c, they are not dealt with explicitly within these guidelines.
Can Chester Rd be designated as a Home Zone? We have a bypass.
improved quality of life for local communities and a better balance between road safety,
accessibility, and environmental objectives, especially in rural communities;
This should be the aim of FCC f0r Chester Rd which is currently a race track at certain times of the day.
3.7 As well as being a key indicator of whether a local speed limit is appropriate, the estimated
collision and injury savings should also be an important factor when considering changes
to a local speed limit.
Problem, we have lots of speeding but no accidents yet just near misses.
3.12 Mean speeds should be used as the basis for determining local speed limits as these
refl ect what the majority of drivers perceive as an appropriate speed for the road. The aim
should be for the mean speed driven on the road to be at or below the posted speed limit.
Consequently, it may be necessary to consider additional measures to infl uence the speed
Problem. As an ex trunk road, Chester Rd is wide open which gives the perception of a safe high speed road. Noise levels are considerable due traffic speed.
20mph Speed Limits and Zones
5.6 Highway authorities may implement 20mph speed limits and zones where appropriate,
particularly in residential areas, and this is encouraged and supported by the Welsh
Assembly Government
So, How about Chester Rd or does it interfere with Derk Kirby's plans? ( Head of Highways Strategy)
Rural Towns, Villages and Other Residential Communities
6.11 Fear of traffi c can affect people’s quality of life within communities and the speed limit in
rural towns and villages should be similar to those applying to urban areas, i.e. generally
30mph with 20mph speed limits or zones where appropriate. However, the speed limits in
rural communities should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Chester Rd should qualify on grounds of ruined village environment and safety.
Over a 1000 speeders a day.
( Where is Carl Longland Director of Environment? )
85th Percentile Speeds
(also see Mean Speeds)
If the speeds of all motorists are ranked from slowest to fastest,
the "85th percentile speed" separates the slower 85% from the
fastest 15%
Why should the 15% fastest be exclude from data ranked? This is no more than massaging the data to look better than the situation really is. As in the use of statistics by agencies to fool council committee members.
Mean Speeds
(also see 85th percentile
Also hides the true picture
Generally used in town centres, residential areas and in the
vicinity of schools where there is a high presence of vulnerable
road users.
Chester Rd.
One hopes the agencies mentioned will alter their "modus operandii". Communities want proper action from the agencies mentioned above. We pay your wages remember.
Speed Limit Plan 20 mph
A guidance document issued by the Welsh Assembly Government.
One hopes Chester Rd Penyffordd can be added to the above as it is a major route to school.
keywords: Ieuan Wyn Jones Minister for Economy and Transport.
The Leader
Guidelines for Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales
The document " Setting Local Speed Limits in Wales" is at the bottom of the above link in pdf format.
postscript: The Welsh Assembly Government are to be congratulated on this important step for schools and community environments.
Cllr Tony Sharps promoted to Council Leader?
Quote" Tony Sharps, Council Leader, very disappointed at sicknote culture at Shire Hall"
Has anyone told Council Leader Arnold Woolley?
Monday, November 16, 2009
I am being watched by
I have to remention that allowing 10 "Independents" candidates to stand on one election sheet is not good for local democracy. No having to do publishing your own election literature or delivering it or paying for it. It costs at least £80 to do the election literature and that price includes free desk top publishing. Last election local councillors stood who should have been long and gone years ago.
One councillor who shall remain nameless brought up what he considered a new suggestion that had been discussed at the previous three meeting. Perhaps he was on the wrong tablets that day ..........
keywords: Barry Davies Head Legal Officer
1000+ speeders every day through the village councillors.
Financial Assistance for local organisations 2009 - 2010
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Batten down the hatches
Otherwise it will end up on the Institute field.
Areas of heavy rain will move east ( to Wales) this morning, accompanied by severe south or southwest gales. Gusts of 60 to 70 mph, perhaps reaching 80 mph or more over high ground and exposed coasts. Becoming dry this afternoon, wind easing. Maximum temperature 12 °CPostscript: looks like South Coast will bear the brunt
Friday, November 13, 2009
Penyffordd Land Sale Prices
Wright Manley sold 26.42ha (65.28acres) of arable and pasture land at Lower Mountain Road, Pen-y-Ffordd, Flintshire for £514,000 equating to £19,446/ha (£7,873/acre). Bank Farm
The seven lots ranged from £4,427/acre to £10,227. The same auctioneers sold 1.71ha (4.23 acre) of pasture/amenity land at Vounog Hill, PenFfordd for £65,000 (£38,011/ha - £15,366.43/acre).
Link Farmers Guardian
Thursday, November 12, 2009
House sales in Penyffordd
• 14, Well House Drive, Penymynydd, CH4 0LB - Sold for £165,000 on 01-09-2009
Sales recently added within 500 metres of CH4 0HP
• Coedllai, Rhos Road, Penyffordd, CH4 0JR - Sold for £127,500 on 10-09-2009
• Also 2 Penymymydd Rd, Penyffordd has been sold.
You can search all these sales and more totally free of charge by going to
Rigging postal voting in local elections
Established politicians will have lists of grandads and grandmums who can't get out.
No need to ferry them down to the polling booth these days.
What better way to get votes than to get them to sign up for a postal vote. Just put your crosses there Mrs Edwards in those boxes there, yes that's fine, we will do the rest...........................
My report to Local Government Minister Brian Gibbons will discuss the above
Spectator Electoral Fraud
About my Vote
Rigged Voting
The Scotsman
Difficult to detect but you could start by visiting the oldest after the election and ask them to describe how they came to use the postal vote and who helped them. I'm sure a pattern would develop.
Penyffordd Land Grab
The Terrace lane fields are fenced off so walking dogs on the field is now impossible.
Then we have had land sold at auction owned by Bank Farm which includes a field next to the swings which is used by Penyffordd people as common land. The unofficial common land next to the Station House that has also been used for decades now also sold.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I am being Investigated
Mr Barry Davies Head of Legal and Democratic Services Flintshire County Council has assigned an officer to investigate allegations I have made against various organisations.
Shall we form a list?
1. Arrive Alive (All Wales Safety Partnership) not doing their job. (speeding in village)
Also they hide traffic speed data from the community.
2. North Wales Police not stopping the serial mass speeding.
3. Penyffordd Community Council disregarding village safety.
4. Flintshire County Council trying to stitch the village up with a second trunk road ( Chester Rd)
There is a WAG consultation going on to improve local democracy and to give them more powers. I have already sent in my recommendations on what needs changing.
I will be writing a further email to WAG Local Government Minister Dr Brian Gibbons who has initiated the consultancy. Barry Davies will be on the cc list.
Our MP Mark Tami supports Chester Rd Election Manifesto
1. The banning of HGV's to the bypass.
2. A 20 mph zone for the village centre.
3. A road calming system that makes it impossible for traffic to speed.
Ken Skates emails saying "Mark said he supports all three manifesto points. They would be a huge help in making Penyffordd a safer, better village."
Bulls, cows, calves and walking in fields with dogs.
Earlier this year we had two stand off's with young bulls on bridle paths. The dogs keen to engage, us keen to retreat.
We have modified our walks on two occasions. Yesterday we met Morton who farms sheep and cows on fields where we walk. He said that he hadn't seen us for ages. I said that's due to the cows and calves blocking our way on the footpaths.
Because farmers earn little money these days items like fencing and gates tend not to be replaced, they are old and delapidated. Gates which have a couple of dozen bulls behind standing up with use of wire strands. There have been at least two deaths and one near miss in Brynau in the last century usually with calves and cows present in fields. Walking with dogs in fields with cows and calves should be avoided at all costs.
Most of the fencing where we walk needs replacing. I had an idea bulls could jump but not 5 foot fences. Another farmer fatally wounded in The Post. That's about 5 people killed in UK this year.
Sheep will also stand their ground especially with lambs around. I've been waiting for one to headbutt the dog. Trolly would not feel a thing.............................
*Trolly is never let off the lead.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Winning the Lottery
Then there are the begging letters and phonecalls. Long lost friends appearing out of the woodwork. Every new aquaintance you meet needing to be given scrutiny.
There is the worry of where to invest the newly won fortune. Will criminals find out where you live?
The sharks advising on all sorts of ways to "invest" your money.
Lisa thinks £45 million is a little much for a couple.
Anonymity saves an awful lot of bother.
Too late for these these.
Do you give up work or carry on?
Not working and loosing your work mates does not suit everyone.
The mental and emotional baggage may start to build...........................
An open letter to Chief Constable Mark Polin hopefully through The Leader letter page
Hardly a listening caring constabulary. Death by speeding seems to have become an acceptable risk for Penyffordd children.
Myself and residents of Chester Rd want answers. It might also be a pertinent time to ask why Penyffordd councillors
Association of Police Officers
The Leader
Rhian Rees Roberts, a policy officer with the Police Authority,
James Sutton, head of management information at North Wales Police.
North Wales Police Authority.
A blogger who comments on The Leader website
Yachydda has harsh words to say about those politicians he thinks are wrong.
Warning adult content.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Vounog Hill Land sale.
Land sold - part of Bank Farm
Link Wright Manley (pdf format)
The Government goes mad
Environment boss wants to put carbon tax on driving, heating and holidays.
"Economist Ruth Lea, of Arbuthnot Banking Group, said: 'This is getting beyond a joke.'This is all about the control of the individual - and you begin to wonder whether this is what the green agenda has always been about. It's Orwellian. This will be an enormous tax on business.'
Read more:
Postscript: Paying for the banking crisis brought on by the banks.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Remembrance Sunday 2009
Lest we Forget

The Remembrance March attended by Cllr Cindy Hinds (Penyffordd Community Council Chairperson) Cllr David Williams, John Martin and wife, Decima and Tony Hodge and many others whose names I know not.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Bonfire Night 2009 Pictures

A very good turnout for the organisers the weather held, no rain. Many hundreds of villagers attended. Not as many explosions as in previous years, a little more gentle. The fireworks normally start with a loud explosion which leads to quite a few distressed children being led away. A good social success for the village, much money raised.
Bonfire Night Weather - Gates open 6.00 pm
Sunny intervals and showers this morning, although eastern parts of Powys may remain largely dry. This afternoon widespread heavy showers will spread east across all areas, the showers becoming squally with hail and thunder. Maximum temperature 11 °C.
Scattered showers, initially often heavy with possibly hail or thunder. Overnight the heavy showers will gradually become confined to the west coast, elsewhere showers will become lighter and less frequent. Minimum temperature 6 °C.
Courtesy of the The Met Office
keyword: fireworks 2009 Penyffordd
Friday, November 06, 2009
Chester Rd General Election Manifesto
1. The banning of HGV's to the bypass.
2. A 20 mph zone for the village centre.
3. A road calming system that makes it impossible for traffic to speed.
Postscript. I've sent this to Mark Tami MP, perhaps wrong representative as
Wales looks after the above stuff, never mind!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Afghanistan - a quagmire with no end in sight
The Russian's got sorted recently.
Now it's our turn again with the yanks.
Tomos Livingstone in The Western Mail
Gordon Brown touring the area
The PM has also been to Airbus Broughton.
Is GB the architect of our downfall?
* I used to go to Kevin's pub when he had a quiz on a Sunday night. Can't get a letter in The Chronicle though, gave up 2 years ago never mind.
Wales Online
The Chronicle Video
Lisa's Kitchen - Food for Thought
Traffic calming and speed limits for Chester Rd - WAG - An email to the Council Leader
As Chester Rd, Penyffordd has over 1000+ speeders each day on a major route to school even though we have a bypass I hope that Flintshire County Council will prioritise our road for review.
I and others in Chester Rd find it very unfair that FCC consider Chester Rd to be still very much part of the county trunk road network.
keywords: Cllr Tony Sharps
New Guidance on speed limits by WAG have been published
"COUNCILS are being encouraged to review their speed limits in new guidance published by the Welsh Assembly Government today.
The guidance covers 20mph zones, speed limits on urban and rural roads and aims to ensure all limits are appropriate for their locations."
“WAG is committed to reducing road traffic collisions and injuries, and developing safer environments for all road users,”
Link Daily Post
keywords: Deputy First Minister and the Minister for the Economy and Transport, Ieuan Wyn Jones, 20 mph.
Will the dinosaurs on Penyffordd Community Council push for road calming in Chester Rd or will Flintshire County Council retain Chester Rd as a spare trunk road?
Penyffordd Bonfire Night
The case for public diplays over private celebrations. I always wonder what Roman Catholics feel about bonfire night.
Link Daily Post
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting November 2009
Still over a 1000 a day councillors.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Penyffordd looses George Formby Society
Link A S Wilson
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Greetings to the new Chief Constable Mark Polin
I'm sure you will enjoy your time in North Wales.
I hope you will consider the following issues.
1. That Neighbourhood Forums become more than a talking shop. ( speeding ignored in Penyffordd)
2. The Police Complaints System should become more than a mere sham.
3. Press Arrive Alive to show full traffic speed data to communities which they currently hide. This allows them to tell lies on their website. We have over a 1000 speeders a day, it has been as high as 2000.
4. Speeding in communities to be policed. ( there is no traffic policing in Chester Rd, Penyffordd)
5. North Wales Police website to show an accurate record. (speeding is currently left out for Chester Rd, Penyffordd).
6. That CBM's and Inspectors be made to communicate with complainants. ( I am currently being ignored)
7. The North Wales Police Forum be open to robust discussion. ( I am currently banned)
8. That North Wales Police will enforce vehicle exhaust decible levels.
9. That North Wales Police support an HGV ban for Penyffordd as we have a bypass.
10. That North Wales Police become an accountable authority to communities.

Blog Archive
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting
- More Global Warming madness
- Quote of the Day - Golf
- Restaurant Watch Glasfryn Mold
- Counterfeit, which one or both?
- The Global Warming Con Found Out
- Chilli Peppers in the Winter Sun
- A letter in The leader - Traffic Calming
- Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum
- £75 fine for dog fouling in Penyffordd
- CBM Howie Williams making the difference
- Carl Sargeant AM calls for urgent cuts in speed li...
- Why shops in villages,towns and cities are closing
- And then there were eight
- Beware of the Brotherhood
- The vision for a community centre
- A Coeliac's Delight with the Great and the Good
- It's not fair
- The Weather
- Lisa's Kitchen
- Balance your Bobby - Thank you to The Leader
- Chester Rd comment on Setting Local Speed Limits i...
- Speed Limit Plan 20 mph
- Cllr Tony Sharps promoted to Council Leader?
- Cancelled
- Pigs for Xmas?
- Airbus profits hit
- Flood Alert
- I am being watched by
- Financial Assistance for local organisations 2009 ...
- Castle Cement sentencing adjourned
- Batten down the hatches
- Penyffordd Land Sale Prices
- House sales in Penyffordd
- Rigging postal voting in local elections
- Penyffordd Land Grab
- I am being Investigated
- Our MP Mark Tami supports Chester Rd Election Mani...
- Bulls, cows, calves and walking in fields with dogs.
- Winning the Lottery
- Balance your Bobby Penyffordd
- North Wales Police - Balance your Bobby
- An open letter to Chief Constable Mark Polin hopef...
- A blogger who comments on The Leader website
- Vounog Hill Land sale.
- Land sold - part of Bank Farm
- Sold
- The Government goes mad
- Remembrance Sunday 2009
- Bonfire Night 2009 Pictures
- Bonfire Night Weather - Gates open 6.00 pm
- The Blogger in Chief
- An Open letter to the Association of British Drive...
- Chester Rd General Election Manifesto
- Afghanistan - a quagmire with no end in sight
- Gordon Brown touring the area
- Lisa's Kitchen - Food for Thought
- Traffic calming and speed limits for Chester Rd - ...
- New Guidance on speed limits by WAG have been publ...
- Penyffordd Bonfire Night
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting November 2009
- Quote of the Day
- The Ombudsman and me
- Penyffordd looses George Formby Society
- Chief Constable Mark Polin goes walkabout
- Halloween
- Greetings to the new Chief Constable Mark Polin