Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Is Cllr Alison Halford having a go at moi?
"A letter was published recently ( The Leader) stating that the reason some members did not claim expenses was because we did not bother to attend meetings. How wrong the author was."
Link here
My comments at the bottom.
Alison continues to give a view of Flintshire County Council goings on that is unique.
One wonders what the Welsh Omsbudsman has found against her. Most probably something on her blog.............
Penyffordd Community Council meeting July 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tis the season of flies, to be eaten alive

Extra Link Clegg
The fields are currently full of flies. Most flies just irritate but not the horse fly ( Tabanidae). The male of the species does not bite. The female however has all the necessary equipment to rip open your flesh. They seem to take great delight in biting Lisa. Eight bites tonight. The bites can swell the size of golf balls. I have a few as well. Future dog walking by the sea till September?
Adult horse flies feed on nectar and sometimes pollen. Females usually also feed on blood which aids in egg development. Males lack the necessary mouth parts (mandibles) for blood feeding. Most female horse flies feed on mammal blood, but some species are known to feed on birds, amphibians or reptiles. Immature or larval horse flies are fossorial predators of other invertebrates in moist environments.
The females' primary sense for locating prey is sight, and they have large compound eyes that serve this purpose well. The flies usually lay waiting in shady areas for prey to happen by. They are attracted to large, dark objects, and to certain animal odors and carbon dioxide. They are also attracted by motion, their eyes being well adapted to its detection. The eyes of horse flies are generally brightly colored, and this coloration is one of the means entomologists use to identify them to species, though the colors rarely persist after death. Sex in most species can be distinguished based on shape of the eyes relative to the frons. Male horse flies are usually holoptic, meaning that their eyes meet and take up the majority of the head. In females, the eyes are separated by a space called the frons.
The bite from a larger specimen can be singularly painful, especially considering the light, agile, and airborne nature of the fly. Unlike insects which surreptitiously puncture the skin with needle-like organs, horse flies have mandibles like tiny serrated scimitars, which they use to rip and/or slice flesh apart. This causes the blood to seep out as the horsefly licks it up. They may even carve a chunk completely out of the victim, to be digested at its leisure.
The horsefly's modus operandi is less secretive than that of its mosquito counterparts, although it still aims to escape before pain signals reach their mark's sphere of awareness. Moreover, the pain of a horsefly bite may mean that the victim is more concerned with assessing and repairing the wound, than finding and swatting the interloper.
Horse flies are most active in hot weather, mostly in summer and autumn during the daylight hours. Most species also prefer a wet environment, which makes it easier for them to breed. The female lays eggs on vegetation overhanging moist soil. The larvae hatch and drop onto the soil, where they feed on smaller organisms until pupation.
Aside from generalized predators such as birds, there are also specialist predators such as the Horse Guard, a type of Sand wasp that preferentially attacks horse flies.
Eggs are generally laid on stones close to water or on plant stems or leaves. On hatching, the larvae fall into water or moist earth, feeding voraciously on invertebrates, such as snails and earthworms, and small vertebrates.
Some horsefly species are known to transmit disease and/or parasites. Species in the genus Chrysops are biological vectors of Loa loa, transmitting this filarial worm between humans. They have also been known to transmit Anthrax among cattle and sheep.
A common problem in some animals, though, when large flies are abundant, is blood loss. Some animals have been known to lose up to 300 ml of blood in a single day, which can severely weaken or even kill them. "
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The car has died
The injection fuel pump has failed at 290,000 miles.
Repairs exceed value.................................
German town goes car free
Link Vauban
Thought for the day
Link Citywire
Postscript: GDP being gross domestic product which is turnover and NOT profit
In future speculative adventures should be separate from savings and companies allowed to go to the wall.
An Email to Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie with regards North Wales Police pledge to communities
Dear Chief Superintendent,
Link North Wales Police Pledge
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Speed Limits in village centres and Lanes
The Western Mail
Meanwhile speeding in Chester Rd remains wholesale. Where are the police?
keywords, CBM Howie Williams, Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie, Eastern Division.
Carl Langland, Director of Environment.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cows in fields
In the Daily Mail a woman has been killed by a group of cows whilst walking her 2 dogs. The cows look on dogs as wolves and so a danger.
Robin Page has had a few mishaps over the years.
The Daily Mail
Robin Page
Trampled by Bull Plas Newydd farm, Llanfaethlu, near Holyhead.
'spooked' by fire engine siren
Postscript: Where we walk there have been at least two incidents regarding cattle.
Instance 1. Calf comes trotting down lane (its still like that there nowadays) bull terrier gets hold of calf by the ear. Calf starts bellowing. Dog owner tries to get dog to let go and manages to get his hand in the dogs mouth as well as the calf's ear. Mum cow hears baby in distress and comes charging down the lane. Next door neighbour manages to choke dog into letting go. Disaster averted. Bull terriers do not lock on they just will not let go. Its handy to have a small metal lever in pocket. When applied to the back of the jaw the dogs jaws can be prised open. When it happened to one of our dogs I used my ignition key lol.
Instance 2. Same road (Ffordd y Blaenau) Young man takes dog up to the fields. Cow has just given birth to calf in field. Cow attacks young man the cow's horn pierces the young man's groin. It happened when there were few phones. Someone cycled into Treuddyn to call for an ambulance. Young man bled to death.
As told by ex parish councillor Idris Jones for Treuddyn.
The Internet changeth nearly everything
Link The Guardian
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Penyffordd Carnival 2009 Photos

An Orchid found in Blaenau
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Fig Tree
Propagation of Blueberry very, very good
Plant propagation doc stock very good
In vitro Propagation and Ex vitro Rooting of Blueberry PlantletsZhao Guang-jie, Wang Zhan-bin* and Wang Dan
Soldering copper tube
Blueberry Production
Blueberry fertilization
Blueberry fertilizer 4 and soil requirements
Tissue Culture Techniques with New ZealandBlueberry Selections©
Ex-Vitro Acclimation of some Horticultural Species in Hydroculture
Bluecrop Micro...........
Blueberry Micropropagation 7
Blueberry Micrpropagation 5
Blueberry Micropropagation 4
Blueberry Micropropagation 6
Blueberry Propagation 3
Blueberrry Propagation
Blueberry Micropropagation 2
Blueberry Micropropagation 1
Blueberry Production
Haskap berries arrive in North America
Propagating Figs
Book Plant Tissue Culture
Book Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
Book Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture
Book In vitro culture higher plants
Plant cell pots
Fertilising Apple Trees
Comfrey good
http://deepgreenpermaculture.com/ good
Deep Cells
In Vitro techniques in saskatoons
The High bush Blueberry
Tenax Wax
Apple Rootstocks byHardwood Cuttings
How to Propagate Grape Vines
Propagation of deciduous fruit trees and vines by seed, layering and hardwood cuttings
Good site for buying fruit trees ------ very interesting
Tree Fruit Culture and Varieties in North Dakota
Home PropagationTechniques
Fruit trees on their own roots excellent
Blueberry Micropropagation
Blueberries 10 varieties Hedgehog
Blueberries for sale UK 14 different types
Blueberry Bulletin
Shoot Tip Culture of Amelanchier laevis good
Uk Tissue culture container supplier
Book Introduction to Fruit Crops
Plant Tissue Culture
Growing Media VFT
Light levels for micropropagation
Strawberry Micropropagation
Preparing Plant Tissue Culture Medium
Container Orchard
Oxford Book of Food Plants
Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Plants
Micropropagation Blue berries
Blueberry Micropropagation 2
Giberellic Acid
Plant protocols for growing media
Mixing media from powder
Parts per million conversions
Expert Soil issues
Fruit Trees Wholesale very good
Growing grape cuttings
Persimmon Japanese
Persimmon rootstock
Growing grape cuttings
Grape Blog
Comfrey and Nettle Feed
Media Prep 1
Material Prep 1
Tea Compost GOOD
Compost Tea 2
Fruit Tree Suppliers
Alex Fira Romania very good
Plant micropropagation good.
Introduction to Mycorrhizal Fungi |
Grow Fruit GOOD
Bug Juice
Collecting and growing bacteria good
Strawberries very good
Growing strawberries
Tropical Fruits good - sell ebay
Cycling risks
Masonry Stoves
Growing Unusual Fruits
Automatic vent opener
Cold Frames and Hot Beds
Swedish Hotbed
Good fruit tree supplier good
My tiny plot
Tom the Appleman
Apricot varieties
Trees of Antiquity good
Good fruit tree supplier
Apple Micropropagation
Apples Pears English
East of England Apples
Pears continued
Pears and Apples
Pear Repository
Pears very good
Pear Cultivars
Cornish Apples
Kitchen Culture kits
Apple tree rootstock medium formula
LED Growlights
Hydrogen Peroxide
Micropropagation disinfectant
Murashige & Skoog uk
More Murashige
Micropropagation chemical supplies UK
Tween 20
Uk Tween 20
Uk Lab supplies
Tissue culture experiments
Plant tissue culture links
Murashige & Skoog Medium with Vitamins
Kevin Hauser BEST
Sells apple scions and others
Fruit Identification
Adams Apple
A Life of Apples
The Fruit Blog
Pruning Fruit Trees
Appleman CA
Tom the Appleman
Biology of Apples and Pears
The dogs balls
Cheap Goji Berries
Fruit Tree Suppliers
Good apple tree site
Rootstock for sale UK
Rootstock propagation methods good
http://www.kuffelcreek.com/apples.htm about apples
Apples originating in Maine
Scion Exchange Maine USA
Apples of Maine
Orchards of Maine
Flintshire Orchards Biodiversity
National Orchards Forum UK
Marcher Apple
Renovating Old Apple Trees
American Heirloom Apples
Orange Pippin
Rootstock from apple seed
Looplock labels
Van Meuwan
UK Seller of Rootstock
Rootstock Propagation*
Fruit Bushes
UK Rootstock Supplies
Pear Tree cuttings
Grape cuttings
Training and Pruning Apple Tree
Growing rootstock
Growing Walnuts
California Master Gardener handbook
By Dennis R. PittengerFruitwise 600 trees
Fruitwise You tube
Clonal Rootstock methods
Top Grafting
Clonal Root method 2
Apple Varieties
Apple Links UK
Fruit Tree Links
Scion Exchange
North Wales Apples
Growing Apple Trees in a Garden
Pear Tree Development
Pruning Apple Trees
Fruits of the Earth
Grafting and Propagating
Living Walls
Ume MisoMycorrhizal Fungi
Welsh Hydroponics
Propagation lighting low energy
Hydroponic Tomatoes
Plastic liners
Simply Hydroponics
Growing Microgreens
Jasons Hydroponics
Free Books Online
Masonry Chimney Breast
Wood furnace design
Making Wood Stoves
Gas Tanks
Balls metal
Gas Bottle Wood Stove
50 gallon barrel wood stove kit
Woodstove manu
Growing food.
High Tunnels
High Tunnels 2
Matron of Husbandry
Wortley walled garden
Lost Gardens of Heligan
Lettuce Drinks
Green Smoothie Challenge
Tiny Farm
Plough Creek Farm
LED Growlights
My Kitchen Garden
Allotment Blog
California Plants
Daphne's Dandelions
Urban Veggie
Frugal Living
Mas du diable
Rogers Mushrooms
Winter Lettuce
Over Wintering Peppers
Pepper Joe
Liquid Feeds
Indoor Greenhouse
Solar Greenhouses
Mas du diable
Root Cause
100 different types of garlic
In the toads garden
Green Power Housing
Poorman's Guide
Free Power
Solar Steam Boiler
Bending copper pipe into coils
Mike Brown Steam Solutions
Build Polytunnel
Battery Desulphation
Woodburner basics
Batteries FAQ
Multi Tank Heat Storage
Solar Fans
Underground Housing
Sustainable Build
Solar concentrators
Death Ray
Instructables Making a PV Solar Panel
Omega Zone
Storing food.
Salt Pickles
The Awesome Pickle
Eating food
Stumptown Vegans
Mode Bee
The Japanese Kitchen
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Penyffordd Post Office doing turnaway business
Another World
Link The Independent
Link Bardsey Island
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Speeding continues through Chester Rd Penyffordd
I'm writing this as vehicles have been hammering through the village all day. It's less than it has been but still a considerable amount. I think well over a 1000 a day.
Our new CBM Howie Williams has been to the last Penyffordd Community Council meeting. One of the plus points was his suggestion that speed limits be pushed back up the hill. This was a very good suggestion. This however needs backing up with enforcement or an inability of vehicles to fly through the village with verticle platforms introduced.
This seems a long way off with Flintshire County Council's alleged moratorium on speed bumps which they use as an excuse except when they want to use them. They have been applied recently on a stretch of road in Deeside Industrial Estate where speed trials were taking place.
Speeding through Penyffordd however seems acceptable to Flintshire County Council. They have the exact data for traffic but refuse to release it as it is so bad. Nor will they act on it endangering lives and ruining our village environment.
CBM Howie Williams has said he will contact the Arrive Alive and a specialist division of North Wales Police that deal with speeding. I wait along with others in Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
We take pride in where we live, its a pity so few others do.
key words: Chief Superintendant Ruth Purdie, Hugh Jones Safety Officer, Cllr Arnold Woolley, Cllr Tony Sharps, Environment Director Carl Langland, Jim Morris All Wales Safety Partnership,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Someone has made me an offer
I've left the email in just in case there is someone interested out there.
Hello. I have a big temptation before acquaintance to you. I wish to tell to you a little about myself. My name Yerenak. This Armenian name. I was born in Armenia in city Gyumri and I live here till the present moment. To me of 30 years. I live with the father in small
apartment. My father very good person. My work gives to me many pleasure. I work in shop of children's toys as the seller. Every day I see many happy children whom parents buy toys. My work very much is pleasant to me. I like to look at happy children's faces. I never was
married. Till now I have not met the decent man in Armenia. I heard from the friends much, that many girls of Armenia marry foreigners as foreign men more approach for girls of Armenia. Therefore I have decided too to try to find the man from for borders. I search for the man who will love me and to understand. I wish to learn you better and to see your qualities. I also heard about the Russian girls who by a deceit and games with feelings of the man from abroad earn money much. I do not want, that between the man and the woman there was a deceit.
I search the truth and respect. I search for the unique man with whom I could live in common. If you appear that man whom I waited all life. That I will be ready to arrive to you and to meet you. But as we do not know each other, at present I am not ready to arrive to you. With
this letter I send to you two photos. I very much hope, that you will like my photos. Also I would like to see in the nearest your letter the attached photos you directly. Ok? I hope, that you understood, that I have exclusively serious intentions. I do not wish to play with feelings of other person and I will not suffer, if with my feelings will play. Now I would like to set to you some questions. You should be with me frank and sincerely answer questions. And I will be also
frank and sincerely to answer your questions. How your full name how me to name you? How you spend a free time? What your character is? You have serious intentions, also as I? What do you expect from our acquaintance? We will learn each other with each letter more and more.
I leave to you the e-mail: yerenak@gmail.com. I will wait for your answer as soon as possible. Yerenak

CBM Howie Williams
1. 7.15 - 9.00am Weekday ratrun
2. 4.00 - 6.00 pm less severe rat run
Weekends traffic comes piling through but its variable.
A civil engineering solution takes Howie off the job.
Flintshire County Council have a variable moritorium (oxymoron) on speed bumps.
It all depends when they want to apply it.
keyword: Dave Faulkner.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council Grants
Applications should be given to Nigel (G N I Jones) Clerk to Penyffordd Community Council.
Protest sign
HGV's through Penyffordd
Why are HGV's allowed through the village when we have a bypass?
a. Is it because councillors do not care?
b. Have Penyffordd councillors had/have some secret arrangement with Flintshire County Council?
Councillors have been patting themselves on the back for years over the daffodils they have arranged to be planted whilst we have had wholesale speeding through the village and being a shortcut for HGV's.
Is the sense of priorities a little awry?
Daffodils before village safety.
poscript: It must be said that we do have some good councillors in the village, some councillors may develop into better councillors.
A Letter published in today's Leader - re Health Centre
postscript: The questions need to be asked why we have few medical facilities, why the village is like a race track, why we have few facilities for youths as compared with other villages. Part of the answer lies in previous county councillors taking their eye off the Penyffordd ball whilst running the county. Also lack of spending on the community through keeping community charges too low.
Also what damage has been done by Cllr Tom Jones making sure that any keen residents wanting to stand for community council get Tom's block vote against them. The same actions applied for potential county councillors?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Penymynydd in the news
Link The Evening Leader
And for those who want further education here
Postscript: From Chester Rd the best way to get to Dobshill A55 at rush hour is through the woods.
Which is where we have been tea time.
It's still going on..........................
Monday, June 08, 2009
Wales' New MEP's
I once emailed my MEP's they all came back to me. I was wanting them to take action over WAG, Flintshire County Council and North Wales Police not doing their job with regards speeding in the village. Their job is to make law not enforce it lol.
Lock your windows and doors

In The Leader, Eleanor-May Woolnough of Hawarden Rd has seen a large black cat similar to a puma. It's all here.
Perhaps we need CBM Howie Williams carrying his gun.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
European Election Results for Wales 2009
European elections 2009: results in full
European elections 2009: results map
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Archbishop Cranmer's Blog

The Archbishop has a way with words that I will not match in 1000 years.
Alison Halford's Blog
Alison gives a valuable insight to the workings of county councillors at Shire Hall. What comes across in Alison's musings is that there is friendliness across the political divides. Alison calls Cllr Bernie Attridge (Labour) her "favourite cuddly". The blog is written with honesty and humour.
Site navigation could do with some tweaking, stuff is a little hidden.
Link Goings on at Shire Hall
Friday, June 05, 2009
Local Elections England 2009
If you voted in European Elections results are out next Monday.
The link may be slow to load
Link The Telegraph
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Cllr Patrick Heesom and I have something in common
Anyway the Local Government Chronicle says the following which was not reported by local newspapers ( I think)
Flintshire County Council ’s executive took the unusual step of issuing a statement to deny that the council was in either “chaos or fracture”, following the referral of executive member for housing strategy Patrick Heesom (Ind) to Wales’ standards ombudsman.
This move followed a statement from chief executive Colin Everett and other senior managers, which said the corporate management team had referred Cllr Heesom for “alleged multiple breaches of the code of conduct”.
It continued: “The council has exhausted all other solutions in this case and the referral has been made as a last resort.”
A subsequent statement from the team said Cllr Heesom had made “unfounded and contentious comments about the governance of the county council and the behaviour and performance of senior management and several identifiable individual senior officers” during a press interview.
Cllr Heesom told LGC: “Officers have disregarded members’ political wishes. Members’ support for me has been almost universal.” He predicted the ombudsman would refuse to take up the case and expressed dismay that mediation had not been instigated.
Link Local Government Chronicle
We have been to vote

Blog Archive
- Is Cllr Alison Halford having a go at moi?
- Another Airbus down
- Penyffordd Community Council meeting July 2009
- Tis the season of flies, to be eaten alive
- New car found
- The car has died
- German town goes car free
- Thought for the day
- An Email to Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie with ...
- Speed Limits in village centres and Lanes
- Recent house sales in Penyffordd district
- Penyffordd and Penymynydd Bowling Club
- Cows in fields
- The Internet changeth nearly everything
- Penyffordd Carnival 2009 Photos
- An Orchid found in Blaenau
- Our MP Mark Tami's Allowances
- Penyffordd Post Office doing turnaway business
- Penyffordd Carnival 2009 Program Part b
- Penyffordd Carnival 2009 Program - Part a
- Another World
- Speeding continues through Chester Rd Penyffordd
- Found Mr Mole on the walk
- Penyffordd Carnival 2009
- Someone has made me an offer
- CBM Howie Williams
- Penyffordd Community Council Grants
- Protest sign
- HGV's through Penyffordd
- A Letter published in today's Leader - re Health C...
- Penymynydd in the news
- Wales' New MEP's
- Lock your windows and doors
- Proposed Dog Control Order
- European Election Results for Wales 2009
- Archbishop Cranmer's Blog
- Alison Halford's Blog
- Local Elections England 2009
- Cllr Patrick Heesom and I have something in common
- We have been to vote
- A constant sore
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting notes
- Police walk out of Council meeting.
- Penyffordd Train Times