Thursday, April 30, 2009
Arrive Alive in Penyffordd
North Wales Police Activity in Penyffordd
Link North Wales Police in Penyffordd
District Inspector - Insp. 1160 Martin Best
Community Sergeant - Sgt. 1861 Katie Newby
Penyffordd pubs merry go round
Now it appears the tenants of The Millstone are moving to The Swan in Higher Kinnerton and the Red Lion People are staying put. Also the people who previously ran The Millstone and left are coming back!
Postscript. Whilst driving passed tonight we notice Red Lion closed, The Millstone carpark full.
Further Postscript: Or current licencee's of The Millstone are staying put and their daughter is going to run The Swan and the former manager of The Red Lion is going to run the red. Take your pick!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Our National Debt Gains Momentum
National debt: Taken from public sector net debt figures (PSND) in Table C4 of Budget 2009. PSND rising from £609.1 billion on 5 April 2009 to £792 billion a year later. This is the most conservative of the available debt indices as it excludes liabilities for PFI deals, public sector pensions and bank bailouts.
Family share: Calculated by dividing the national debt figure by the number of households in the UK. Number of households taken as 25.7 million, as per the written answer to a Parliamentary question in March 2009.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The comments are worth a read.
Link The Guardian
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Men walking in suits
An accident waiting to happen

Not many people know this but apart from being a race track for cars Chester Rd is also a training ground for about 6 lorry training companies. Training lorries stop here on a daily basis.
Is it for handbrake starts?
Cars come from the opposite direction over the brow of the hill at speeds of up to 70 mph. You take your life in your hands when you pull out from behind the lorry.
I think the lorry training companies need a talking to. Have they done risk assessment on their practices. I think not.
Waiting for the day when lorries are banned from Penyffordd as we have a bypass that is very suitable for through HGV traffic.
cc: Inspector Alun Oldfield, Dave Faulkner Flintshire County Council,
Chevron Training
Meadowslea awaits its fate

The newly named Elan Homes from the defunct David Mclean's building firm have got their houses up for sale on the old Meadowlea site. Penyffordd has lost two facilities, Meadowslea and Dobshill hospitals. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. No proper health care centre, medical advice dispensed from the Chemist. Who has taken their eyes off the ball. Previous county councillors?
Meadowslea is a stunning collection of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes in a beautiful rural spot just seven miles from Chester
Just across the Welsh border, just seven miles from Chester, Penyffordd offers the perfect balance for a modern lifestyle. Excellent road and rail connections keep you in close contact with some of the UK’s finest shopping and culture, with links to the north west motorway network making commuting effortlessly easy. Step back across the border and you enter a hikers paradise, with the stunning beauty of North Wales right on your doorstep, stretching from the Cambrian mountains to Snowdonia and beyond.
plus over a 1000 stunning speeders, quite a few with illegal exhausts a day through the village centre. Make sure you take your child to Penyffordd Primary School by car as Chester Road is deadly.
Hikers paradise? Get run over by shift workers on Lower Mountain Road.
Link Elan Homes Meadowslea Penyffordd
Friday, April 24, 2009
Our Feudal Ancient Institutions
If you talk to Flintshire County Council about speed reductions or controls they immediately get their book out which shows fatalities in Flintshire. Accidents serious or otherwise tend to be ignored. You have to have three fatalities to get attentiom. North Wales Police are also in the mix. They have a say on speed reductions or the banning of HGV's along roads.
Treuddyn and Rhydymwyn have for years suffered serious injuries and fatalities on their roads. Flintshire County Council's response, nothing!
There is this we know best attitude. You stupid communities aren't bright enough to deal with important issues such as speed reduction.
The Road Haulage Association lobby too powerful for local communities?
All this needs to change.
Here is a letter emailed to Flintshire County Councillor Carolyn Thomas, The Minister for Roads Ieuan Wyn Jones and the great and the good including Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie of North Wales Police.
cc. Dave Faulkner Flintshire County Council Roads; Cllr Cindy Hinds ; Mark Isherwood AM ; Cllr Tom Jones ; Evening Leader ; Oldfield, Alun (A/Insp 1371) ; Peter.J.Evans; Daily Post ; Sargeant, Carl (Assembly Member) ; Cllr Tony Sharps ; Cllr Linda Vidamour ; Cllr David Williams ; Arnold Woolley Flintshire County Council Leader.
(Garners are a road haulage firm, I have reported to Garners, drivers who speed through Chester Rd.)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Budget 2009
According to Colin Twiggs who I have a lot of time for.
U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, delivering the annual budget statement, forecast a rise in net borrowing to £175 billion in the current financial year and an increase to £606 billion by 2013. He also announced a series of tax increases on higher income earners to help rein in the deficit. That is a mistake. Whether you tax the rich or the poor, the result is the same. Raising taxes reduces consumption. And falling consumption causes further job losses — reinforcing the downward spiral.
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd appears to be following a similar path, attempting to spend his way out of a recession. Having inherited a clean balance sheet from its predecessor, his government is fast running up debt in order to fund new stimulus programs. Despite stimulus spending amongst the highest (as a percentage of GDP) in the G20, according to the IMF the economy will shrink 1.4 percent in 2009 — faster than the global average. Government revenues are already 63 per cent below estimates from last May's budget and expected to worsen further. The trap is when tax revenues shrink and the budget deficit starts to balloon, it becomes difficult to resist increasing taxes. The same mistake that Alistair Darling is making — and the Obama administration is likely to follow. Raising tax rates needs to be avoided at all costs.
Another alternative would be to increase the tax grab on what's left of your retirement savings. Australians' massive superannuation fund investments are an easy target. That would save jobs, but may prove highly unpopular with voters.
Our years of living beyond our means, of buying everything on credit and on money printed out of thin air, are over. Sure, our government will carry on with its nonsensical policy of curing indebtedness with more indebtedness, inflation with more inflation, but the game is up. It's not going to work.
~ Congressman Ron Paul in the foreword to Meltdown by Thomas E. Woods Jr.
So batten down the hatches..............................
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Penyffordd's Own Security Camera

Some people do not like surveillance cameras. Quite handy however for catching or preventing idiots within the village causing trouble.
postscript: Or pointing it at my house. Taken down very quickly when I posted the above photo. This camera could have been put to good use elsewhere in the village. The bracket is still there on the post. Enquiries reveal that FCC say they knew nothing about its use or why it was put up on council road furniture. I have a look around but have not seen one of these cameras anywhere else in Flintshire. North Wales Police instructed FCC to put the device up. After that things get a bit blurred..............
keyword: secret, undercover,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
An email to Jim Moore - Manager of the newly formed All Wales Safety Camera Partnership.
key words: Chief Superintendent Ruth Purdie, Cllr Tony Sharps Northop Hall, Carl Longland Director of Environment Flintshire County Council
Link Sites
Deadly Mates
Road Safety Wales
The New All Wales Safety Camera Partnership Manager.
Industry Security..
Level Managerially Qualified
Country United Kingdom
Location Swansea - Wales.
Company Pembrokeshire County Council - Jobs Vacancies
The All Wales Safety Camera Partnership is committed to reducing the number of people killed and injured on Welsh roads. With core partners in the Local Authorities, Police Services, Her Majestys Courts Service and Welsh Assembly Government it brings together many road safety groups dedicated to reducing road casualties. The Partnership enforces the law, but also encourages legal and safe driving through investing in driver education and engineering improvements. With your input and strong influence, this is a huge opportunity to have an impact on road safety for every person in Wales. This hands-on role has a high degree of strategic working and will see you taking forward the All Wales Safety Camera Partnership, bringing together the partner organisations. Working towards current targets set for 2010, you will be responsible for developing a policy to achieve them, with effective and co-ordinated management of resources and budgets. Also influencing debate on future targets post 2010. An appropriate qualification or equivalent experience will be required, but more importantly you will need a background of partnership work and change management at a high level. A technical competence in work related skills essential, you also possess knowledge of the Safety Camera regime and legal framework. An asset to the team, you have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate at all levels.
keyword: Jim Moore
Flintshire County Council Scrutiny. Are they up to the job?
An email to Peter J Evans with regards lack of communication over my complaint.
Where's our Metal Mickey?
Other communities seem to be having better luck.
Postscript: It would appear that Mickey has been installed whilst I was not watching lol. Have you seen it yet?
Link Metal Mickey The Evening Leader
Sunday, April 12, 2009
To Chirk Car Boot Sale

This is the business end of a microlight aircraft, the propeller connected to an air cooled rotax engine. In a previous existence I manufactured parts for Raven a microlight company based in Sandycroft run by the legendary Roy Venton-Walters. Lisa and I have both been up in one of these. A quick Google shows him busy issuing patents for designs he has created.
The above shed houses the collection of aircraft owned by the man who runs Chirk Car Boot Sale. A 2 mile queue this morning and over 2000 people present.
Roy Venton Walters
Raven Southdown
Friday, April 10, 2009
Penyffordd Junior School Inspection
The same of course cannot be said for Chester Rd which is a major route to school and centre of our village.
Over 1000+ speeders each day.
Currently enjoying less speeding due to the credit crunch.
The Welsh Assembly have released further money for safety around schools. Have we applied for any of the money to Flintshire County Council?
Are we asking North Wales Police to deal with speeding no!
Are we asking Arrive Alive to attend Chester Road?
Friday, April 03, 2009
Penyffordd Post Office in line for an award
Google street van spotted up the Vounog
Link The Evening Leader
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Overton Village gets serious about speeding
Link The Daily Post
What's Cllr David Williams doing about our speeding of over a 1000 vehicles a day?
Building a village website and wanting to titivate roundabouts that's what.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Penyffordd Community Council Website

Penyffordd and District Community Council now has its own official website. I think Cllr David Williams has brought it all together. The front page looks pleasing with a photo montage at the top. Progress into the 21st century. It will be interesting how long it takes for it to appear on Google searches.
It took me 9 months to get Lisa's commercial site to be indexed on Google. To get onto the first page of a Google search is a very large task. Internet firms will pay £100's of thousands to get to the top of the first page. So there has been great cheating by "black hat programmers" to get certain webpages to the top. Google's search algorithm is one of the best kept secrets in the world.
Lets see how long the website takes to be seen by Google.
Just to be little there is a spelling mistake on the first page.
It says I can advertise on the site. Since David does not even answer my email's I think this will prove difficult.
My website is free, easy to use with the likes of Cllrs Linda Vidamour or Cllrs Cindy Hinds or David being able to put stuff on every day where the Penyffordd Community Council's new site although prettier than mine will cost money on a monthly basis ad infinitum (might be wrong we shall see) . Updating the site will have to be done by a programmer of html.
I did offer to do one for free and turn it over to the Penyffordd Community Council..................
I thought I'd have a look at prices for the website but the owners are just setting up although they do say they are carbon neutral. I find this hard to believe given all the waffle (most probably wrong on that bit) they manage to put on the main page. It looks like Penyffordd Community Council is their first customer. (wrong see below)
Good luck SequentialDesigns.
Second time in 14 days I jump to conclusions that are not correct
Paul Grant is owner of Sequential Designs. Paul has done work for many companies.
Paul says " we have designed websites for many companies and also been responsible for several of the graphics seen at the Wimbledon Championships 2008 as well as many LTA events, see for one of our latest websites, if you look in its gallery of wimbledon you will see the graphic design dotted around the Wimbledon grounds we completed last year - just one example of a recent client of ours."
Paul is doing the website as a favour for Cllr David Williams.
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting April 2008
Will my meeting with Edwina be discussed.
As usual Clerk Nigel hides the agenda at the Post Office. This came in handy the other month when Cllr Colin Bithell was trying to get Flintshire County Council to take me to court for slander. The agenda items being 15 and 16.
Double Standards at Flintshire County Council
Hi Leader . A letter for consideration.
Link The Daily Post
I'd put the Leader link down but can't find it. The Daily Post and Chester Chronicle ignore any letters I send. Perhaps the letters aren't good enough. lol
Postscript. Cllr Tony Sharps in Friday's Leader says the money needing to be spent could have been put towards better use on safety in other parts of the county. Quite right Tony.
keyword: Colin Everett

Blog Archive
- Arrive Alive in Penyffordd
- North Wales Police Activity in Penyffordd
- Penyffordd pubs merry go round
- Our National Debt Gains Momentum
- Colin Bithell in The Daily Post
- Speeding
- Men walking in suits
- An accident waiting to happen
- Meadowslea awaits its fate
- No title
- Dumped Syringes found
- Free Drug Advert
- Our Feudal Ancient Institutions
- The Budget 2009
- A step nearer to sanity?
- Penyffordd's Own Security Camera
- Potholes the new traffic calmers
- An email to Jim Moore - Manager of the newly form...
- The New All Wales Safety Camera Partnership Manager.
- Flintshire County Council Scrutiny. Are they up to...
- Where's our Metal Mickey?
- To Chirk Car Boot Sale
- Penyffordd Junior School Inspection
- Penyffordd Post Office in line for an award
- Google street van spotted up the Vounog
- Overton Village gets serious about speeding
- Road Safety Wales
- Penyffordd Community Council Website
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting April 2008
- Double Standards at Flintshire County Council