Friday, August 31, 2007
Girls I like
I also like skinnies (sorry slim). Intelligence and character over looks, especially mature.
Flintshire County Council's Answer to various objections to the White Lion Development
period within an indicative growth band of 8-15%. Taking into account existing commitments at the Plans base date the allocation together with the Wood Lane Farm Site would result
in a growth rate of 22%. Whilst this scale of growth is in excess of the growth band it is considered to be acceptable given that this settlement is in a highly sustainable location
having regard to road and rail transport corridors and a good range of service provision, as well as proximity to a nearby strategic centre for employment. In addition and by contrast
with other Category B settlements it is free from strategic environmental constraints. The allocation will make a valuable contribution to meeting housing need in the locality including
affordable housing needs.
The allocated site is bounded by the A5104 to the north, residential development along Penymynydd road to the west and a bridleway and existing residential development to the
south. The sites eastern boundary extends marginally beyond the line of development at the Well House Farm estate and is strongly defined by an established thorn hedgerow field
boundary. Development of the site would represent a clear rounding off of the existing settlement in line with Assembly advice in paragraph 9.3.1 of Planning Policy Wales and would
not represent a significant incursion into open countryside.
The Chief Highways Officer considers that satisfactory access can be provided to the site off the A5104 subject to improvement works to create a new right hand turn lane.
Similarly the allocation provides the opportunity to secure improvements via realignment to Penymynydd Road which is subject to a New Street Order.
Penyffordd and Penymynydd has a good range of facilities with the allocated site being close to St John the Baptists primary school and is approximately 1km from the centre of
the village which is well within the National Assembly’s acceptable walking distance of 20 minutes. The provision of health and other facilities is not a Council function and no representations were made by the authorities responsible for such facilities when they were consulted on the plan. The village is also sustainably located by virtue of it’s proximity to the main centre of Buckley and major employment centres at Broughton, Deeside and Mold. Public transport bus services are available for destinations to other centres such as Chester
and Wrexham and the site is some 2km distance from Penyffordd railway station.
Although concerns have been expressed about school capacity, in consultation with the Council’s Director of Education no objection was raised to the allocation. In the event of an increase in pupil numbers there appears to be no insurmountable physical or environmental constraint to
additional capacity being provided at local schools. The site is not within an area at risk of flooding and consultation responses have not indicated that development
on the site will have any flooding problems. Concern regarding the overload of the sewage treatment works is not considered to be an insurmountable constraint to development
considering the potential for developer and/or Dwr Cymru Welsh Water funding to increase the capacity of the existing infrastructure. Indeed, such improvements could only lead to the betterment of the current situation in the community. There are no nature conservation designations on the site however the pond associated with the former gravel workings
is known to contain the Great Crested Newt. Issues relating to the ecological value of the site can be addressed at a detailed planning application stage whereby the design and layout can ensure that any onsite natural features are integrated into the development to provide mitigation measures as recommended by the CCW in their consultation response.
Cindy Hinds CC Petition against White Lion Development
- too many houses proposed for inadequate services
the village receives
- settlement boundary should revert to current one
- housing is far in excess of village needs and
tantamount to cramming of the worst degree
- the site has a footpath and bridle path running
alongside it and must be protected. It is a haven for
flora and fauna and indigenous creature's habitats.
Access onto Mold Road would make it one of the
most dangerous areas and accidents would occur.
With future proposals at Broughton Hall etc
Penymynydd roundabout would come to a standstill
subjecting the school children to vast amounts of
pollution from traffic
- transport. Before any housing is considered a
traffic impact assessment should be carried out on
all village roads. Roads are not suitable for a vast
amount of traffic. Access is unsuitab;e for
emergency services.
- drainage, sewerage, electricity and flooding.
services need to be upgraded.
- health and community care. Plan has not taken
into consideration the pressure on health and care
services. Hospitals cannot cope with vast increase
in housing in Fllintshire and Wrexham. Village only
FCC must enter into an agreement with the
residents and electors of Penyffordd and
Penymynydd towards services that the
village is at present seriously lacking. This
should ensure, before any amount of
housing on any land within the village can be
considered, that a number of urgent
proposals should be implemented:
1. A full and complete impact study on all
flooding, drainage, sewerage and electricity
2. A full transport impact study on all roads
through, linking and by-passing the village
and a plan to show how traffic management
would be implemented prior to any increase
in housing is considered.
3. A full health and care service impact study
to be carried out immediately to guarantee
health care services can withstand the huge
increase in use that an increase in housing
would bring. Guarantees that waiting times
for hospital and doctors appointments will
not be increased and people moving in are
given a permanent doctor and dentist
4. Public transport which has reduced
drastically be restored fully and assessed
UDP Public Enquiry for Flintshire, Objections from Penyffordd District
Click here.
Flintshire Unitary development Plan. click here
Timetable - Do NOT rely on this as times and dates are open to change.
Please note that the findings by The Enquiry are NOT binding on Flintshire County Council.
Mrs C Hinds CC Tuesday 25th Sept 2007
Objection Number 4698-17795
Subject Green Barriers.
Thursday 27th Sept 2007
Objection Number 4710-12216
Penyffordd Junior School.
Subject Green Spaces
Tuesday 6th Nov 2007
D Parry 4699-12191
Mr Mrs Hewitt 767-1021,1023,1027
C Hinds (petition) 4702-12198
C Hinds 4698-17718
Red Lion Strollers FC & Cllr David Williams 4721-12248, 18378,18605
Mr Mrs RD Heaton 4724-12255
HSG1-51 GEN2 Policy Reference
Subject White Lion, Penyffordd (they mean Penymynydd)
Wood Lane Farm
D Parry 4699-12189
Mr Mrs Hewitt 767-1022, 1029
C Hinds (petition) 4702-12197
C Hinds 4698-12187
R Davies 1345-1870
Red Lion Strollers FC & Cllr D Williams 4721-12247, 17683, 18375, 18376,18603,18604
Mr Mrs RD Heaton 4724-12253
Policy Ref HSG1-52.
Wednesday 28th Nov 2007
11-30 Joneston ( their spelling) 2336-4835, 4836
Land on eastern side of Vounog Hill Penyffordd
Policy Reference HSG-OMM STR4
Thursday 6th Dec 2007 12-00
Mr Mrs RD Heaton 4724-12258
Land off Rhos Road,
Policy Reference HSG-OMM
Tuesday 11th Dec 2007 10-00am
Development Securities PLC
The British Land Co PLC
Broughton Shopping Park
Penyffordd Neighbourhood Police Panel
Step forward Great Crested Newts (most probably common) of Chester Road Penyffordd

The Magnificent Mr Toad

Initially they take their oxygen from water.

In The Evening Leader today protesters in Johnstown trying to get the land fill closed down at Hafod Quarry. They have petitioned the EU and have been successful in getting them to look at their petition to close the landfill. Klaus has been sent for as he is an expert on newts that five lettered word that developers hate. Hafod quarry has great crested newts and so has Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
Should I invite him around for tea to see if we can get Chester Rd closed down. I have a pond full of them may be over 200. Perhaps my garden can become protected.
Of course to start off with we would have to have all the through traffic stopped to limit the chance of one of the newts getting run over.
Please note. The newts live in the pond of their own volition, they are not kept there. No fish are kept in the pond. Most frogs spawn is moved to another pond. The newts are left to their own devices. The adults newts photographed were found whilst moving rocks in the garden. Great care is taken to avoid any damage to the newts.
Links More newts here
Klaus on Wikipedia
Accidents near a local school
Lollipop lady plea after accidents
But a 10-year-old boy had his foot run over near the school, and in a separate incident on the estate, a seven-year-old boy had some teeth knocked out in an accident.
Plas Madoc Communities First has now asked Wrexham Council to appoint a school crossing patrol worker.
Miriam Beard, a co-ordinator for Plas Madoc Communities First, said: "There are two schools, and we have just opened a day centre and a nursery.
"Last week, a seven-year-old boy's teeth were knocked out, and then a 10-year-old had his foot run over near the school.
"These are not the first incidents that have happened. Somebody was run over a year or so ago, and it shouldn't be happening.
"I have been here four years, and there have been four accidents in that time, in what is a very small area. The have put speed bumps in but they are only in a small area and the people here want a school crossing patrol."
Plas Madoc councillor Paul Blackwell supports the residents' call for a school crossing patrol. and says speeding has been a regular talking point at community meetings.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Safe Route to School
Safe Routes to Schools
Our aim is to create a Safe Route to School for every child in the UK.
What is Safe Routes to Schools?
Safe Routes to Schools projects encourage and enable children to walk and cycle to school through a combined package of practical and educational measures.
Safe Routes to Schools projects also:
- improve road safety and reduce child casualties
- improve children's health and development
- reduce traffic congestion and pollution
Safe Routes to Schools projects involve:
- the whole school community
- local residents
- local authorities
- health and education workers
- police
Safe Routes to Schools projects are all about working together as a community to make the school journey safer and healthier for everyone.
Successful Safe Routes projects are child-centred, build on small steps to raise awareness and change travel behaviour and benefit the whole local community by helping to create safer, more healthy environments. Each school is different, with its own local problems and possible solutions. Developing a School Travel Plan can help ensure the complete situation is considered and embed safe and sustainable school journeys into the whole schools ethos.
Sustrans runs a national Safe Routes to Schools information service, aimed at schools, parents, pupils, Local Authorities and all those who are interested in Safe Routes to Schools Projects. We provide training, videos, newsletters, factsheets, teachers packs, resources, advice and networking opportunities as well as holding national and regional events and conferences. Additionally we work closely with policy makers and the media to raise the profile of school travel issues and the commitment to make a safe journey to school for every child in the UK.
The Safe Routes to Schools Project has its own website - whatever your interest or need, this website is a one-stop shop for everyone involved in School Travel Plans and Safe Routes to Schools projects.
Sustrans has launched a series of information sheets for parents, teachers and pupils which aim to inform and guide schools through sustainable school travel initiatives. The sheets are available to download free of charge in PDF format from the Safe Routes to Schools website.
We have also just produced a summary of our Primary to Secondary Transition Project (PDF), explaining how to approach that crucial period when young people change schools and maintain their active travel habits.
The Safe Routes to Schools project is supported by the Department for Transport, the Scottish Executive and a number of Charitable Trusts.
20 mph Limits for Route to Schools
The article finishes with :-
The BMA is calling on the Assembly, Sustrans and local authorities in Wales to work on a major joint strategy to identify all major walk to school routes and roll-out a programme of 20mph zones across all parts of Wales.
Dr Lewis added: "Extending 20mph zones to all walk-to-school routes will give parents greater assurance about their children's safety, help make pupils more active but more importantly it will help save more Welsh lives."
BBC Wales
County Councilor David Williams enquires about progress
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
In The Evening Leader a person of Principle
Monday, August 27, 2007
Padeswood Circa 1870

One would be forgiven for asking why Castle Cement (previous Tunnel Cement) would be allowed by planners to build a cement works in the middle of green countryside. If you click on the map you will see various industries that were present in the 1860's. The atmosphere and environment in Padeswood must have been truly awful.
A sizeable oil industry developed in the 1860's in Leeswood, Coed Talon and Padeswood. Crude oil was distilled from cannel coal and shale. In 1868 there were 22 oil companies around the Mold area.
With the opening of vast oil fields in the USA our local oil industry collapsed after 1870.
On the map are Coppa Colliery, North Wales Coal and Gas Works, Coppa Oil Works and Mold Valley Oil Works.
Coloured Lettering displays are dated as of 2007.
An Email to Dave Faulkner Acting Director of Regeneration and Environment
Acting Director for Regeneration and Environment
Flintshire County Council
cc. Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom and PC Chris Pullen
Dear Dave,
Hope you are well and have had a pleasant weekend.
I shouldn't really be taking up your time but there appears to be a "radio silence" over here in Chester Road, Penyffordd.
I've emailed my councilors asking about the current position of traffic calming measures for Chester Road but have had no replies, perhaps they are still away on holiday, or waiting Flintshire Highways reply.
I realise the "route to schools" element is most probably outside the Council's control but a little news keeps one informed.
Weekends here in Chester Road are for the noisy tourists flying through the village at 50 and 60 mph using Chester Road as a short cut, also the occasional loud, noisy 80 mph motorcycle. They treat our village like manure. They add nothing to our environment only negatives, they are dangerous , noisy and unwanted. They should be made to use the By - Pass as should the HGv's.
I see Drury, Buckley are fed up with lorries as well.
Being in charge of course you will be fully up to speed on The Manual for Streets that wonderful plan drawn up by our enlightened Welsh Assembly Government.
We went to Farndon yesterday to a car boot sale which means traveling through Rossett, Holt and Farndon village. Holt is similar to Rossett, the road traffic calmed with platforms, chicanes and humps but not the compulsory 20 mph speed limit of lucky Rossett.
I think it a little unfair that Flintshire County council are prepared to unload an extra 2 million cars with their attendant danger, noise and air pollution a year through Penyffordd with the Broughton Developments.
I consider this more an issue than the alleged pollution from Castle Cement. As you are well aware noise pollution causes stress and speed is dangerous in the wrong places such as a village with horses , OAP's and children.
I find the title and responsibilities that you have been given a little baffling. Regeneration and Environment seem to me to be in conflict with one another. On one side such as Broughton Developments you are looking at expansion, yet on the other side you are supposed to be protecting Penyffordd's environment.
We in Chester Road, Penyffordd look forward to Flintshire Highways forcing the traffic to behave whenever that may be. Perhaps my elected councilors will let me know later on. If I know what's happening I can't really say anything.....................
There are only 2 methods that work. The physical inability of a vehicle to break the speed limit with engineering solutions such as platforms or points on a licence.
I await such innovations as Spanish Traffic Lights and Bi Directional Cats Eye Speed Cameras as our idiot rat run do not understand such niceties as " Penyffordd welcomes careful drivers".
kindest regards Colin Hughes
ps. Nothing I have heard discussed yet deals with speeding traffic past my house at 50 and 60 mph out towards Broughton. I hope Flintshire Highways are going to surprise us!
pps I look forward to writing to your new boss Colin Everett when he starts in September, that is unless the traffic is all tied up, done and dusted, then I retire to my greenhouse and blog.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday Tourists racing home
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Inner City Life
Friday, August 24, 2007
Government response to petition 'Postcard to Wales'
Thank you for lodging your views in response to the e-petition regarding the 'Postcard to Wales'.
The 'Postcard to Wales' is one of a number of public artworks whose construction at entry points to Wales is being proposed by Landmark Wales, a partnership of seven local authorities (Monmouthshire, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Merthyr Tydfil, Flintshire, Wrexham and Ynys Mon), Capital Regional Tourism and the North Wales Economic Forum. Landmark Wales is seeking the funding to construct the artworks from the Big Lottery Fund.
The Welsh Assembly Government Minister responsible for Lottery Policy within Wales is the Minister for Heritage, Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM. Mr Thomas can be contacted via or at 0845 010 3300. The Welsh Assembly Government sets the strategic framework within which Lottery distributors in Wales operate, but does not determine which projects receive Lottery funding. Lottery distributors assess all grant applications independently of government.
Landmark Wales is being considered under the Big Lottery Fund's Living Landmarks programme, which is aimed at large scale transformational projects. A decision on the successful projects is due in the autumn and the public consultation referred to in the petition was required by the Big Lottery Fund to progress the application. I am sorry that you felt it was inadequate. If you have any specific concerns about the project you can still raise them with Landmark Wales via their website, (new window).
You should also be aware that if the application is successful, construction of the proposed artworks cannot begin until Landmark Wales has obtained planning consent. Each of the pieces of artwork will be subject to the normal planning process in operation within their proposed location. This will include the right for local residents to raise objections.
Speeding Points on Driving Licences
At a social event recently a check around the social circle revealed quite a few 3 pointers, two 6 pointers and a 9 pointer. The current system is fair. You get 3 chances to alter your driving behaviour.
A friend's husband has just gone up to 6 points. He is a slow driver. The first 3 he took on the chin for his son who should have had the 3 points. Then the other week he was a bit slow in altering to a 30 mph and bobs your uncle he's up to 6 points. My friend refuses to take the points on the principle that the 1st set should have gone where they deserved.
The newspapers and television features that try to say that speed cameras do not work are talking twaddle. I have had to alter my driving as many other drivers have.
Its a pity the Police Authorities do not target the many stupid individuals that tail gait you at 2 car lengths from your back bumper. I won't put up with these idiots, I indicate and pull over where safe. I sometimes get people having to reverse because they have ended up so close to my car.
Everyone complains about cameras but the Authorities are just playing at the moment. Perhaps The Road Safety Partnerships such as Arrive Alive need to be privatised.
Then we would see drivers sticking to speed limits.
If I was trained to use a camera and I could hide it in my hedge. In two weeks there would be about about 2500 drivers with 12 points on their licences because they speed through here every day. Airbus and Raytheon would need to hire special buses to take their employees to and from work.
I of course would need protection from some of these these idiots.
Its time The Authorities got real. The Week End Race track which is North Wales could be similarly sorted.
Residents in Drury Lane Buckley calling for a 7.5 Ton Limit
In The Chronicle. County Councilors Dennis Hutchinson and Mike Peers calling for 7.5 ton limit for Drury Lane. They believe lorry drivers are taking a short cut to avoid VOSA vehicle testing centre. We in Chester Road Penyffordd have over perhaps a 100 lorries a day taking a short cut, many of them breaking the speed limit. Flintshire Highways say they need £4000 for the sign for Drury.
Buckley Town Council say tough.
Perhaps Penyffordd's County Councilors Colin Bithell and David Williams should have a talk to Dennis and Mike.
Councilor Hutchinson says if anyone is hurt he will hold Flintshire Highways responsible......quite!
Arrive Alive in Chester Rd Penyffordd
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Chatsworth Country Fair Aug 31st, 1st and 2nd September

The largest country fair in Britain I think, a reflection of Britsh Country Life. Chatsworth House is also open for a fee. Well worth it if you like old houses.
The Hot Air Balloon Festival in Llangollen 1st and 2nd of September

I think the weather needs to be right for the balloons to go up.
I would imagine the balloons look good from the the top of Castell Dinas Bran. Although my wife Lisa finds the walk to the ruined castle on the hill a bit challenging!
Lisa informs me others were finding it challenging too!
Click here.
The Chief Constable runs a tight ship
Tony Sharps in The Evening Leader again
He seems big mates with my friend Dave Faulkner, they have most probably known each other for years. So Tony's ok for Pro active lights for the Smithy Lane crossroads and I bet he's getting the Northop Hall speeding sorted too.
To be fair I think Tony has campaigned for longer than our Penyffordd crusade. Tony and myself are members of the same golf club. Although he doesn't know this.............. I thank Tony for his vision with regards the club. Our current owner seems up to the job, even if some of our members moan. It comes with the territory.
ps. If Flintshire County Council made it compulsory 30 mph at the cross roads with lots of road paint backed up with North Wales Police and Arrive Alive it might stop the fatal accidents.
Perhaps I went about this the wrong way. Not that the current method was planned. Perhaps I should have got my bike out and pedaled up to Colin Bithell's house and persuaded him to invite Dave Faulkner ( Acting Director for Regeneration and Environment for Flintshire County Council) for a site meeting here in Chester Road. It's usually very lively after 7. 15 am )
Here in Chester Rd, Penyffordd we await the calming of our daily dose of speeding idiots.
Tony Sharps CC also mentions all the building going on in Flintshire and the lack of proper infrastructure to deal with it.
Here in Chester Rd, Penyffordd we have also the building of houses in Wrexham Areas. Gwersyllt and Brymbo have perhaps 2000 houses built recently. One would expect planners thought traffic would use the Wrexham By - Pass. The problem is it comes to a full stop at Post House Hotel, Chester, this is not a road I would consider at rush hour.
We have seen a vast increase in traffic through the village. Our By-Pass is ignored by large numbers each day. A figure of 2000 seems near the mark. We have yet to add on traffic for Broughton Park Extension, Warren Hall A55 and Warren Hall Business Park.
Are Flintshire County Council happy with allowing an extra 3000? on top of our 2000 through traffic each day. Remember we have a By-Pass.!!!!!!!!!
Flintshire County Council Environment Department have a duty to Penyffordd Residents to block all this traffic from our village.
Business as Usual
Email addresses are as rare as hen's teeth.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
A Big Thank You to The Flintshire Evening Leader
The applying of the Welsh Assembly Government's "Manual for Streets" to Chester Road, Penyffordd.
I hope for a rural village centre with 20 mph compulsory speed limit, the exclusion of HGV's from the village for our children, residents , horses, and pensioners. We have a By - Pass, a lot of traffic prefers the village. Chester Road is currently a Rat Run.
Wrexham Council have excellent traffic calming measures in Rossett, Cefn Mawr and Rhosllanerchrugog.
If Flintshire County Council do not slow all the traffic down ( It is within their power to do so) I will write to Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom for permission to protest block Chester Road during rush hour.
My Sun Newspaper send up of North Wales Police here
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Baby killed when car mounts kerb
Here in Chester Rd Penyffordd we await Flintshire County Council's efforts to stop our 2000 daily speeders.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Penyffordd Dragonfly
Penyffordd Pond Skaters Sunbathing

Gerris lacustris
Pond skaters have thin, brownish-grey bodies and small heads with large eyes. They use their legs to move across the pond’s surface. Using a rowing action the middle pair of legs propel them forwards, often at great speed. The back legs act as rudders while the short front legs seize dead or dying insects that have dropped onto the water. They have sensitive hairs on their bodies and legs to detect vibrations and ripples on the pond surface.
These insects are agile and can jump to evade predators. They are common and widespread throughout the UK.
Pond skaters can be found on most stretches of still or slow-moving freshwater. They have wings and are good fliers. In autumn they fly away from water to hibernate, emerging again in late April.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Not in Our Back Yard Please
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Evening Leader Comment - A Messy Defeat for Local Democracy
My Vision for Penyffordd
Passing traffic to use the By - Pass.
A 20 mph compulsory zone for outside the Post Office and Penyffordd School area in Penymynydd Rd.
The banning of boy racers with loud exhausts using the village as a race track.
Making it impossible using traffic calming techniques for motorcyclists to speed along Chester Road or elsewhere in Penyffordd
The banning of HGV's except for access.
Some of that nice black road surface that has been laid by Flintshire Highways between Penymynydd roundabout and Dobshill for Chester Rd, Penyffordd By - Pass and other areas of Penyffordd. It is most probably dearer than tar and stones but seems to give a lower road noise.
( I notice that there are no houses where it has been laid)
Our councilors past and present have been asleep on watch. It's time to rescue the village from the rat runners and short cutters.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Children's Safety and Exercise
Plan's to exclude cars from schools.
"Taking measures now, like promoting walking to school rather than taking the car, will have big long-term benefits because it could save money from people who would have needed treatment on the NHS.
"At Children in Wales we want to see the right balance struck between providing areas where children can exercise and maintaining safety, so a car exclusion zone allowing children to walk to school would be a good idea."
Here in Penyffordd we await Flintshire County Council's attempt at traffic calming in Chester Road, Penyffordd. During school term you can see parents in cars with their children speeding past children walking to school.
Our previous Beat Manager PC Ian millington would visit Penyffordd Junior school to educate children to tell their parents to slow down when they speed. A good approach.
The linked article mentions money for traffic calming from the Welsh Assembly Government. Flintshire County Council are applying for money for Chester Rd Penyffordd.
Meanwhile allowing your child to walk to school in Chester Road Penyffordd remains a dangerous proposition.
Lifestyle Choices for Footballers
Click here
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Three Musketeers - Further Adventures
My first article here

Mr Lampard seems good, 3rd job in the road. Currently knocking down the wall from
next door or sounds like it!
The Three Musketeers (Les Trois Mousquetaires) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père. It recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to become a musketeer. D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis -- inseparable friends who live by the motto, "One for all, and all for one".

We come out the house and we are at this same position waiting because D'Artagnan has got his sweets, got on the bike is on the mainroad and is going to turn left into Penymynydd Rd which is my right. He holds out his left arm signalling, we are impressed. He then looses it, he rides in front of our car then up Penymynydd Rd between my car and the pavement on the wrong side of the road.
This road wants closing down. 20 mph Compulsory, HGV's excluded, 24/7 method of traffic calming both directions, that's not Arrive Alive or North Wales Police.
Through traffic to use the By - Pass.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Another Rate Payer having Trouble with his Council
His wife bought it for him in the USA.
I can well relate to that after my week of rage last week where I ended up possibly being reported to North Wales Police by Flintshire County Council.
I am making my tee-shirt up but Flintshire County Council will not be able to impose a fine.....
The Intrusiveness of The Internet on Black American Celeb's
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Arriva Buses, Transport for Penyffordd People
Their Corporate Responsibilty
External initiatives
We were the first public transport company to sign up to the European Road Safety Charter, which aims to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in road accidents by 2010.
Over the past few years, we have won several safety awards:
- The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) gold award for 'Managing Occupational Road Risk'
- The RoSPA merit award for 'Occupational Health and Safety'
- The Institute of Transport and Logistics 'Excellence in Safety' award
- The Brake 'Best Risk Managed Company of the Year' supported by highly commended rankings in the 'Safety in Vehicle Maintenance' and 'Road Safety in the Community' awards
Corporate Responsibility Contacts
The Actualitee: Speeding and Noise on a daily basis.
The Noise Abatement Society
BBC Action network
Traffic Noise
Coming up to 100 days, not even a rumble strip...............................
No communication,
2000 speeders daily
Arrive Alive and North Wales Police sit on their hands.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Foot and Mouth for Beginners and some Education
There are no dead cow pictures just interesting stuff on why we don't use vaccines.
Hey you at The Evening Leader!
Can you get the steaming dead cow in mid air off the front page?
It doesn't make me want to look at the site.
Its not needed ( I see it is now gone)
The Internet gets underneath the whitewash dished out by The Media
Waiting for animals to develop symptoms and then killing them is less effective as a means of preventing the spread of this illness than immediately ring vaccinating the affected area. The Dutch know this. The immunologists know it. It is rejected in Britain by a producer’s cartel who have created a situation where the taxpayer indemnifies them for their business risks and mass slaughter of healthy animals for cash is the raison d’etre of their business.
Jonathan Miller
Wrexham Council Loads a Money
North Wales Police
We do have a BY - PASS
They have been told about this before but appear to be ignoring Penyffordd Community.
They ignored my last plea for help for Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
Airbus Corporate Statement (Click here)
The highly respected Det Norske Veritas (DNV) company issued the certification to ISO 14001 standards following an Airbus-wide audit in December 2006. This is a recognition of Airbus' application of a robust environmental management system (EMS) to continually monitor and minimize the environmental impact of its production processes and the company's products throughout their life cycle. The life cycle covers design, procurement, manufacturing, transport, in service operations including maintenance, aircraft end of life and recycling.
Airbus President and CEO Louis Gallois said in becoming the world's only aerospace company to receive such broad certification, Airbus underscores its commitment to taking environmental considerations into account for all of its decision-making. It is a testament to Airbus' commitment to the environmental concerns of today, and is vital to ensuring the sustainable development of the global aviation business over the long term, he added.
Environmental innovations pursued by Airbus in the production process include the pioneering use of a greener, chemical-free milling process for fuselage panels; more environmentally friendly painting processes; and steps to minimise energy and water consumption during the production cycle.
For its aircraft product line, Airbus continues to work on quieter and more fuel efficient jetliners. Its A380 is a new benchmark for fuel efficiency and low noise levels, and aircraft such as the A350XWB will push this envelope even further.
Can't see allowing their workers to speed through our village everyday anywhere in the above stuff.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Further Better Driving Please, perhaps I'm a little premature
Their site misleads but..............
Sunday 22nd July 2007 – for immediate release annoys Jeremy Clarkson
Road safety website has attracted the wrath of Jeremy Clarkson, after putting up signs promoting the site outside his Oxfordshire home.
The Top Gear TV star criticised the website in his Sunday Times column today (Sunday 22nd July). You can read the column here:
The idea behind the website is that anyone can report motorists they have seen driving dangerously.
Founder Andrew McGavin put up the signs outside Clarkson’s home.
He said: “It was only going to be a matter of time until caught Jeremy Clarkson’s attention. So I thought I’d skip the wait and put up signs right outside his house. It’s odd he suggests I put them up in the night, as a member of his staff watched me do it during the day!”
“I’ve heard that a few drivers have accidentally driven through his hedge in the past. Maybe with these signs up, it will save his house from further damage.”
Despite the criticism from Clarkson, Andrew is convinced his website is necessary and will make a difference.
He added: “
In his column, Clarkson fails to name the website’s proper address, instead joking it should be called The front of the Sunday Times ‘In Gear’ supplement suggests the site is
Nationally, there are now more than 2,750 reports of bad driving on
· Check your number plate and area on the database at
A Corporate Manslaughter Special
Wrexham and Flintshire County Council's get the same amount of money from The Welsh Assembly Government, I am told.
Wrexham Council has its villages tied down traffic calming wise. A visit to Cefn Mawr, Rhosllanerchrugog or Rossett shows various methods of mechanical traffic calming that shut down the traffic 24/7 . No 80 mph motorcycles there. They have 20 mph compulsory zones they take their traffic calming seriously. They have a good Chief Executive.
North Wales Police, Arrive Alive and Flintshire County Council know that 2000 vehicles speed through Chester Rd, Penyffordd daily. I have told them the village centre is used by OAP's, horses and children. They have known this for at least 3 months. Flintshire County Council perhaps a lot longer.
Chester Road in Penyffordd is wide open to speeders. I have told them all that 6 year old children are cycling on a road with 50 mph vehicles. Chester Road is a route to school with speeds of 50 mph.
Current plans that I know about do not include any method of making traffic do 30 mph or better still compulsory 20 mph for village centre.
Flintshire County Council who say they have no money are currently proposing to build a skate park in Connah's Quay. Over £50,000 on Wepre Golf Course
Leisure amenities coming before the Safety of Penyffordd residents, also perhaps
Last week a
IMHO it should have been the Hospital on trial.
Someone once asked me allegedly, were all lawyers bastards or were all bastards lawyers?
Times Online
My Modus Operandi to record Speeding
It would be best really if you are hidden as you are likely to get someone stopping because they don't like what you are doing. Or make sure you have someone who is "handy" with you. Also best not to do it outside your own house.
All though I don't like the concept it's like shooting fish in a barrel. There is a speeder past my house nearly every minute of the day from 5.00 am to 23.00 hrs.
I use a digital voice recorder the ones that are used for recording notes or letters. I get the number and at least one other factor such as the colour and make of the car as a back up detail , I also mention estimated speed. Its best to set the time and date on dictaphone.
Then its on to to put the speeders on.
You can use pencil and paper or a good camera.
Meanwhile Flintshire County Council prepare our road calming. They have looked at my blog today. I don't think leaning on me will do them much good. We shall see.
Further googling reveals that the above scheme may not be taken seriously by the Police for some time yet.
A Database of Speeding Motorists to be kept
Update . Probably none
A Letter to The Chief Constable about Speeding through Chester Rd, Penyffordd.
North Wales Police
Dear Chief Constable,
As you are aware we have 2000 car, lorries and buses that speed through Chester Rd, Penyffordd daily. Arrive Alive seem to be a very scarce resource and continue to ignore Chester Rd.
I wonder if you have run the Corporate Responsibility implications past the Force's Lawyers?
Flintshire County Council though on the case are uncommunicative and dragging their collective corporate heels. My anger with them boiled over last week. You will be receiving a complaint from Flintshire County Council about my comments regarding Flintshire Highways. I hope for a change of attitude or a regime change that is currently happening in Chester City Council.
I have found a website called
This site allows small communities to report anti social behaviour by speeding noisy dangerous drivers.
I intend to report every speeder past my house. There are 2000 of them. It will take a month or two and will require starting at 5.30 am and continuing untill 10.00 pm.
I have a very good hidden camera, video and a dictaphone. Although all that is needed to report is the registration and type of bad behaviour which is then past on to you the Police.
I expect all valid reports will be investigated by your officers (or perhaps not read later post). You may be needing extra resources. I am quite happy to pay for a peaceful village as laid down in the Welsh Assembly Government's Manual for Streets
Name and Address Supplied
ps. Loud illegal exhausts are also an issue for many of us out here.
Links Manual for Streets
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Road Rage
Aristocrat charged with Road Rage
It says Range Rovers are 2.5 tons. I would like it to become an offence for vehicles similar to this tail gaiting you at 70 mph. Of course it is an offence but appears to be one not enforced. I find the mobile phone whilst driving offence not as important as the above. HGV's which tailgate I find criminal, the drivers should be banned off the road.
Manual for Streets - The Assembly's Plan for Welsh Villages

This document covers non trunk roads. Currently not sure of Chester Road's designation.
Foreword 6
Preface 7
1 Introduction 10
2 Streets in context 14
3 The design process - from policy to implementation 22
4 Layout and connectivity 40
5 Quality places 50
6 Street users’ needs 62
7 Street geometry 78
8 Parking 98
9 Traffic signs and markings 114
10 Street furniture and street lighting 120
11 Materials, adoption and maintenance 126
Index 138

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- A Database of Speeding Motorists to be kept
- A Letter to The Chief Constable about Speeding thr...
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Having read through your blog, you are obviously a powerless authoritarian with too much time on your hands! :)
I have taken the necessary steps to make sure I have plenty of time. :)
I have to admit to being a part time dictator. I would banish through traffic through the village. Flint have managed to do this partially
I'm assuming no one has died in Penyffordd even though "everyone is travelling at 40-50mph". You know that a few deaths is the minimum needed before official types actually start to take notice of nutters with too much time on their hands? :)
Perhaps Corporate Responsibilty Laws have altered this position. :(
I'm also wondering if you would be happy to take responsibility for the deaths of people who's ambulances were being held up by your traffic calming measures?
There is an equal case for deaths caused by speeding vehicles in the middle of our rural village. We have a bypass for speedy journeys. Its the fault of speeders that bumps are needed, they are the ones responsible. I note that a road in Ellesmere Port has a sign saying 1.5 miles of humps.
Finally, is it sensible to have a 20 mph limit at 3am when there is no other traffic?
Is it sensible to have the traffic management requirements of your county being dictated by a nutter with too much time on his hands rather than professionals who know the facts and are not taken in by emotional 'what ifs'?
Go on, delete this post - you know you want to - but if you do, it will get posted elsewhere on the internet.