Not much happening in Penyffordd at the moment. Although the footy team beat someone 7 0 last Saturday. A blog reader said to Lisa in Mold "Do you actually make Lisa's Kitchen meals? lol
From: Mike Brain ( Higher Kinnerton
Remote Name:
Date: 12 Aug 2009
Time: 15:46:01 +0100
At last Broughton has woken up and protested. this is my opinion back in 2005 SAY NO to the planning application for Warren Hall Business Park., being held on 27th July 2005. I am a resident of Higher Kinnerton who has recently attended a meeting on 22nd July 2005 at the Unit 7 WDA offices in St Asaph, chaired by Mark Tami MP, included Carl Sargeant AM , and Chris Farrow , and another colleague from the WDA. My great concern, supported by most of the residents of Higher Kinnerton, Penymynydd and Penyffordd, is the HUGE INCREASE IN TRAFFIC expected. Also raised was the buried carcass of animals that had foot & mouth, the location of which is directly under the proposed Hotel. This meeting heard the objections re-iterated and the replies by WDA, who welcomed our opinions and advice. If, as it is likely, that many of the proposed 5000+ jobs could be women on a part-time basis, this further increases the traffic! It has already been reported that FCC will have a budget shortfall & intend to make job cuts, and this means any requests by local Community Councils for Match Funding for Traffic Schemes will be declined, just when they will be needed most, to combat ‘rat runs’! See below my earlier objections. I have learned from Chris Farrow that he will be part of a new Welsh Assembly Committee with similar powers, but more accountability to taxpayers –see my reason number 3. Since my objection item 6, there has been flooding at BAe and Broughton Retail Park. Re: Planning Application 038744 Warren Hall Business Park Class B1. I object to the above having seen the WDA exhibition in our Village Hall and listened to the concerns of other residents. My main reasons are:- 1. The application should not be considered until FCC has published its Unitary Development Plan. 2. The scheme is too large and will generate major traffic problems for our village and it’s currently easy access to the A5104 and A55. 3. The WDA are a failed QUANGO due to be abolished soon, long before the proposed scheme would start, leaving the locals with an unwanted development that would provide jobs for mostly outsiders. 4. The B1 category has the potential to change this mainly residential & agricultural area into an Industrial Zone. 5. The existing plan is a ‘re-hash’ of earlier ones from 17 years ago, and would contribute to ‘urban sprawl’, breaking the planning guidelines and our ‘Green Barrier’. 6. This application gives me no confidence that it’s ‘promises’ will be kept relating to ‘leisure facilities’, that there is a potential for water ‘run-off’ increasing the risk of flooding.
"But Cllr Matt Wright, chairman of Flintshire’s environment and regeneration scrutiny committee, has vowed not to let the issue go and said it remains a top priority for Dave Faulkner, the council’s head of highways and transportation.
Cllr Wright made the promises after members of the committee, including Penyffordd councillor Cindy Hinds, voiced fears about Shotton having become one of the worst areas in Flintshire for traffic problems."
And the move has proved so successful when it comes to making it safer for children to cross the road and improving traffic flow that there are plans to extend it to Eyton Controlled, Ysgol Rhiwabon, Johnstown Junior, Ysgol Penrhyn at New Broughton, Park CP at Llay, St Mary’s RCP, Borras Schools, Ysgol Heulfan at Gwersyllt, Ysgol Clywedog and Wat’s Dyke CP."
how sad
12 September 2009 11:25
Mark Cox says at first they thought it was a blip but it quickly became apparent something more serious was happening with the downturn in construction. He's predicting another full year of recession.
Penyffordd is fortunate. It's in an area of north east Wales which, together with the M4 corridor, is the country's economic powerhouse. The proximity to the Airbus and Toyota plants and others has provided plenty of opportunities in the past and no doubt will continue to do so in the future.
Link BBC
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Posted by: hen ddraig at 17:18 on 22 September 2009
Posted by: penyfordd_district at 23:02 on 22 September 2009
Posted by: penyffordd_district at 09:08 on 23 September 2009