Friday, November 30, 2007
Environment Agency Wales
The stack monitoring equipment will stay in place
Castle Cement's equipment has been described as antique in some circles. Perhaps they have upgraded?
The independently run charity Emission Watch will continue to monitor Castle Cement with their highly sophisticated equipment.
Links : Emission Watch
The Chief Constable on the telly
Wasn't listening too closely so the references to Ned Ludd and parachuting went over my head until I read the link. I suppose if politicians are going to take pot shots at him they can expect a little ribbing return. The motorcycle incident is particularly bizarre. We apparently have a motorcyclist doing inappropriate speed with no tax, mot or insurance who crashed into a family car trapping a young family for ninety minutes inside their own car with his body and its then all the Chief Constable's fault. I haven't seen much about the family in the criticisms. An experience that would scar a person mentally and emotionally for life.
Links: Ned Ludd
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Chief Constable tours Penyffordd
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Another two sessions on the speed gun
Another male wet himself when he saw Chris pointing the gun at him. Wound the window down and shouted "get a life". Not sure whether he meant me or Chris.
Another male who lived in Penymynydd Rd stopped and said we need to get out side the school as they speed passed his house which is next to the school. This is of course the road with the ineffective speed bumps.
More sessions next week.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Assistant Chief Constable to visit Penyffordd

This Thursday afternoon Assistant Chief Constable Clive Wolfenden will be visiting Penyffordd. Along with PC Chris Pullen, the Assistant Chief Constable will be talking to County Cllr Colin Bithell, Cllr Cindy Hinds, Cllr Edwina Davies and others.
Link : BBC
Monday, November 26, 2007
Prime Minister Gordon Brown sets out his new World Vision
He talks about competing with India and China in manufacturing. We will need robots to beat China and India if we can get the materials. I agree with him with regards nuclear power generating. Wales should be building new generation reactors next to the old ones.
In general his new world vision seems faster and harder.
I am not going along with this part myself.
The automatons (general population) will just go along with all this as if hypnotised.
The extra highly skilled workers might be an issue considering what is thought about our education system at present in some quarters.
No mention of environment....................
Yes I know we live in Wales.
Our village centre continues to be trashed with speeding noisy traffic even though we have a by-pass.
The Rat Run continues
Colin is also a community councillor for Broughton.
The Orchid Man of Penyffordd

Went to Maureen's last night. Managed to escape my normal head damage. We took only one bottle of wine between us. I notice in the papers that the actor Michael Caine before he got married would drink more than two bottles of spirits a day. Maureen has three orchids, two real, one false. The false one is doing ok, hard to tell the difference. One of the others isn't. So Maureen is off to see the Orchid Man this week.
My friend Yvonne has given me an orchid. I inspect it everyday jut in case.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Charles Hughes, Head of Highways and Engineering
I ended up on the front page of The Evening Leader after having a go at him on my blog.
Since then I have thought that the current inaction is not particularly down to Charles. It's further up the command chain.
He sat opposite me on the 3rd of May 2007 knowing full well the extent of speeding through the village. Cllr Colin Bithell chaired the meeting, Cllr David Williams turning up late as in half way through. I have no proof but I think the meeting was a stitch up.
We ended up with half a rumble strip and an extra sign, with some half promise of about a proactive speed warning sign. I had all the latest and best ways of slowing traffic down in villages in my folder. I also asked about pushing the 30 mph limit back up the hill which was met with plenty of excuses.
So we go through this merry dance. North Wales Police in the form of PC Chris Pullen with his speed gun are having ten sessions to try to slow down the rat runs. We also have constant speeding traffic through most of the day.
The NWP initiative reminds me of King Canute being told he can stop the waves as the tide comes in. This is not to deride NWP. PC Chris Pullen is very good. He needs some support from our councillors.
After the Police initiative organised by Inspector Alun Oldfield, Flintshire Highways will do a further check on the speed of the traffic with Hugh's magic box.
Rossett has the best way of controlling traffic and have a compulsory 20 mph speed limit in the middle of their village.
I prepare my campaign to bring speeding and road noise to the fore in the local elections next May 08. Are my issues of relevance to most Penyffordd people, No!
Most are philistines but perhaps I make an error in my judgement? There is also the issue of most people's lifestyle which is a dash round from dawn to dusk. Work, children and supermarkets. I see the looks on their faces as they charge through the village, automatans!
Meanwhile the speeding continues, the village centre a race track.
I risk getting a good hiding or my car damaged by a local because he gets a speed fine and points.
All because of Flintshire County Council.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Further news on a proposed Spon Green Development
Cllr Williams states that such a development would endanger the viability of Buckley town centre.
He says we (I think he means Flintshire) need a development of this size but the time is inappropriate.
The Gateway to Wales, Warren Hall Developments and Airbus expansion are in their early stages.
We need to see how Flintshire UDP and the Local Development Plan are finalised before we proceed.
Source. The Chronicle
Meanwhile Penyffordd sleeps on. An extra couple of million cars a year destined to come ploughing through our rural village that has a by-pass.
If Spon Green goes ahead and when Warren Hall Business Park is finished we can create a new town called Pen-y-Buckley-Broughton.
Penyffordd Group Action against Castle Cement

Click image to enlarge. The document has been shrunk and cropped for easy web loading.
One important point to bear in mind is that a unilateral withdrawal of the action by the Penyffordd Action Group whilst Henry James are employed on the case would attract a charge on every member. A good idea to see that Arnold has signed his agreement. It is hoped the case will operated on a no win, no fee basis. The action in the main is to make sure that Castle do their best to look after our environment and to reward our solicitors well.
One nuisance being considered is "the loss of enjoyment of the garden"
I have this nuisance with regards traffic noise. Do I have a case against Flintshire County Council?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Ann Earlam, from Penyffordd, near Mold
Blind student's example to the disabled
The Evening Leader Full Story here
Traffic Calming Progress Report No 2
The Clerk to The Council Nigel Jones stood with PC Chris Pullen for about 30 minutes. Thank you Nigel.
I joined Chris from about 4.30pm to 5.50pm. Chris wrote out a few warnings and booked a local male for doing 41 mph. The male denied he was doing 41 mph. Shortly after whilst advising a grandma with regards her speed a car pulled up. A male quite agitated telling Chris he should be catching criminals and not stopping speeders. Chris asked him to wait whilst he dealt with the lady.
There then followed a conversation which lasted about 15 minutes. At times Chris appeared to be advising the male as to his conduct.
I am very impressed with how Chris dealt with this situation. I did not like the look of the complainant one bit. I though he might be related to the male he booked earlier.
More sessions next week with Community Beat Managers from other communities coming along for training.
There was a marked decline in speeding during the session. I need to re-calibrate my estimation of speeding by the eye. I am over +5 mph out! lol.
Our 1st G Payment
Postscript: It failed.
Is it our settings?
Our website company?
The customer?
Or even us or Google . Some mixup between Google checkout and Google merchant cookies?
The payment has gone through. It went through within a minute of asking for it.
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting October 2007
Cllr S E Davies, Chairman of the Council (in the chair)
Cllr J
Cllrs C Bithell, Mrs E M Davies, J Davies, Mrs C Hinds, Mrs M D Jones, T
W Jones OBE, S H Shone, Mrs L Vidamour
G N I Jones, Clerk to the Council.
That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on Wednesday the 5th of September 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman of the committee, Cllr J W Bell.
Minute No 72 - Castle Cement Ltd - Cllr C Bithell
Cllr C Bithell referred to the address given by Mr Morris as a concise and valuable discussion.
He continued that Emission Watch reported certain happenings in the evening that the Environmental Agency are now taking notice of, and that the Environment Agency are now looking to step up the monitoring of emissions during the evening, Cllr Bithell was pleased to note that an understanding seems to be developing between Emission Watch and the Environment Agency.
Minute no 73 - Police Liaison
Cllr T W Jones referred to paragraph 3 on page 43, which read “Cllr T W Jones commented that Cllr Bithell was quite right in expressing his
ineptitude with the police", Cllr Jones suggested that part of the preamble be restyled as follows, “Cllr T W Jones commented that Cllr C Bithell was quite right in expressing his concern at ineptitude to the Police."
Members agreed with the addition.
Cllr C Bithell reminded members that he had asked the Community Beat Manager, PC Chris Pullen to in turn ask the new Inspector Alun Oldfield if he would investigate further the circumstances surrounding the itinerants occupation of the former at
Minute No 85 - Pen-y-Ffordd Post Office
Cllr Mrs L Vidamour thanked the members for supporting the suggestion that a flyer be distributed throughout the community, and in support of the retention of the Pen-y-Ffordd Post Office.
The Postmistress Mrs Mary Foley had reported that she was aware that many people within the villages had acted in accordance with the request.
Cllr C Bithell was of the opinion that a similar letter should be communicated from the Pen-Y-Ffordd Community Council, members agreed at this suggestion.
The Community Beat Manager PC Chris Pullen was not in attendance at meeting.
Cllr Mrs L Vidamour however reported that she had been asked by the Community Beat Manager, at the Police and Community Panel meeting to inform that the police would support the introduction of signage, ‘Local traffic only' at the enhance to the villages, especially in Hawarden Road where heavy goods vehicles are apparently using Chester Road to call at the Spa.
This matter had been instigated by a resident adjacent to The Spar Mr John Davies.
Cllr T W Jones expressed his concern with regard to heavy goods vehicles passing through Pen-y-Ffordd, not only Hawarden Road, but also Vounog Hill, and that a letter be communicated to both the Community Beat Manager, and to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, Flintshire County Council.
Asking for measures to be introduced which would prevent the problem of heavy goods vehicles passing through
Cllr Jones concluded that if there was an awareness of a persistent offender, then a polite request could be made to the business, requesting that the vehicles avoid the
Members were in agreement with the suggestion of Cllr T W Jones.
That an appropriate letter be communicated to the Director.
The Clerk reported that in accordance with Minute No 85 of the September meeting, the flyers in support of the retention of the Pen-y-Ffordd Post Office have been distributed through the Community Council area.
That the information as provided by the Clerk be noted.
Cllr C Bithell wished it to be recorded in the minutes that he would not be making any decisions on planning applications at Community Council level, and not until such time as the Planning Officers' report has been produced.
1.PIan No. 043703
Proposal: Outline - residential and associated works
Location; Land at rear of The Oaks,
That the application be supporterd, provided that the location is within the settlement boundary.
2. Plan No. 043930
Proposal: Erection of a single stored extension to rear to form bedroom and lounge
Location: 16 Westview, Pen-y-Ffordd,
3.PIan No. 043868
Proposal: Erection of a conservatory to rear
Location: 2 Bannel Bridge, Bannel lane, Buckley
That applications 2 and 3 above be supported.
The Clerk reported that pursuant to the resolution of the July meeting, and following the flooding, the Head of Neighbourhood Area Services informs the gullies in the area have been checked and clear of obstruction.
The Surface gullies are connected into a surface water system that is owned and maintained by Welsh Water.
The gullies in this area will continue to be inspected and cleaned at regular intervals, and Welsh Water had been advised of the Community Council's concern.
Cllr C Bithell informed that the hole in the wall that had caused the flooding has now been repaired.
That the forgoing information be recorded.
Members had been previously circulated with a document outlining the Flintshire County Council's consultation on Allocations Policy, this being necessary following amendments to Part 6 of the Housing Act 1996 by the Homeless Act 2002.
That the document be received.
Correspondence received from the Head of Neighbourhood Area Services informed that in response to the Community Council’s request, dated
That the information be received with thanks.
Pursuant to the enquiry as to whether or not Pen-y-Ffordd Community Council could be considered for Grant Aid similarly to Pentre Halkyn Youth Clubs a response from the County Youth and Community Officer informed that the Grant Aid afforded to Pentre Halkyn Youth Club was a proposed Match Funding arrangement between Flintshire County Council and Halkyn Community Council.
The Clerk advised that Pen-y-ffordd Youth Club had been treated similarly in the way of an additional opening evening, financed partly by the Pen-y-Ffordd Community Council, and the Flintshire County Council.
That the forgoing information be recorded.
Cllr I Davies reported a defective Flintshire County Council lighting column outside of
That the matter be reported to the Flintshire County Council.
Cllr T W Jones informed that he had received a request from County Cllr David Williams for a matter to be raised, as Cllr Williams had indicated to Cllr Jones that certain businesses may wish to subscribe to a fund, which could possibly be administered by the Community Council, which could be used to provide certain facilities etc, which would not be otherwise provided.
Cllr Williams had indicated to Cllr Jones that he would be prepared to make a donation to open the fund.
Cllr Jones proposed that such a fund be opened subject to clarification by the Clerk that the Community Council has the powers to administer such a fund.
Cllr Mrs E M Davies, Mrs C Hinds, and S H Shone referred to the fund already established by the Pen-Y group, and questioned whether or not another fund was necessary.
Cllr Mrs Hinds informed that the Pen-Y group is now a registered charity and that all monies received would obviously be for the benefit of the village, she was concerned that the existence of another find may undermine the activity of the Pen-Y group.
Cllr T W Jones made the point that the Pen-y-ffordd Community Council is a statutory body and people may feel that they would wish to make such a contribution.
The Chairman allowed Cllr David Williams to elaborate, he suggested that not all members of the community may be aware of what the Pen-Y group is looking to do, he stressed that he did not wish to detract from the work being carried out by the Pen-Y group, but that such a fund may be able to provide other requirements other that what the Pen-Y group are looking to do.
Cllr C Bithell refferred to the Section 106 agreement, with regard to development, and that the Flintshire County Council can only use such monies within the curtilage of the community.
That in principle such a fund be established, dependant upon the ethics of doing so, and that the matter be re-agendad for the November meeting, for further discussion.
Members reported overgrown hedges in
That the matter be reported to the relevant Officer of the Flintshire County Council.
101. NEWSLETTER This matter has been instigated by Cllr Mrs L Vidamour, following a conversation with the Clerk of Llanfynydd Community Council.
Cllr Mrs Vidamour elaborated that within the Llanfynydd Community Council area there are six wards, and members from each ward contribute towards the compilation of the Newsletter, which is produced quarterly, and funded partly by business people in the area.
Furthermore its distribution is carried out by members of the particular ward.
She was able to inform that the last quarters Newsletter cost in the region of £750.00.
Cllr Mrs Vidamour also informed that members who form the Newsletter Committee are familiar with computerised and photographic techniques.
Cllr Mrs Vidamour questioned whether or not such a task could be carried out by the Community Council alone.
Cllr S H Shone posed the question is what we do now not doing the job, and is it necessary to alter this to such a large scale.
Cllr T W Jones referred to the information provided in the
Cllr Mrs L Vidamour suggested therefore that perhaps the existing Newsletter could in some way be enhanced.
To further this, a meeting of the sub-committee previously identified, namely Cllr Mrs E M Davies, Cllr T W Jones and Cllr Mrs L Vidamour along with the Clerk meet on Wednesday the 17th October to further the matter.
The Clerk advised that the amount included in the budget, including the Bonfire Appeal is £ 3,200.
ln addition to the schedule previously circulated, the Clerk advised that he had received an application from the Red Lion Strollers, which meant in effect that there were seven local applications.
A further application was received from Pontblyddyn Cricket Club where in excess of twenty children from the Pen-y-Ffordd Community Council area practiced regularly throughout the year, and also the Coaches from Pontblyddyn Cricket Club visit the
There were six National applications.
That the applications for financial assistance be determined as follows:
1. Pen-y-Ffordd Flower Club
2. Community Bonfire and Firework Display
3. Trinity Chapel, Pen-y-Ffordd
4. Pen-y-Ffordd Tennis Club
5. Pen-y-Ffordd and Penymynydd Community Bowling Club
6. St Joln's Church Pentrobin
7. Pontblyddyn Cricket Club
8. Red Lion Strollers
* That each of the above applicants receive an amount of £375
10. Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre Wales
1 1. Alzheimer's Society
That the above four applications receive the amount of £50.
* Note: Cllr Mrs M D Jones declared a personal interest in the application received from the Pen-y-Fordd Flower Club.
The Vice Chairman Cllr J W Bell declared an interest in the Pen-y-Ffordd and Penymynydd Community Bowling Club
C11r T W Jones declared a personal interest in the John's church, Pentrobin.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Confidential meeting about a claim against Castle Cement
I suppose I can talk about it. Will just have to try to decide what the lawyers present meant by confidential material.
The meeting was arranged without telling the all Penyffordd Community Council. I think this a little out of order.
Meeting started about 7.10 pm. There were about 70 villagers in the Penyffordd Institute. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a proposed group action claim against Castle Cement for Public Nuisance.
The meeting was put together I think by Arnold Wooley in a private capacity rather than as a councillor. Due to Health and Safety regulations it was decided to post letters to 10% of the population plus a few chosen individuals. The population of Penyffordd cannot fit into The Penyffordd Institute.
The meeting was started by Arnold Wooley. He is big on arm sign language and pregnant pauses.
He made sure that part of him was lit up by the projector for dramatic effect. Arnold introduced the two lawyers who were going to do the presentation.
The Legal Eagles Hugh James
The largest firm of solicitors based in Wales.
Partner: Neil Stockdale Click here
Leading Solicitor Gwen Evans.
A list of some of their cases. Click here
The presentation lasted about 45 minutes with the help of a projector and laptop probably a Power Point presentation.
Neil Stockdale asked at the start of his presentation if there were any members of The Press or Castle Cement present. No answers. Are bloggers members of The Press?
To be continued.......
Monday, November 19, 2007
Traffic Calming Progress Report No1

Its 16.30 pm, it's getting dark, it's raining PC Chris Pullen is out with his speed gun.
I think a few people will flash one another. Whilst he stops vehicles others storm passed.
Brisk business he is stopping a vehicle within a minute or two of advising a speeder of their wrong doing.
I think I also spot a cold community councillor. A big thank you to Linda Vidamour!
A culture shock for many drivers when they see PC Chris Pullen with a speed camera.
Chris is keen on education and not booking.
It will be interesting to see Flintshire Highways data after the initiative.
In general the Penyffordd Community Council and County Councillors are NOT interested in this what so ever.
I hope 75% of them stand down in May 08.
I see the letters have started their back and two in the papers between political parties.
After he has gone it's back to normal. Motorists ploughing through the village.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A popular guy is me...................not
Penyffordd Councillors* in the main are luke warm or not bothered at all about speeding in Chester Rd. This is why it has got to this.
Cllr Colin Bithell has every right to think I have a personal vendetta against him. This is not the case. I only speak out because he is not seeing the issue of these 2000 odd (its nearer 2200) speeding passed my house every day. A little ironic that he may have to put in an appearance in the damp, cold and the dark for 90 minutes.
He has had 11 months to pop down and watch the traffic during rush hour. Cllr David Williams thinks the speeding of little or no merit. ( I have email proof )
The current initiative is welcome, its good to have a switched on Police Inspector such as Alun Oldfield.
It will be interesting to watch developments. I am personally negative on the police being able to slow this traffic down.
Flintshire County Council waste North Wales Police time by not employing traffic calming techniques that Wrexham Council have applied to Rossett.
*excepting Cindy Hinds and Linda Vidamour.
Youth Trouble continues
Postscript. Looks Buckley
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Rural village Trashed?
Ten sessions will not crack this nut but it is a start.
My County Councillors are not keen. Cllr Colin Bithell still thinks I am telling fibs about 2000 speeders a day. As I live upstairs a quick glance out of the at any minute of the day between 5.30 am and 11.00pm tells me I am not far off the mark.
Only Cllr Cindy Hinds and Cllr Linda Vidamour share my concerns.
The only shining light in all this is Police Inspector Alun Oldfield of North Wales Police.
When he looks at the data produced by Flintshire Highways it will all become apparent.
I think he has already seen May 07 speed data, a bit of an embarrassment for some.
Are Flintshire County Council the worst county in Wales? From where I'm sitting they seem so.
A visit to a Wrexham village like Rossett confirms my view of Flintshire.
A previously badly managed County Council still living with a hangover. Flintshire County Council currently have their cap in hand begging for more money from the Welsh Assembly for upgrades to housing which they can't afford to modernise to WAG's standards.
Village environment seems not to be on the table.
A recent survey mentioned in The Evening Leader that Flintshire is a good place to live.
Is that compared to living next to a motorway?
Then we have three upcoming Broughton developments to add an extra couple of million a year through Chester Road, Penyffordd. Not one bleep from my county councillors over this. Perhaps they are waiting for the right moment.
Flintshire County Council thinks Penyffordd a soft touch, I think they are right.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum Nov 2007
PC Chris Pullen raised the current issues.
1. HGV exclusion from the village.
Flintshire County Council response as thought.
A £1000 consultation fee before things can be looked at properly.
After various discussions it was decided to remove this item from the agenda for now.
The community council would need to approach Flintshire County Council for a "local traffic only" sign.
2. Anti Social Behavior in Millstone Pub play area.
A quantity of empty alcoholic cans.
Seems at the moment to be a one off.
An assessment of the area to be carried out by Chris including more regular patrols..
3. Speeding traffic in Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
10 sessions with speed gun to be carried out.
I've volunteered for 9.
Maybe best if I don't do one with Cllr Colin Bithell. :) I think I may be doing a couple.
A further speed survey by Flintshire Highways. This is very good news.
Traffic below 15 mph to filtered out of survey to allow for traffic that has just left
Penymynydd Rd onto Chester Rd and is in 2nd gear.
The speed survey is the ultimate tool in measuring speeding traffic.
Since North Wales Police Inspector Alun Oldfield will be seeing these figures I am hopeful
that this issue will be stamped upon in greater force until eliminated.
Chester Road, Penyffordd is to be put on a North Wales Traffic Police Hot Spot List.
When traffic police are not dealing with specific traffic issues they will be visiting
hot spots on a rotation basis.
Police Sargeant Best from Wrexham Division is in charge of this hot spot list.
Pro active speeding signs still ongoing.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Penyffordd Traffic Calming Initiative by North Wales Police.
There has been 2 or 3 councillors who are not keen on this type of initiative involving themselves. I think quite a few more as well.
This might partially explain why Chester Rd has about 2200 speeders each day.
Take Pontblyddyn which is the main link between Wrexham and Mold. They have the traffic tied down to 30 mph. They have a community council with vision.
Here in Penyffordd traffic does 40 mph plus on the by-pass and makes Penyffordd sound like it is next to the A55 when wind blows as it normally does. Also the traffic surface is noisy.
Penyffordd Councillors in general think very little about our village centre environment.
Cllrs Cindy Hinds and Linda Vidamour being exceptions.
We currently have 2200 speeding cars due to our County Councillors lack of vision for Penyffordd. We are currently seen as a good short cut and little else, a soft touch.
Our County Councillors seem quite happy with Broughton developments bringing Penyffordd an extra two or three million cars a year through the village.
I will be volunteering for any spots not taken up by councillors.
One hopes for county councillors and community councillors to rise to the challenges to our village environment in this 21st century.
Speed Cameras
George Monbiot not favourite for politics but a good article on how various people for various reasons are selective when talking about speed cameras and lives saved.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Penyffordd Remembrance Sunday 2007, lest we forget..............
Thursday, November 08, 2007
November Community Council Meeting Notes
2. PC Chris Pullen's report.
a. 14 crimes plus 11 ASB's
b. Speed Enforcement to involve 10 dates which will be notified.
Councillors are invited to attend any of the dates. Three councillors had cold feet. Chris was looking for a show of support and unity from councillors.
Colin Bithell CC stated that the dates would prove the facts of the speeding problem rather than the fiction. ( He has no idea at all. Fluorescents every where and he thinks he will get the facts.
Flintshire Highways have exact data that he seems oblivious to, either deliberate or he still has no idea)
Councillor Joe Davies thought the village was not getting value for money from North Wales Police.
Backed by Cllr Sam Shone.
Chris explained how his time is spent between Penyffordd and Higher Kinnerton.
About 20 hours per week for Penyffordd.
Chris works 4 weekends in 5 weeks.
Joe doesn't see Chris because Chris is out 11. 00 pm to 3 am at weekends.
Chris' choice because that's when things are happening.
He spends up to 2 hours a night on foot patrol in Penyffordd when he is here.
Councillors are frustrated at Chris. Chris explains he needs proof and witnesses to book youths.
Clr Sam Shone called Cllr Linda Vidamour naive with regards her small amount of time on the committee. (Shame on you Sam Shone, 2000 speeders a day on your watch)
3. Cllr David Williams' suggestion that an alternative fund be set up for the youth of the village.
This was rejected after Nigel Clerk to The Council took advice. We already have such a fund for the Pen Y Group which Cllr Cindy Hinds helped to set up.
4. Cllr Linda Vidamour brought up the poor state of the children's area by the clinic in Melwood Close. Other children's areas are also poor.
5. Community Notice Board, brought up by Cllr Linda Vidamour. Now fixed says Nigel.
Notices required that are of relevance. One notice has been out of date for 2 years!
6. Cllr Linda Vidamour is to produce a newsletter. We currently have one, once a year.
7. Wrexham UDP. A register of concern with regards extra traffic through our village will be made before the November cut off date. Tom Jones also mention the large increase of traffic that can be expected post Warren Hall. (Our County Councillors heads remain in the sand on this.)
8. Residents in Lower Mountain Road complaining about excessive speeds. Horses and children use this lane.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
A Lively Community Council meeting
In no particular order of importance, good debate, contributions and points by PC Chris Pullen, Cllr Linda Vidamour, Cllr Cindy Hinds and Cllr Tom Jones. Some comic remarks about Mr Bruinstrum (sic) from another councillor.
A report tomorrow all comments made my own, points made at meeting subject to ratification next month, mine aren't. Now where's that bottle of wine..................
Youth Trouble behind The Butchers
Have knocked wall down twice.
A mother has been seen turning up with a pack of 24 beer cans for the youths.
cc PC Chris Pullen.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Penyffordd Community Council Meeting November 2007
I can feel a freedom of information request coming on. To be used in the new year of course.
No community councillors are emailing me, I feel maybe a group boycott? Or just everyone has busy lives. Penyffordd village has been similar to living next to the A55 today. Constant traffic noise due to wind direction. Pontblyddyn have traffic tied down to 30 mph. Us we let it do 40 mph passed the village, thats usually a minimum speed. Penyffordd people do not seem interested in village environment. In the past I have called them all philistines.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Protest to start bearing fruit?
written by Kate Forrester.
Click here.
I think quite some way to go but lets start.
I now know which tools work best.
Here's to a return of a village environment
rather than a short cut for 1500 cars a day.
My comment made on The Evening Leader website
After the current traffic calming initiative by North Wales Police it would be of help if County Cllrs Colin Bithell and David Williams ask Flintshire Highways to run a survey on traffic in Chester, Corwen and Wrexham roads to determine speeds and the amount of traffic that uses the village as a short cut.
Postscript. By survey I mean using the electronic device that Hugh Jones of FCC used to measure traffic density and speed before the meeting last May.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Bonfire Night for Penyffordd

As per normal, very well attended, a large queue at the gate. When the fireworks start there are a stream of parents with children leaving as the children are upset by the exploding fireworks. A very good night for the organisers. Topped off by some yobs banging on the Chinese windows' because they have had the temerity to close at 11. 30pm. This attracted 3 sets of Police cars.
We were sitting in the jacuzzi blissfully unaware.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Flintshire County Council bend over backwards for Flint yet again.
190 house estate at Croes Atti in Flint.
Positive comments by Cllr Colin Bithell in The Evening Leader tonight.
* a search on "square abouts" brings little.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Do I have a case against Flintshire County Council
I notice once it gets dark that lots of traffic do 50 and 60 mph. Which is why Flintshire County Council are a little shy in showing their traffic data for Chester Rd. You may say its dark it doesn't matter. I say traffic doesn't go through Buckley at 60 mph and neither should it here.
Padeswood Cement Environmental Nuisance Claim

Quality degradation due to shrinkage of image. The day is wrong on the above and should be a Tuesday.
Google UK "Environmental nuisance"

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- Environment Agency Wales
- The Chief Constable on the telly
- The Chief Constable tours Penyffordd
- Another two sessions on the speed gun
- Assistant Chief Constable to visit Penyffordd
- Prime Minister Gordon Brown sets out his new World...
- The Rat Run continues
- The Orchid Man of Penyffordd
- Charles Hughes, Head of Highways and Engineering
- Further news on a proposed Spon Green Development
- Penyffordd Group Action against Castle Cement
- Ann Earlam, from Penyffordd, near Mold
- Traffic Calming Progress Report No 2
- Our 1st G Payment
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting October 2007
- Confidential meeting about a claim against Castle ...
- Traffic Calming Progress Report No1
- A popular guy is me...................not
- Youth Trouble continues
- Unwanted Attention
- A Rural village Trashed?
- Penyffordd Neighbourhood Forum Nov 2007
- Penyffordd Traffic Calming Initiative by North Wal...
- Speed Cameras
- Penyffordd Remembrance Sunday 2007, lest we forget...
- November Community Council Meeting Notes
- A Lively Community Council meeting
- Youth Trouble behind The Butchers
- Penyffordd Community Council Meeting November 2007
- Protest to start bearing fruit?
- Glyn Davies Logo
- Traffic Calming Measures
- Bonfire Night for Penyffordd
- Flintshire County Council bend over backwards for ...
- Do I have a case against Flintshire County Council
- Padeswood Cement Environmental Nuisance Claim
- Computer Broadband and Network problems continue.....